Disossare un prosciutto in 3 pezzi TUTORIAL 2.0

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hello i'm david then about a year later i want to remake the video of the ham face in three pieces then prepare integral where i explain a little for a moment how to choose a good ham see them characteristics and above all since i made a full immersion in the messages of the first video I made and practically the criticisms were on the fact that, in any case, not using protective devices as much as steel of a steel measure and so on, I would like to do it full video where to show how I can illustrate a project in three pieces as I do I say it because it is understood that I do not want to teach anything anyone that I will show you how I can bone the ham in this case in three pieces but we will also do the video of the whole disaster and maybe even of the 4 2 agazzi in short, however, this here in a way to bone the hams 3 cocks to be able to use at home not to have a whole ham in cut to be able to leave maybe two lines under vacuum and to keep them unitary so maybe two other crazy ones are preserved and do not oxidize and it does not become a bad well let's see how we proceed let's see all the phases of the disaster and so on then before starting let's go to put devices protection in this case do not admit mini apron with steel hands to avoid placing the knife in my belly in other parts so this much more in which you can easily find also on the internet and maybe how I will resign linking description if you want to relax these that in case serene and calm without having to be afraid of killing them with the tip the knife this is the first device at my disposal the apron with the hunter stitches continuing to have a violone naturally with the Parma mark not because it is a hustler but because it is the ham that I in my shop marketed wind off me affection in short for me is a product of our region an excellence that in the world an exceptional product such as parma ham I'm going to get dressed and show you some things to understand if ham how to recognize a ham even visually let's say because when it does not enter a supermarket it sees presciutti hanging but which one I choose but a little taste there are some parameters that one can respect based on its sweet taste a little tastier lean fat I always recommend a ham from my own to look at you it is always about 10 and a half kilos no less at most more of ten and a half to eleven kilos, however, we have a sweet ham as stayed now I would say that in any case from 18 months upwards 18 20 24 months is the right point to eat a ham because in my personal opinion over 24 months must be too much tasty or in any case it changes the characteristics a bit the taste of the ham I recommend twenty months 22 months maximum 24 this is my personal advice then let's go to see the ham when we see it weight from what can be defined if a ham only to the eye is without going internally let's say then I will show you how to do this what you will then ask the soul to unite then first of all visually the ham must be beautifully pulled in the sense that it must not have too many folds the rind must be carefully pulled the ham check the part with the front that practically the part that remains naked that is protected only by this dreams that nothing but lard and salt that protects the part without rind from atmospheric agents however we say the greatest enemy the air then we move on to the insects mosques moschin and that I can go on it to build go to ruin the ham so check carefully that this part here is well cleaned and that this part does not have holes when ok and then later after having given this first look at the ham, let's go and see the seasoning date of the ham and I'll make you see it here in the lead that is in the trotters this case we have a September 2017 it looks like an 11 but the 17 September 2017 so we are almost at the end of August this project that has us 23 years and 4 months so for me we are at the limit for view taste to rest and eat this ham here today we will go and see how xvi was in three pieces I will also show you the part below where you can understand if the ham is fat or at first glance whether the part under this part is fat or not fat below the ham is practically the part that you see the fat in the slice when when the ham is sliced ​​you have that thick layer of fat this part below the interested part that defines whether the ham is very fat or not as regards the outline of the slice then after to see even if in the inner slice there could be some infiltrations of fat where we say there is red but this is another chapter so in a neg idleness you look at the part below if it is thin enough the ham will be leaner if instead it has a greater thickness it will naturally be more fat well now let's see how boneless as regards the internal aromas of the ham we go to use or ask to use the stick I call it the stick but it is nothing more than a horse tendon which in any case does not absorb odors does not retain odors and can be used to smell the roma the scent or if it has a bad smell the inside of the ham let's say it is called a splint then let's see how make the ham wait then I would say that the first part we go to see is this one, plant the toothpick, turn and go and smell the ham internally, I would say that it is very good, you will notice it, ask to make you feel the stick because if it has a smell unpleasant you not perceive even if you are ok connoisseurs now gives us clean reading is felt below the pointer p ham and postissimo and then you go to feel under the rind between the ham and the rind is made here under the catella and is felt if by chance the rind with the smell of rancid this is not our case so we can proceed with the disorso of the ham so these here are the three key points where to go to hear if the ham is good not to father you do not arrive iron in short ok then the material we need to be equipment not the material then we certainly have the saw that we have to saw the leg a boning knife a scotendo cleaning knife is a call I speak of a long cut that can then divide classic steel or cellino profile as you have to call and finally I have to tie it a leather glove with a nylon film for ham races and then you I'll make it come later now let's go to diso sarro and let's go with the second protection device which is the metal glove that metal mesh that serves to not cut this one too t Quietly find on the internet on amazon that probably the only expression then to not go and mess everything with the dream of the ham really my gaze above and also the other 4 where time has grown as you have noticed the frost on the left because I am left-handed and now let's go boning the ham we will probably take less I think the chatter we have done so far anyway I hope it was useful then first we go and mark the leg then the more or less the measure of the pardo is this here we have removed from the legs where then after as I said before we see the seasoning of the ham returns to say September 2017 so we are in August end of August about 24 months the ham and then first of all we have to decide how many pieces number of times used because in any case the type of pisa and the cut that needs to be done in this case they have to do it in three pieces so let's first anatomically remove the false pear that this here we will then go to a ham resource attach it and then divide it into two steps and so obviously the trapezes in this case done to pull off this seal here that feast that is the one that practically tm the ham attached to the pelvis between the ass let's be clear then now with a knife I turn throne with a hand I hope to be able to show me well like this and then let's go and pull myself ok this is the first bone theme removed in the ham then I go and for my convenience a turn around red that comes out a turn of the knife then only the tip in there I take a turn back to my neighbor to be able to highlight the bone later ok and so I highlighted the bone in general let's say ok here later with a scoltenna knife now the police I go to detach it let it be known ok starting from the sequin that is here I point my knife practically parallel to the bone and pull towards me sliding the knife over the bone until in this position here is an a The other seal called the nocetta is separated the nocetta from the main bone ok now I finish detaching it the false pear so this the bone that I told you has been detached from the main bone we say expensive what we call the whisk anyway from the bone main at this point with the rind knife I go to detach the first part of his show and we get the first piece that assigned first piece of ham now I clean it well as I said also in the other videos trolly the excess rind because this rind here cuts like a knife like a razor if you take against it there is a risk of getting really hurt so the excess rind is pulled say so that if c 1 c strips the finger does not happen I go take out the bone they are sure that with a turn around ok now 28 hand accepts and I can deal with the ham for the first cut so I go to tolerate it I clean it from the sun and various imperfections, however, were born from the company you rati parking time in short, the dry part must be faced for the first cut that may want nothing or in any case when one arrives home one does not have to stab a lot but can already start cutting it then there is the customer who likes it and you prefer it you can vacuum this is the first piece the false pear that is cut in this direction now let's move on to these main ace of the ham well now let's remove our main one which is what you see that is already in evidence you can see then now with the tip of the knife I recommend using a knife that cuts well I go to place the knife on the bone at the very beginning and I will try to slide it over the bone keeping it pressed against the bone until the end of the ham just ok so I have slipped the knife right over the bone at this point I go to eliminate the excess rind to be able to see the areas of the shin bone so here we have highlighted I leave the sk Now I'm going fo me to open the ham help me with the match to go see red so now very slowly, then let's continue with the slide the knife over the bone and even below we always keep in contact with the bone and there we do it only we always keep the meat in pull 1 because it comes off and medium and two because in any case you can also see what one does where point and perfect cianni knife now in theory pulling our ham should our bone should come off much much faster of the words made up to now here it is done ok this heart of ours that we have removed from the ham and that the next question I found some comments is matulli buti to the bones is this here you can give it to the dog you can have it cleaned say it do many things now I since many of the red ones result in many of the bones they throw it away so do not ask me, however, as my vet says, not my personal evil in my veterinarian friend green dam and to go shopping alberto greetings bye alberto luis advises giving the bone to the dog one because it brings out aggression two because it can go diarrhea 3 because it could crush and puncture internal parts of the organs and therefore it is not advisable to many it give out nothing anyway I big I will not go there I will have a policy his bit of fat and he knows it to throw away ok this is the answer to the next question now that I have removed this ace here is the remove moved of the shin and you find it here if you have here not to forget why you can read the ham without removing this yes bending over here there is the risk of splitting the square slicer senator so now I'm going to open the ham I make a small mark on the side not marked on the other it turns around the knife around ok I hope it is seen well and puts it under your finger and I go to detach it in this way with the knife and it is detached from the seal of the shin as if you remain a bit of cecina above materials at the moment aside this has not had instead I will make us a ragù when podio ruins the mix a bit of March bajardo if we make a good ragù or two meatballs with ham then once all the ham is removed and arranged now this ham is perfect it has no kind of dirt internally there is nothing to do with it let's go and tie it then as I said before I use it as a handguard because otherwise the rope would ruin me by hand in pulling a bumper he called it in leather I had it done at the my friend we remo the various cock which shopping center indeed I thank him and I put it in my hand to be able to pull the rope then the tying the tying is done in this way rope knot at the head of the rope own very simple knot ok step by rope under any excess then the valley knot is very simple I take this part here and it made us turn under the frame but it is by no means a slip knot so now I'm going to pull by string ere the ham let's say to close the wound of the bone because it is tied because otherwise and it was of the area they would be given and it could have create bad tastes then the meat is tied is adhered in short and does not pass the air so this is the first tie that we go to do in the head to close the year the naked now I take my rope I make a knot on it so that the rope is not the lenses ok this is the first knot then we move on to the stem this what is done like this first above and then below to avoid that by tying the ham the internal meat comes out from this side here then a final binding is done to hold the meat of the ham I hope I was clear at dinner with the bruschi you see in the colleagues l 'important is that to tighten it very tightly very tightly rather made an adventure more than one less to prevent it from entering various well at this point it continues with the binding going down so I create myself a buttonhole using the right hatch where the rope will stop I prepare them already stretches for the subsequent ties I go to step the rope underneath I will show you the knot again then you make a knot on the top of the rope then this one here yes she is practically naked on herself and she makes the world scola herself okay shot then you can also do the double binding but in this case I do not use it because it is used more in the boning of whole ham because it is very large and tends to strain moreover it could be possible break the rope then all I do is double the rope and tie it like this but then they will show you the other ham so go under it ok I make another loop around here so as not to let the rope slip smo but I will decide this part here which is precisely the most important part much more subject to the air of the axis closed well this part here also because it is always the final part of the ham and is always the last to be used and being more time there is more risk of it being ruined naturally I am showing you this procedure in a very slow way calmly hoping that you can understand to 1 dino how I was late to the bone as you know I am not a lover of speed also that is of the city ​​when there was going there but things must be done well and then the ham must remain there anyway so it is better that it is done well what I say is that there are professionals who work all day on enel di hams they redden hundreds a day so they do it in a flash way a ham so however if I see Susa wine 2000 they would show them with less good maybe they don't try anything I hope I was clear fat made the ham binding we are ready to go to it cut into two pieces then I take as a reference point the first ligature is the second and I go there to make a cut in the middle used a long date knife and try not to secret re but to make a single cut because if throwing the slice becomes very ugly this is the ham 24 months of Parma I would say it is rather basic then now I am going to remove the excess rind this too I will not recover it if the question you ask me however some apple customer ask him I consider it not recovered because otherwise you will have tons of it so throw it away I keep it only when I need it to make pork rinds and beans ok this is the disused parma ham in three pieces exceptional scent and I hope I was clear I will prepare for another video on the four-piece hams I will show you, like, the diversity of the speech from three to four pieces and maybe even that of the whole which, as I said at the beginning of the video, are already on the channel but I would like to be more precise using devices security also to give a good example since the channel is starting in the meantime full-bodied and they gave me all to do things done as explained by the first videos or what I did were just those made as a joke to see each other something happened at the end something happened thank you all indeed I remember that if you want to write to the channel click here that puts the link back and the old ones with this I distributors thank you via state in the next video
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 113,561
Rating: 4.9021134 out of 5
Keywords: Parma, prosciutto, tutorial, come fare, crudo, osso, magro, cotica, pezzi, disossare, togliere, stagionare, stagionatura, ricetta
Id: daWpd19nTAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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