Disneyland Park FULL TOUR

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hey everybody today on pearl's park fest i'm doing something different on video that i've never done before i'm just gonna give you a tour of disneyland and tell you some of my favorite facts and trivia of disneyland will you join me today all right let's have some fun today when you first walk into disneyland you see the djinn railroad right below that you see the mickey mouse mural with all the different flowers there did you know that that is the eighth most photographed spot in the entire world it's estimated to be the eighth most photographed spot in the entire world how cool is that now when most people walk in most people go to the right they enter into that tunnel right over there but i like to go into the left-hand side so let me take you to the left-hand side right there we got the disneyland railroad train and you guys here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday tomorrow and fancy now we are entering into main street usa this is one of the original five lands of disneyland now a lot of times a lot of people don't even think of this as a land they think of as more of a gateway to the other lands but no it was considered land and is a land it's supposed to take place from the 1920s to the 1930s you know right when like horses and like the automobiles were starting to intermix and mingle a little bit and it is a lot of fun another fun fact is did you know that every morning there's a person that comes along and they grease these tracks with vegetable oil making it easier for the horse teams to pull them how cool is that and about two in 2018 they redid this and put the brick down it wasn't always brick they put the brick down and the brick is supposedly it makes it easier for the horses to do the walking it's uh easier on the joints so disney taking care of their animals now as you look down main street you're gonna see all these wonderful things and you can hear probably a little bit of the disney music did you know that in the morning the music's more upbeat and pepety pepety you know has a little more pep to it in the evenings when you walk out the music's a little bit softer and calmer it helps calm down the crowd it kind of gives people to relax there's disney using all their things to manipulate our minds also on the windows if you look up the windows there's names of people on the windows these i think there's 84 windows with names on them i can't remember exactly but uh i should do a video on that someday but if you look right here you can see this one right over here it says alice davis and then the one next to it says mark davis they were a husband and wife team they worked together alice all the costumes she was a costume of sewer she did everything for uh pirates caribbean and mark davis he helped design pirates caribbean how cool is that they have a window honoring them this by the way is a little tiny street over here and it has a name as well that's called center street so we go down and get some lockers now walking right down here you'll probably notice all the different lights are not turned on during the daytime of course but at nighttime they are now here's something interesting a lot of people don't know is the hitching post on main street there's a bunch of hitching posts on the side of the street right here and here here and so on but right down here for whatever reason the hitching posts are like horses like this one here this is a hitchy poke that i'm talking about see the white horse right there that's just like a normal hitching post they have all of them on this main street are these white horse hitching posters except for this one right down here in front of the china closet this one is just like a wood kitchen post how cool is that it's only one it's like that on all of main street now you walk down here of course you get the iconic view of the disneyland castle and isn't it gorgeous now if you're from florida that looks very small to you because the one in california i mean florida is about twice as tall yeah twice as tall okay continuing on here is as you're walking down here you notice most people when they get first get here they go to the right to matterhorn into tomorrowland that whole area i like to go to the left but i'm going to show you something kind of cool here this here is called the hub right at the top of main street is the hub or a spoken wheel if you will and the this is where you can see right into all the lanes now this statue here was i wasn't always here you were able to stand right in the center and if you did stand in the center you would be able to see into every land straight in the land except for one so i'll show you give the illusion you wait down here you can see right into tomorrowland see right there if you're looking this way you see right into fantasyland if you're looking this way you'll see right into frontierland but you couldn't see into adventureland right over there and that was done on purpose you'll notice there's like a little brick wall there they put that there to disguise adventure land because they wanted it to be more mysterious so that they don't want to have a direct line of sight into adventure land now i'm going to take you into adventureland and then was kind of let's kind of walk around guys and enjoy it here we go walking into adventureland some interesting things about adventureland it's the only land that doesn't sell churros or popcorn within the land because they're worried that the smell will take away from the ambiance of being like in a jungle so here we go walking into adventureland the first thing you're going to see on the left hand side is the walt disney's enchanted tiki room most people just call the tiki room but the proper name is walt disney's enchanted tiki room the reason it's called walt disney's enchanted tiki room is walt disney personally financed it himself it was originally going to be a restaurant but then they ended up turning it into a show maybe like a dinner restaurant with a show and they just turn it into a show okay now you walk in here to adventureland adventureland is the narrowest land in all of disneyland designed on purpose like this it was designed to make it kind of get all narrow to that creates like this uh adventure and danger feeling now all the most all the other disney parks like disney paris uh walt disney world the magic kingdom their adventure land goes much wider because they realize that i mean it gets kind of crowded in here right over here we have the world famous jungle cruise now if i could have any particular job at disney it would be working on the jungle cruise i absolutely love it i think it's great i love to have that particular job walking over here we have the bengal barbecue and i would suggest to get the asparagus wrapped in bacon it's so good it's so delicious and then over here of course if you've ever watched any of our videos then you know that this is amanda's very favorite ride we have indiana jones and the temple of the forbidden eye and she loves this ride more than anything else it's her favorite okay now walking out here this is kind of a fun thing to see is you'll notice right here as you walk past bengal barbecue and then all of a sudden it starts getting very very very brightly colored that's because we're now entering into new orleans square hey how's it going it's nice to see you we're moving right into uh new orleans square and that is kind of a little brightly colored right here we have tarzan's treehouse that was redone in 1999 for the release of the tarzan movie all right moving down here of course we're going to hit probably the most popular attraction in all of disneyland the canoes i'm just kidding a little joke there it's pirates of the caribbean everybody knows this ride if you ever come to gsan this is a must do and it is also the most efficient loader of all the rides even though sometimes a ride the line looks long they can really get to the people very fast on the price caribbean this water out here this is known as the rivers of america and there goes the canoes you guys i have a huge soft spot for canoes in my heart i love them so much oh my gosh they're they're working hard i think that's corey out there let's see i'm gonna yell see if we get a canoes to wave [Music] go canoes [Music] there we go get a little wave okay now this here where people are walking right there that's called the esplanade and the street goes back into new orleans i'm gonna take you guys down here down to [Music] the honda mansion and create a country this here is the raft to pirates lair also a lot of times people call it tom sawyer's island because that's what was some stories island for the longest time and i have not done a secret reveal on that particular island but one day i hope to do that and then right over there we have of course the beautiful honda mansion behind those trees and uh we love the haunted mansion we've done a lot of videos about haunted mansion our secrets revealed video on that one is probably one of our most popular watched videos of all time coming over here we're gonna come up here and you're gonna see this little restaurant right over here now of course everybody knows right over there you got the haunted mansion and you got the critter country and then the restaurant here but did you know you can walk through this there's a walkway right through here a lot of people don't realize that but you can walk through here and this is called fowler's harbor or fowler's inn fowler joe fowler was one that helped work on the boats here with walt disney and when they got him all built he said we need to have a dry dock and needed an area where they store the docks and they named after him right there fowlers in also a really cool thing is right over here if you look at this there's a thing here and it was done with an app and it was very exclusive this app you only like i think it's the first 100 people so you come here and with app and it would make this these dials spin around and do all kinds of crazy things but uh it was very exclusive and i never ever got to see that work i would like to but i didn't all right now you might be thinking yourself wait is this a dead end nope it's not look you walk right through this little dining area and then you get to come right through here and look right over here you can see the bottom of splash mountain i'll see if i can show it to you hang on [Music] right through there you can see it's right where they come down splash mountain here comes it fun place to hang out now we're entering into a critter country and of course what do we see in creative country but one of my very favorite attractions the canoes here they are there they are guys they have to have a minimum of 10 people in order to ride the canoes if you don't have 10 people canoes aren't going all right moving on this way takes you down to batu star wars land then down here of course takes you down to uh the rest of the country which has winnie the pooh and also splash mountain this splash mountain right over here it is the fastest ride in all of disneyland it goes 40 miles per hour a lot of times people contribute at the fastest ride to big thunder mountain or space mountain but that's not true space mountain is actually one of the slower roller coasters but they use illusions to make it feel like it's going much faster we'll talk about that when we get to tomorrowland and there is splash mountain we have a zippity-doo-dah day and then right down here is the cruz corner and also a bunch of benches this is one of amanda's very favorite areas to relax and come down and just have the shade on your face and then right over here huh there's windy pooh he's one of our is one of the co-work for wavings hi they're doing some refurbishments right now winnie the pooh so it's running but they're not allowing people to go into it but if you haven't seen it you've already watched our video on when the pooh's secrets revealed and uh people really really like winnie the pooh a lot also here on surprise round my friend jess harnell he's also does wacko for the animaniacs and uh does uh ironside and barricade for the transformer movies he's an amazing voice actor he's in doc mcstuffins he does nine of the 11 voices for splash mountain you can watch that video right over here and okay now walking out here and this here is a new walkway it takes us into batu so let's walk into batu there is the mark twain riverboat a little bit of trivia about that is twain is a depth on a river it's about 12 feet deep and uh you go mark twain that's uh lets you know that the boats it's deep enough for boat to go on it the writer samuel clement he liked that name so much he used it for his own pen name guys and became mark twain you know he wrote like huckleberry uh huckabee finn and tom sawyer great american very funny very very funny he liked puns too so i like that it's a real steam wheel it's a real paddle paddle pushes that boat right along and it's a real steam engine it is on a track i think most people know that i'm not really ruining any illusion there but it's something kind of cool we did a video on that as well if you guys want to check it out louis armstrong also played on it the great jazz legend played on it moving right over here this is moving into now by two the newest land in all of disneyland i hope you're enjoying this video it's kind of different not something we normally do but i thought it'd be kind of fun to do as you entered by two you need to listen to the sounds they are extensive i gotta go to the panel with the sound engineer to learn all about the sounds so during the daytime they have different sounds you listen to the different animals in here you hear different animals in the bushes and then at night time different sounds come out now i have not done a secret reveal yet of bought two but i'm going to i will tell you some things that most of you know that this end of of batu is the rebel side the resistance this is the good guy side i guess you could say the good guys all depend on a certain point of view right you got the rise of resistance right over there and then right over here you have the x-wing and periodically the angels will start oh it's going right now see the smoke you can hear it [Music] there you go and then as you walk deeper into batu you're gonna go into the empire side or shall we say first order because the empire is transformed into the first order so as you come in here you go to the left you go into bazaar and you can see all different types of things or sell now right there you can see these are some garbage cans and on the garbage cans every garbage can in batu has a number on it and the number is three two six three eight two seven you might be asking what's the significance of that well that is the number of the trash compactor on the death star same number so maybe they're like little tiny mini trash compactors if you haven't watched your video you watch a video all about the top ten garbage cans trash cans of disneyland right over here and we'll tell you all the secrets you need to know we're gonna walk in here to the bazaar [Music] and this is a place where you come in and you can buy things you can buy all kinds of star wars paraphernalia and cool things they got shirts t-shirts and more if you look over here you can recognize this robot this is the same robot that was in return the jedi it was a droid there that punished other droids right here it's just something kind of fun it's rotating meat much better job than torturing other droids and then of course you walk down here and you're gonna see the millennium falcon now the winning falcon is a one to one creation it should this would be the size if it really existed in star wars universe this is what it would look like and the first time i saw it i almost started to cry you'll notice that right on the top you see that the little radar dish is square or i guess maybe more of a rectangle it's no longer a circle as it was in return the jedi but it got knocked off and han when uh lando carissian was flying to the death star and knocked it off and they replace it with a new one right down there is the entrance to smuggler's run and then you go this way and you're gonna walk downtown to downtown by two and you're gonna walk right by olga's cantina and you need to have a reservation when you go to olgos continue it's very very very very very very very very very very very popular it's right there can you hear a little bit music coming out hi hey how are you good how are you good just listen to music i love it to love it dj's rocking out huh it's good to see you there they go continuing on now i was told that this ship down here that was supposed to be make an appearance in episode nine uh but they ended up rewriting the script a little bit so that ship wasn't uh in episode nine that's why they had it here because they thought it was going to be a little bit of fun trivia there also right up there this is where a lot of times a lot of storm troopers will stand up there and kylo ren will sometimes come down there and give you a little bit of grief here right here is where you can get your milk the blue milk or the green milk and there's your banner for the first order i want to walk right on out here this is going to take us right into frontierland as you walk through you'll notice that these caves kind of like have these grooves that are cut if you watch empire strikes back you'll see in the ice caves they were cut it's because they use lasers but look about what happens about halfway through guys you're now starting to see railroad beams and wood because now we are in right here this line [Music] that's the line to take us into frontierland i'm now in frontierland very smooth transition [Music] we're not going to walk down into frontierland this by the way was the most popular land when disneyland first opened back then uh davey was at davey crockett and cowboys those are very popular so it's the most popular land as you walk into frontierland you're going to see on the left-hand side is [Music] big thunder mountain railroad now big thunder mountain railroad the rocks here designed at the bryce canyon utah these painted rocks they look gorgeous [Applause] this is a very fun ride it's designed by tony baxter it was the very first roller coaster that was ever aided by a computer they had a computer model actually help them in the late 70s guys computers weren't very popular back then but they used a computer to help them actually model out big thunder mount railroad also they they put their rocks down first and then the track most amusement parks put the track down and then do the theming around it not disney because he's like we'll do the rocks first and then make the track go around that something fun to do when you're in frontierland is look down because what do you see you see wagon tracks you see horse what are those called horse shoes prints hoofs even horseshoes i know your game's called horseshoes but what do you say when you see that is that a horseshoe horse track horse print i don't know but you look around on the ground there's all kinds of things on the ground in frontierland right up in front of me is the golden horseshoe let me do the golden horseshoe review it was a show that disney handles what disneyland had is one of the longest running shows then it became uh billy hill in the hillbillies and then we got jesse over there she's blowing his kisses on top and uh eventually hopefully they bring a new show back to the cornwall trivia because one of my favorite things as a kid going to that it was so funny there she is jessie she looked look great oh you look great thank you then go right over here you're gonna see the shooting exposition expedition i apologize and the rancho zocalo or zocalo restaurant by the way if you haven't had it try their cauliflower tacos i think they're so good probably one of my favorite things to eat here in disneyland and here's a shooting exposition and this is where you go in shoot guns they're light guns they shoot little light beams at targets now at one point when they used to shoot little metal bbs but they don't do that anymore and i'm gonna go ahead and get a little closer so you guys can see what those targets look like the guns cost money but the bright one of park first opens if you're the first one to get there the guns are free for the very first time [Music] you'll notice when you're in frontier land that you have like a wooden fort here and then as you go along you've got a building here it's got wood logs and then it gets more like a like a wood paneling we saw the planks that's exactly how boomtown would've been designed in the time the cowboys started with a wood for it and then as they got more modern they'd build more and more modern homes we're gonna exit out here actually guys i'm gonna take you on the least travel path in all of disneyland if you walk right here this this pathway goes right behind the here takes you over to kind of like fancy land area this is the least travel path in all of disneyland and they kind of use it now for a queue for the royal fair theater and of course you can see the matterhorn right up there the tallest attraction in all of disneyland moving right along i'll take you guys into fantasyland next you'll notice a main street now right there the curve is now leveled and flat it used to not always be that way it was a step curve down but they went through and redid all the curves to make them accessible to anybody with a disability in a wheelchair or a stroller or and it was at evc they could walk roll right on up disney i love that here we go walking right into fantasyland through the gate of very very very popular picture spot not as popular as mickey and the front but still quite popular here is the castle now i accidentally made a mistake at this one time i was told that right there the coat arms i was told that that's the disney coat arms it is not just a regular coat of arms that's put up i think in 1963 and or 66 i can't remember but it does not signify disney though a lot of people will tell you that it does we're now into fantasyland the land with the most attractions and children's favorite land usually not always parents favorite land but still lots of good attractions here it was completely redone in 1983's when they reopened it and made it more of like a i made it more disney-esque i guess if you will here's the king arthur carousel now i'll tell you something weird about king arthur carousel king arthur uh really should be off of the sword of the stone you see swordstone right there but if you look at the king arthur carousel there's a mural and the mural is from sleeping beauty and king arthur has absolutely nothing to do with sleeping beauty [Music] you can see maleficent there why do they have stupid beauty on king arthur's carousel i don't know walking down here it's right above already straight ahead of us is casey junior's circus train my wife's amanda's second favorite attraction super fun is an opening day attraction though it had some problems the hill that went up uh was too steep for the engine the engine wasn't balanced so it would tip and they had to have the conductor lean so it wouldn't tip over right over here we've got dumbo we did all secrecy build on dumbo this was actually built for france but we stole it and brought it over here here we have mr toad's wild ride at disneyland original and i sometimes get nervous i hope they never ever ever take it out because it's the last one standing nobody else has it here you have monstro which is the entrance into the storybook land what's interesting about this is it's a very easy fun family friendly ride but children a lot of times they see this monster outside and they get nervous and they don't want to walk in or ride the ride because where they'll be swallowed by a well over here you have the teacups these teacups here are the only teacups in any disney park that is not covered you see that no covering every other disneyland park has teacups they have a cover over it except for california because california has so much sunshine they're like we don't need the coverage and this of course everybody who's ever been to disneyland knows this road here it takes you right down to it's a small world and the facade on this small world here is amazing i was shocked the very first time i went to uh united kingdom and went to right there it's a small world because it's just like tucked in a street like a little tiny street and in fantasyland and just walk through and also you're like you're inside the ride you don't have this amazing facade on the outside now this massage shows all different types of parts of the world if you look at the top that's like the eiffel tower you also have the lean tower of pisa right over there see how the entire piece is leaning we got the taj mahal just shows that the world is small and we're all brothers and sisters and we're now going to walk you down into toontown one of the least visited lands in all of disneyland toontown is a lot of fun heavily inspired by a movie that came out called roger rabbit who framed roger rabbit and it's kind of lost a little bit luster throughout the year so people don't go there as much anymore it's really where you go because if you want to meet mickey or minnie you're guaranteed to meet them but i will tell you this right now this land is about to be rejuvenated and it will probably become one of the most popular lands in the park in a few short months in about 18 months we have a new right here called the mickey maze runaway railway that's gonna be right here and when that opens up man everybody will be coming here to ride that ride because it is amazing as you come in here you see that big building's not always been there used to be a facade there like a mountain foot range still have a little bit over there you see it that's gonna be the building for mickey may's run away railway and then right over here you have roger rabbit's cartoon spin this has one of the most deceptively long lines of all the rides because when you walk by you see right there that door you're looking you see the ride you think oh it's just right there but no the line goes all the way through and back but the line is very very cool and i like it then moving right over here [Music] we're going to walk down to the sidewalk mini mickey are now toontown is divided into two areas you have the downtown that's where like roger rabbit is and all those buildings right there the bank and everything you come down here you kind of hit suburbia where the houses are you've got goofy's house right over here you got donald's boat you've got mickey's house and minnie's house this is a place where you can go and guarantee a chance to meet them it's a lot of fun there's also a roller coaster down here called the gadget roller coaster it's a very good introduction roller coaster you'll also notice down here to differentiate the downtown suburbia side that the trash cans have changed these ones are like a lighter color then we get the more downtown they become like an emerald green and there's the gadgets ghoster gadget go coaster and right here is donald's boat and here you have goofy's playhouse one of miles favorite places okay walk back down now one of the illusions that disney has is called like a berm or see that like wall there it makes it so you can't see outside the park it's very important that disney make sure they have that you see they even have like some drawn on buildings right over there they don't want the illusion of being uh being outside disney so when you get close to the boundaries of the energizing they put something up so you can't see you can see right here we are now exiting toontown and the garbage cans have changed colors we're exiting out of toontown back into fantasyland you get a perfect view of the matterhorn there's a lot of rumors about the man of mine matterhorn a lot of people said the rumors are that walt used made a mountain because the city anaheim wouldn't allow him to do a construction that high of a mountain so he put a basketball court instead of a basketball court that's not true city and i'm actually no problem with him building a matterhorn and why did he want to build a matterhorn because his wife lily liked it so much when they saw it in europe he's like i'll build it for you opened in 1959 super fun ride a little herky jerky though i'm gonna be honest about that little herky jerky walk along here and you're gonna see the entrance to the matterhorn right here some of my favorite cast members work there matterhorn bobsleds matterhorn bobsled it has two tracks and we have a whole video about the seeks reveal that the matterhorn bob said is that something you're interested in as well we're kind of exiting out of fancy lane now and going into tomorrowland tomorrowland is an amazing land though it's got its own little bit of problems in it tomorrowland the second that they developed it it's had problems because how do you keep the future in the future you gotta constantly keep re-innovating renovating for it so it's been difficult tomorrowland has had more attractions in it than any other land though only one attraction will exist from the opening day that's autopia right over there autopia that's a real divided topic people either love it or they don't usually children love it adults don't because adults say i can drive whenever i want to and children love to drive cars classic and favorite this was america sings right here and then it turned into innovations and now is the star wars docking bay or what is it galactic the launch bay and a lot of times people are like why aren't they really do anything more with that i don't know right there is splash mountain sorry space mountain space mountain max's feet is 32 miles per hour but they use fans to blow air on you and sit this dark it makes you feel like it's going much faster than it really is that's why when you get off the ride your hair is usually wind blowing back because they're blowing air right in your face making giving that illusion that you are going super fast right over here you've got pizza planet fashioned after toy story and the beats truck over here you have the star trader now this was the starrcade as an arcade and as when i was a kid it was a starrcade and disney always had the best video games you can also see it across the top you can also see right there across the top there's a mini uh mickey mouse um in like a suit uh spacesuit and it's neon it's kind of hard to see in the daytime that's been there since the late i mean the early early 80s it's a very iconic and here we go walking right down the center of tomorrowland right over here on the left-hand side we have star tours and then on the right-hand side of course we've got buzz lightyear astro blasters now the astro blasters they have that in other parks but the one here in disneyland you the gun actually comes off and shoot in any direction or in other parks it's mounted on the car so you can't shoot it you have to go where you're aiming right over here you have star tours when star trek first opened they had exclusive opening i think the ride is open for 56 hours or maybe i can't remember 36 hours straight and people are just waiting in line to write it because they're so excited for it uh the last since the new movies come out the star tours have only been showing clips from the new movies uh but eventually they'll probably bring back the old movies this building here used to be what was called circle vision and it was a theater where you were standing there and it had like eight screens and you can look in any direction and like fly over certain areas disney helped develop that technology for that and right over there you got the astral blasters we just did we did the astral orbiter i'm sorry after orbiter i see this secret video on that very recently these little rockets fly all over the place man when i see all the places i mean a circle but they fly a lot of miles in a year by the way that's called the world clock see it's still spinning even on the right stops it's called the world clock hey guys this brings us right back to disneyland main street usa that was like an impromptu tour uh with me here at disneyland i hope you guys enjoyed that put down some of your facts your favorite things that you want to see or something of the fact or trivia bit that i missed that you wish i would have talked about i hope you guys have a fantastic day if you haven't already hit that subscribe and like button you know the drill by now just enjoy it and you guys be good people and just take care and have a magical week this is chris from pearl's park best i'll talk to you later bye
Channel: Provost Park Pass
Views: 89,704
Rating: 4.9560857 out of 5
Keywords: Provost Park Pass, Disney, Park Pass, Provost, Disneyland, Disney Park Pass, Disneyland Park Full Tour, Disneyland Trivia, Disneyland Facts, Main Street USA, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Frontierland, Critter Country, Star Wars land, Batuu, Adventureland, Trivia, Fun Facts, walking tour, Vacation Planning, 2021, Full Tour Of Disneyland Park, Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney, Main Street, What is the best ride at Disneyland, Toon Town, Toontown, Disneyland park, Disneyland Tickets
Id: BIIvl7Phct8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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