The WORST Day in Disney World's Hollywood Studios

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hey everybody it's molly with all ears and i'm here today at hollywood studios with a brand new video and today we're gonna have the worst day ever i know it sounds impossible right and it probably is at disney world but i have collected social media reviews i have collected reviews on all everything that you've told me not to do in hollywood studios we're going to do those things throughout the day today so that i can share what not to do so you know what to do to have the best day ever at disney's hollywood studios we're going to have snacks we're going to go on rides i think it's gonna be a fun day even if we're aiming for it to be the worst i hope you're ready i hope you're excited let's get to it [Music] so planning the worst day ever in a disney park doesn't seem like a lot of fun but this is something that we looked at the reviews for i picked some of the lowest ranked attractions and food and beverage locations to try out today i also asked on our facebook and our instagram pages what is some advice you would never give someone at disney's hollywood studios we got some really funny answers like don't drink any coffee all day rude um two specific things like drink a bunch of green milk and then go on star tours also rude but we got some really good worst advice which is things that you have all experienced maybe you had a bad meal somewhere maybe you made a mistake and you don't want others to repeat that that's what this video is all about i'm gonna give you advice you should not take or what not to do if you will and that can ensure that you're gonna have the best day ever and again i think we're at disney world we're gonna have fun along the way i don't think there's such thing as a worse day in disney world there is such thing as a worst attitude let's start right off the bat with some of the worst advice you can get when going to hollywood studios and that is to sleep in if there is one park you should get up early for it's disney's hollywood studios and that's for a few different reasons the first reason you don't want to sleep in on your disney's hollywood studios day can't get your rise in the resistance boarding group the first sporting group drops at 7 00 am and trust me you're going to want to ride this ride even if you're not a big star wars fan you are going to want to do star wars rides with resistance and as of right now the only way to guarantee you get to ride the attraction is to have a boarding group hitting any technical difficulties of course but if you want to ride this attraction you need to use every chance you can to get a boarding group they drop at 7am from anywhere 1pm inside the park but you have to have a hollywood studios park pass reservation no matter what but if you think i can just show up at 1 o'clock and get one then you might not or if the attraction had long down times earlier in the day they might not get to your boarding group if you don't get one till the 1 pm drop so set those alarms i know it's a pain but get your riser resistance boarding group we'll talk more about that in a little bit now if there's one theme park that you need to get up early and get to rope drop it's disney's hollywood studios especially right now there's not any fastpass plus genie plus hasn't rolled out yet and there are some of the biggest and most popular attractions in all of disney world all inside this park you've got tower of terror rock and roller coaster mickey and minnie's runaway railway slinky dog dash millennium falcon smugglers run all in this park and all you can do is wait in line to get on those attractions right now so what you want to do at disney's hollywood studios is get here 45 minutes to an hour before the park's opening time that way you're here right at the rope drop which is disney's speak for right when the park opens they used to physically have a rope that dropped which is why it's called that and you can get to an attraction as soon as possible my recommendation is millennium falcon smugglers run i showed up at the park today about an hour and a half hour 45 minutes after the park opened it's not a very busy day at all today i cannot emphasize that enough this is a very slow time that i'm here but during the busy time if you were to come an hour and a half i'm talking an hour wait for many many things right now there's already a 50 minute wait over at millennium falcon smugglers run there's an hour wait at slinky dog dash and you could have avoided that by coming in right when the park opened and knocking out at least one if not two of the heavy hitter attractions before the rest of the crowds get here i know it's a pain and you don't want to get up early on a disney vacation but i promise this is a very good park to get early to the advice of not sleeping in came from several people on social media they said if you're gonna get to one park early it should be hollywood studios but do not sleep in at hollywood studios and you can already see how long this line is for mickey and minnie's runaway railway it's only a 40-minute wait again this is not a super busy day but this ride is excruciatingly hot in this queue it's hot there's not a lot of cover and if you wait to get here until the mid morning likely you're going to wait in a longer line and you're going to wait in that long line outside during the hottest part of the day so get here early rope drop a couple of really good attractions and then save the other ones for later in the day i'm not even planning this but this is a very long line for coffee i acquired my iced coffee it did take a long time but that's fine this is the pumpkin cream cold brew which is back for the fall this is the coffee just black and i'm obsessed with it it's just flavored cold brew there's no extra syrup or milk or anything in it i'm already failing at this task because this is like literally my favorite coffee ever i look forward to this every year so best day ever as far as i'm concerned but i wouldn't had to wait in such a long line if i'd gotten here earlier rope dropped some big attractions and then gotten coffee and not tried to get coffee when everybody else was where are coffee and i going you might be asking well we're headed to toy story land for a few different reasons a lot of people said the worst thing that can happen at a disney park worst day ever at hollywood studios is waiting in a bunch of long lines so a lot of people said just keep going to whatever the longest line in the park is um and i would never give anyone that advice that is terrifically wonderful bad advice but a lot of people specifically called out slinky dog dash they said a lot of people don't think it's worth waiting in a long line for and a lot of people highlighted that this line like mickey and minnie's runaway railway is all outdoors very little coverage and very very hot and you can ride this one in the morning or in the evening with a lot less heat and likely a shorter line so i am headed to slinky dog dash which does have the longest line in the park a 60 minute line and i'm gonna stand here until i get to ride trying to find the end of the line first things first slinky dog dash if you've never been on it is a family coaster it's got a 38 inch height requirement it really is a cute attraction i really like this attraction and i think a lot of you do too a lot of you are just saying it's not worth standing outside for an hour in the direct sun especially when you don't have to you could ride this at night and it's awesome at night because all the lights and this whole land looks really really cool at night but today we have to so tbh i thought the 60 minute line would be a lot longer than it is and i thought i'd have time before i got into the proper part of the queue to drink this coffee because you're not allowed to drink or eat in the queue like in the official part of the queue so now i'm standing here [Applause] [Music] just chugging my iced coffee so that is a good tip actually don't go buy a bunch of snacks or a bunch of drinks or a meal or a full beer or whatever it is and then think that you're going to eat it in line because once you get through the extended part of the queue which means any part of the queue outside of the like official part of the queue where the sign in the main entrance of the attraction is you're not able to eat and drink in life so and that's actually always been a rule that's not that's not new you've never been able to bring drinks like this you could bring like soda with a cap on it or water bottle with a cap on it but you've never been able to walk into a line with this so pro tip learn from my mistake [Music] okay now let's go ride slinky dog dash okay now that i've consumed my whole coffee which again don't be caught trying to chug your whole coffee or your whole beer or eat a whole hot dog or something right outside the attraction we are gonna head into the cute for slinky dog dash again today's not very busy so we're gonna clock it and see if it really is an hour but i like this attraction a lot and i think it's great but you may know i really don't like waiting in lines especially when you don't have to if you can avoid waiting in lines by writing big things early in the day or later in the day that's the perfect day in my opinion so this is definitely one i suggest not waiting in a long line for as an update i've been in line for about 25 minutes or so and we're definitely not moving and grooving but it's not going terribly slow so i don't think it'll be a full 55 minutes or an hour which is great news but it is rather warm in this very tight queue without any air conditioning at this time of day it's been about 35 minutes and i am the next person to get assigned a row which is really great but again it is a very slow day i can't plan to come on a busy day it's just a slow time of year the past few weeks we've seen a huge huge drop in crowds of school going back i just think this attraction is so cute with all the toy story details look at this andy drew this whole plan out we're under a game board right here in slinky dogs box there's rex's box i think this attraction in this whole land is so cute [Music] [Music] oh [Music] here we go [Music] wow [Laughter] ugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you might know i always giggle on roller coasters i just can't help it but oh my gosh the woman behind me like the full-grown adult woman was screaming her head off and it was so funny oh my gosh what a great ride i love it also update just wanted to give a little moment talking about disney's mask policy right now masks when i'm filming this are required indoors in indoor queues on indoor attractions inside any shop restaurant unless you're eating um anything like that all required indoors resort general spaces required indoors they are not required outdoors and that now does include outdoor attractions and outdoor cues however i'm fully vaccinated i'm still wearing one especially in close quarters on rides i'm a single rider they're gonna put someone i don't know next to me so just as a courtesy just to stay safe i'm still wearing mine in close quarters and on rice so that's a mask update for you okay i love slinky dog dash i think it's a very cute attraction i think for a lot of people it is a must-do and it should be a must-do however i can totally understand the frustration especially on a really really hot summer day waiting out in this extended queue for 60 or 90 minutes you don't want to do that that is a surefire way to be hot and cranky so my advice again i think you should either rope drop right now smugglers run over in galaxy's edge or slinky dog dash depending on which one of those you care more about and then if that doesn't work out for you come back later in the day come at night this whole land at night is so incredible i actually prefer this land and that attraction at night and you can get a much much more cool experience literally and figuratively and it's going to be absolutely gorgeous so i recommend coming at night because don't forget you can always get in line for an attraction up until the park closes so even if slinky dog still has a 60-minute wait at park close just get in line a few minutes before the park closes and then you're waiting that 60 minutes when it's cool outside and when the park's already closed as opposed to waiting for it in the middle of the day wasting an hour in the extreme sun so that was great advice i lucked out today and didn't have to wait as long as it's posted i can't control how busy the crowds are when i film these videos but that is great advice do not wait for slinky dog or mickey mini's runaway railway in the middle of the day in the dead heat the next piece of worst advice from social media try to eat at woody's lunch box at peak lunch time at noon or 12 30. one you're probably not gonna get a slot on mobile order and two it's really really hot and small and it's hard to find a table and you're definitely gonna be in the sun and that has proved true again today it's 12 39 right now i just tried to play some mobile order to eat lunch here at woody's lunchbox and the closest time i could get was 155 so almost two o'clock almost an hour and a half from this moment and i'm an adult that gets hangry and cranky can you imagine if i was a child it would not be good so it's always good advice i've said this in a lot of videos when you get into the park place your mobile orders the minute you know where you want to eat even if it's really early um because places like woody's lunchbox even on this very very slow day fill up and you won't be able to get the arrival window that you want if you try and get it at peak lunch time at that moment now you can try and change your arrival window i was able to move it up from 155 to 145 but does that really help me that much not really so when you come to this park in particular and particularly with woody's lunchbox which is very small you're going to want to place those mobile orders as soon as you get in the park you can always change the arrival window if there's one available later so if you book it for noon but at noon you're in the middle of doing something else you can move it out if there's times available which there likely will be but it's very unlikely that you'll be able to move it up and eat sooner so that means i have to go do something else because i have an hour and a half before i can eat my lunch as a little snack to hold myself over before woody's lunchbox i am coming to get what was without a doubt the number one least recommended snack on social media out of everything people said i got the most messages comments saying do not drink this here come on blue milk so what am i gonna do drink blue milk my mobile order is ready here at the milk stand and if you're unfamiliar the milk stand is themed after the iconic blue and green milk in the star wars saga the blue milk is first seen in a new hope the very first star wars movie and then the green milk as seen in the last jedi both milks are plant-based but they're different flavors and you can also get them spiked there can be roman the blue milk or tequila in the green milk and they are a rice based milk so the blue one is a little bit sweeter and the green one is a little more citrus based all right got my blue milk got some stormtrooper friends let's drink cheers here's the thing i think i've grown to like blue milk more over the years i say over the years like it's been around forever it's been around since 2019. here's the thing you want blue milk to be a milkshake i think that's what most people expect and that's why most people are disappointed it looks like it should be a vanilla milkshake with blue food coloring in it right but it's not it's coconut rice milk with different fruit flavors so a lot of people i think are disappointed because it's also like somewhere between a smoothie and a slushie consistency-wise it's a little gritty but it throws people but i don't mind blue milk and i feel like here's how here here's the thing if you are a die-hard star wars fan and you saw luke skywalker drink blue milk and a new hope 40-something years ago yes you have to get one just to try it because the same reason that when i go to wizarding world of harry potter i have to drink butter beer grain of butter beer is actually delicious um but it's just an iconic thing in the movies and it's a part of being a galaxy however if you're not a diehard star wars fan i don't know if this is a must-do treat i understand this isn't like the best thing ever and there are better drinks and they're better snacks hello how are you hold on find something interesting yeah just having some milk i find that interesting thank you be careful okay now that i've enjoyed my blue milk i'm headed to another attraction it's starting to sprinkle a little bit which does bring up a good point sometimes you can't control the things that can ruin your day like the weather you certainly can't control that not even disney can sometimes people think that disney has a giant ceiling they can put on especially over the magic kingdom like a bubble and they can control the weather but they can't do that so i did a whole video on how to deal with hurricane season and what what you need to know about coming to disney during the rainy season but you should know during the summer it will probably rain at least one day if not every single day for just a little bit during the afternoon that's what happens in florida and the rain can definitely affect your day but you can plan for it make sure to always have your rain gear on you bring your rain jackets bring your ponchos bring your stroller covers bring extra shoes or extra shocks wear waterproof shoes because with things you can't really control like the weather all you got to do is just roll with it i mean you can't you can't fix it if you really want to avoid the rain don't come during the summer don't come during hurricane season which is the fall and you might be able to avoid some weather but there are going to be things that you can't control and weather is one of them so just uh don't let it control your attitude you know what i mean i understand weather can be a huge bummer if you've come all this way and then the weather cancels the fireworks at epcot or um the parade at the christmas event or you know any number of things you never get to ride your favorite ride because it's outdoors it's been raining all the time i understand whether it can be a huge bummer and it can lead to having a worse day but unfortunately you can't control it so all you can do is be prepared all right we have made it to our next attraction alien swirling saucers here in toy story land on social media most of you said this is skippable and on our all review pages this has the lowest score with a 6.26 of any attraction in hollywood studios so uh obviously we're gonna ride it it's hard for me to be mad at any attraction that features a gigantic buzz lightyear outside of it but alien swirling saucers is of course located here in toy story land it has a 32 inch height requirement and if you have been on tow mater's junkyard jamboree over in california adventure this is the same ride system as that right now this attraction only has a 15 minute wait which i do think is kind of the cap of how long you should wait for this one um i love that there's a buzz lightyear box up on top of this and the green army men everywhere and here's a giant gun like over at buzz light your space rangers spin at the magic kingdom but this is another outdoor queue that can get very very hot so if you do want to ride this one and it has a longer line i would absolutely recommend waiting until later in the day it will probably drop to barely anything and you won't have to wait outside in the heat listen for your safety remain seated with your seatbelt fastened your hands arms feet legs claws and antennae inside your rockets [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] so i did end up waiting 15 20 minutes to get on alien swirling saucers which on a day where tower tear and rock and roller coaster have posted 25 minute waits you decide if it's worth it for you i think alien swirling saucers whenever i ride it i laugh i dare you to ride this and not smile that said it's definitely not a mussu it is more of a filler attraction for sure it's good for little ones that maybe aren't tall enough to write slinky dog dash but they are able to ride this usually it doesn't have too too long of a line so while i would not say this is a terrible attraction by any means um it is one that is not a must do on most people's list so don't prioritize it in my opinion but if you can ride it um especially when it's not super hot outside and there's not a long line why not good timing because my lunch at woody's lunchbox is ready to roll so i clicked i'm here prepare my order a few minutes later i got the notification that was ready and to come get in line woody's lunch box not only is it kind of a pain with the mobile order and the limited seating because it is so popular it also has a very low rating on our all ears net review sites it only has a 6.38 on all ears reviews so that is one of the lowest dining locations on our review pages if you disagree you're welcome to go leave reviews um but it does serve a variety of sandwiches grilled cheese brisket milk turkey sandwich it's got the iconic tachos which are those chili and cheese tater tot nachos it's got the seasonal lunchbox tarts and a couple of beverages including root beer floats and grown up lemonade i got my food and i was able to find a table it did take a little bit of time to find one and as you can see they're all outdoors so even with limiting the capacity of mobile orders it might take you to a minute to find a table um so i understand where people don't love that get it i have forgone my traditional woody's lunchbox order of tachos or a grilled cheese for the brisket melt which is basically a grilled cheese but it's got barbecue brisket on there and that is literally because this menu item specifically was called out by a lot of you in the all years net reviews as being lackluster so figured why not try that i also got myself a free cup of water just a friendly psa to always get your free cups of water at quick service locations um a real good way to have a terrible day at disney is to get dehydrated so stay hydrated friends but i think this looks pretty good it's um comes with your choice of tomato soup a cuties mandarin or the potato barrels aka tater tots but i went for the soup and it's got a bunch of that brisket meat in there looks like some pickles some melty cheese i feel like this is gonna be good i will say this is a very warm place to eat lunch in the middle of the day [Music] i think that's delicious it's like a judged up grilled cheese i love the crunch from the pickle and the little like acidity from the pickle the meat has got a nice sweet barbecue sauce on it but it's cooked well and then it's got lots of cheese and then this bread tastes like garlic bread which i have a firm stance on having garlic bread be the bread on sandwiches i feel very good about it i don't have any complaints about this sandwich it is very heavy i definitely think you could split it between two people and i guess the biggest issue is also the same issue with the tachos and that it's very very hot out here especially during the summer especially in the middle of the afternoon and there's no air conditioning and you're eating like a hot meat cheese soup meal so that's maybe not the most appetizing thing to eat outdoors in the summer so maybe come here for dinner maybe toy story land is best enjoyed in the evening in the afternoon when the lights are out it's cooler less crowded finished my lunch at woody's lunchbox i actually really like woody's lunchbox it's always one of my recommendations at hollywood studios because i like the tachos i thought that sandwich was very good just don't eat it in the middle of the day that's the best advice i can give you on woody's it's going to be hot out there just eat it for dinner eat it for breakfast and i think you'll be happy but um i think the rating on all your net is low uh so if you think it's low go leave your own ratings on all your stuff now we've got places where you can leave ratings on any restaurant any resort any attraction at disney or universal go leave those and that will help us make more content and that will really help you guys because you can go look up the reviews for other things and see what other readers and people have to say about it walking all the way across the park now for our next attractions and now seems like a good time to remind you that one of the worst things you can do in all of disney world maybe the worst thing you can do is wear uncomfortable shoes you are going to walk way more than you ever think you will i'm talking five plus miles a day most the time in the florida sun and the last thing you want to do is have new shoes or uncomfortable shoes so i typically wear either sneakers or the knockoff birkenstocks that are waterproof if it's going to rain and i'm not kidding when i say to practice walking before you come here work your way to be able to walk around your neighborhood for five miles because a lot of people come here and they don't realize how much walking it is and then you get blisters or you chafe or you're tired or you're sore your feet heard and that is no fun so practice walking break in those shoes do not come to disney world with new tennis shoes that is a guaranteed way to have a worst day ever along the same lines of not having uncomfortable shoes you gotta dress comfortably it's very very hot so find what works for you and make sure you're comfortable for me i live a life free of denim shorts because denim shorts are not comfortable for me in a theme park i wear a skirt or a dress 99.9 percent of the time and i wear slip shorts under it which ladies they'll change your life i'm not kidding i'm not being sarcastic they're thin shorts you can wear underdresses and skirts to prevent uncomfortableness and i'm not kidding when i say they have literally changed my life we will link them for you in fact we'll link some of my articles i've written where i link a bunch of stuff that i wear shoes slip shorts etc but just remember it's gonna be really really hot here so find out what's gonna be comfortable for you don't forget those rain jackets bring those comfortable shoes i like to find a cute disney t-shirt tuck it into a denim skirt that is my uniform it works for me my husband always wears t-shirts and then he gets hot and then has to buy a tank top and then i have to figure out how to shove his t-shirt in my backpack so just like wear a tank top if you think you're going to get hot in a t-shirt wear dry wick clothing bring those neck cool towels bring personal fans do whatever you got to do to combat the heat and compact being uncomfortable because i'm not kidding you there was a day that i wore jean shorts and i came home in tears actual tears because of how uncomfortable i was do not let that happen to you okay this is certainly not part of a worst day ever but i came back to tower of terror to get another coffee as one does at the joffrey's here and max and goofy are doing distance meet and greets up on the balcony of the tower of terror i think they're trying to check into the hotel goofy are you trying to check into the hotel are you staying there are you trying to check in is that working out kind of yeah i'd be a little nervous seems a little spooky in there yeah they are so cute you you're brave i know you can do it max are you brave are you scared you no you're not scared you're good max is good he's brave he's strong what a cute little meet and greet area for you guys the next attraction that many of you on social media said is a skip lightning mcqueen racing academy now this is actually a newer attraction it just opened up a few years ago and it's basically a large scale movie with a very very cool animatronic of lightning mcqueen i will recommend watching cars 3 before seeing this attraction because when i first saw rode the attraction or saw the show i didn't know what was going on but then once i saw cars 3 it made a lot more sense so let's go check out lightning mcqueen mater that was some introduction well nothing's too good for my best buddy i pulled out all the stops tonight lasers [Music] oh yes you should race chick even though he's so much better here's the thing about lightning mcqueen's racing academy i don't think it's an inherently bad attraction i don't really think there are inherently bad attractions except for sits just great escape am i right um but for the most part i don't think attractions are bad there are some that are definitely better than others and they're i feel like each attraction serves a purpose and lightning mcqueen racing academy serves a great purpose if you've got little kids especially ones that like cars and you want to sit in the air conditioning for 15 minutes i will say the animatronic is incredibly impressive so if you're a disney nerd or a tech nerd you may want to go see it just for the animatronic the show's funny like i laughed out loud several times as an adult so is it the most popular attraction no is it a must do not for most people should you prioritize it over things like rock and roller coaster tower of terror some of the shows here no but do you have little kids that can't ride rock and roller coaster and tower terror if you have little kids that love lightning mcqueen then this show's gonna be great for you so i wouldn't wait too long for it normally you only have to wait until the show before you is out so at most 15 minutes but yeah don't prioritize it it's not the best thing i've ever done but it's it's serves its purpose and if nothing else that's inside and the animatronic is cool the next attraction that many of you said to skip not only on social media but it has a very low rating on our all ears review section is the mickey shorts theater where they play the original animated short starring mickey and minnie called vacation fun now this is simply a movie theater and it's playing a short you're not going to see the short anywhere else it's a making a mini short and that new style that they're doing on disney plus um and it's mickey and minnie and the gang and they are going on vacation so that is the theme of the short that you can see here but it also has some cute photo ops at the exit that a lot of people don't realize if you are a fan of the animated shorts there are some sets here that you can take different photo ops with uh there's yodelberg there's the panda there's even this egyptian temple one but i think the most popular of the different land uh different photo ops here is the potato land photo op quincy says it's her favorite of the mickey cartoons but basically goofy wants to go to potato land as a theme park but that it turns out it's just idaho but you can pose with the potato right here if you want to okay if we're being honest mickey shorts theater is probably in my opinion the number one most skippable thing in this park i would tell you to do whitening mcqueen's racing academy before i would tell you to do this i would certainly tell you to do muppet vision 3d before i tell you to do this and any of the live shows frozen sing along beauty and the beast even disney junior for a certain audience i would tell you to do before mickey shorts theater it's not that i don't enjoy it but it is simply watching a mickey mouse cartoon it doesn't even have to do with the fact that i don't care for this style of mickey mouse cartoon at this point like what did they do to my boy goofy like why does he have pants on who is he donald duck i can't even get into it um because i like mickey minnie's runaway railway a lot and that attraction also uses the new style of animation so for me this is fine if you really want some air conditioning if you've got some little ones that just want to sit down and watch a cartoon for a little bit um if you've absolutely exhausted everything else if it's about to rain and you want to duck in there but for me this is probably the most skippable thing in this park i said it earlier in this video but if there is one thing you need to do when you're coming to hollywood studios it is try and get a rise of the resistance boarding group this park more than any others right now do you need to plan for and there hasn't even been the fastpass plus replacement yet that's rolling out later this fall and that will become even more true when that rolls out so we did a video breaking down genie plus which is the new system and we will continue to update you and when it rolls out we will give you all the details to about gd plus we'll do a ton of videos on it but rise and resistance is the most popular and best attraction in walt disney world bar none and the only way to get on it most days is by getting a boarding group at 7am or 1pm very very rarely only in the slowest of slow days i've seen it happen like twice ever have they allowed people to just walk on it towards the end of the night but that is very very very unlikely to happen and until genie plus rolls out where you can actually pay per person to get on rise of the resistance no we don't know how much yet but we'll share when we do you need to get a boarding group against 7am from anywhere 1pm inside the park and you have to have a hollywood studios park pass reservation to do that so the worst thing you can do on your hollywood studios day is roll up all excited about riding rise the resistance as you should be but you didn't try to get a boarding group at 7 am or 1 pm because unfortunately you're not riding if that's true why is it so cool why is there a virtual boarding group line it's an over 20 minute experience calling it a ride is honestly insulting you're going to go through several different sets and several different moments within the star wars universe you are going to get on different vehicles you are going to get on a star destroyer you are going to get in a trackless vehicle you are going to be in a transporter pod it is so incredible over the top amazingness it is a one of a kind experience that even if you're not a star wars fan you need to do it because you're going to be blown away by this attraction so all of the pain all of the hassle of doing the boarding group process which we have posts on all your set i've talked about how to do it before you are going to want to get a boarding group so truly the worst thing you can do is show up at hollywood studios and think i'll just go get in line for a few hours that rise of resistance because no you won't all right i've shared some of your advice on things not to do but now we're going to talk about a few underrated things that lots of you told me not to skip and i completely agree with you one of them is right here this is walt disney presents and this is an exhibit dedicated to the man of course who started all of this magic walt disney so it's a really great exhibit where you can walk through and see some artifacts throughout disney history you can learn a little bit more about walt disney himself and the company that founded it and then there's always a movie at the end sometimes it's a short film called one man's dream narrated by julie andrews about walt disney and then sometimes it's actually previews of things coming up in the future whether it be a marvel film a pixar film a new disney movie they may do a little preview here so you can get a sneak peek before you go see it in theaters so let's go check out one man's stream because i know this is supposed to be the worst day and you but you guys told me not to skip it and i really like it so this maybe isn't something for little kids but i think your older kids um your teenagers especially parents grandparents they're gonna love this and you can see things like them animating an early mickey mouse you'll be able to learn about the history of animation and some of the technological advances the disney company made there as well as the founding of disneyland and the disney parks disney television like the mickey mouse club and again they've got cool things like different models of attractions or parks or features like here's a very cool model of the magic kingdom and these are from the disney archives collection like these are things the actual imagineers use and if you're a disney history nerd or just a history nerd in general i think it's really really interesting in here and i'm glad that some of you said that as well like look at this i i've pointed this one out before but this is one of the abraham lincoln audio animatronic figures used at the 1964 65 world's fair this is from great moments with mr lincoln i mean is this not amazing to see this lincoln animatronic like look at all those mechanics that are inside of there that make i mean abraham lincoln walks so the shaman of song could run you know amazing this is how they'd program it back then amazing they've got some upcoming things as well so here is some previews of the galactic star cruiser which is going to be the star wars hotel it's like an interactive experience kind of like a cruise it's going to be a two-day itinerary so we've got more information on that on all yours it's supposed to come out next year but so they've got information about upcoming things in here and then one of my favorite things in here is they have different props from disney movies and shows and they'll rotate these out like right here is props and costume pieces from cruella the live-action one that just came out so this is something that emma stone actually wore which is very fabulous i gotta say i'd love to hear comments about cruella in the in the comments um i thought the acting and the costuming and the soundtrack were amazing i didn't love the things in this exhibit though are these costumes and props from pirates of the caribbean so you've got davey jones's chest you've got the jar of dirt and then you have one of the costumes worn by captain jack sparrow himself which is amazing and then you also have this model sculpted by blaine gibson who was an imagineer sculptor blaine gibson is most famously known for sculpting the partner statue of walt and mickey in the magic kingdom he's sharing the magic statue of roy and minnie down at the end of main street in the magic kingdom he also sculpted all the pirates all of the ghosts all of the presidents when the attractions opened um for privacy caribbean haunted mansion hall of presidents he is an incredible imagineer and i think the fact that she sculpted this thing i'm looking at amazing we've done another coffee grab and another free water grab because we are headed down sunset again for another thing many of you said don't skip and i love these i loved reading all of your don't skip this underrated attraction so many of you said do not skip the live entertainment in hollywood studios and i could not agree more live entertainment is one of my favorite things in any disney park and of course it's very strong here in hollywood studios now not every live show has come back but a few have started you've got the frozen sing-along which i actually love and think is very underrated disney junior dance party not for everyone but if you've got little ones that enjoy disney junior a great show and very recently beauty and the beast live on stage just reopened so we're gonna go see it right now i cannot wait and i totally agree do not skip live entertainment when you're here at hollywood studios if you've never seen it beauty and the beast live on stage is about a 30 minute stage production of of course beauty and the beast it actually debuted in mgm studios at the time the at the exact same time the beauty and the beast debuted in theaters back in the early 90s this show just recently reopened i'm so glad it's back features all your favorite music from the story and it's just lovely at least i get to see you one last time no no we're together now i won't let you die oh i am so glad that so many of you agree that skipping the live entertainment surely makes for a worse day especially here at hollywood studios so again not all the live shows are back indiana jones isn't back yet fantasmic isn't back yet but if you can see at least one of the live shows i think of the ones back that beauty the beast is the best one but i also really do like the frozen show so oh and man now one thing i did get asked is if there's any differences to the show from the prior times um there are a little bit but i don't think most people would notice them there's just less dancers and they can't touch each other so like bell at the beast at the end like just kind of wave and look longingly at each other they can't like actually touch each other and dance and in certain scenes where there used to be like eight dancers they may have four so that they can be distanced a little bit but it's still the same show it's still the same music it's still wonderful i still cry like i don't know what's gonna happen so yes see live entertainment we've got one more thing to eat and one more attraction to do on this worst day ever at disney's hollywood studios now along with woody's lunch box the other quick service that a lot of you suggested not eating at pizza rizzo because you think those round puffy pizzas that disney provides not up to scratch and you know what i believe you i agree with you i have had those pizza rosa pizzas in several videos and every time i say there then is my nicest way to describe them but what if i were to tell you that you can get the same mediocre round puffy pizza from pizza rizzo but also lose the delightful muppets theming and the air conditioning what would you say to that welcome my friends to sunset market ranch this is an outdoor dining area here on sunset boulevard just down the way from the tower of terre and it's actually comprised of four individual quick service walk-up counters but it's got one communal seating area you've got rosie's all-american cafe which is where you can get classics like burgers and they have improved their food recently they've got a little bit more unique items they've got a pretty good salad they've got a plant-based sandwich that i actually quite enjoy you've got catalina eddies which is where you can get the iconic puffy pizzas you've got fairfax fair which used to be tex-mex but when it reopened it's reopening as gourmet hot dogs so there's a variety of different hot dogs you can get and then you've got hollywood scoops which is the ice cream shop that does hand scooped ice cream down at the end generally speaking sunset market ranch not a real winner when it comes to food very generic theme park food but they have upped a couple of things like the gourmet hot dogs if you're into hot dogs or some of those dishes that rosie's like i've said have become more creative and a little bit more exciting and better offerings but the one who's done not really anything to their menu to make it more interesting is catalina eddie's this is where again you can get those same round puffy pizzas that you can get over at pizza rizzo or pizzafari at disney's animal kingdom there's actually less variety here as well because they only have pepperoni and cheese they don't have the veggie one or the meatball sub um you can get a chicken caesar salad here you can get breadsticks here which i will consider a plus as well as a couple different generic beverages but we've ordered ourselves a delicious pizza just waiting for it to be ready here is my feast from catalina eddie's uh again same round pillowy pizza i just went for the cheese a classic and then it comes with a side caesar and pro tip if you want parmesan or crushed red pepper to put on it you need to ask up at the counter they don't have it on the condiment bar so just ask they'll get it for you [Music] here's the thing i want this to be good i want this to be delicious because i remember loving eating this as a kid back when pizza rizzo was pizza planet i loved it i loved pizzafari as a kid it's just not i gotta put like a bunch of red pepper flakes on it i gotta say the cheese one i'm liking more than the pepperoni because i'm getting more cheese which is on brand for me but it's that doughy like crust the sauce is watery and doesn't have a ton of flavor but just a whole packet of red pepper flakes on this one piece just now it's just meh and that's the only way i can describe it and i'm sorry if you love this good for you i just don't and most people don't and there's a reason these restaurants are always continuously rated very low by you on reviews and on social media like so many people told me to go to pizza rizzo and especially because we are in an era now where theme park food is so much better than it used to be this park had a glow up when it reopened abc commissary used to be very mediocre it's great now they've got shrimp tacos over there they've got a buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich over there that buffalo chicken grilled cheese is one of the best quick service meals i've had in a long time even right here in sets up market ranch like i said rosie's all-american cafe has some great more unique options dockside diner just opened up with some cool looking sandwiches so ronto wrap there's so many better things to order that this is just not great so i will agree with you i will contest that i unless i'm filming a video for a very specific reason i am never going to choose to eat these puffy pizzas not when there's better food out there the caesar salad spine i mean i think i like the dressing better here than at pizza rizzo it feels like it's different dressing that may just be in my mind but it's just a generic caesar salad i would almost rather get the caesar salad than get the pizza like get the chicken caesar salad as we're walking to our final attraction today i want to point out on the wait time board that there are a lot of low wait times right now it's a little after five o'clock so like i said earlier if you can wait till later you're going to see a drop smugglers runs only 30 minutes slinky dog's only 45. um mickey minnie's runaway railway is 35 so in the afternoon evening time is a great time to ride some of those big attractions my best advice again is to rope drop get here right and early and head over to smuggler's run if that's a must do for you if it's not slinky dog dash or mickey minnie's running away railway try get two of those done early in the day you can also rope drop tower of terror in rock and roller coaster if that's more your speed um but i have found that the longest weights throughout the park day are usually smugglers running slinky dog of course when genie plus rolls out everything will change and we will do a ton of different videos once g e plus rolls out on what that means for the standby cues how to use uni plus all that good stuff you might be wondering what to do then um in the middle of the day when the attractions do tend to have longer weights and it's really bright that's when you can do some of these shows frozen sing along um beauty and the beast live on stage see some of the theater shows like muppet vision 3d do kind of like your filler attractions like toys romania and star tours all good things to do in the middle of the day with all the other wait times are very long or outside last but not least way to have a worst day ever at disney's hollywood studios get motion sickness i am standing outside star tours the adventures continue tm which for me is an attraction that makes me very very motion sick this one is one of my top three probably motion sick attractions ever definitely tops at disney i think the only thing that makes me more sick than this at disney is mission space orange so lots of you said star tours makes you motion sick as well no one's saying it's a bad attraction but it just makes a lot of people very motion sick because it's a simulator that as alan from rtt says puts you in a shoe box and shakes you around during a 3d simulator so i just say delicious pizza if you want to call it that from catalina eddie's so now we're going to go ride star tours yay if you've never been on star tours the adventures continue tm it is like i said a 3d simulator and what's very cool about this attraction credit where credit is due there are over 50 different scenarios you could encounter so you never know which characters you're gonna see you never know what's gonna happen because there are different beginnings middles and ends and different combinations of them so you might see darth vader you might see kylo ren you might see chewbacca you might see poe dameron you might see everybody's favorite jar jar binks you never know what's gonna happen so for star wars fans this is great and it definitely has a lot of rewrite ability has a 40 inch high requirement 4-0 and again it's in 3d and a simulator i am lando calrissian with a resistance in the event we don't make it i want you to know that you have been the most wonderful passengers [Music] yes i believe this adventure is just beginning i did get a very cool version i got the most recent version which actually takes you to batter the planet where galaxy's edges so that's always cool because i like seeing like that too as part of the story but i'm not saying star source is a bad attraction or a skip attraction for some people it's definitely a skiff like i probably wouldn't ride this on a regular park day if i was just going to the park for fun because it does give me motion sickness but the best advice for attractions that might make you motion sick or do what i do which is wait until the very end of the day that way if you do get motion sick or you don't feel good at least you're going home at that point don't start off the day with an attraction that might get you motion sick and then have to feel kind of woozy all day so for me that's star tours for me that is mission space for me that is certain attractions over at universal like jimmy fallon if i'm going to ride those i'm going to do of course the end of the day so that if i don't feel good it doesn't ruin my whole day because that's another good way to have a worse day for is to feel nauseous and keep in mind too some attractions make me motion sick that might not make you motion sick and vice versa i don't really get motion sick on any kind of physically moving ride i tend to only get motion stick on certain simulators typically 3d is a is a factor in that so [Music] definitely don't push yourself to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing um which is a surefire way to just not feel great kirti well friends that is a wrap on the quote worst day ever in disney's hollywood studios and you know what it was still a fabulous day i still got to ride slinky dog dash i still got to see beating the beast live on stage we still had a lot of fun i ate at woody's lunch box had some blue milk did a couple other attractions and shows and you know what i truly think there's no such thing as a worst day in disney world just a bad attitude so my advice to you i know there are some things that you cannot plan that will factor into how good your day is the weather other guests how crowded it is you can't plan for any of that but there are things that you can plan for to avoid and that's what i hope to do with this video i hope you learned some tips and tricks to make sure you have the best day you possibly can at disney's hollywood studios definitely share your thoughts and comments down below make sure to go to all yours net and leave your reviews on what you think are the best and worst things in the disney park so others can read those and we can use them for future videos in the meantime friends make sure to rate review subscribe to our channel follow us on social media at all earsnet and until next time friends i'm molly and it's been magical want to see more of my videos click over here want to subscribe you can do that right here and also ring that notification bell to make sure you get instantly notified anytime we post a new video thanks for following see you real soon
Views: 134,832
Rating: 4.9008379 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: OCbv3k5-sKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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