How It Works: Rise of the Resistance | Disney's Problematic Star Wars Ride

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Fascinating and informative. Great video.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bootsencatsenbootsen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

As someone who watched this before riding it recently, if you have not experienced the ride yet, bookmark this and wait! That ride was one of the greatest experiences I have ever witnessed. I can not describe how amazing it is from beginning to end! I wish I could have experienced it in person first though. Spoilers usually donโ€™t bother me, and I still really enjoyed the ride, but I do really wish I got to experience everything fresh. Also, some of the tricks they use are so innovative and amazing that I wish i didnโ€™t know how they were done while experiencing it live. They are really cool to see how it works, but save it for after!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jdizzle161 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] starwars rises resistance is quite possibly the most technologically complex ride in theme park history featuring multiple ride systems elaborate sets and clever tricks to immerse riders in this out of this galaxy experience the ride keeps the story going as guests roam deeper in Tibet - and join the resistance for an edge reversi adventure to outwit and outsmart the first order while the riot took imagine years longer than expected to get this brand-new dark ride just right it's easy to see that it was worth the wait rise of the resistance is a single most elaborate ride Disney has ever created and was part of a multi-billion dollar park investment from coast to coast this video is extremely spoiler heavy so this is your warning for those looking to ride spoiler free however if you like theme park technology want to see how they pulled it off then you're in the right place in this video we'll take a look the technology of the ride including the track location system the vehicle design special effects and more as well as the history of the ride so sit back relax or stand in the queue line which are probably already doing because this is how Star Wars Rises the resistance works [Applause] [Music] [Music] rise of resistance being the most anticipated ride in the new Star Wars Galaxies edge area was constructed above Disney's Hollywood Studios in Disneyland opening on December 5th 2019 in January 17 2020 riot replaced a former land or section of land and extended onto a section of off-limits areas the ride takes multiple cues from other rides and features the result of decades of effect refinement and innovation the Disney is known for preparation for the land the riders within began with the closure and demolition of the backlot tour lights motors action and streets of America at Disney's Hollywood Studios back in 2016 and the demolition of Big Thunder Ranch and the reroute of the rivers of America at Disneyland from their land clearing and construction accelerated quickly to meet the rapidly approaching opening year of the Twin Galaxies edge lands during this time not too much information was known about the two attractions each land would feature and even less so but the headlining attraction Star Wars surprised at the resistance other than it would be the most ambitious ride Disney had ever taken on after structures began to go vertical fans of a watchful eye began to notice the formation of 288 es or a dots inside the enormous show building for the ride with the majority of construction concluding at the end of 2018 work could finally begin on the medium potatoes of the ride it was hard to determine what was truly going on inside that's a little hard to see through a wall but overtime despites Disney's efforts what was going on inside there was a little well let's call it less than ideal with this being a combination of multiple ride systems business contractors and Imagineers we met with a steep learning curve and learned a lot not really from pre-empting issues and more from experiencing them initial issues persisted with the Lane of RFID puck LPS or local positioning forum being placed the wrong way which drastically affected their schedule later another more publicized issue popped up of Wi-Fi dropping and dead zones these were places were from the right building where a connection to Wi-Fi to communicate with the right vehicles became difficult as having so many connections left to random dumps of connections causing a right stop while the Wrights opening was eventually pushed back it's easy to see why it was necessary to take this action however later led to a more focused opening on one of the largest investments given at the spotlight it deserves well not being overshadowed by the opening of a full land visor the resistance is a combination of multiple resistance coming together during the main section of the ride inside the ride you utilizes emotion simulators track the Star Trek vehicles in a version of the tower terrorists drop shaft this large combination of ride systems as well as the collaboration between them and all on right effects means that there are countless points in which the right can go down as riders make their way through multiple Prix shows that will encounter multiple effects to trick the eye and immerse them in the sequel trilogy based experience these are how those effects work in the first pre-show guests are herded into a cave style briefing room to increase capacity there are actually two rooms which allow for a setting for guests in and out inside guests are meant by bb-8 rolling around atop a large wall bb-8 is positioned at this height to assure that his place is not seen you may notice that when the Viet rolls the only rolls around a certain point that's because as you may have guessed he's being controlled from the back out of view like a standard puppet his equipment sits on Rails and at the end of the arm is a spherical shell that rotates to make it appear he is rolling on the rock wall set up next to bb-8 is a large hologram effect originally this effect was believed to be use of mijin or the classic Pepper's Ghost effect but that was quickly changed when guests with a careful eye noticed there were matching lights dents and scratches on the wall and the tunnel behind the hologram it was later discovered that this effect actually uses a large one-way mirror positioned at an angle to make the half of a hologram machine appear as one full sized one and to assure that rioters and guests don't see the reflection of the wall behind them behind the hologram effect as well behind the one-way mirror is actually an OLED screen that shows the video over a an OLED screen is used here as opposed to a standard projector or LCD screen because of the way they work the difference is clear when each who needs to show black the LCD screen and projectors essentially masked a backlight which does not Bluff all lights OLED screens don't have a backlight and use a large array of LEDs to form the image when an OLED screen needs to show a black section those LEDs are simply not on and produce no light there are even some smart devices that utilize this technique isn't it used here such as mirror a fitness and exercise screen the light produced by the OLED screen is the only thing that shines through the mirror and is visible to guests as you can see in this demo a sheet of one-way mirror is placed in front of an OLED screen which then can shine through the effect is only convincing by the setting that is placed in will flow lighting making it hard to identify the screen however if you were to shine a light on the wall behind you that light would seemingly appear behind the hologram too because the tunnel behind the hologram a simply reflection of the river in the video of a hologram was filmed at an angle to add to the illusion of depth versus a flat head on the shot after this pre-show guests are rushed to the transport ship where they are intercepted and captured by the first order the second pre-show is a large subway light ship that will take you along our journey what you may easily realize that this is a small similar thing moves around there are two doors one on each side which leads guests to immediately guess they will exit through the other door but to the surprise of guests they actually exited the same door they entered but now they're on the Star Destroyer the hell while the second free show is a simulator there's a catch it's a simulator on giant turntable as you enter the transport vehicle the giveaway is like just below your feet that you likely missed at the edge of the vehicle you can notice the large circular edge of the turntable if you peer out the windows you may notice that you are fine had a bit of a circular fashion Imagineers also utilized the movement of the animation to match the movement of the turntable by moving it in spurts when the turntable speeds up you appear to be accelerating once your Tumen journey is finished the simulator docks on the stardestroyer side and closes flaps for safety and then you ordered off a transport vehicle he then passed by the large outdoor view space guarded by an army of stormtroopers not all our animatronics but they do move their heads occasionally from there you are directed into holding cells where you'll be interrogated by kylo Ren this is actually one of the more off-the-shelf effects but Disney opted to make it more than just a standard illusion effect while actually projecting the shadows kylo and the rest would cast if they were actually there it really helps sell the effect as opposed to being obviously a screen being projected onto after kylo Ren leaves you are suddenly broken out of the cell by the resistance here's a shorter projector and strobes are used to protect the glowing red metal being cut the door pulls out and slides over they were mechanism visible if we look carefully at the top of the door it's now the moment guests have been waiting for as you're rushed into the next room and loaded onto the main white vehicles these vehicles are custom etf trackless ride vehicles ETF is a dark ride equipment manufacturer based in Netherlands and has provided vehicles for Disney for years these custom vehicles don't feature our motion base which allows them to move faster to the ride and makes the experience more thrilling and boosts capacity than other slower vehicles during the loading process the vehicles are receiving their ride path from the RCS which it will then execute unlike the typical wire-guided method see on other tracklist systems these vehicles use an RFID park system that each Carvey's and allows for it to understand where it is in the building these pucks respond to the vehicle by relating relative position data that it can then use this is often referred to as an LPS or local positioning system there are two floors that vehicles use so assuring the vehicle not only knows where it is but what for its on is very important these vehicles have a restraint system sound lights and a simple droid on the front that moves in lights up to power each vehicle Disney employs a rapid charging battery system you might notice that the vehicles are always positioned in the same way each time during origin they're positioned this way because underneath each vehicle is a charging pad they've aligned with to charge at the end of the ride the vehicles also dock again and charged while guests unload there's also only four unload spots while there's eight loading spots there are literally actually more vehicles than it appears and once the vehicles move away from the unload area they proceed until a line of additional chargers to charge more before they move back into the loading areas once dispatched the action begins immediately as you are confronted by two empty vehicles that are actually there to replace you in the loading area but play the part to make you believe you have already been caught you then move into a hallway where you escape a probe droid you are then redirected to take the lifts ahead but a pair of stormtroopers presented using a muezzin effect confront you and begin shooting at you the blasts from the stormtroopers uses an old trick from persistence of vision devices you might remember as a kid getting those spinning light toys where they would seemingly form a line of light midair that's what's going on here there are two fans on the sides that spin so fast they practically disappear on the blades are a set of LEDs are turned on at a very specific point to create what appears to be a line of red light in midair as for damage from these blasts there's actually two effects going on above riders on the ceiling two chunks of the ceiling appeared to have been blasted away this effect uses a well concealed panel the flips out of the way in a fraction of a second if you slow down videos of the effect you can actually see the panel mid flip as for damage on the sides of the room this is simply a clever use of projection mapping to light the site using the projector and animating blaster damage onto it as we move into the next room we finally see our 80 80s or adits there's actually only two of them but with a clever use of a floor-to-ceiling mirror there appears to be another room with more at 80 80 s or a dense more projected damage is used here as more stormtroopers shoot at you from above the vehicles then proceed into the lifts where small flaps come up to prevent the vehicle from rolling off the open-ended lift when they roll back off the lifts another flap comes up and helps reset for the next vehicle taking the lifts on the side leads us to the second floor where guests are shot at again the blast here our led is hidden in the ceiling it happened so quickly that you may miss that there actually for the pipes above you when they reach the wall pre-made cutout or more project damage shows on the walls because naturally those stormtroopers have terrible aim just when writers think they're safe they are spotted by a kylo Ren animatronic and backup lights then shine in the faces of writers to conceal the next illusion of kylo Ren now chasing after you down a short hallway while kylo Ren is projected on a screen that actually moves closer the saber is actually a real prop the shadow that obscures Kyle's hand is enough to squeeze in the mechanism that swings a saber along with the animation in a sense a projection is holding and moving a physical problem once the vehicle escapes into a fake elevator passing floors are projected by the light that shined in your face earlier those were actually projectors this is when the next practical effect takes place I will land on top of the elevator it proceeds to gouge his saber through the ceiling cutting a hole in the process this has by far been the easiest effect for guests to figure out originally Imagineers wanted to use a projected material to achieve a more convincing effect but this was easier said than done and the effect was ultimately changed instead the saber effect uses a rotating panel of a circular path cut out a rapidly spinning and glowing saber punches through the ceiling and rotates to make it seem like it's cutting through when in reality it's just rotating to show more of the cutout if you slow down the video you can actually see the end of the cutout pop out just before the saber comes down moving into the next room large cannons blast into space at the resistance this is simply a set of windows into a large curved screen each cannon recoils in and out of the vehicles path and uses a separate protocol to ensure they don't hit the vehicles as we turn left the wall is hit with more blasts from the resistance and suffers damage which uses pullout plates to reveal internals a kylo Ren animatronic then uses the Force to pull us in and tell us that P will get what he wants here an effect originally tested on mystic Manor a Hong Kong Disney is used to make it look like the wall behind Kyla was hit and the panel's were sucked out into space these Polaroid panels are essentially jigsaw puzzle style wall pieces on brackets that swing away revealing another screen of the outside a piece of the ceiling falls from above and seemingly knock Scylla out into space the event of the kylo animatronic is not functional a B mode was created to lead the vehicles to the side screen window where an animated kylo continuous a story finally in the finale of the ride the vehicles escape into the next hallway where they directed into the next big event the drop tower this is in fact one of the biggest results from years of testing and rides like the Tower of Terror the vehicles load one each into an escape pod and locked into the floor to prevent sliding the part is actually mounted on top of a motion base the pivots on a single point which is also mounted on a drop tower section the pair of vehicles share one large curved screen along the show door and safety door closed and everything is clear they drop at the same time it's like a mini Star Tours on top of the Tower of Terror while the drop is not huge or forceful the motion-based tilts riders back to simulate an increased force while your drop in much the same way simulators tilt back to fake acceleration once the tower is ready and lines back up with the new first floor the vehicles are clear to back out to proceed the tower resets so quickly that you can even see the safety door closed only a second or two after you've backed out in order to return to the second floor to take the next pair of vehicles there are two sets of tower pairs to increase capacity here as well once the vehicles get the go-ahead from the RCS to proceed to the unload area and the right concludes this crazy combination of multiple ride systems is one of the biggest risks Disney has taken for a ride and is truly one of a kind lives of the resistance is now open at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Disneyland and is truly something even an optimist altogether this technology works in unison to create a seamless and thrilling adventure that has amazed them blown away hundreds of thousands and probably now millions of riders and will continue to do so for decades to come I hope you've enjoyed this information alive into the inner workings of Star Wars riders of the resistance we create these videos to showcase the awe-inspiring technology and engineering that goes into creating lines we owe our heads off on daily thank you for joining us and we hope we've inspired your curiosity through technology and engineering be sure to check out our place of other houses displayed with videos and that I card above some of what you might like there's a lot of them and make educational ride models in our social media are below once again thank you so much for watching and subscribing welcome to coaster limes and we see in the parks [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Amusement Labs
Views: 1,710,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Six Flags, roller coaster, how does this ride work, theme park, nintendo, jurassic world ride, nintendo world rides, coasters, Coaster Studios, Epic Universe, rides, rise of the resistance, galaxy's edge, new star wars ride, kylo ren, koopas challenge, mario kart ride, mario cart ride, Disneyland, Universal, new disneyland ride, disney hollywood studios, rise of the resistance disney ride, rise of the resistance disneyland, disneyland star wars land, cosmic rewind pov
Id: TWs_-UA51QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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