[Secrets Revealed] Haunted Mansion Disneyland

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what is the 70s disco ball in the haunted mansion have a comment well si tuna by now today at Provost Park fest we are doing one of the very most requested rides we've ever had the Haunted Mansion we're trying to reveal everything we can I just want to say this this video is very difficult to make because of the low lighting in the Haunted Mansion it took us that's right five different cameras and eight different lenses to bring what you're gonna see today so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video the haunted mansion has some rich and deep history about this ride in 1951 when Walt was designing his idea coming up the whole architect of Disneyland he knew at that point he wanted a haunted house he didn't know what he wanted he just thought maybe a haunted house the haunted church or in creative yard suck on his lines but he knew that he needed some type of trucks like that at Disneyland the Haunted Mansion was originally designed to be the Museum of the weird a Museum of strange and haunting throughout the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] look for monsters in the woodwork the ironwork and the wallpaper those are all kept over ideas from the Museum of the weird the concept then morphed into a haunted walk through Wax Museum announcements were made as early as 1961 six years after Disneyland had already opened but then the Haunted Mansion was put on hold for Disney to devote all of his attention to the 1964 World's Fair when the Imagineers came up the concept of a haunted mansion they came up with like a dilapidated plans a house that was falling apart Walt did not want they felt that didn't really fit the aesthetics of Disneyland so he has a famous quote he says Disneyland will take care of the outside the ghosts will take care of the inside so that's what they did the exterior of the Haunted Mansion was completed in 1963 at that point Walt Kent had to put a hold because he started working on some projects for the World's Fair in 1964 held in New York then Walt untimely passed away in 1966 at that point there was some confusion as with what should happen within the Haunted Mansion this was the first attraction to be completed without the help of Walt Disney himself the two main dimensions that took over the design of the Haunted Mansion where Mark Davis and Claude coats and they clash on their concept of what they should be Claude coats wanted war he wanted to be dark Mark Davis he's like not to be more fun and light-hearted so what they do boom they combine their ideas and that's how we got the Haunted Mansion today Claude coats did the first part of it beloved darker scarier where Mark Davis did the end of it being a little bit more lighthearted fun it took 18 years for them to complete the Haunted Mansion from the first and just showed inception all the way to completion in 1969 it was the longest attraction in development at dizzi the Haunted Mansion exterior is inspired by the Shipley Lydecker house in Baltimore that was built in 1803 it's around 999 miles away give or take into the Haunted Mansion is the only attraction located in five different lands that's right you have New Orleans square at Disneyland Liberty Square at Walt Disney World Fantasyland and took your dizzy and Frontierland at Disneyland Paris Hong Kong has a completely different traction known as mystic Manor which is located at mystic point making five Here I am with two ghost host I would Marlee e Tanner and they're gonna tell us some of their favorite things about the Haunted Mansion so my favorites the mummy the mummy is best friends as a deaf ghost mummy doesn't have a tongue but his best friend is deaf and has a big old horny like snout her and the mummies like group doors creak tombstones Blake's meaning we can use no tongue in the definite case here it dinner what's your favorite my hello favorite segment is a during holiday time when Jack comes over and takes over the house um if you look pretty far away up in the very very top room of the house you can see zero flying around as usual orange nose up there there's a lot of urban legends about this ride one of them is that that's Brigham Young's killer hearse that is not true but I'll tell you something it is truth it is bodily fluid from what I did use it as a hearse on the inside if you look very carefully you can see it right on the wood panel right outside the haunted mansion you can see there's a pet cemetery one of my favorite things is if you look at the cat there's all these little birds with their little tombstones as well right behind me we were waiting in line you can see all these mausoleums I love them because most of our puns and puns are punny they're not actually great but just stickers my favorite is I truly departed camera my Greg's favorite is vo later later outside the house you'll see some green ironwork this light green ironwork with this little twisties on it only on the very bottom if you look very carefully one of those twisties is turning into a bird but it's only on the bottom and most people don't notice because they never look down at it right outside the haunted mansion you'll see this cool thing because a house is supposed to be Louisiana these are called for your boots at their muddy you go like this and that's how you'd scrape the mud off your shoes before you enter a house when you go in the ride you're gonna enter a little foyer and then enter into a room with no windows and no doors now most people know this but that room is actually an elevator and an elevator mostly works like this you get in there's a roof elevator and the floor of the elevator and it goes up and down like this well this room it doesn't do that though the ceiling does not move the floor goes like this make it appear that the room is growing the ghost host voice that you hear during the ride is actor Paul fries you might recognize him he's also does a voice work in auctioneer on price Caribbean and he's a gross of the Grinch from you know he stole something plus he's also Boris in the children's show Rocky and Bullwinkle ah he's Boris that and Boris and rocky in the world Rico show some know things you said that's the best accent I've every time and then Cameron Greg inform me that that was Natasha and not Boris the original concept the ride was to be narrated by a raven or a crow I don't really know the difference is I think it's a raven and they you notice they have them periodically placed throughout the ride they scrapped that idea it says you know what we need a different narrator so they came up with a ghost hose but they left the Ravens there are five of them and the cast members effectually call those Ravens Edgar as in Edgar Allan Poe who wrote the Raven speaking of narration the original draft had Walt Disney himself for buying the narration voice can you imagine that but they don't never really materialized and I would love to hear that I don't know if that's true if that really did happen but how neat would that have been to ride to the ride and listen to Walt Disney's voice narrated and when you tell me what you see now pick him there what do you see I'm sorry Walt we get backs in the stretching room there are four different portraits the first one is constant hatchway and George Hightower she murdered her fifth husband then you have Alexander Nitro cough he stands on a keg of dynamite about to explode then there are three men in quicksand in Disney comics they are known as gambler Hobbs big Hobbs and skinny Hobbs my personal favorite is Sally Slater she's about to be eaten by an alligator there is a poet rest' named prudence puck whose tombstone says she died from writer's block as a poem that says in the swamp poor Sally Slater was eaten by an alligator it is not known if the subject on the palm and the portrait in the stretching room are the same person but they do have the same name Sally Slater the ceiling on the stretching room is called scrim scrim as a material that when lit from behind you can see through it we look from beyond from below underneath it looks very solid so when there you light it up see through it and you can see the ghost host that is the ghost host that is hung himself right up there and then a clue to this is when you're going through the hallway you can see some portraits one of the portraits one of the biggest one shows the ghost host and what does he have as a tie a rope around his neck for his tie I have to get up the stretching room you walk down a hallway and you'll see five portraits there's the we're cat lady it's a woman reclining on a daybed that changes into a striped Panther there's an aging man a young morphs into a decaying corpse next is a flying dutchman a son ship that changes into a ghost version of itself then there's Edward the Prince a knight and his horse changing discussions and lastly there is Medusa a young woman changes from a human form to a Gorgon form this illusion is created by having these paintings painted with special black lighting paint on it the lights are coordinated with the Thunder so when the thunder or lightning goes off those lights turn on illuminating and black paint on the particular portraits the original design of these portraits had a light that passed behind them making you change what does a giant disco ball have to do the honey mansion well when you get on the stretchy elevator room and in that hallway where those paintings are to do the five paintings on the left hand side there's some windows and there's rain going on I think it's a second wind on the left-hand side you carefully look to see giant disco ball is shining light on that simulates the rain what it's amazing one of my very favorite effects is the bust ghost the bus looked like they're following your every movement it's really a simple design it's geometry right they are inverse face impressions and as you know in geometry an object that's concave is pointing in on itself making it look like it's following your every move or it's just haunted or it could just be hunted Wow there are so many cobwebs in the Haunted Mansion now how do they make those cobwebs it's a simple trick they take hot glue like a hot glue gun they melt the glue they take a fan and like this and makes it web it sticks to everything and they change it about once a year then you're like how do they get the dust on it well that's dust my age about to board the ride to see three little flame lamps like these like little flames in the lamp you look carefully the ones the top are the same bulbs that they use in mr. Toad's Wild Ride when you go in and see the judge the ride has an omni mover system they're known as doom buggies there's a hundred and thirty-one doom buggies on this ride make it when the most efficient rides in all of Disneyland they were first dubbed Omni movers and created in the 1964 World's Fair the new technology allowed storytellers to control what guests see and allow for controlled line-of-sight similar to a movie experience the Omni mover technology was originally used for adventures too in a space but continues to be used for attractions like the Little Mermaid's Ariel's undersea adventure and Dizzy's California Adventure and spaceship earth at Epcot when you come up the stairs you go round you can see that very long hallway is called the endless hallway with that candle is floating whoo well the second door on the left is a real door that door opens and closes people can walk in out out the second door on the left when you ride the ride you go down a hallway if you look at the side you see these framed pictures of ghosts originally there wasn't any ghosts there but as they look around like wow we really need some kind of decorations those ghosts were they caught a regional concept art for the ghost in the graveyard so what they do they took a concept art framed it put it in the hallway you see everyone else ghost in the hallway later on in the graveyard as you go down the long hallway in pass the floating candelabra you'll notice a grandfather clock that strikes 13 when madame leota is doing your incantation there's a book there that book is from Blackbeard's ghost and what you're saying is right from the movie Blackbeard's ghost here's another really cool thing think about this mind blowing you don't see any spirits no ghosts until after you go through the seance room before that you hear like it sounds or sees things moving around but no ghosts what she some of the ghost boom that's when you start to see him Madame Leota isn't me it's actually a very simple effective illusion inside the ball is a three-dimensional bust of Lyoto projected on the white bust our brief film sequences of Liotta reciting her incantations inside the ball the model of face because after a Disney Imagineer named wait for it Lyoto toons can you get a better name for that name is Liotta tombs Madame Leota is voiced by Eleanor Audley who provides a voice of Maleficent and a Sleeping Beauty cartoon and the wicked stepmother in Cinderella well you see the reflective ghost or the see-through ghost that's done with a trick called the pepperbox go so it was created in the 1800s what it is it's a reflection off a piece of glass so you'll notice where your eye level is there are no ghosts of either above you or below you because right above these are ghosts and right below you they're ghosts and they reflected in glass and you can see them pepper box goes to the trick alright so there is one official hitting Mickey on this ride this is in the Grand Ballroom you see it it's made of plates is like a fair play and two saucers though there is another hitting Mickey right when you get off the stretching room and you walk down the hallway before you see those light those portraits have changed there is some wallpaper there over the years so many guests have touches one spot wallpaper and it's worn doubler off of it and it's made of Mickey head as you can see right here it's not an official Mickey head because this wallpaper is made in the 1800's way before Mickey Mouse but it's pretty cool look it's just like a real Mickey head so I'm counting it count in the ballroom there is a huge glass planes they go all the way from the ceiling all the way down to the floor in the ballroom there's a huge glass planes up pling so in the ballroom you can see there's a huge glass panes they go always from the ceiling down to the floor they're big and they weigh a lot and the only way to replace a glass pane if it broke would be the list of ceiling off and pull it out now in the 1970s some person got on the ride with the gun and he shot whether to doing portraits are the bully hit the glass pane and it cracked it so what are the Disney Imagineers do they put a giant spider there and made it look like a spider web though your eye usually goes right past it you're not looking at the glass pane you're looking at the portraits next time you write it though have your eyes focus on the glass pane and you'll see that spider at the end of ballroom scene you can see the ghost play on organ that organ was used in two thousand leagues under dance that Morgan was used in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that would be when I said mm I made an additional 18 on top of that so 20,000 Leagues Under see that organ for that movie is now in the ballroom at the Honda mansion when you go through the ride you're gonna see one of the most enigmatic thought of ghosts of all that is Constance hatchway she's a bride in the Attic now her story started in 2006 oh they did a whole refurbishment at the haunted mansion she has gone in and killed five of her husband's and we go through the Attic you'll see on each of the portraits the first portrait is one pearl necklace second portrait two Pirtle megasis three mountain pearl necklaces and so on for each husband she kills she wears another pearl necklace now the very first time you see constant hats way though isn't in the Attic it's in the stretching room employment for the portraits of stretches is constant sitting on top of our beloved George with an accident head that was our fifth husband when you look at George's and conses photo in the Attic you'll see that George has that particular mustache and she also is carrying a rose what she's carrying in the portrait in the stretching room what the majority of the props that you see in the Haunted Mansion are real antiques they found it at thrift stores and second-hand stores Disney didn't make them they bought them real antiques some of them are said to be haunted there is a fan theory that's not supported by Disney which i think is pretty cool is that you become the 1000th ghost as you enter into the you'll notice as you exit out you are to turn around and fall out of the Attic maybe you've been pushed by the hatbox ghost or Constance maybe pushed you out and as you land you become the 1000th ghost at that point you'll notice that ghosts are having a party and welcoming you prior to that point they're trying to scare and haunt you so once you've died they're welcoming you to the party there is only one human inside the retraction of the Haunted Mansion besides the workers themselves obviously and that is the caretaker or the graveyard guy or whatever you call him he's got the lamp he's the only human all right now some people are thinking wait a minute what about that coffee sit his hands out let me out of here that's actually a skeleton or a spook not a human so the more you know when you're running through the cemetery one of the singing bust voice might sound familiar to you because that is a distinctive baritone voice of Thoreau Ravencroft he's best known as Tony to tiger that commercial they're great and he also sing the song you're mean one mr. Grinch in the television version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas paid to an official design press release in 1969 The Haunted Mansion cost seven million dollars that's equivalent to 45 million dollars today grim grinning ghosts lyrics were written by ex attencion he also wrote a pirate's life for me the music was written by Buddy Baker and was recorded by the mellow man what a cool groups name Lyoto haunts you twice little deodorant named after madame leota from the sands room invites you to come back later death certificate at the very end of the ride some people say it's the same some people say it's different but cast members do call her little lee in order at the end of ride you can see some who try King ghost those ghosts have names the tall skeleton one is Azra Gus is the prisoner and a traveler well that's phineas with the little carpet bag I just want to say how grateful I am to the Disney cast members who helped us make this video this is quite a chore to do my at the Provos Park fast team rode this ride probably more than 50 times the Ollie's different shots but we really wanted to do it justice because the cast members who work in this right they care about it and they love it and we're grateful to them for helping us get all this information and we hopefully we have presented it accurately now if you want to support our channel you can by clicking that sub like button and a subscribe button if there's a mom we support our Channel and our Pete remembers those who pay three dollars or more a month get an exit video of me in a minute talking about Disney and whatever else you want so you go that way to support us as well I hope you guys have a fantastic week and who knows maybe a hot will follow you all the way home
Channel: Provost Park Pass
Views: 536,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haunted mansion, provost park pass, haunted mansion disneyland, haunted mansion secrets revealed, haunted mansion trivia, haunted mansion facts, secrets revealed, provost, park, pass, new orleans square, disneyland rides, whats the best ride at disneyland, secrets revealed haunted mansion disneyland, secrets revealed haunted mansion, haunted mansion 50, disneyland, disney, how scary is the haunted mansion, haunted mansion holiday, trivia, facts, haunted, mansion, secrets, revealed
Id: ZKe5FCckruk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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