Disney Parent Deaths: Sad to Saddest 💀😢

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disney may be known for its magic fun songs  and happily ever afters but not all the good   guys get a happy ending while our disney heroes  and heroines will still live on to save the day   or marry their true love it's often their parents  that end up biting the bullet disney's killed off   so many parents that not only is it a trope at  this point but also a joke nevertheless we can't   deny the impact that some of these deaths have  had on our characters and on the audience so   today we're gonna be looking at these deaths and  ranking them from the sad to the unfair to the   heart-wrenching hey guys i'm brad from wickedbench  and this is disney parent deaths sad to saddest for the record this list will include  both disney and pixar just because pixar   is technically a separate studio doesn't mean  that they won't sometimes follow the same tropes   a few of these depths will also be ones that may  have happened off-screen but still had an effect   on the main characters now for our long time  viewers you may be thinking hold up brad sad   to saddest what about gruesome the most gruesome  hold on buddy gruesomeness and how they died will   factor into the ranking but we're also going to be  looking at when each of them died such as whether   or not it was early on in their children's lives  and how the deaths of these characters ultimately   affected their children alright with that out of  the way let's get started first we'll be looking   at the deaths that are certainly sad but were more  mundane and subdued in terms of gruesomeness or   how much they traumatize their kids these are the  mundane deaths starting this list is cinderella's   father what puts him this low is well we don't  actually know how he died we know his wife   cinderella's birth mother died when cinderella  was very young so we can infer that it might   have had something to do with childbirth as for  her father he stayed alive for several years and   was able to form a bond with cinderella although  we aren't sure how deep it is but more on that   later he was a gentleman while he was wealthy  he didn't spoil his daughter and his kindness   helped shape cinderella into someone who was just  as kind he also tried to put her well-being above   everything else and even married lady tremaine  because he thought cinderella needed a mother   unaware of tremaine's true nature do them again as  said before we're never told how he died there's   a theory that tremaine murdered him to gain his  fortune but this has never been confirmed most   likely it was an illness given the time period due  to his death cinderella is forced to become a maid   and serve her step family not a good deal  for cinderella why do we consider it the   least sad as stated previously we don't know  how deep his bond with his daughter was since   cinderella never really talks about him or even  mentions him yeah his death affected her status   but unlike other characters later on this list  it doesn't seem to affect cinderella personally   since she never remembers him or mourns him  outside of the opening narration because of   that we have no choice but to put cinderella's  father at the bottom next is james tiana's father   from the princess and the frog james had a  big influence on his daughter not only did   he encourage tiana's cooking skills but he also  inspired her to work hard towards her dreams i   give this special just gotta be shared while tiana  may have taken this ideal too far making work the   only thing she did james couldn't have known that  in any case james was a good man so when he died   in world war one it couldn't have been easy on  tiana or her mother the spirit of james lived on   with tiana being able to use her memories of him  to help with her decision in the film's climax   also it should be noted that on his picture  frame we can see a distinguished service cross   which is given for extreme gallantry and risk of  life and actual combat with an armed enemy force   speaking of war we're putting shang's father  general lee at the tail end of this section   like james general lee was unfortunately a victim  of war and was killed in a battle with the huns   so if they had similar deaths why are we ranking  lee a slot above james there's a couple of reasons   first lee's death wasn't a result of an ordinary  battle but an ambush the general had intended   to intercept sean u's army we'll toast china's  victory at the imperial city however due to sean   used intellect and tracking ability lee lost the  element of surprise losing this advantage meant   doom for the general given how big the hun army  was another reason we ranked lee's death higher is   because of the nature of this war instead of dying  by a gunshot lee was likely stabbed and bled out   which re-ranked as slightly more gruesome finally  lee's death was more devastating to his son   shang who had expected his father to be completely  fine being just as confident in china's army as   his father was there's a reason why the scene that  reveals lee's death is considered one of the most   devastating moments in mulan next we'll be moving  on up to sadness scale and are going to look at   depths that had an extra element of unfairness to  them making them more tragic these are the unfair   deaths wilden from onward was a wizard and ian  and barley's father unfortunately he was never   able to meet his youngest son due to dying from a  devastating illness barley was also unable to say   goodbye to his father being scared and confused  by all the machines keeping his father alive we   can't say much about his actual death since it's  another one that happened off-screen but not being   able to watch his sons grow up and be a father  to them is certainly unfair thanks to a spell   both brothers had the chance to meet their dad  or rather his legs as well as say goodbye to him   i definitely remember dad having a top part  in the end however only barley is able to do   so and ian is never able to actually talk with  his father this is also unfair but we understand   the reason behind ian's sacrifice and in a sense  he still gets closure thanks to his big brother   so while it's still sad it's more on the side  of bittersweet we all knew this one was coming   next is bambi's mother even people who have never  seen bambi know about this disney death in many   ways she was an ideal mother she was kind loving  encouraging and above all else protective when   she heard the hunter approaching she told bammy  to run making sure that he stayed ahead of her   to keep him safe unfortunately bambi's mother  was unable to get away and was shot to death   this death is both unfair and heartbreaking  given how young bambi was when he lost her.   as famous as this death is we can't rank it  any higher because while still shocking death   by gunshot isn't very gruesome especially if a  hunter only needed one bullet it's likely her   death was quick which is really the biggest saving  grace you can ask for in a situation like this   also similar to cinderella bambi doesn't  acknowledge his mother after her death   he's clearly sad at first but quickly moves on and  still grows up to be a noble prince of the forest   we don't get to meet lilo and nani's parents since  they die before the movie starts according to lilo   the four of them were taking a family drive  in the rain when they got into a car accident   but while they don't have a single scene  outside of the photo lilo keeps of them   we can feel the influence of both of her parents  and the aftermath of their deaths throughout the   movie the biggest lesson that they taught their  daughters was of ohana and that once someone is   part of their family they shouldn't be left behind  or forgotten something lilo reiterates when nani   tries to get rid of stitch dad said ohana means  family from what we can tell lilo's parents were   good and kind people and their deaths affected  their daughters in more ways than just grief   in fact lilo and nani were nearly forced apart due  to nani still being young and not being able to   both work and take care of her little sister both  girls often stress each other out not having the   proper space to grieve because they have to take  care of each other and keep in the good graces   of their social worker you're such a pain even  after lilo is allowed to stay with nani and lilo   and stitch the series her parents deaths continues  to affect her on the anniversary of their deaths   all lilo is able to do is sleep her sadness away  while nani and lilo accept that their family is   broken but still good their situation is still no  less sad and unfair next is another animal death   by gunshot kerchak tarzan's adopted father kerchak  and tarzan were never close it took several years   and winning a fight against a jaguar for tarzan  to finally earn his adoptive father's respect   and even then it was still shaky this relationship  worsened again when tarzan began wondering about   who he was and whether or not he belonged  with humans when he and his fellow gorillas   were being attacked and captured however kerchak  was able to see exactly which side tarzan was on   that he truly was part of their family you came  back i came home this was enough for kerchak to   sacrifice himself taking a bullet for tarzan when  clayton shot at him we're ranking kerchak above   bambi's mother because ironically enough tarzan  was able to say goodbye to him think about it   tarzan was finally given the respect and love  that he wanted from kerchak and then kerjak dies   like one second later that you have always been  one of us it's bittersweet and if you add in the   fact that it was tarzan who led the humans to the  gorillas territory that just makes it all the more   tragic ending this section we come to king agnarr  and queen aduna elsa and honest parents from the   kingdom of arendelle say what you will about their  parenting skills but whether you think they were   neglectful or just trying to do what they thought  was right it's obvious that they cared about   both their daughters they never stopped loving  anna and elsa and were willing to take a trip   into dangerous waters to reach out of holland to  learn more about their eldest daughter's powers   not wanting her to be afraid and isolated anymore  you'll be fine elsa unfortunately they got caught   in a storm and drowned something that just made  the situation even worse for their daughters   in fact when elsa found out the true reason for  their trip in the sequel she was devastated while   both she and anna are able to move on from  their parents deaths and even correct other   mistakes made by their family the circumstances  surrounding their deaths as well as how they died   far from home and in the middle of a raging and  freezing ocean put the king and queen of arendelle   towards the upper end of our list finally we've  reached the most memorable deaths from the disney   canon not just in terms of sadness but in pain  these are the saddest and most gruesome deaths   starting this section we have quasimodo's  mother while she only has one scene in the   movie's prologue it's nevertheless a memorable  and heartbreaking one all quasi's mother wanted   was safety for herself and her child who she  seemed to accept and love despite his deformity   unfortunately judge claude frollo couldn't see  her as a woman in need unable to view her as   equal due to her being romani thinking she was  nothing more than a criminal he chased her down   and murdered her on the steps of notre dame while  this is probably the tamis example of murder   compared to the others that are coming up it's  still a shock to see i'm sending it back to hell   where it belongs we also had to rank this death  high above the others due to the impact that her   death had on her son's life not only did quasi  have to grow up isolated with a cruel frollo as a   father figure but he lived his whole life thinking  that his mother hated him thanks to frollo's   lies it's no wonder quasi had such a hard time  trusting people believing that not even his own   mother had loved him next we have tarzan's birth  parents though they may not have looked like much   tarzan's human parents were actually resourceful  and proved themselves to be survivors from safely   escaping a burning ship to building a home for  them and their son in the middle of africa it   seemed like nothing could truly stop them but  while they would continue to fight until the very   end using a gun to stop an attack from a jaguar it  wasn't enough while their deaths led to plenty of   good things for their son from finding his adopted  mother kala to eventually meeting jane we can't   deny the effect that their deaths had on their  son even if he didn't find out about them until   the latter half of the movie not having them left  tarzan feeling out of place and different from the   other gorillas resulting in a lot of self-hatred  when he was younger of course we all know what   really puts their deaths this high up there are  a lot of disney deaths out there but not many of   them are the result of being attacked by a fierce  jungle cat up next is coral nemo's mother like a   lot of disney parents it seems we don't know who  this lady is we do know that she was excited to   be a mother and that between her and marlon she  was more grounded and able to calm her husband's   anxieties like many mothers she was willing to  do all she could to protect her babies even at   the cost of her own life just think in a couple of  days we're going to be parents similar to tarzan's   parents her death is gruesome both coral and  nearly all of her eggs were eaten by a barracuda   leaving marlin and nemo alone while we're putting  this death high due to its harsh nature we can't   give it our top spot given that her death seems  to affect marlin more than it affects her own son   in fact we never hear nemo mention his mother  much less mourn her granted that doesn't make   her death any less sad and we can't really  blame an unborn nemo for not knowing his mother   but we still feel that this element prevents it  from being the saddest keeping with the animal   theme koda's mother from brother bear is next  as we enter our top three koda's mother was   your average mama bear she didn't try to seek out  fights with humans she was just trying to survive   and protect her cub unfortunately for a bear it's  not exactly easy to communicate this to a human   especially to a hunter as stubborn as kanai  ultimately koda's mother was murdered by   kanai by getting stabbed by a spear this is  already bad but it's the tragedy factor of   this disney death that puts it this high up not  only did koda's mother do nothing to deserve this   but her son kota didn't even know that she died  since they were split up of course this makes   the moment where koda finally learns about her  death and realizes that his new friend killed her   all the more heart-wrenching your mother's not  coming though we're putting it in our top three   what stops it from going any higher is that  coda does get to see his mother's spirit   one last time and is able to give her a proper  goodbye which is more than what most characters   get on this list we're ranking queen athena  ariel's mother and her death in second place   athena is only in the opening of the third little  mermaid movie and while it may seem strange to   give a minor character's death such a high ranking  we feel that the gruesomeness of her death and   the impact that it had on her family make her  death one that's worth noting first let's look   at her death athena was tragically killed by  humans not by a sword or a bullet but by getting   crushed by their ship algie megochi making this  death more sad is that it only happened because   she went back to save one of her daughters  attina after her tail got caught in the rocks   if it weren't for that bad luck she might have  lived because of her death king triton became more   protective of his daughters as well as distant  he even went so far as to ban music because it   reminded him too much of his wife the king's  hot skate dog even after lifting this ban triton   didn't properly deal with this grief this resulted  in him lashing out at ariel when she began   showing any interest in humans without having a  proper mother figure ariel became reckless and   eventually repeated the mistakes of her father  when she became a mother herself by being overly   protective and not listening ultimately that's  what makes her death more devastating knowing that   it could have been prevented and knowing how much  her being there would have helped her daughters   taking the gold is mufasa simba's father as both  our saddest and most gruesome disney parent death   we all know the story so let's get this cry in  together mufasa's death is a story of betrayal   and devastation for both simba and audiences  alike of all the disney parents who were murdered   mufasa's death is certainly the most painful  given that he was trampled by rampaging wildebeest   though not as bloody as being eaten by a  jaguar or a barracuda it was probably just   as painful as well as a slower death and that's  not counting him falling off the cliff of course   mufasa's death is the turning point in the  lion king his death allows scar to take over   ultimately ruining the pride lands and leaving  the rest of the lionesses to nearly starve   more importantly mufasa's death affects his son  simba who it should be noted is one of the few   disney characters who actually get to witness  his father's death and see the body afterwards   well yeah scar's lie plays a huge part simba's  loss still changes him turning him into someone   who would rather forget the past as well as his  own pain even years later all he wants is to see   his father again simba gets some closure both  in seeing his father's spirit and in learning   the truth about his uncle but given that mufasa's  death stunted his son's personal growth for years   and brought so much heartache to his kingdom we  really can't think of any disney parent death   that can top it alright guys what do you think  do you agree with our ranking and were there   any notable disney parent deaths that we missed  let us know in the comments and tell us which   series you'd like to see next be sure to hit that  notification bell so you don't miss new episodes   of good to evil featuring your favorite cartoons  and video games but most importantly stay wicked
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 172,576
Rating: 4.9390244 out of 5
Keywords: cinderella, princess and the frog pixar, princess and the frog new movie, princess and the frog movie, the princess and the frog full movie, mulan on disney plus, mulan disney+, quests of yore, onward pixar, onward pixar movie, pixar onward, bambi, bambi disney plus, bambi disney, lilo and stich netflix, lilo and stich series, tarzan disney, disney plus tarzan, frozen 2, frozen ii, frozen two, frozen 11, frozen frozen 2, walt disney frozen, frozen netflix, athena
Id: MohvPuBEApg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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