Dreamworks Villain Deaths: Gruesome to Most Gruesome ☠️

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Dreamworks Animation is full of great baddies.  We’ve already done a video on how evil  these guys can be, but as fun as it can be  to watch a villain do their thing, sometimes  you have to look at their endings. While  Dreamworks’ rival, Disney, is known for killing  off their villains in some pretty gruesome  ways, it’s actually not as common with  Dreamworks villains. Most of their villains  are either reformed, get their comeuppance,  are arrested or just have ambiguous endings.  Still, for those rare times where aDreamworks   villain is given their ultimate end,  we’re here to rank them from quick and  relatively painless to harsh  and brutal even for a bad guy.  I’m Kyle with WickedBinge, and  this is Dreamworks Villain Deaths:   Gruesome to Most Gruesome. First off, we’re starting with the more  ambiguous deaths, where we don’t see their  death on-screen, but it’s heavily implied  enough that we feel we can make a decent  argument for it. Starting off,   we have Tzekel-Kan from “The Road  to El Dorado”. Tzekel-Kan was an  ambitious villain, always scheming and very  much bloodthirsty - literally, considering  how much he focused on sacrifices. When  Tzekel was tricked into falling into a  whirlpool, which sent him into the jungle  outside of El Dorado, he was willing to lead  General Cortes to the city of gold as a  means of revenge. However, when they find the  entrance to El Dorado blocked, Cortes assumes  that Tzekel was lying to him and takes  him away. We never see what happens to  Tzekel but given the time period and the  circumstances he was pushed into due to  Miguel and Tulio’s quick save, we can assume  that he either lived out the rest of his  days as a slave or in prison. Given how cruel  Cortes seemed and how people like him often  saw people like Tzekel as ‘savages’, it’s  also possible that he could have just executed  Tzekel as soon as they arrived back in  Spain, not seeing a use for him. While all  of these possible ends are pretty harsh and  awful, we have to put Tzekel at the bottom of  our list simply due to the ambiguity of his  end, and the possibility of him still having  a fairly long (albeit painful and harsh) life.  Next is “How to Train Your Dragon” villain  Drago Bludvist. Having control of the  Bewilderbeast, also known as the Alpha  Dragon, Draco nearly gains control of all  dragons. But, after Toothless defeated the  Bewilderbeast and became the new Alpha,  the Bewilderbeast had no choice but to dive  back into the ocean and swim away - with  Draco still on it. Hiccup had offered Draco  one last chance to leave peacefully, but Draco  had stubbornly refused help and remained  on his Bewilderbeast until the very end.  Although his Bewilderbeast successfully made  it to the Hidden World, Drago's ultimate  fate remains unknown outside of Grimmel  mentioning his defeat. But given that the  Bewilderbeast swam away, we can only assume  that Drago eventually drowned - which  can be either a peaceful way to go or a  brutal way to go, depending on who you ask.  And, even if he had been able to hang onto  the Bewilderbeast, who’s to say that he didn’t  end up getting eaten by a water creature  or another dragon, or even succumbing to  hypothermia because of the water? Either  way, even if we don’t see his ultimate fate,  this guy probably isn’t coming back anytime soon. Up next is Mrs. Tweety from “Chicken Run”.  For being an old chicken farmer, Mrs.  Tweety is pretty durable. We see her get  briefly knocked out by Rocky, climb a string of  Christmas lights with an axe in her teeth,  get smacked into a billboard, fall from the  chicken’s homemade airplane, and land in a vat  of boiling gravy. And after all that, she’s  somehow STILL alive! Or, is she? In her last  scene, we see a door fall on her, and we  don’t really see the aftermath. On the one  hand, having a heavy wooden door fall on you  seems like the last nail in the coffin that  you’d need to kill off a character. Buuut on the  other hand, after everything she had already  survived, seeing Mrs. Tweety actually  survive this injury maybe wouldn’t be that  surprising. After all, the door would be heavy  but not THAT heavy - not as heavy as something   like rock or medal, as we’ll see later on in this list. Still, if this was indeed the   finishing blow, it was a pretty painful way to go out. So, while we have to keep it on the lower end   of the list due to its ambiguity, it does get a couple bonus ‘gruesome’ points. Finishing up the ambiguous is Dr. Zara from  “Abominable”. Zara's death comes after she  triggers an avalanche by accidentally hitting  the mountain with her snowmobile in her  attempts to kill Everest. As such, this  could be seen as both a fall death, since the  avalanche pushes her snowmobile off the  mountain, and a crush death, given the  hundreds of pounds of snow that falls with  her. While you’d naturally assume that no  human would survive a situation like this,  you have to remember that Zara’s snowmobile  was pretty strong. With it being so fortified,  you have to wonder if maybe she could  survive both the fall and the snow’s impact  since she was still strapped inside the  snowmobile. However, given the dangerous  and harsh environment she was still in, it’s  unlikely that Zara would have made it out  of the mountains alive even if she had  survived the fall. We feel that added ambiguity  actually adds to the ‘gruesomeness’ of  this potential death. Think about it: When  your choices are either a hard fall, getting  crushed by falling snow that came AFTER  a huge fall, or freezing to death in the  mountains, it’s hard to decide which of  these awful fates would be the worst.  With those out of the way, let’s move onto  the more unique and seemingly ‘painless’  deaths. Unfortunately for the  rest of the villains on this list,   we only have two baddies that fall into this category.  Topping this section is the Fairy Godmother  from “Shrek 2”. Being a magic welder with  many different spells in her arsenal, it  could have gone MUCH worse for the Fairy  Godmother in terms of deaths. Given that  the spell that ultimately destroyed her was  also one that she tried to use against Shrek  and Fiona to get rid of them once and for all,  you’d be forgiven for thinking that her  end would have been a bit more, well,   explosion-y.But instead, Fairy Godmother goes out  not in a blaze of glory, but a blaze of… bubbles.  She turns into bubbles. With how quick it  happens and how painless it seems, it’s  probably the happiest end that someone  as evil as her could have hoped for. Next is Tai Lung from the Kung Fu Panda  series. Like Fairy Godmother, his end probably  could have been a lot more painful had he  not been fighting someone as unconventional  as Po. He does get plenty of bruises and  injuries, but what does Tai Lung in is the  extremely powerful Wuxi Finger Hold move.  We’re putting this death above Fairy  Godmother’s not because it seems more  painful, but because of the fear Tai Lung  shows before it happens. Though seemingly  quick and painless, it’s still technically a  means of death, even if he’s essentially just  sent to the spirit realm and unable to return.  The only thing that could add to the  gruesomeness of this was if someone like Kai did  something to his spirit, perhaps even stealing  his chi. But since we don’t see this, we  can only speculate. In any case, since the  actual death didn’t seem to be too painful or  prolonged, we feel that we have to rank it low. Hope you’re not afraid of heights. Next is the   deaths that were a result of falls from great heights - a classic when   it comes to animated deaths. First up is Humpty Dumpty from “Puss   in Boots”. Out of all the deaths on this list, Humpty Dumpty’s is probably the most bittersweet,   since his death also acts as a redemption as well as a heroic sacrifice.   He chose to die as a way to not only save his former best friend as well as the town,   but as a way to try and make up for everything he had done. Though he does “have a great fall”,   just like the old rhyme said, seeing him leave behind a golden egg makes this death   just a bit less sad. Even so, he was still cracked like - well, like an egg - and   broke on impact. Maybe just a little gruesome to think about, but we still feel this falls on the   lower end of painful and gruesome villain deaths. Next is General Mandible from “Antz”. For a  little ant, life is pretty tough. There are many  things that can kill a bug, from being stepped  on to drowning to even being attacked by  bigger bugs. For General Mandible, his end  was not only due to gravity but his own  anger and ego. If not for him attacking and  trying to kill Cutter and Z, there’s a good  chance he would have lived. But while Z was  lucky enough to survive a fall into water,  Mandible instead ended up hitting a thick  root. As if the fall wasn’t bad enough, hitting  something that hard and painful would surely  make any viewer wince, and even knowing  that it was most likely an instant death  doesn’t quite take away from the brutality   factor.Finishing up the falls is Grimmel the  Grisly, from the third Dragons movie. Being a  dragon hunter and rider, it’s almost poetic  that Grimmel was killed by falling out of the  sky. Like with Mandible, the experience must  have been pretty terrifying for Grimmel,  knowing that there was no way out but down.  Maybe that was why he was so desperate  to take Hiccup with him, spending most of  the fall focusing on ripping off Hiccup’s  armor and fighting with him. Unfortunately,  when he tries to hold onto Hiccup in the  hopes that the Light Fury will have to  rescue him as well, he ends up grabbing onto  Hiccup’s prosthetic leg. Once Hiccup removes  his fake leg, it’s pretty much game over  for Grimmel. It should also be noted that  although he falls into the ocean instead of  earth, at that height, it really doesn’t matter  either way. It would have still been deadly  and, if by some miracle he DID survive the  fall, his body would still be too broken to  attempt swimming and he still would have  died by a mix of intense pain and drowning.  With all of that in mind, Grimmel’s death  is definitely the most brutal falling   death on this list.  This next short section is another animated  death classic: Here are the Crush Deaths. Getting a MUCH more painful death than his  mother is Prince Charming. In “Shrek the  3rd”, we see that it’s not enough for Charming  to kill Shrek and take over Far Far Away,  but he has to do it in front of an audience  as well. Honestly, he’d expect nothing less  from an egomaniac like him. Since he had  been planning on stabbing Shrek, you could  say that it was karma that Charming got a  death much worse than stabbing. As an extra  bit of irony, the stone tower that he was  eventually crushed by was part of the set that  he had spent so long putting together.  But hey, on the bright side, at least   his death was ‘dramatic’.  Finishing up this section is another “Kung Fu  Panda” villain, Shen. Like Charming, Shen’s  death falls under being both painful AND  ironic, given that he ends up being crushed by  the exact same cannon that he used to try  and hurt and kill Po and the other Furious  Five. His death was also his own fault, since  while fighting Po, he was the one who cut  the ropes that were holding the wreckage  of his destroyed cannon. Add in the added  explosion that came with the cannon falling,  and you have a pretty painful death. What  makes this death all the more tragic is  that, by the expression Shen makes when the  cannon falls on him, it’s implied that he  not only accepted his death but that maybe he  had cut the ropes on purpose rather than on  accident. Of course, he was still trying to  kill Po too, but maybe the intent had been  to try and take them both out since he knew  that after everything he had done, there  would be no other way to escape punishment. If  Shen did indeed choose his death, that level  of acceptance does push the cruelness of it  down a bit, but it doesn’t make Death by  Heavy, Explosive Cannon any less painful. Finally, we’ve come to the cruelest deaths  - the most brutal and without a doubt the  most painful ends of all for any Dreamworks  villain, as well as the deaths that just so  happen to be our top 5! First, we have Chef and Creek from   “Trolls”. Now, you may not even remember this particular death. In the film proper, we only   see Chef getting knocked into her serving cart after she refuses to accept the peace   between Trolls and the Bergens, with Creek accidentally coming along as a stowaway.   But then, in a mid-credits scene, we see them both get eaten by a hill monster. It’s a fitting   fate for a chef who tried to cook and eat creatures as innocent as the Trolls. Still,   getting eaten whole by a creature is still pretty  brutal, especially if Chef and Creek  had to live through being digested.  Similarly, we have Lord Farquaad’s death  from “Shrek”. When it comes to painful and  gruesome deaths, getting eaten by a dragon  is kind of in a league of its own. We’ve  already established that getting eaten alive  by ANY creature is already bad, but getting  eaten by something as scary as a dragon is  all the more terrifying. Like Chef and Creek,  Farquaad also likely had to live through  the disgusting and painful process of being  digested - and in a stomach that was likely  much smaller than that of a hill monster’s.  But unlike Chef and Creek, whose death was  more of a quick ending gag than anything  else, Farquaad’s death just had much more  weight and impact to it, making it all the  more memorable. So yeah, just because this  particular instance of someone getting  eaten isn’t particularly gorey doesn’t  make it any less gruesome or terrifying.  While very much a spectacle, Kai, from the  final “Kung Fu Panda” movie, and his death  isn’t exactly your traditional ‘explosion’.  Instead of having to deal with fire or dynamite  taking him out, Kai is destroyed after getting  exactly what he wanted: chi. Having the chi  of the entire panda village at his disposal,  Po was able to overwhelm Kai with it, and as  such, the extreme power and pressure that  Kai felt from the chi attack caused him to  disintegrate from existence. Not only was  this painful, but the added pain of being  unable to control or stop the flow of chi just  adds to how terrifying this death must have  been for Kai. It just goes to show that you  don’t always need a big fire to go out with a  bang. Though, as seen with our last too entrees,  a bit of fire certainly doesn’t hurt either. Gallaxhar, from “Monsters VS Aliens”, gets  our silver medal for Most Gruesome Death.  When we saw Gallaxhar set his ship to  self-destruct, I think we all knew just how this  guy was going to go out. Being at the core  of his ship, he certainly felt that explosion  too. You also have to add in the anticipation  of it, and how it must have felt for Gallaxhar  being so SO close to escaping his fate,  only to go down with his spaceship in   the end.While we can definitely consider it  fiery, painful and gruesome, there is one thing  keeping it from the top spot. Though we doubt  that it did much considering that it was  caught up in a literal explosion, Gallaxhar  was in his escape pod when the self-destruct  was activated. The pod may have just protected  Gallaxhar from the worst of it, even if it  still couldn’t completely save him. Though,  you could also argue that being stuck in a  pod that could potentially prologue your painful  death isn’t exactly an improvement. Still,  when compared to our top spot, we feel that  Gallaxhar still wasn’t quite the worst.  Taking the Gold Medal for Most Gruesome  Dreamworks’ Villains Death, we have the  dragon that’s appropriately named the Red  Death from the first “How to Train Your  Dragon” movie. Though this monster of a  dragon seemed nearly impossible to beat, the  Red Death had the same weakness that every  dragon has. When Toothless shoots a ball  of fire into her mouth, the Red Death is  completely powerless to stop what comes next.  With the firepower that she already had, that  one fireball was able to ignite her internal  methane fuel, which naturally caused her  inner ‘gas chambers’ chambers as it were to  explode and tear her apart from the inside.  This was all happening while the Red Death  was falling, with her wings actually burning  up because of the fire which prevented her  from trying to fly towards the ocean to try  and douse the flames. The force of finally  hitting the ground was enough to bring  the full explosion outwards. Between the  helplessness that the Red Death must have  felt during her death, the prolonged and  painful nature of it due the explosion being  internal and needing to properly build up, and  the final fiery landing, we can easily say  that this is the most gruesome villain death in  all of Dreamworks Animation. But what do you think? Do you agree,   and did we miss any other Dreamworks villain deaths? Let us know in the comments if   you agree with our ranking, and tell us which series you’d like to see next. Be sure to hit   that notification bell so you don’t miss new episodes of Good-to-Evil featuring your favorite   cartoons and videogames; but most importantly: stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 569,278
Rating: 4.9306717 out of 5
Keywords: humpty dumpty books, shen, kai, the road to el dorado full movie, the road to el dorado, the road to el dorado netflix, the road to el dorado disney plus, how to train your dragon hbo, is how to train your dragon a disney movie, how to train your dragon toothless, chicken run, disney plus abominable, abominable on disney plus, hbo shrek 2, kung fu panda disney plus, Puss in Boots, ants the movie, disney plus trolls, dreamworks trolls, shrek on disney plus, kung fu panda netflix
Id: tuGM171CM2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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