Top 20 Disney Moments That Made Us Ugly Cry

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would it really be a disney movie without some heartbreak welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 disney moments that made us ugly cry there's no one i'd rather be than me for this list we're looking at the most devastating moments to ever happen in animated disney movies so you won't find homeward bound on this list obviously a spoiler alert is in order [Music] it's okay daddy's here daddy's got you [Music] like promise number 20 grandma tala's death moana grandma moana's relationship with her grandmother is a close one but considering tala's advanced age it doesn't come as a huge surprise when moana loses her during the story moana isn't present for the bitter end and watching her light go out from afar is almost sadder luckily grandmother tala is reincarnated as a manta ray who helps our heroine begin her journey [Music] surprisingly enough moana's grandmother wasn't a character in the first iterations of the movie storyboard the figure was later added by one of the writers giving the film an extra emotional punch there is no way you could go that i won't be with you number 19 rapunzel's parents tangled rapunzel's parents aka the king and queen of corona were understandably crushed after the evil mother gothel kidnapped their infant daughter and you'd need to be pretty evil yourself to not appreciate their pain the crux of this heart-wrenching scene is when the queen gently wipes away a tear from the king's crest fallen face [Music] a sense of hopelessness lingers throughout the scene as the emotionally distraught parents mourn yet another year without their daughter thankfully this is a disney movie so in the end rapunzel is reunited with her family and everyone lives happily ever [Music] after number 18 dory's please finding nemo after having been swallowed by a blue whale attacked by an angler fish and chased by sharks in the search for his lost son nemo marlin was ready to throw in the towel something that absolutely destroys dory his friend and search partner hey wait a minute wait where are you going it's over dory we were too late as she desperately pleads with him not to give up it's a fool's errand to try and keep one's composure please don't go away please no one's ever stuck with me for so long before it's dory's stammered yet earnest monologue that gets us all wet and blubbery particularly when she throws up that last hail mary and and i i look at you and i i'm home please i don't want that to go away i don't want to forget gets us every time number 17 sully says goodbye monsters inc you mean i can't see her again when boo enters the world of monstropolis the audience knows that she'll eventually have to return home but no one could anticipate just how heartbreaking it would be when she finally does the relationship she forms with sully and mike is a sweet one so their farewell is inevitably poignant when kitty tucks her into bed and says his goodbyes we tear up just as much as he does it's made all the sadder by the fact that boo doesn't understand what's going on kitty has to go seeing her run to open the closet once he's gone is probably the saddest moment of all number 16 the raised village mulan mulan is set during china's han dynasty and tells the story of a young woman who impersonates a man in order to help fight an army of invading huns while there are plenty of tear-inducing scenes to choose from we're going with the one where mulan and the rest of her military cohorts come upon the remains of a burnt-out village the scene features a myriad of shots guaranteed to make you shed a tear or two but the one that really hits home is when mulan finds a child's doll laying amongst the rubble no dialogue is needed as her face says it all [Music] the general number 15. wally almost dies wally after seeing their relationship unfold with human-like tenderness watching wally and eve say goodbye is almost too much to handle for a scene with almost no dialogue and no real people involved it's surprising how touching the moment is thankfully this isn't the end for our favorite little robot as wally is brought back to life however the moment that follows is possibly even sadder as wally appears to have lost his memory and can't remember eve or anything else from his past fortunately it doesn't take more than a kiss to spark his memory [Music] number 14 explaining death and loss the good dinosaur try watching the scene without getting choked up go ahead we dare you the good dinosaur may not be the most popular disney flick but it's not without its effective scenes the moment that hit us hardest was when arlo freshly separated from his family and still mourning the death of his father tries sharing his feelings with spot a young cave boy i miss my family at first it seems like they can't understand each other but spot quickly demonstrates that he comprehends arlo and that he too has suffered a tremendous personal loss when they lay their heads in the sand together it's too much for us to handle [Music] number 13 todd being left in the woods the fox and the hound [Music] if we were ranking the overall saddest disney movies this one would easily be a contender there are countless moments that left us with tears in our eyes but this one stands out as the most heartbreaking after their encounters with amos and chief widow feels like she has to let todd free in order to keep him safe such a short time ago you looked at me needing me so his lack of understanding as she drives him into the forest and eventually leaves him there is tough to watch what's possibly even more devastating is the knowledge that todd is never able to go back to live with her and spends the rest of his life in the woods [Music] number 12 nick's backstory zootopia by god i was going to fit in even if i was the only predator in the troop the only fox with over a billion in box office sales and an academy award for best animated feature we think it's safe to say that zootopia hit home with viewers part of the reason for the film's success with scenes like this one which despite being a total tear-jerker is well-acted and incredibly moving if you thought we would ever trust a fox without a muzzle you're even dumber than you look it involves nick revealing a painful childhood memory to judy one where he was betrayed and humiliated by a group of scouts who force him to wear a muzzle and berate him for being a fox i learned two things that day one i was never gonna let anyone see that they got to me the scene is simply gut-wrenching and one can't help but sympathize with nick as he shamefully recounts the harrowing tale poor guy and two if the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy there's no point in trying to be anything else number eleven baby mine dumbo [Music] there are several tear-jerking moments in this classic 1941 animated film but by far the saddest is when dumbo goes to visit his mother in her cell and she rocks him to sleep with a mournful lullaby [Music] her imprisonment begins when she's defending her baby from being bullied by a bunch of boys who are making fun of his comically large ears dumble is so distraught after this emotional reunion and viewers feel his sadness just as much no matter how old you are this oscar-nominated song is sure to get the waterworks going [Music] number 10 quasimodo's humiliation the hunchback of notre dame [Music] now that's ugly the hunchback of notre dame revolves around the struggles of quasimodo a disfigured bell ringer who longs for acceptance in order to help him overcome his self-imposed isolation his friends a trio of stone gargoyles persuade him to attend the annual festival of fools at first it goes well with quasimodo's strange appearance celebrated by the citizens of paris but things take a dark turn when people start to pelt him with food and within moments he is being tied up and ridiculed the worst comes when quasimodo's own master refuses to help him it's pretty hard to watch especially for a film that was marketed towards children i'm sorry this wasn't supposed to happen number nine baymax's sacrifice big hero 6. if you're surprised the big hero 6 landed so high on our list then you obviously haven't seen big hero 6. i cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care well then i'm satisfied with my care the film has not one but two incredibly moving moments what about you you are my patient baymax your health is my only concern stop no i am i'm kind of thinking are you satisfied with your care no there's got to be another way i'm not going to leave you here the first is one hero's older brother tadashi tragically dies in an explosion after going into a burning building to try to save someone the second is when baymax sacrifices himself in order to save hiro and abigail near the end of the film i will always be with you as the music swells and hiro says goodbye to his giant robotic friend a lump will almost certainly begin to form in your throat i'm satisfied with my care thankfully hiro is able to recreate baymax so everyone walks away happy number eight bambi's mom dying bambi faster faster by now we've come to know that the death of a main character's parents is a mainstay for disney's animated movies but back in 1942 children were probably shocked by the brutal demise of bambi's mother even today it's hard to watch despite the fact that it happens off screen [Music] since this is a movie that's shown to children at a young age it's often one of the first films they see where a character doesn't come back to life it's a scene that doesn't pull punches forcing us to accept the cruelty of life and death your mother can't be with you anymore number seven bing bong inside out we might as well be on another planet like many other disney films inside out largely revolves around childhood nostalgia the movie is all about emotions so there are plenty of opportunities for heartache but the story of bing bong outdoes the rest bingbong is riley's imaginary friend from when she was younger and throughout the film we see him beginning to fade from her memory and struggling to stay with her finally though he accepts his fate and lets go so riley can grow up leaving audiences remembering their own youthful imaginary pals take her to the moon for me okay [Music] number six rey's funeral the princess and the frog a hopeless romantic and a loyal friend rey was literally one of this film's most illuminating characters women like a man with a big back pouch so it was with great sadness and a whole lot of kleenex that we bid him a deer at the end watching his tiny little belly light slowly go out as tiana naveen and louis solemly watch is almost too much to handle disney has dealt with death on numerous occasions and oftentimes characters find a way to make a miraculous recovery but when they don't it can weigh quite heavily on the conscience this is one of those times we'll miss you ray number five andy saying goodbye to his toys toy story 3. i have some toys here there are many emotional moments in this movie like when it seems that the toys are going to be incinerated however it's the grand finale that really gets the tears going after all the adventures they've had together andy has to say goodbye to his toys if you're someone who gets especially nostalgic this scene will turn you into a wreck now you got a promise to take good care of these guys they mean a lot to me seeing andy play with woody buzz and the rest of the gang one final time is bittersweet and there isn't a dry eye in the room when he finally drives off this wasn't even the last farewell we'd have to witness though as woody's heartfelt goodbye to buzz jesse and the rest of his friends at the end of toy story 4 also had us tearing up number four ellie and carl's tail up [Music] no one went into up knowing that they would be bawling their eyes out in the first 10 minutes but that's what happened to theater goers everywhere before getting into the movie's main story we're shown how carl ended up living alone in his little house surrounded by high rises the love story that's told in the movie's intro is so simple and so tragic the feelings are only compounded by the fact that we're totally blindsided by ellie's death number three when miguel sings remember me to coco coco mama coco please don't forget him coco the story of a young boy who's transported to the land of the dead took home two academy awards including one for best original song [Music] remember the song in question was remember me and it played a prominent role in the film especially in this scene where miguel sings it for his great-grandmother coco the scene is especially moving when you consider the fact that earlier in the film miguel met his great-great-grandfather and discovered that remember me was written just for coco so that she would never forget him remember me don't let it make you cry for even if i'm far away i hold you in my heart put it all together and you have an instantly iconic disney moment best served with a tissue [Music] number two jesse's backstory toy story 2. even though you're not moving you feel like you're alive because that's how he sees you we'll be blunt if you don't tear up while watching this scene you might just be a robot jesse the plucky cowgirl aching to be sent to a japanese toy museum has one of the most heartbreaking backstories in disney history as this scene poignantly reveals when somebody loved me everything was beautiful watching jesse transition from beloved toy to abandoned childhood trinket is almost too much to bear the scene hits on multiple levels and demonstrates the all-encompassing pain of being discarded by someone we believe to have loved us the montage culminates with jesse being left in a box on the side of the road and yeah we're bawling our eyes out why did we make this video again you never forget kids like emily or andy but they forget you before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions gergie's sacrifice the black cauldron tyrone has many friends jordan has no friends gergie no don't jump the death of tarzan's parents tarzan lewis almost meets his mother at the orphanage meet the robinsons [Music] megara's death hercules meg [Music] meg no [Music] ralph and vanellope part ways ralph breaks the internet i love you so much i'm really gonna miss you i'm gonna miss you too kid i really am [Music] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one mufasa's death the lion king [Music] there's no debate that our number one moment has to be the death of simba's father in the lion king [Music] every part of the scene is horrific as simba watches his dad get trampled by wildebeest although mufasa tries clawing his way to safety the villainous scar ultimately throws him into the gorge discovering his father's body simba is unable to understand why mufasa won't wake up at first however it doesn't take long for him to accept the tragedy he's witnessed no matter how familiar you are with the scene watching simba snuggle his way under mufasa's paw will get you choked up every time do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from msmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 530,360
Rating: 4.9291253 out of 5
Keywords: disney moment sthat made us ugly cry, disney movies that made us ugly cry, saddest disney movie moments, saddest disney moments, ugry cry disney moments, devastating disney moments, saddest disney deaths, saddest disney scenes, tragic disney moments, the lion king, toy story, up, coco, pixar, disney, animated, cartoon, film, movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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