Disney! | Build VS with LDShadowlady

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one male one female one rail one whale one kale one nail Oh a snail what what was I saying oh yeah go eye to eye in the building challenge most have called all right and yeah it's not bad welcome back to build versus so before we start off today's episode we have to announce the winner of last week's and the theme last week was Beach I built okay I built I built a beach and Lizzie built a beach yeah I built a beach with me surfing on it with my ogre absent and Lizzie built a beach each each and she had lots of stuff including Jack Sparrow the bartender and you can probably tell by my pom-poms who the winner is because with 76% to my measly 23% I didn't get that extra 1% I don't know where that went the winner is nan over that ldshadowlady here is your skull yay thank you I just want to take this moment to thank my inspiration for all this building and really a role model that I look up to and I thought have learnt a lot from a lot of building tips so thank you Korean I can't believe you just did me like that and the placement vote for me this week for that please put my pom-poms away I was supportive up until then my head's gotten bigger since I went oh my gosh it's gone through my head all these wins so the theme this week as you can probably tell by their title is Disney it's quite a broad theme Lizzy do you know about Disney if you think Joel okay have you got an idea of what you're gonna build I have an idea but I'm really scared that on the off chance we've come up with the same thing and we're gonna build the same thing I'm not sure of my ideas yet so Wow don't steal my idea okay I won't are you ready yeah all right let's get building I'm gonna keep this on it hopes that people think I'm you and I win I've already started I've already started I'm still trying to think what to build I had an idea buzz you decided it's terrible may have only built a pond so far don't get too excited it okay I have an idea oh my gosh I hope it's not the same thing don't tell me what it is there's no pond in mind would it be so funny if we actually got the same thing no actually it would be kind of funny because then it makes it who's built it best ah yeah right question can I place these and like glitch it these plants they're not supposed to be here but I want them to be here I can go into there man it looks ugly actually oh no they popped out nevermind you go her everything I said I'm having a malfunction right now oh oh all right so I'm wrong Oh panic in use world that air and I've messed up the star go I'm building it some rocks by the pond in case you're wondering what this is I'm also building a rock at the moment well I see we've got a conundrum here we're we're both building similar things and that's not allowed okay then that's fine then I mean it helps like elephants did elephant colored poops everywhere but there's elephants in yours no so you're not doing Dumbo figured out so you figured out what it's not that leaves the rocks look alright I'm not gonna lie I've never been so excited about rocks before I don't want to spend too long in the rocks but I also do I decided mine is terrible and I'm deleting it you know what mine's pretty ugly - are you deleting it no because I put too much of my heart soul into it none of my heart and soul into it what to do next may give the game away why is it tell me I don't want to tell you that's right yeah I'm building some completely different probably but what if we're not I really want to tell you what I'm doing but I also want it to be a surprise I wonder if this is a hint like the people was seeing it no what is already people wearing no idea on mine because even I'm bit unsure how it's looking so far okay well I'm about to do it's gonna be a huge giveaway ah that's cute I love it it's perfect y'all I'm building a tree again I don't know why I'm making this mistake again a tree in a pond Joel does that give you any clues we're the poo pretty down exactly no way Fox and the hound okay I'm pretty happy with this so far but it's about to get better oh I love this bread it's so bright I hope by now it's obvious what I'm doing but maybe it's not the moment I've no built one of these before I feel like I'm making a mistake why is it you're building I'm not gonna tell you don't try a style of architecture I've never tried before are you building The Incredibles anyways no no no of course no whiteness Emma Joss no oh my gosh is that actually it oh my gosh this is so hard but rewarding challenging but rewarding I'm still working on my rock wait I know you believe in the rock yeah Dwayne Johnson that's it Wayne Johnson the rock yeah I was just lying about a minute yeah yeah exactly God Joey Johnson has changed a lot if this is actually him yeah I'm pretty happy with mine how's the progress progressing still working on the rock closing it's just way is this muscles too big yes get on my level Joel yes I lack in building skills I make up for in excitement hey this is the best thing I've ever built Marvin actually it kind of looks like a else hat never mind I take everything back that I said how to build looking pretty good to be honest I think people probably can tell what it is by now yeah same for Mona her ah-ho barely used any of the chisel stuff yet but even loads a chisel yeah - pretty much all Cheers ah you're so good actually quite a lot of detail going on this time I'm kind of like a bit sad that I've been absolute destroyed the past two weeks so I'm putting my all into this one all this mouse clicking you're probably hearing right now that's me using the chisel bit smart well even if I lose I'm still proud of myself good thing right now could be so much better but I just don't have the time to build all of these so much I can see my old built in the background it's ruining my vibe winning different vibes sometimes I wish there was an undo button in Minecraft sometimes I play other games and I get used to using the undo button then I build something in Minecraft I'm like Luke just went up nope probably is a month I reckon what like undo the last few blocks you've placed or the last few blocks you're broken yes that would be good oh now I've made a terrible heart a horrible horrible mistake why have you done oh oh no what's happened as they tell me I will just door chat I think I think I might have mixed two cultures incorrectly Oh No why have you done how's it going pretty good to be honest I've just finished building quite a big part of it and it's turned out a lot better than I thought I was gonna turn out are you gonna tell me what you build him oh you can tell me what you're building no tell you what I'm building do you don't want it to be a surprise yeah do you tell you then oh my gosh this is the best idea I've ever had in my life I have the cutest idea but I just don't know how to make it look good look good sure the same problem at the moment there's something I'm building and it just doesn't look good I don't think it gives you away if I say this but I wish I'd built something which had less animals the Lion King know most Disney movies are based around animals Livvy come on Disney movie Pride Rock oh no no no that'd be rubbish with it yeah why am i spending so much time on this stupid little thing that you aren't even gonna notice what's wrong just suck at building what this this thing is I just hate this shape of animal I kind of wanna hide this like at the back because it's just so bad it just ruins how good the rest of it is okay I think I'm done with mine to be honest all right Lizzy let's convene in the middle I'm not looking where yours would be we are done building whose should we see first Lizzy I feel like we always look at my last so we have mine first this time okay I know ready you're ready okay no I'm not ready no I heard that I'm just saying you are ready to see mine okay so you kind of guessed it Lion King The Lion King yeah okay so we've got Simba here he's being held up high by the world by come on you gonna laugh Jerome the monkey what's his name again Rafiki yeah I think he that said he's holding Symba who is not the cutest I'm not gonna like this I can't build lions which is why you'll notice he's cute oh my gosh I love her thinking he looks amazing yeah I was pretty proud of Rafiki that was one no saying I'm actually happy of how that's turned out the other animals however just yeah Oh Gizelle's gazelles I'm pretty sharp hippos yeah if I can identify them it means they're good junior rafts zebra just don't look at the Zebras their urges then yeah and elephantine the fancy we've also got little monkey up here who's not really got a face I kind of just wait why is it blue monkeys there as well he's looking at the tree I love the landscaping the rocks look amazing yeah you can walk all the way up I'm pretty sure yeah cool so this is Pride Rock so you wear a building Pride Rock yeah you guessed it I was building looks like sunny sunny day in the African plains yeah I think it looks pretty good when you this is awesome from far away it looks really good and closer the hippos do not look good closer the Zebras I just don't want to talk about these the horses and zebras so I hate them I don't want to ever build them again I'm never gonna build them again they terrible I like the stripes though thanks I've did well on the stripes but the faces no all right but that's my build that's my disney-themed build I'm excited yes amazing let's go over look at yours I'm really excited to see you okay I feel like you got to fly in from above all right you ready yeah ready can you guess what it is yet is it Mulan it is Mulan nice oh my gosh what the heck is going on you can be ARMA Stan Smith yeah okay so this is Mulan in her little training session this is the pole that she manages to climb up at the end of the song that's the one we've got a little pond over here this okay I'm doing all in the wrong order but this is where she looked and she saw her reflection it doesn't show who she is inside actually no that's a lie she looks in the water trough which is over here okay this is oh my gosh you got the full story over here yeah trying to make the whole story we're doing the story backwards okay okay and then I've got my cherry blossom trees which are in full blossom right now if the little blossoms fall into the ground that looks really cute I like it fun fact every year in Beijing they throw a first Cherry Blossom Festival in April so all right cool yeah but I just wait to get some scientific facts in there because yeah I build mediocre so this is my Mushu love I love that that's so cool yeah honestly that's really good I love the mustache the mustache is really well done there was a long time where he just looked like Clifford the Big Red Dog I was wondering what you were saying Clifford the Big Red Dog we got a little bamboo forest down here and if you'd like to know bamboo some bamboo Petey's can grow as fast as one inch every 40 seconds don't you mad right now true that's ridiculous Google told me 40 seconds an inch yeah some some species that's insane that's like what so I googled this and this is a bit wrong it's actually every 40 minutes I also worked out how long it would grow in a year if it was every 40 seconds and the bamboo would grow over 12 and a half miles long ayay well I also built this little wall here which is featured in the movie so very nice I like it very accurate as you can see the piece de la resistance my pagoda which may or may not be from the complete wrong country okay well inside is really cute art she's holding a flower yes this is from the beginning of the movie bride mulan when she's all clumsy and shy and she's not really found her way in life she doesn't want to be a bride okay as well yeah the rest of the items in here don't make a lot of sense turns out not many moolah and themed I'm crafty honestly you've done really well this is awesome I really like this thank you also the path I would like to point out I know I did notice the path look good this is what I was talking about when I said I was working on it but you wouldn't even know is it no I did actually knows house that is a nice detail on that path there's a nice chisel on make sure your change but yeah that's really cool that's Lizzie's build day we got the Mulan Disney theme and then over on mine we've got the Lion King as well so those you two options relate today we've got the Lion King we've got Mulan it's up for you guys to decide who is the winner there's gonna be a poll in the top right hand corner of your screen Lizzy point at that poll yeah man good good and that is where you vote and make sure to vote for whichever build you think is the best build if you have any fee my dears where did they leave those ideas Lizzy oh I don't know why do they leave them job I was the comments down below Lizzy of course of course of course yes so if you got any ideas for themes leave them in the comments down below but that is going to be it for this episode thank you so much from watching make sure to leave a like and comment and check out Lizzy's channel and subscribe to mine if you haven't already and I shall see you another time goodbye you didn't actually drop your fish this time which is good oh I dropped a whole crate is in this town No
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,262,321
Rating: 4.9564958 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, build, vs, buildvs, with, ldshadowlady, lizzie, ld shadow lady, jizzie, vseachother, buildVS, Smallbeans, Cute house, cutehouse, buildvswithldshadowlady, episode 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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