The Darkest Corner of Dishonored

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my mother warned me never to make an enemy of a witch the brigmore witches the follow-up to dishonored first piece of dlc the knife of dunwall starts with a stark reminder that dowd's life is quickly coming to a close when corvo appears in your dream during the opening section of the game you almost definitely die to him unless you're seriously fast and aggressive you won't stand a chance regardless of what happens in the dream it's another typically dreary day for dowd his crew the whalers don't trust him like they used to the location and layout of his home is known to all of his enemies his protege billy lurk will never be seen again and he's getting ready to head to coldridge prison to bust out one of the most violent psychopaths in all of dunwall even if you played the previous dlc entirely pacifistically and didn't touch a hair on a single head it's impossible to not feel surrounded by death and despair during this first section you can practically smell doubt's fate in the air taking prisoners is exactly the sort of thing i'm talking about you don't have to remind me it's billy's doing that the overseers found us that wasn't doubt dowd should have caught it and now which is he's not the man he was quiet you're going to get us killed god ever vigilant i see are we leaving soon to bring more interesting times gentlemen overseers in the flooded district which is abroad in the city traitors in the ranks i'd be nervous too then i'd remember who killed the empress in dunwall tower and came out untouched one way or another he and his crew won't be around this time next year this combined with that fantastic opening dream sequence does a great job of reminding you why doubt is doing what he's doing on some playthroughs it might be a way of begging to the outsider in hopes that he saves you from your fate on others it's to die with a shred of dignity but either way dowd is swimming in a sea of blood and he needs a [ __ ] that's where lizzy stride captain of the dead eels comes into play she's locked up at coleridge prison and seeing as she's a violent murderous pirate it's telling that she's the only person with a boat that doubt can trust this mission starts with a very serious challenge as well as a reminder of some of the game's mechanics the prison is surrounded by a barrier of sorts the music boxes ever since a recent incident with a witch inside the prison's walls this place has been upgraded to blast the magic nullifying music all across its perimeter no heretics in no heretics out this is of course a problem for dowd one solution is to pony up a handsome fee to get yourself an overseer outfit this overseer was tasked with diagnosing and treating a potential curse that was put on the prison in the interrogation room they'll let you in the front door past the wall of music and straight to the interrogation room where some options open up to you but if paying your way in isn't your style and you'd rather remain undisguised you might find this route to the courtyard while waiting for the guards blocking your way to finish their conversation netting you an opportunity to interrupt the execution of the guard who helped corvo escape who will tell you which cell does he strides in and yes the cell she's in is in fact randomized alternatively if you're really bold you can hop onto this bridge blinded of intel through your inability to use void gaze out here and sneak past this first guard maybe using a bottle to distract him so that you can get a few yards past the front gate and pass the area where the music nullifies your magic allowing you to blink past him from there it's a pretty simple matter of just blinking from rafter to raptor taking in the sights and sounds of coldridge prison once again and gathering intel anyways regardless of how you get through these first couple of checkpoints you'll pick up on some pretty useful intel the arc pylon in this section is disabled if you're disguised as an overseer and on top of that you might come across this stash up here a prisoner was planning to take these supplies and make a break for the gate jumping off the bridge and swimming into the sewers just as corvo did however if you listen to these two guards out here in the beginning you'll note that they specifically drained this water lock to prevent this escape method from being used again by stealing these supplies we're saving a life he would have jumped straight to his death blinded by the night anyways as we clear out this prison room by room odds are you'll end up checking on that witch that you've been hearing about since you got in something crazy happened in the interrogation room that's the whole reason the overseer you might be disguised as was dispatched to this place the ruin in here will likely get you into this room on any playthrough so it's as good a place to start this discussion as any in the interrogation room we see just what happens when you make an enemy of a witch after a hit to a kneecap from the torturer this witch killed both the guards in here and destroyed the whole room with her magic that explains the overseer music playing outside and it might even explain the charred corpse that we see at the bottom of the riverbed either way it's a good reminder of just what sort of power we're up against in terms of raw magical ability every single one of these witches might just be even more powerful than dowd but that's pretty much the only piece of narrative important side content here unless you count saving the guard who helped corvo escape which let me just say it is a fantastic detail that these guards fall right here when executed should you choose to not try and save them when it's very likely that you'll be hiding in this spot anyways this first mission like the first mission of the previous dlc serves to get you reacquainted with your dishonored skills by giving you a few somewhat isolated stealth challenges you've got rooms to navigate you've got keys to steal you've got intel to acquire those first two are self-explanatory the latter is a bit more interesting maybe you get the intel from the guard who saved corvo maybe you got it from the log book in the guard room maybe you just searched each prison cell with void gaze or good old-fashioned line of sight but eventually you figure out which cell lizzie stride is in and by this point you'll have certainly overheard or discovered the fact that cell doors are now all controlled from one room as a response to corvo's escape with a smuggled key heading there it's easy enough to just enter in the door code for lizzy pick her up and head out the way you came in however whether it was during your search for her your trip to her cell or your trip away from herself you'll definitely come across something in one of these other cells that piques your interest maybe it's this corrupted bone charm in this cell maybe it's the mysterious note you found in the interrogation room saying that there's some experimental blend of choke dust in a25 maybe it's the hatter who begs you to let him out maybe it's this prisoner saying he'll kill the guard outside of his cell if he ever gets out a useful distraction or even an ally and hey there's even one prisoner who recognizes you and will tell you how to get to lizzie if you recognize his hat her outfit and accordingly lie saying that you're here to kill her maybe you just want to create some chaos and open each cell one by one letting every prisoner run free just to thin out the guards a little bit and ruin some people's days regardless of your reasons it's going to be pretty tempting to start opening some cells and that's when you might remember your new power pull using this power you can grab a bit of loot from a ton of different cells without ever having to go through the trouble of opening them you can move lizzy's body from point a to point b with ease you can even pull the whale oil out of this arc pylon giving you a useful explosive attack against the guards below on a combative run ultimately there are six key notes that are hit by this mission each one very deliberate one it reminds you that corvo was skilled enough to escape this place without any magical powers and that it's your fault that he had to anyways corvo's coming for you and he's good and you deserve it two it reminds you of just how powerful these witches are three it reinforces the doubt is such a scumbag that the only smuggler he can trust is one of the most violent psychopaths in dunwall four it reminds you that it's totally worth sticking to the high ground listening to what guards are saying and really planning things out accordingly as well as more basic stuff like what overseer music does what our pylons are remember this came out nearly four months after the previous dlc and not everybody is going to be replaying these games as much as i do 5 it reminds you that there are often dozens of ways to go about your mission i mean hell in the hour i spent replaying this mission i came across 5 different ways to find lizzie stride's cell one of which i didn't even know about and six it tutorializes the hell out of the pool ability in a totally natural way that still lasts for a bit of thought from you the player this mission is intense it isn't that difficult hell it's probably the easiest mission in the whole game dlc and base game included but it accomplishes so much with such a small amount of space it's really something special the recontextualization of a previously used environment is so strong here i mean who didn't want to run through coldrich prison with their magical powers after replaying the base game and finding themselves stripped of their abilities in that first mission anyways we got our boat and we got our captain time to figure out what the catch is lizzy wound up in prison because of a mutiny in her gang the dead eels edgar wakefield lizzie's old second in command has taken control of the dead eels and he won't give it up without a fight not even to lizzie and if that wasn't enough the hatters stole something from the dead eels to get their textile mill up and running again and whatever it was it started a full-on war between the two gangs and your spies have reported strange sightings of figures watching them from the rooftops just out of the corner of their eyes in my eye this mission has four goals that it's trying to fulfill firstly it of course needs to establish the story of the level the gang war the dead eel's coup the abandoned and then repurposed aristocratic shopping district the textile mill the why and how of these strange figures watching you and all the other little pieces of lore that go into making this feel like a real place secondly it's trying to make us remember just how much we hate delilah copperspoon the last level reminded us of how strong the coven of witches is with that torture room scene now we need more of that will to go after her in spite of the danger thirdly it doubles down on the lesson of the previous level in that first mission we're told that lizzie is a violent lunatic and that it's telling that she's the only person that doubt can trust but now that she's out of prison we have to see that for ourselves hopefully the effect of this will be the player thinking about how bad a person doubt is making us want to redeem him that much more fourthly i believe that this is trying to be the most diverse replayable mission in the game so we'll need to be able to take a dozen different routes make a bunch of meaningful decisions see things play out in a ton of different ways and find critical intel from a bunch of different sources let's see how well it achieves this lofty set of goals we start out strong with the world building as soon as we enter this street we're forced to hide or intervene in a little skirmish between the two gangs surrounded by advertisements for fine clothes discarded spools of surplus fabric from the once defunct textile mill large expensive looking apartment buildings on all sides hatters gang graffiti all over the place indicating that this half of the town is their turf spend 30 seconds just looking around this starting area and a pretty clear story starts to form and hell if that wasn't enough for you you can listen in on the shouting match that appreciates this skirmish and hear that the dead eels are specifically looking for someone from the hatters called the geezer moving forward i faced the same problem i faced with almost every level covering a good chunk of the environment smoothly when talking about a totally non-linear environment well with most play styles it's hard not to start with a bit of recon so you probably wound up sticking to the rooftops this is one of the only missions in both dlc where the rooftops generally feel pretty safe so between that fact the framing on this first route this alternative route and the bone charm up here i'd say you're pretty likely to end up on this roof here watching another gang fight below taking note of the dead eels on this rooftop across the canal and the shopping plaza turned hatter gang hide all below you you can go ahead and handle the hatter gang hideout now if you want to maybe use pool to get the key to the whale oil tank from this wall of light maybe sneak in with a rewire tool and kill them both maybe just hit them with a good old-fashioned choke dust sleep dock combo you could grab a whale oil tank or some other explosive or hey maybe you just walk right past them either way you see that you aren't getting into the hatter's territory without knowing the password this might remind you that that isn't your objective anyways you need to meet up with the dead eels and to do that you'll have to cross the street crossing the street feels pretty dangerous the ground level is outside of the range of your void gaze you're out of luck in terms of high up areas to move to the survivors of that first brawl are still up the street on the far end of the canal you've got a dedial camp where they're just watching out towards you it really isn't that populated but with this tree blocking your way you have no way of knowing that and the safest way to proceed becomes just blinking past the dadiel's view and into the canal below it's just as well that you go this way because one of the favors you can pay for during your mission prep is to have a rune dropped off at this location whether you get the rune in the canal or not you'll be hard-pressed not to notice these two hatters trying to crack open this safe over here taking them out is no problem it's just two of them but then you're right where they were if you're like me you're going to cast a void gaze to see if there might be any keys nearby there aren't but you'll see that there's a gold bar waiting for you in this safe if you can get it open and you might see that this ox rush flower down here is actually shown to doubt as a valuable in void gaze we aren't sure why yet but i'm sure we'll find out soon well heading to the other side of the canal deciding what to do with these two and making your way into the open window reveals that these flowers are apparently priceless to any alchemist we also find a black market seller who can hook us up with a bone charm as well as some more ammunition and elixirs moving a bit further down the roofs of this alleyway we can take down those two dadiels who were giving us some grief earlier and find this memo that one of them wrote right across the street one of the guards saw a lady standing on the rooftops and she left some sort of thing in her place when she left must have been the bone charm that we picked up earlier our first clue there are witches here lastly or potentially first depending on how you cross the canal our void gaze points us to an artifact in this apartment looking over the dadiel's forward operating base if we go and introduce ourselves he reveals that he was a personal tailor to the empress and to emily caldwen he talks about how much he loved them how kind they were and ultimately he curses corvo's name this is an impossible to ignore reminder that you're in no small part responsible for what happened to dunwall he says that when his hands were too shaky to work the needle he was given a lock of emily's hair to remember her by this is when delilah visited him she came to his home took emily's lock of hair and cursed the place with a ritual creating the rune that led us here in the first place as i said you can pass these three landmarks in either direction but the especially observant player will take note of this pile of junk down here heading over it's revealed that we're in fact looking at a key some coin and a wedding ring the key can get us that gold bar from the other side of the canal and the wedding ring can be used to nab an extra rune by fulfilling a granny rags recipe you might have found near the first area with that we've gotten a pretty complete look at what all is out here in this first map the only mystery left is the password to get into the hatter's gang hideout and why we would want to go there in the first place so let's go over what we've got so far the game has given us tricky navigation challenges ample opportunity to use our new power pool to nab some extra coin through our ability to intervene and turn the tide of various gang fights we've gotten a bit more invested in the war we've renewed the players hatred for delilah and indeed their hatred for doubt we've rewarded them for more in-depth exploration and we've gotten them curious about whatever the hatters are hiding this is a hell of a lot to accomplish with just a single relatively small level and to do it all with such beautiful elegant framing well that's why i thought this pair of videos would be worth making in the first place we're perfectly set up to be excited about continuing on this frankly massive mission thankfully the rest of the maps in this mission are much more linear so the rest of this section should flow more smoothly than that did but anyways the draper's ward riverfront i won't go into this much detail for the whole video but i'd like to point out the especially nice framing when you first enter this level it visualizes the binary choice between combat and stealth in a super elegant way anyways moving forward we get some intel on wakefield's location and a note from a hatter spy talking about also seeing some mysterious women on the rooftops the observant player will catch one for themselves looking out at the daddy'll ship beyond dean she disappears as soon as you look directly at her there are a couple of ways to knock her out or kill her to get a closer look but that's obviously not intended so we'll move on there are really only a few stops to make in this area and they're more or less in a straight line so let's just take it that way first off you'll probably wind up looking at this witch because of the bone charm she's left on her perch so we'll grab that and one of our assassins informs us that smuggling ships usually have a hatch below deck for a dumping contraband either way you choose to get into the ship edgar wakefield is ours to do with as we please moving forward we've got a booby trap of roon to collect as well as an outsider shrine for the super observant player to find a way to this building also has a dialogue where an assassin alright tells us that he's been spotting figures blinking away on the rooftops in case you've missed it before narratively this section is super cool but in terms of level design i think it's one of the weaker pieces just because you don't really need to work too much to have everything handed to you all of your points of interest are pretty easy to get to without being seen although i suppose it's just as well because once you do away with wakefield and signal lizzie the guards here are no longer hostile anyways lizzie tells us that she can't take us to delilah yet because her ship is missing an engine coil that's what the hatter stole from the dead eel she also talks a lot about cutting off people's fingers so yeah helping her out isn't exactly the morally just thing to do but it's worth it to stop delilah anyways we've got a target the geezer we can try to cut a deal with him to get that engine coil back or we can figure out how to take it by force lizzie also managed to snag the password for the hatter's hideout whalebone come in as our assassins inform us the hatters have been using their textile mill to make shrouds for the plague dead but that isn't relevant to our goal we need to see about getting this engine coil and failing that we need to talk to the geezer we hop on this roof and listen to some dialogue while the game gives us a great opportunity to snag some extra loot with pool and then it's as simple as finding a way into the mill there are all sorts of options high and low near and far but once you're in you're greeted by some pretty demanding stealth challenges you'll have to be super careful not to set off traps and not to accidentally run into someone as you go up and down the stairs but heading downstairs we see that our engine coil is behind a padlocked door pool won't do the job here but we find a note saying that nurse trimble the personal doctor to the geezer knows the code the main work room which leads to the geezer and trimble is definitely one of the biggest stealth challenges on the level you might be tempted to blink up here but if you're unobservant that'll put you right into the view of this guard either way once we make it past we get to meet the geezer himself and you know what the level design here isn't really all that interesting at this point between these two videos i've kind of covered almost all of dishonored's level design tricks enemies on the high ground interrupt your smooth traversal of the level careful framing in the geometry to guide you through interesting routes use of runes and bone charms to lead you to extra snippets of lore or intel bad or dangerous situations that the player can avoid by getting immersed and staying observant the raw geometry of these levels still has a couple of tricks up its sleeve that i haven't covered but after going into so much detail over the preceding parts of this video i can sense you getting bored no what's much better at keeping us guessing this far into dishonored's content is the story and the choices we're presented with so for the most part we'll be focusing on those from here on out fortunately we're about to cover a very interesting set of choices my name's dowd i'm looking for lizzy's drive missing engine coil we can strike a deal with nurse trimble in which we restore the flow of water allowing the water wheel to function so that they don't need the engine coil anymore we can try to find the coil ourselves dooming their textile mill which is working to help with plague relief or we can get the combination to the door from the geezer who is being kept alive by trimble all he wants in exchange is for us to take his life those first two are pretty self-explanatory but that last one well we wouldn't even have to step foot in the sewers and we'd spare a man from endless torture but there's a nuance trimble has this place wired up to gas everybody in it if the geezer finally buys the farm so long as we make the same anti-toxin that trimble drinks every day we'll be fine but all of the hatters are dead the geezer makes it out like this would be a good thing but again our assassin told us that they're helping with plague relief not a very complicated moral decision but a moral decision nonetheless the geezer doesn't deserve to live like this but the hatters don't deserve to die and killing trimble isn't the solution either as he's the only one keeping the geezer and by extension everyone in the textile mill alive personally i'm going to choose the route that lets us see more of the level we'll strike a deal with nurse trimble get that water flowing again get our engine coil and get the hell out entering the sewers there's actually a pretty substantial shortcut that i didn't find until i was replaying the level for this video it lets us skip the next couple of rooms and get an early grab at some intel that'll completely nullify the challenge of one of them and get straight to the pump control station but these are some really interesting rooms so let's assume you didn't take that shortcut firstly we find a woman calling for help saying that she broke her leg down here while looking for her son this is immediately fishy seeing as she's in such a prominent spot and seeing as we almost definitely know that delilah's witches are at play it's tempting to help her but we should at least use void gaze first and make sure we aren't walking into a trap and there it is a witch lying in wait talking to a statue of delilah this is most definitely a trap pretty low if you ask me if they're going to be pulling stuns like this then we should probably go ahead and get a good look at them time for a sleep dart roses plant matter a black veil got it it's good to finally get a close look at one of course you can also fall for this trap and have to fight a couple of witches particularly difficult enemies or hey you can call her bluff torture a bit of info out of her and then knock her out if you've taken some inspiration from lizzy's style but anyways let's go say hi to delilah and let her know that she won't fool us that easily so let's go over the intel we got here i doubt many players would have caught all of this on their first playthroughs i mean hell i didn't even know you could torture this witch until five minutes ago but she tells us that when delilah's plan comes to fruition nobody will even know what's happened and something about delilah sitting upon the secret throne the witch who was talking to delilah's statue mentions something about the portrait of the girl being nearly complete then you might think back to that tailor who made clothes for the dead empress who delilah stole a lock of emily's hair from at this point we can start making some very educated guesses as to what delilah's plan is but i won't say it outright for now i just think it's super cool that it's foreshadowed so thoroughly in a way that's so hidden that it'll only be picked up on by the absolute most observant players for another example of this if you pay very close attention to the audio log that was left in the interrogation room in cold ridge prison you'll note that this witch was arrested while trying to break into dunwall tower interesting moving forward we get a great little moment where we start using this turn wheel only to hear someone's coming which of course enables us to bypass this ambush from another pair of witches if you didn't catch them with void gaze next up we take down or sneak past these last couple of witches and see that they're in fact the ones who sabotage the pumps in order to provoke this gang war and complicate doubt's plans luring him right into their trap but once we're past all of that we get yet another reminder of just how dangerous all of this occult stuff can be this man died while sketching the outsider walks among us under this table and jumping over this wall we see a whole shrine that he's set up like a man possessed the outsider reminds us again of the tightrope that dowd is walking but with that the engine coil is ours and we can return to lizzie i'll admit working with trimble makes me feel pretty dirty but it's better than killing every last hatter but hey with doubt having resolved both sides conflict with him the gang war actually ends at least for now with that there's only one loose end to this level we managed to surpass every ambush from delilah's coven and they needed to stop us at all costs now i'm gonna be a smart ass can use the statuesque bone charm to remain invisible to them while standing still but there are of course a million ways to handle this fight and with that it's on to the final mission that was ever released for dishonored one [Music] right off the bat we're given some useful intel by our assassin snares numerous statues of delilah in the front yard and some sort of secret way of getting in and out of the house while the front door remains locked in exiting this dialogue only one path is immediately obvious up this staircase one detail that i especially like here is that during this short linear section we pass a dog's skull lying on the ground and when we enter this ring of blue flowers it wakes up and the body of the dog manifests beneath it killing the dog won't do you have to destroy the skull or else it will manifest again what's cool about this though is that the ring of flowers indicates the exact range we have to be in for the dog to manifest which will be helpful info in future anyways we move up these stairs and an assassin tells us exactly how to dispatch these dogs in case we didn't figure it out for ourselves this dialogue also plays if we take the right fork to get on top of this roof just so that we don't miss this important piece of intel since the gear up here is part of a dead drop that we can pay for we're pretty likely to end up here one way or another and we come across a note that mentions something about a grave switch that's been disabled in preparations for dow's arrival might be a clue as to how exactly they've been getting in and out with that intel we can check out the graveyard to find that this is exactly what we've been looking for that's how we can get inside the grave switch is apparently in the garden shed must be in the backyard moving through the greenhouse we can get there but now is as good a time as any to cover an alternate means of getting to the backyard two of the other favors we can pay for are to have a stash of supplies be dug up by the shoreline and a hole put in the fence for an easy entry point to the front yard so let's check out what's over there we pick up our stash of supplies as well as a bone charm which may have alternately prompted us to explore over here and there's our hole in the fence we run past some river crusts and do a bit of climbing and the extra observant player will note a hole in the attic up here which can take us straight to the backyard so we've been presented with what ultimately boils down to two different choices to getting behind the mansion but since you have to discover these choices yourself and since there are so many pros and cons to both approaches it feels super dynamic forcing the player to find their own way is the ultimate example of how dishonored makes more out of less anyways by this point now that we're in the heart of it all you start really listening to what these witches are saying and it starts to become painfully obvious these aren't the halloween sort of witches these are the horrifying kind that make your eyes boil out of your skull and casually talk about rotting flesh and putting hexes on your family and well it's actually some really dark stuff easily the creepiest stuff in the whole of dishonored lore this is some messed up business that doubts gotten involved in if by this point you aren't aching to take down delilah's coven i don't know what else can motivate you now that we're in the backyard i get to talk about one other great little detail that really makes you feel like an assassin planning everything out beforehand in the same way that we felt in the first dlc the final favor that we can pay for during mission prep is to have a turncoat reveal some secrets to us a woman in red we see her teleport her way when we get to this roof and she leads us to a secluded area by the manor's walls she outright tells us delilah's plan she's going to take over emily's mind so that she can rule his empress she also confirms to us that we need to get the grave switch from the shed and enter through the crypt if you don't want to mess with all of these river crusts you can easily grab the switch using pool yet another example of dishonored making simple powers incredibly useful to players who are willing to think about them anyways there isn't much more to talk about in the backyard we get a little component for a granny rags recipe but a bit more interestingly you might have heard these two witches talking about a butler who drowned in the backyard before they arrived here investigating his corpse reveals that he has a key to the front door so you don't necessarily have to use the crypt if you don't want to we'll use the crypt entrance here since it's pretty much all the same but again there are only two options but we've gotten so many different ways to get that intel that it really feels much larger than it is anyways if like me you tend to gravitate towards high ground in this game and like to use void gaze when in interiors you'll probably be led straight to this bone charm and then straight to deliver study which has been booby-trapped a ludicrous amount if we're careful however we come across this magical lamp and some sketches of emily reading the nearby journal we see exactly what delilah's plan is as well as how we might stop it she intends to perform a ritual on herself to enter the painting of emily thus controlling her mind she notes that the ritual can be used on any person with any painting she talks about how she'd like to try imprisoning one of her enemies in a still life trapping them in a bowl of fruit for eternity now all we have to do is find her studio where we can enter the void and confront her in this same area we find an overseer who's been tortured and forced to eat the flesh of one of his peers by this point i can't wait to put him into these witches besides all the booby traps most of this area is actually pretty easy to get through safely so long as you're stocked up on sleep darts and using void gaze liberally we've got notes telling us to get the lantern from the west wing in case we missed it and bone charms or runes pulling us to various points of interest the usual stuff once we get into the east wing though where we need to access delilah studio things are a lot more intense these witches are everywhere and there really isn't a lot of cover if you didn't bring a ton of sleep darts mano arc mines or whatever else you're gonna have a very tough time dealing with this area of course you can also fight your way through but these witches are pretty brutal in combat no any way you slice it this is a pretty demanding area but once we get through and disable a healthy amount of witches we've pretty much got the run of this place covered all that's left is to set the lantern in front of delilah's painting so that we can enter the void and confront her this is just a fantastic way of ending the game we've got a simple binary choice we swap out delilah's painting with another one of her so that she becomes trapped in it or we challenge her to the most intense boss battle in the game i would have liked it if we got a separate ending for failing to stop the ritual given just how many awful things can happen in the base games endings but it's no baby we all knew that dowd would be able to stop delilah the outsider knew too but depending on how you played dowd did the impossible i have one more surprise for you i asked for my life when i killed your empress and took her daughter something broke inside me now i want nothing but to leave this city and fade from the memory of those who reside here i've had enough killing [Music] so my life is in your hands make your choice if dowd went through this game mercilessly killing not focused on helping to save dunwall but instead focusing on pleasing the outsider in some desperate twisted form of prayer then he learned nothing and a bloody end couldn't be more fitting but if dowd instead saw the outsider's gift the name delilah as an opportunity to undo a sliver of his evil and didn't help to further the chaos in dunwall well maybe he can still change yet dowd managed to stop death himself did he deserve to die probably he's responsible for so much death even before the empress but over the course of a low chaos playthrough of these two dlc all he's done is give corvo a fighting chance to undo what was done to dunwall and the empire what was done by dowd he's the reason the empire nearly fell apart and all he did by taking down delilah was staunch the wound dowd sure as hell isn't redeemed that much is impossible the corvo and the outsider gave him a chance he never should have had a chance to change his ways [Applause] as always before i close out this video i'd like to verbally thank my patrons it's been really rough trying to make up for lost momentum after the holiday season view drought so more so than ever before you guys are seriously helping to keep me afloat i'd especially like to thank the patrons who are donating 10 or more monthly such as alex van der wude almost dead again anatoly volnov andrew melnick arthur d gonzalez martin benny big time jim bobby blitz colin gaijic cosmo borski daniel christman darius fazier david kaiser dominic johann duncan bristow fralem in bloom jack eisenberg jano john strange kale graybill mellow mixer rules money and muses moon patio furniture perks 3d ceelo yemen she young master pig and zerobly
Channel: Leadhead
Views: 247,545
Rating: 4.9713483 out of 5
Keywords: dishonored, dlc, daud, brigmore, witches, outsider, delilah, copperspoon, explained, level, design, gameplay, analysis, ending, true, bad, neutral, good, chaos, low, high, pc, retrospective, knife, of, dunwall, billie, lurke, emily, kaldwin, caldwin, corvo, attano, atanno
Id: ANkh3DXMqWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.