Borderlands 2 Very Accurate Story Recap

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the first Borderlands game sold like 4.5 million copies and then Borderlands 2 sold like 14 million which is appropriate because it's approximately 14 million times better it's got more guns more colors more minecraft and it's got an actual story which goes a little something like this once upon a time the Hyperion corporation hosted a bring-your-daughter-to-work day so handsome Jack brought his daughter angel and she liked it so much she decided she never wanted to leave ever Jack wanted to upgrade his ambo capacity but he couldn't find any iridium to give to crazy Earl so he tricks him idiots into opening a vault for him to get the iridium out of it then he did some other stuff and before you know it he was in charge of the entire Hyperion corporation jack was humbled by this great honor and wanted to give back to the community by transforming the Bandit infested wastelands of Pandora into a futuristic utopian society there was just one problem a crappy little town named sanctuary didn't want to be wiped out now Jack could have just used his army of thousands of robots to oh I don't know surround the city and starve them out maybe just block this bridge which is their only supply line you know pretty much anything except the ridiculously convoluted plan he ends up actually doing like come on Jack who's your military advisor David Benioff Jack puts out a Craigslist ad for vault hunters and six people respond the vault hunters get on a train but Jack blows it up and leaves them for dead now it's time to pick your character this time around there's six classes to choose from and they're all actually pretty good but I'm gonna have to go with necromancer because one of her voice lines is a BattleBots reference it's robot fighting time you slowly regain consciousness and Angel pops up and tells you everything's gonna be okay but then claptrap starts talking playing through the first hour of this game again will probably make you want to die so make sure you have the Hyperion suicide hotline on speed dial you get to a small town and meet sir hammerlock who's a safari guy which is pretty lame but he has a robot arm which is pretty cool but he repairs claptrap which is pretty lame but he has the Mighty Morphin quest which is pretty cool but he has this DLC which is pretty lame but he gives you a sniper rifle which is pretty cool but before you can get to the main mission hub you have to escape the glacier by killing boom-boom and captain Flint which might be kind of hard if the game of the year edition didn't start you out with the most overpowered grenade in history you board claptraps boat and begin the journey to sanctuary your first setback is a short jump that can only be traversed with a car so angel downloads a car for you but then you got to go talk to corporal Reese so the next time you're here you can farm savagely welcome to sanctuary the hub world of the game it's got everything you could need a fast travel station a costume station a bunch of useless vendors and most importantly a slot machine you can play while you wait for your one friend who's played the game a million times to turn in the quests after watching all these stupid intro cutscenes you get a quest to go meet the fire Hawk who's actually just Lilith she tells you that her kind of boyfriend Rowland has been kidnapped by some bandits but she has a lot of standing around in this one room to do so you're the one that has to actually go save him to infiltrate the bandit camp you have to get a bandit styled car from Le scooters big sister you blow up some bandit cars and Ellie constructs a new one out of their charred remains so you return to the bandit camp they give him the old stormtrooper disguise routine after fighting your way to the top of the dam you meet Roland Roland reveals that handsome jack is trying to awaken some kind of ancient alien warrior thing but don't worry you'll totally stop him in time I'm sure that's not gonna be the final boss in the meantime you go meet tiny Tina and Mordecai who are both very helpful characters tiny Tina helps you build bombs to hijack a Hyperion train while Mordecai assists in his sniper perch and keeps destroying the Warka pods or trying to farm you hijack the Train but oh no it's being guarded by Wilhelm who apparently is super dangerous even though you kill him before Roland's done warned you about how super dangerous he is you get a Power Core and plug it into sanctuary but then plot twist it turns out angel was working for Jack the whole time and she lower sanctuary shields Jack's giant Death Star guns start shooting at the city but it only does like ten damage so it's not really that big of a deal Lilith decides to teleport the city a couple feet to the left which somehow means that handsome Jack can't shoot it anymore but unfortunately that takes sanctuary off the fast travel network so you have to do a whole thing where you get the beacon and then defend it from robots for ten minutes before you can go back to sanctuary angel gets on the radio and convinces everybody to trust her again by giving them a great deal on a year-long VPN subscription to this video sponsor random-ass VPN companies trying to steal your data will often protect your privacy online you have to pose in Barbados hanging a picture on the wall we totally do not condone piracy link in the description random-ass VPN do you really want Comcast to see your search history angel tells you that she has the vault key and that you need three ingredients to get to her the first is a software update for claptrap which is weird because usually companies try to force those down your throat Mordecai's bird has the upgrade but it got captured and put in the Hyperion zoo you go to save her but there are a few small distractions that might sidetrack you for a while vault under you've been farming lewd midgets for like five hours now do you maybe want to go save blood wing the next step of the plan is to win the favor of the slab king brick because he's the only one that has the ability to remove small roadblocks from your path to get on his good side all you have to do is kill all his men the final step of the plan is to head to the utopian city of opportunity and kill handsome Jack's body double so you can steal his voice now the final assault can begin Lilith and Mordecai stay in sanctuary because they have a lot of standing around in that one room to do but Roland and brick and clap trap join you for the assault on the bunker after fighting your way through the Hyperion forces you finally reach the peak when suddenly a giant flying robot starts attacking you hang on a second switch to zero get Bor there we go finally the door to angels chamber is open and you get to see just how different she looks from her profile picture she asks you to help her kill herself handsome jack is understandably upset by this so he does what any good parent would do he sends in a couple robots which have already proven to be completely ineffective against you while he watches a live stream of his daughter being killed after you kill angel handsome Jack nothing personals Roland and then one shots the most powerful being in the universe was some kind of dog collar Lilith teleports you back to sanctuary and brick and morter concoct a plan to go hack the Hyperion mainframe to find out where jack to Lilith but you have to go do it because they just saw what happens when you leave that one room and they're not taking any chances now it's time for one of my favorite areas in the game the arid Nexus oh yeah you have to go to sawtooth cauldron first man I always forget you have to do this stupid area it's so annoying like and subscribe if you hate sawtooth cauldron anyways when you finally get to the air in Nexus there's a big old robot named Saturn that you have to choose before he can go hack the mainframe you discover that Lilith is being held on moose too far so you gather your friends and head out on one last mission you reach the vault and see the handsome jack is using Lilith to charge the vault key you shoot Jack in the face a couple times but he uses his cutscene powers to freeze you in place while he summons the warrior fortunately the ancient alien civilization that created the warrior also installed a giant gaping weak point on its chest so it's really easy to kill then jack stands up and starts monologuing again but he forgot to use his cutscene powers as x he can finally kill him this brick-and-mortar ky show up and you all celebrate your victory as Lilith decides to destroy the key for good DLCs now I'm only gonna be covering the four main DLCs they did release a bunch of these short little headhunter pack things but I couldn't think of any good jokes for them but that's okay cuz neither could the games writers captains sand talk underpin Parnell's booty is a pirate-themed expansion that has a really great and original story you have to help a lady find three pieces of a MacGuffin and that helps you find a treasure trove of loot that's being guarded by a giant bullet sponge it's it's really good mr. torques campaign of carnage is an explosive themed expansion where you fight in a gladiator pit for the chance to open a vault now you may expect to fight all the gladiators in said gladiator arena but come on it wouldn't be a Borderlands dlc without tons of pointless driving to pad out the runtime the final boss is the worst boss in the game and the vault isn't even that great but the real treasure is pie repeats bar sir hammerlock's big game hunt is a safari adventure themed DLC ripped right out of a pulp magazine from the 1920s complete with a mysterious wilderness dashing heroes fighting horrendous monsters and a cult of savages who are the main bad guys and there's witch doctors too oh my god some guy named professor Nakayama is trying to clone handsome jack so you head on over to his place to kill him but before you get the chance he falls down some stairs and dies this dlc is not very good and finally the crown jewel of Borderlands 2 tiny Tina's assault on Dragon keep the theme of this DLC is dealing with the loss of a loved one this is my favorite DLC by far because the ends drop B shields and it has the grog nozzle oh so that's Borderlands 2 it's pretty long but that's not even the end you can still play through the whole thing again in true vault hunter mode and then if you hate yourself play it a third time in ultimate vault hunter mode and then repeat that process for all six characters looks like you've got a lot of work ahead of you I guess you could say that there's no rest for the wicked I was walking down there wait that's a great song hey everybody it's me clap subscribe and ring that Bell or I'll see you in hell
Channel: oboeshoesgames
Views: 1,612,277
Rating: 4.9432263 out of 5
Keywords: borderlands 2 story explained, borderlands 2 story recap, borderlands story explained, borderlands story recap, borderlands 2 dlc recap, commander lilith and the battle for sanctuary, oboe shoes, oboe shoes games, borderlands 2 review, borderlands 2 review 2019, borderlands 2 guide, borderlands 2, handsome jack, the handsome collection story explained
Id: H3MsfkZA_CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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