Discovery of a Lost Town Isolated by the Ocean | So Much Left Behind | Destination Adventure.

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[Music] this is my hometown williams lake british columbia population less than 11 000 close to nothing and surrounded by nothing except for beautiful pristine nature mexico with the motorhome was a wild adventure but growing up here has given me a love for nature that is really only found in the north this summer the borders are open i am embarking on my first real alaskan adventure [Music] [Music] i've actually been to alaska quite a few times when i worked on cruise ships but just coastal i definitely want to do some boat adventures but it'll be cool to see some interior as well and on my own terms that is exciting [Music] know [Music] [Music] i feel so alive so alive i feel so alive [Music] travel day number one was a very long day we made it just south of terrace british columbia and the reason i'm choosing to do a similar route to last year is because after doing the baja peninsula i realized now how much of this really special stuff i didn't share with you guys now this year i know exactly what places i want to go to i know how long it takes to get there and i know where i can stay i didn't share any of my camp spots last year on the channel for example this one i'm staying at right now right on the skeena river this is not a campground you don't have to pay to stay here it's not private property you don't have to worry about the cops coming to kick you out and this is what it's like traveling in northern canada british columbia and the yukon i can't wait to share all of this with you guys but we have some more miles to put on today so let's whip it [Music] [Music] for the first episode of the northern season i've decided to revisit the nas valley because it's everything the baja is not it's remote it's untouched there's no cell phone reception wi-fi or even tourists last year i got to meet with the get one silk indian chief and he taught me the ancient story of the lava flow passed down from his ancestors better yet he gave me permission to go through this land and to share it with all of you this area we're at here it's called the drowned forest and every year during high water the river rises up several feet and it actually goes over top of all the trees here so it looks like the trees are drowning when it's not high water the color of this river is a beautiful turquoise blue still very nice here and the prickly currants are in season and they're delicious [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're doing this trip in a motor home make sure you know your rig really well there are some steep climbs and downhills dropping down in here [Music] here we go last hill dropping down into concola [Music] it's so beautiful down here i have missed this a lot last year i stayed on the other side of the bridge by the boat launch and nobody bothered me i'm gonna go back over there check out this bridge look at that water [Music] so [Music] [Music] there's actually some hot springs down here i was gonna hit this year but they're closed unfortunately so we're gonna go out on the ocean get some crab maybe a salmon just enjoy some time on the water after all my planning and preparation and spare parts and equipment and everything drove all the way out here and i forgot crab bait but it's okay i had chicken in the freezer so it'll work there we go 64 feet we're crabbing you guys know how i know that i have a fancy new secret weapon ground penetrating radar just kidding it's a fish finder my parents felt bad for me never catching fish so merry christmas to me they got me a fish finder the water's so high right now that's why the ocean's all murky like this it's just silk coming down the nass river so i'm gonna head out hopefully and find some cleaner water but look at how beautiful this is just unbelievable let's head out and find some better water [Music] look at this that's really curious there's a couple pilings there and then you can see the rocks piled up probably some old logging activity i'm not sure if the the forest wasn't so thick i'd go in there and take a look but i think it'd be hard pressed to find anything in there i can see some iron up here actually i can tell from here it's a flywheel off of a steam engine i'm way too curious i gotta pull the boat up and check it out i don't know why you guys decided not to bring rubber boots today what is this thing this is a tiny little moose shed wow if you disagree please tell me i'm not sure it doesn't feel like a shed but it looks like it that's pretty cool there's a lot of stuff here oh it is a steam engine there she is and then this would have run other things a lot of stuff over here wow look at all these sprockets i can see from here like i was saying this force is so thick we won't be able to do a whole lot in here but i can see there's an awful lot hidden just in the forest right here old fire brick here probably had a kiln or something wow this is a some type of machine right here freaking stuck in the prickles unfortunately look at the size of the pistons on this thing just two cylinders oh i haven't the slightest idea what this thing could be some type of machine but from shore i could see cement over here and you can see where footings or something went in there more equipment imagine what's left in here that people might never see again opens right up in here it's not the biggest discovery of my life but best of the year yet salmonberry okay so this is the first structure we found that's wood i almost stepped right past it but i saw this iron i would assume just a foundation to a building but you seem to be more left look at this oh wow i think this is a sign some type of sign i just gotta try and either clear it off or lift it up you guys are going to lose it this is so cool for any sign enthusiast look at this thing who knows how old it is imperial that's amazing this thing has been sitting out here for decades if anyone has any idea about this please let me know it's hard mounted onto this piece of tin in the back could have been on anything who knows what an exciting discovery that was i find so much iron junk when i started clearing the dirt off that and could see the paint oh just amazing and i can see a glass bottle here stuck in the bush how strange it says japan in the middle of grizzly territory here i didn't anticipate coming ashore so i didn't bring the gun or bear spray or anything so i'm following a critter trail wow look at this just made a cool find here it's a little bit too buried to get out but look at this it's an old two-person handsaw where i'm walking right now it's perfectly flat along this hill i'm wondering if this was possibly the old road or a rail line this is a handle off of a pot and there's a root growing right through it the tide's going out so the boat should be fine my life is pretty much based on should bees anyways look at that still got some good whiskey in here no markings oh there is a marking on the bottom b and b perfect condition unbelievable just want to get this up somewhere this is a whole boot the leather's in remarkably good condition there is the remains of an old safe right here nothing in it it's rotted right out but down here i can see some more things look at that more writing cabin cook now that sounds awfully modern but i have really have no idea looks like there's an entire stove right here anybody know what this is looks to me like maybe a fire extinguisher not sure another really neat little cup look at that one i might not catch a salmon today this is way too cool here i gotta keep exploring but i gotta go get the boat total steam train right there oh man wow that was awesome this is way better i mean she's still gonna get beached but it's just sand i found another one of these bottles that say japan on them and there's a whole bunch of different bottles and pottery and neat things on this hillside so i'm guessing there would have been a cabin or something up here and then they just throw everything out the window and down the bank kind of how things worked back in the day there's not much up here except for this this is a pile of cut but unmilled trees sitting up here wow how freaking spooky does this place look sweet what a remarkable unexpected little adventure we've had here the day is ticking by so i'm going to get back on the water but i want to show you guys some of the things that i found that really stuck out to me first of all these two what i'm assuming are shaving cream in perfect condition which is really neat both dominion glass so canadian bottles this is a really neat find because on the bottom it says vicks vaporub that's really cool love to find things like that i found a whole bunch of broken teacups this one was neat because on the bottom it says made by medallia never heard of that before but a canadian teacup so that's pretty interesting this is another what i think is probably shaving cream i'm not sure but what i like about it is it has a really intricate b and b on the bottom of it never seen one of these before [Music] oh actually now that i'm looking at it correctly it's a j and a j [Music] i found this top to a decanter this is a neat one because i've only ever found one of these before which coincidentally was antioch a ghost city just down the canal here uh i really like that you can see the imperfections in the glass like the bubbles and stuff inside it that's really cool and finally i have one more what i'm assuming again is shaving cream i think there would have been a label here on this blank spot what's interesting about this one is that the lid is still on it and it's heavy there's something in there i'm just i'm guessing it's just water but i am going to try and open it without breaking it [Music] okay sorry guys that's not coming open it's staying just like that what an amazing place let's get back on the [Music] water well i'll be honest with you guys it was quite the ordeal getting the boat back on the water and the wind is really starting to pick up but i'm just going to kind of cruise along here and watch the fish finder for a while at this point usually i just start dragging lures now i'm gonna find the fish then catch em the wind is starting to pick up pretty quick here and i can see out in the middle of the channel it's beginning to white cap so we're just gonna start heading back to play it safe fingers crossed we'll have crabs in the trap be great to have a nice early crab dinner wow i have missed crabbing in british columbia oh my god look at the size of that dungeness i can hardly believe the size of this freaking dungeness crab look at him he's so big [Music] i gotta show you guys this big crab so you realize how rare this is this crab is eight inches across the top of the shell that's wild might be the biggest dungey i have ever seen [Music] [Music] i'm not gonna make you watch me eat all this because you're gonna get super jealous but i'm about to spend the next three hours eating nothing but crab thanks for watching everybody and welcome to my great alaskan adventure as always take nothing but pictures leave nothing but footprints i'll catch you on the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] so why should i be cause you take good care of me you take good care of me you know what i [Music] in your need it's a kindness that never ends and carried in your love no matter what the future brings now you take good care of me [Music]
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 878,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned town, abandoned, urbex, erban exploring, history, historical find, discovery of a lost town, lost town discovered, town discovered, British Columbia, Canada, forgotten for decades, adventure, explore, Destination Adventure, Travel, National Geographic, travel vlog, VLOG, Documentary
Id: R7gHC7MUvnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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