History Uncovered | A Look into a Dark Past | Destination Adventure

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every Explorer has the desire to discover something new something undocumented as this channel grows I'm able to push to more and more remote places mostly to enjoy the untouched nature but the desire of Discovery is always there this week I'm chasing down a couple leads that just might fill that void and the Journey Begins in aqua Lambs is in English is our island of Rhodes and this was never a permanent residence and it was just a stop on wherever we're going if we this place was in our line we stopped and Camp here for a couple of days and it's the weather settle down then we continue on so it was never a permanent resident until Hudson's Bay I do a camp here and it's only been 100 probably 100 years maybe a little more since we've been permanent residents here we go up to Nevada to the Nash for Oakland harvesting stop off here and go to mataka and we have storage houses and stores them and then we go to them there for the few weeks and it's about the time oh we're kind of nomadic a little bit Yeah Yeah I had one Elder in my in my house he was in these early 70s and he still didn't have a name I had a name from his uncle his uncle's name I told him I'll give you that name and you can wear it and he was the happiest guy in the world and it actually changed him for the better because he had a first nation's name in our tradition when you're wearing a first nation's name you don't take it to the Grave with you not like the Europeans you know you you were born they give you a name when you die of course in the Gravely so you don't pick it up we take it off and we pass it on to the next person or in that way it's uh some of the names that are really hard to say even for me I'm fluent in the language those are probably 10 000 years old so it's been passed on for generations and generations hard Traditions have been especially when it comes to death it's been really strong people their relatives they're in-laws they don't want to do all the work when somebody dies and that's one of our strong points there and when somebody dies everybody contributes and each family has a family book when somebody dies in their family they mark down everybody who's contributed money and when somebody dies they look in the book and say okay so and so put in so much money we'll give that back plus a little bit and that's how we work it here I was just my teacher for the last 20 years and I just retired a couple of years ago now while I was in the school I was uh passing on some of the Traditions that I know the way I was taught because not everybody was taught the same I did the best I could and letting the kids know you know this is what we do and this is how we do it and that's the way I was taught and I always said that and I used to have talking circles used to elders they weren't very comfortable they were at the very beginning so finally I told myself don't be afraid to speak up and the way you were brought up I said I was brought up different than you guys and I said it's not saying that the way you were brought up was wrong finally they started opening up and some of the stories came out well it was a learning for me also even at my age or hopefully it don't stop I'd like to learn every day foreign foreign was built here the guy built it and we had it for about 30 years I guess he finally put it away under his house at that time I was probably 14 15. and I bought it often for 75 bucks and that was a lot of money in those days it took me all summer to make that pay that back so uh it lasted me a few years and I put it away and it just finally when rotten and fell apart too and that was the last Dougal Colonel built here and I was by Willie Lawson and yeah I managed to talk him into selling it to me when I was young we used to live and work Channel and during the summer we'd have one whale hanging around all summer and there was only one we've seen in the last maybe 30 40 years I guess they've increased quite a bit some of them just went to here they don't even bother leaving because I guess there's enough food for them to survive and yeah they spend the winter here they were just swimming along enjoying life yeah [Music] one of the perks to be in a massive massive I'm talking absolutely huge balling out of control celebrity like myself that the locals will tell you where all the secret crab and honey holes are foreign on the dinner menu crustacean not entirely sure how the day is going to go but we're shooting for a location double whammy there's a great big world to see it's waiting here for you and me let's go Adventures round the bed nothing like we've seen before let's get outside and go explore because home is here with you my friend super quiet I found some more whales I've shut off the motor and the depth sounder we're gonna see if they want to come play that was a delightful experience but we've got a lot of miles to put on so let's get into it today's first location we have to get two channels over so we're taking canoe pass into work Channel then on the maps I saw another passage that goes into the second Channel we're gonna take that just so we can minimize our time on the open ocean here [Music] pretty crazy it's just a tiny little Passage through here it's maintaining 50 feet of depth all the way so far we'll see what it's like going by this island believe it or not it's gotten deeper it's not the most ideal place to be leaving a boat a lot of barnacles around here and I thought the tide was going out it appears to be definitely coming in the story we're chasing today is a really neat one I'm excited about it a local has told me about an old Dugout Cedar canoe that was left here by the indigenous uncompleted more than a hundred years ago I've only been able to find one person that has actually been up here and they haven't been here for 15 years so be a tough one to find I think but it's supposed to be right on the side of this Creek somewhere so I'm just gonna start hiking up [Music] Gore mm-hmm fueled up ready for action [Music] there's a couple issues I'm seeing right off the bat here there is a tremendous amount of blowdown all over here big cedar trees all over the place and I've never found one of these Dugout canoes before I have no idea how far into the building process it was so identifying this thing is going to be a challenge just caught my rain pants on a log look at that hole so far my favorite way I've lost 100 bucks today okay I haven't found a canoe but I found something really interesting there's no way it's higher than this point because the river is gone completely gone it comes out right here I don't know if it comes out as a spring or if this is some sort of rock slide that's happened and the river's just flowing under and through it I'm coming across some really strange stuff here you can see all this sand or a river would flow and this foam from a river it's way up here foreign I am totally baffled and I'd love to hear some opinions it's almost as if this River has disappeared like less than an hour ago and we are way above the high tide like I've been hiking up here for about 40 minutes now here's a perfect example you can actually see the water line along this rock there's leaves and then that foam stuck there all this foam on the trees there but no water whatsoever I don't think I'm gonna find a canoe this far up here I'll start making my way back the plan is to go down the other side of the creek on the way back but I lost my bear Banger somewhere along the way so I'd like to try and find that foreign success well this is a difficult area to get through holy smokes this is just how easily we could be missing this canoe there's two logs that have fallen over there looks just like the ground from up above you would never know I solve a bit of a subsistence hiker I could hike all day long here on the North Coast heating nothing but berries it was delicious well at least the boat didn't float away but somebody's gonna have to swim out and get it and I'm not interested so I got a crispy fresh minted 20 bill for somebody that'll swim out and get that boat talk about a remarkable success story don't even have to swim location number two involves just a little bit more risket have uh eight nautical mile open ocean Crossing so I'm hoping for at least a little bit of a biscuit otherwise it's just stupid okie dokie of course is plotted looking at Max fournot wins so should be a successful Crossing welcome to the ocean Rodeo today's main event Dustin Porter versus Poseidon it's gotten a little rough out here another 30 minutes should be in Japan this is the island we're going to be exploring today and I just want to be forward with you guys from the beginning I'm not going to disclose either of today's locations they're both undocumented pretty significant historical locations I've Been Told somewhere on this island there is Stone ruins from when this area was owned by Russia just gotta find a spot I can pull the boat up I've done a whole bunch of looking from the satellite I can't see anything on here I might start with the Drone just to simplify our exploration because it's pretty late in the day already oh perfect spot to pull the boat up right back here beautiful this is going to be a lot easier than I thought given the fact that I can see it from here trying my best to contain my excitement here I cannot believe how much is standing I was told it's just a square in the ground foreign the Russian occupation of what is now Alaska is some pretty interesting history in the mid 1500s Russians began heading east across Siberia and it took nearly a hundred years before they reached the Pacific Ocean Russia and current day Alaska at its closest point is only separated by just over 50 nautical miles of ocean but it was almost another 100 years before the first expedition left in search of North America the first attempt ordered by Peter the Great was unsuccessful due to thick fog and ice but by this time Siberia had been over hunted to the point where it was deemed necessary to push East to capitalize on the abundance of fur-bearing mammals by The mid-1700s Roots had been established across the Bering Strait and trading posts were being built all along the North America coastline contrary to what many believe Alaska was never fully colonized by Russia it was a slow expansion East that lasted until 1867 when all of Alaska was sold to the USA for two cents per acre but the 135-year presence that Russia had in this territory was a horrendous time for the indigenous nations were treated up there under the Russian rule right it was bad and that's one of our Traditions is that you know when you're when you're somewhere anywhere camping uh when you leave nobody wants to know you were there let's want to wear a traditions and why we always made sure that nobody knew we were theirs because they would hunt you down and you know know you were there and hunt you down and you'd end up being a Slave I've been all over the country here and I know I've never seen anything like that that's the only one that I know of and it's a mystery on why they built that [Music] many islands off the coast of Alaska still carry Russian names today but almost nothing physically remains from that time period this Stone House hidden on that peculiar little island is one of the few remaining structures even more interesting is that this island is actually on the Canada side of the Border [Music] through all of my digging I could not find one single piece of recorded documentation on this site but asking around town I met several locals with oral history from ancestors that would canoe across the passage and trade with the Russians in that very house [Music] this is amazing and tremendously good condition I cannot believe it all that's missing is the roof a couple stones have fallen from the doorway there that's it the floor would have sat along this ledge does anybody know what this is owner maybe a vent for the fire look at that there's even still wood left in there this is amazing I am absolutely astonished with the construction of this absolutely amazing look at that tree the root grows all through the wall and then up there I see there's a rock missing it's sitting right there I wonder how that would happen probably from a tree guessing another one was sticking out here or something and then eventually the weight of it just pulled the rock out whatever this rock is made out of is leeching out that's pretty cool and the cement they used held up very well let's do a little bit more hiking and exploring before we gotta go what an amazing find I have no idea if there's more here and if so how many pretty thick so I have to be careful not to make a mistake and hurt myself out here we're pretty far out but I definitely want to cover all this island if there's anything else on here I'm gonna find it I'm on the highest point of the Island right here not a single sign of any other human activity here make my way to the end just over here and then I'll take a closer look around that structure and then cross over to the mainland oh that's the edge of the island I zigzagged my way all the way over didn't see a thing we'll take a slightly different route on the way back then start exploring a little more extensively around those ruins this is the only other flat spot on the whole island that I can find so far no sign of any human activity or human intervention of any kind the flat spot nevertheless look at the size of these blueberries they're like grapes but they are at a stage of fermentation that I haven't quite experienced before too many of these might get drunk out here pretty steep going down here wow vertical there see if I can make it along this little Trail there's a really deep hole right here I think it's just a hole from a root system when this tree fell over kind of neat though this is it that's the whole island nothing at all let's get back to that structure and head over to the mainland see if there's anything there what an absolutely beautiful place a little bit of a crash and burn over the log found my way back to this say we're probably not going to find much over here awfully steep for a long ways up like a long ways up so that's a definite no I can't believe the construction quality of that one building there so good and it's the only thing out here look at this Driftwood stump wow I wonder where that came from think about this years and years ago people living in that little ship right out here in this tiny little Bay what a perfect place nice Sandy Beach what do you guys think a tree this size or that Driftwood stump we found is that big enough to have been here when humans were here I don't know I kind of think so what yeah take a look at that I wouldn't even call that a shed because it's still attached to the skull people ask me all the time what's my favorite spot that's an impossible question to answer but this is up there for sure except for that ocean Crossing the ocean has officially accepted me today and provided nice calm seas for a stress-free karate pretty nice [Music] not pointing any fingers but somebody has misplaced the Crab Trap found it so far feels just like rope now it feels like a mostly empty Crab Trap can you believe it two undersized dungeons we'll leave it out here so that tomorrow we can also pull up an empty pot it's a pretty awesome rollers here looking full of gear gear the only reason that this story even ended up on my radar is because of the people of laqua lambs a local had recognized me my very first day in town told me the story of the Stone House and even showed me the island on a map and that's every adventurous dream getting to chase down old stories that somebody showed you on a map the YouTube channel is still so small and I have this ridiculous one week turnaround for videos but I'm beginning to get these opportunities to pursue historically significant locations so I feel really positive about the future so I want to give a great big thank you to the community of laqua lambs for the hospitality and the support and thanks for watching everybody as always take nothing but pictures leave nothing but Footprints I'll catch you on the next one thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 137,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, History, Historic, Historical, Discovered, Discovery, Canadian History, World History, Indigenous History, Documentary, Lost, Forgotten, Urban Exploring, Urbex, Lax Kwalaams, BC, British Columbia, Adventure, Explore, Alaska, USA, World, Travel, VLOG, Destination Adventure, Dustin Porter, Nat Geo, National Geographic
Id: 8tCjoBP6s90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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