Abandoned with Everything Left Behind | Destination Adventure

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foreign I built this expedition truck so that I could access and live in beautiful remote locations and I knew in the coming years we would find some really amazing ones but this early into travels with the new rig I did not anticipate things would get this good [Music] woke up this morning to a fresh dusting of snow followed by many hours of Relentless rainfall which is an interesting surprise for late June we're well on our way into yoheda Valley where we're going to be exploring an old mine site that's been abandoned and vehicle inaccessible since 2009. as much as I'd love to sit around and wait out this storm we have another 20 kilometers of road to navigate and clear so we best get into it ever since I was a kid all I wanted to be was an Explorer sail the seven seas find new worlds ugly we've been over this over what everything's already been found oh man well so much for that but if I can't be an Explorer I can still be an adventurer so I built a rig and we're hitting the open road my name is Dustin Porter and this is destination Adventure camera is dry today is going to be a real challenge do the best I can for you guys just came across our first challenge for the rig I don't think it's going to be an issue at all but we get to Traverse right across this old landslide foreign well one thing about all this rain there is some monster puddles out here when I was going through the rebuild of this truck I happened to notice the marks on the bottom of the differentials so I know how deep this truck has gone and how deep it can go there's lots of big rocks in these puddles I've been trying to straddle them so I'm not hitting the bottom of the pumpkin but I'm very impressed with the clearance so far on this truck [Music] making decent time but all of that just came to a halt look at the size of this freaking blow down I think this will be the first big test for the silky Big Boy let's see if we can pull it off not sure if that'll be enough room I think it's gonna be close the boat trailer is not gonna make it here we go I'm not sweating you're sweating [Music] [Music] coming up on our first Bridge here the deck looks just fine so I'm going for it where I want to there's three Bridges we have to cross I hope they're all in the shape of the first one we're just coming up on number two looks great oh [Music] I think it's probably accentuated with the rain but there's sections where there's little Creeks running right down the road and around those sections these Alders get so thick like I am just trudging my way through [Music] [Music] this land is so nice and so perfect out here I'm only chopping out what's necessary to open the road as far as branches and stuff I'm just pushing the truck through it's making scratches for sure but this is what the truck was built for so not complaining about it [Music] we've been climbing for quite some time now it's still raining here but I can see we're just below the snow line I really studied the map for today's route and there's an old Air strip out here that was supposed to be the goal I just looked at the map and we should be getting close but it's getting so tight there's definitely been people out here over the years because it's it's cut in a lot but the further I go the less it's maintained I can hardly believe it the airstrip we made it may as well run this bad cell we're taking flight baby anyways enough of playing airport I've got a freaking setup Camp get to bed got pretty cold last night definitely below zero not complaining just stating because the rig stays nice and warm actually today's the day we finally make our way to the mine but 40 kilometers return so should be no problem with the e-bike this thing's marketed with a 80 mile range those figures come from the lowest level of pedal assist on flat ground without rocks or anything so we're we won't get nearly that range but 40K should be no problem my only concern is the Griz bear because we're in some of the densest population of Grizzlies in the world so I turned the speed limiter off on the e-bike should be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a monster Dozer [Music] wow look at that tree [Music] just growing right around the back pretty cool looks like we have a fair bit of elevation game today so I'm gonna stay on pedal assist number one see if I can have the willpower to avoid using the throttle not sure if it's gonna happen but I'm gonna try certainly didn't anticipate this much uphill right off the bat I am sweating how far down are my sleeves you guys are they gonna get caught in the tire I don't think so let's Whip It [Music] it's official we're in the snow [Music] this snow is exhausting [Music] look at this awesome little Trapper's cabin radical old hat I see he's had some bear trouble let's get back to her see how much more punishment I can handle today I push through now that we're on the Sunny Side the snow's melted oh my God look at this unbelievable clear this tree I bet they when they were building the road in here they probably just plowed that thing right over the bank thinking it would die and it said no way Josie we're keeping on just thriving look at this View this is wild oh refreshing look at this freaking nice backhoe just sit up here and rot for the rest of forever what a shame something most people would just die to have is this company's garbage well maybe that means we're getting close which would be nice best news of the day that backhoe Hitman we were close because we're here look at this place can you believe all this stuff's just gonna sit out here until it rots away to nothing I met some folks that live on a lake back here they've come and explored this once before and uh they say everyone's pretty much just walked away there's still food and fridges everything stoked to take a look around foreign luxury accommodation I'm guessing the camp shocks will be all pretty much the same foreign Del's propane that's one of our gas stations in Williams Lake that's hilarious look at that hot water tank and everything freaking luxury up in this joint feels pretty empty I love exploring abandoned mine sites this might be the biggest polluter I've seen out of any spot just freaking garbage here looks like a nice glass boat in here though would you take a look at that bad cell nice damn jam into some chili paps got a trommel there so I'm guessing they were mining for gold wish I knew a little bit more about how all this stuff worked some type of wash Plant there Maybe drums are full of something look at how nice it is here I mean I'm interested in this old abandoned stuff so I understand to many of the viewers it's going to look like an actual like an absolute dump right here but for those of us that appreciate this kind of stuff it's a nice contrast it is a shame though I will admit that see there was a Grizzly checking the site out there's one tiny little camper down here all the other ones up there how do you think you get to be the outcast that lives over here the gas pump [Music] oh this is gas storage in here interesting it's all heated oh nasty I'm gonna washer and dryer over there wow this Camp was actually pretty well set up what the heck is this thing guessing this was maybe an assay Shack I gotta think for core samples I'm not sure what that is [Music] got a half a core sample it's just been broken in half pretty soft material all right I want to take a look through these motorhomes and campers and whatnot here like whoever hauled this out here what an undertaking that would be it took me days to get halfway here in a relatively well equipped rig couldn't imagine dragging this thing all the way this place was abandoned in 2009 so this would have been a pretty new camper at the time wow super nice I mean nasty now been completely taken over by pack rats tell you something interesting both of these fifth wheels have sealed doors just full of pack rat nastiness this one's just a screen totally clean inside I mean the fridge has been taped up and it says do not open so I'm not even gonna see what's waiting for that somebody in that fridge all right I mean there's there's campers littered all through the woods here but there's one in particular I gotta check out there's a Winnebago Motorhome all the places I've taken my motorhome I can just imagine the fun that they had getting this thing up here oh haven't had a scare like that in quite a while as I was getting up to this camper I could smell something dead look around the corner is this black bear dead in there well that's enough of a Adrenaline Rush that I need for the day I wonder what happened to him and why he decided to go in there to die it's a relatively fresh kill it's not like someone's living out here and then shot a problem bear coming into camp that bear decided to die right there well I guess I don't get to see the Winnebago let's go take a look at the bridge pretty hard to sneak up on a bear but a few times over my exploring I've managed to just stumble across an animal sleeping don't know how it happens when I saw that bear I thought it was sleeping I haven't had my heart raced like that in a while it's funny you get so accustomed to stuff doing this every day exploring and being in the wild you become hyper aware but desensitized to animal encounters when I came around the corner and saw that big black body didn't even think to process whether or not it was dead just went into kind of panic mode right away look at this unbelievable most of the abandoned stuff I explore like Old Mines they've been abandoned for many many years before Reclamation was really a a big deal this being abandoned in 2009 it's really a shame this is kind of just a dump site at the top of a beautiful really really nice mountain right at the base of the glaciers the mouth of the river it's a shame I'm not gonna lie I was stoked to come and see this happy I made the trip up and I'll definitely make a second one so I can fly the Drone if the weather cooperates but I'm not a fan of this one good tuna sandwich though really enjoying having a refrigerator in my life might do a quick little buzz around camp and then get out of here this is a new one for me never seen anything like this before this whole piece of equipment is pushed by this tiny little cat What A rad little thing it's almost like a tractor with tracks stoked I made the trip up very disappointed with the site let's get off this mountain before it starts snowing some more I want a big old bear scat got a little too radical coming across the slide bent a tooth on the sprocket hopefully it'll stay might have to break it off we shall see [Music] thank you found a trap [Music] that's pretty neat little conibear [Music] foreign almost back whoa before I conclude this video I think we should cover a couple things first of all with that black bear having freshly dyed in the motorhome any day now that place is going to be overrun with Grizzlies seeing where that smell is coming from and given how remote we are right now I just don't think it's safe to make our second trip up to do any more exploring I also think people are going to be curious why that place was left the way it is there's not a whole lot of documentation I can find as to why the mines shut down so all I can tell you is what I've learned from the locals before coming up here it sounds like most of the work that happened up there was all exploration and the company ultimately just ran out of money they shut down for what was supposed to be a short period of time raise some more money and unfortunately never opened up again well the property has changed hands several times since then and it's at the point now where the the road to access the mine has not been maintained for decades and it is a forestry service road so it's up to the ministry to maintain and fix that road well the mine company says that the bridges are not safe enough to get the equipment out I don't really foresee the ministry putting out the money to fix the roads and clean everything up I also don't see a big mining Corporation stepping up to do the right thing so that site is probably going to just rot up there which is unfortunate because it's up right at the base of the glaciers the headwaters to the to Seco Lakes nevertheless even though it was a monster grind I'm happy we got to go up and explore it I hope you guys enjoyed it too thanks for watching everybody as always take nothing but pictures leave nothing but Footprints I'll catch you on the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 531,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned gold mine, abandoned, gold mine, gold, mine, urbex, urban exploring, mountain top, adventure, explore, Pellair Gold Mine, BC, British Columbia, Canada, Dodge, 4X4, Cummins, 12 valve, overlander, expedition, expedition truck, yo mama, chilcotin, documentary, discovered, discovery, nat geo, national geographic
Id: k9sAtrQEgxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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