Abandoned Since the War | Destination Adventure

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foreign [Music] out in the chilcoten I think came as a surprise to myself even more so than to the viewer so to hear that you guys were excited about another couple weeks out there is great the Wildfire situation brings a certain level of concern heading out west but things are looking pretty good right now so we're gonna deal with the smoke see if we can get out and find something beautiful for you [Music] [Music] with you [Music] [Music] one of my favorite Parts about heading west five minutes out of town you're out of cell phone reception welcome to Freedom everybody feels great night number one is nothing new for the long time viewers of the channel but if you're heading out this way it's kind of a necessary stop just because it's so unique and that is of course Farwell Canyon they're logging out here right now so the road in is super rough but it's a great first test for the modified boat trailer from what I can tell it looks like it's just coasting on butter back there which is a huge win for team destination Adventure [Music] [Music] it is thank you welcome to Farwell Canyon everybody the smoke has settled down here awfully thick which makes for pretty nasty living conditions but it's going to make for some awesome filming so let me give you the Grand Tour I've been spending time out here ever since I was a teenager we used to come out and hike up to what is actually British Columbia's largest sand dune the way that the cliffs erode here leaves behind all of these amazing hoodoos and the sand gets pulled up by the wind and creates this massive Sand Dune right on the top of the hill and with the chilkoten river running right through the bottom it's kind of the perfect place to come out and spend the day I think that Farwell Canyon also played at least a bit of a role in igniting my interest in history because just below us here on the bank of the chilcoten river is the old pothole Ranch which is actually where Farwell Canyon gets its name early 1900s a man named Gordon Farwell purchased this area himself a partner and their wives built the pothole Ranch and lived here for most of their working lives [Music] it did end up getting sold to the Gang Ranch who ran it up until the second world war and it's been abandoned ever since the whole area now is owned by Douglas Lake Cattle Company but the old homesteads in remarkable condition especially being more than 100 years old the climate is awfully dry out here that's why the wood has lasted so long all in all pretty good place for a first night I have a couple different locations planned for this Western trip I think we're going to go high elevation first see if we can climb up out of this smoke I have another surprise but I have to get out and sneakily grab another lens so I don't scare them but there's some big horny sheep right here you can hear a log truck coming up the hill here so we're gonna leave these big horny sheep to do their big horny thing because I don't want to get stuck in the dust foreign part of what makes this local content so fun for me is I know this land so good out here I can actually kind of tour guide a little bit we're making a stop today that I'm so excited about in 2011 I spent a season fighting forest fire and I lived in a camp just over here I haven't been there since but the camp itself was in a very fascinating location it was right beside the Old World War II military Air Base that they built out here I never really got a good look at the airstrip so we're gonna go check it out today I think a fair bit of this stuff is left from when they built this during the war I'm gonna stop and take a look at this building here I wouldn't have thought that this was military era if it wasn't for these cement things up here but I'm guessing they're related nasty do you guys think there's a massive chamber under here that's where the nukes are ah they filled it with cement looks like it's just water down there if I was to make a guess I would say that this is a generator building just far enough off-site that the noise wouldn't be too bad big old fuel tank this is full of sodium Hexum metaphosphate one pound of it and there's quite a lot not sure what that chemical is or what it does but I'm going to stop touching it I've been fortunate to visit a few abandoned military sites it's crazy what's hidden all over the place like this thing's full of water but who knows how deep that goes because I'm assuming it's just rain water oh that one's empty crazy perfectly Polished found the rest of the cow that dead cow's just down there come up to the top of the hill and you can find cement and piping and all kind of stuff through here looks like a wooden Boardwalk went along there either a fence that has fallen over or a boardwalk that would have surrounded something you can see it runs all the way over there cool all right it's enough poking around in the dirt let's go find us an airport maybe they left behind a jet fighter or something go fire off a missile so this was Camp you can see the old shooting range there and imagine hundreds of military canvas tents I lived just on the other side of the road there and the wildfires were so strong that summer it was snowing Ash pretty much the full summer pretty wild I can barely even recognize it now great summer though the air base is just right here that's the end of it the fence line but let's go take a look I have to show you one more thing our warehouse shock was right on the other side of these trees and on downtime we used to play cribbage but instead of betting money we would bet seconds and we would whoever lost that's how many seconds you'd have to hold your hand in this red ants nest I see the ants have gone but the nest is still there well we're not going to be able to go in and take a closer look because this is actually still used today what made it famous is its size it was at the time one of the only few runways big enough to land a monster jet and that's why they built it and we've actually had quite a few big planes that have had to come out here to Land just because the runway in town can't support big plane I wish we could get a closer look I'd love to know how long that Runway actually is someone's here I wonder if they're waiting for a plane or a chopper to come in today check this out I see it says sci-fi on the front of it that's one of our Wildfire fighting Crews or companies I'm not entirely sure but they built a sauna and it looks freaking awesome oh wow look at how good this build is oh it says sci-fi all the way across it so the firefighting crew must have built this thing great construction everybody I think that's all we get to see at the airport we've got a ton of miles to put on today so let's get into it Jam move over would you people in the valley they don't understand what makes it takes the breaks of forces amen well in the valley they don't progress report we're climbing climb until we're at about 9 000 feet also I think this might be my favorite angle in the new truck I feel like an old steam train conductor sexy train leaving the station look at that Caboose this that Sky Mountain Sky tell me why do I have to pass so hard to get by I've been picking up seeking you cannot scream and as I go tell me all the time light changing plans on my end I was hoping to stay at a lake or a river tonight and the goal was kind of minor Lake but it'd be great to score an extra day up in the Alpine the road's bumpy but it's in great condition so we can make pretty good time here I think we're gonna push it right up to the top tonight [Music] how did I did I hear this all time low I've been up here once before and I remember it was tight I don't remember it was this type no matter what they say is [Music] thank you this mountain Skies [Music] you looking for a place to Camp any minute now we are right on the cusp of Alpine it's a really neat elevation looking forwards it's just tiny little trees looking up it's just mountain peaks [Applause] well this is it this is home for the next few days I was hoping to get the truck up a little bit higher but this offers us some nice Shelter From the elements and the wind is just howling today so I'm happy to have it the mine the roads that are up here is from old mining exploration but from what I understand there's nothing left to see so today we're just heading out in search of some beautiful views happy to have you guys along with me [Music] [Music] promotion oh so the light come from myself [Music] being boldness it covers all my faith so could love me a story please [Music] are looking a little nasty up ahead but that's all right little rain never deterred us before [Music] yeah won't you come won't you come and lift me up won't you come true [Music] [Music] won't you come come on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] first bit of sign of humans I've found not entirely sure what it is at first I thought it was an old Fender off a truck but I'm not sure this looks like a little a little bit like a man-made structure a stolen structure here definitely is Old Stone House here or something made in the USA on the bottom I have found a clue not sure if these would have shrunk or if that's the size but look at that tiny little boots leather and there's some rubber ones as well substantially larger here's the end of the line what do you guys think is there a little bit of iron in the rock around here or what looking pretty Rusty I'm gonna climb up what I think to be a big pile of overburden don't know for sure but I'm going to get to the bottom of it if I climbing to the top of it crazy change in weather patterns relatively nice over there and here is just a ice cold wind coming over the mountain with constant moisture but I'll tell you after living in that dense smoke for a week almost two weeks this feels awfully nice all right time to freaking cheese this joint we got so much more to see and I left my sandwich in the rig [Music] [Applause] I'm intrigued by this little Plateau up here and I'm quite thirsty so we're gonna leave the e-bike at the creek rehydrate and see if we can hike up there mmm fresh I'm not sure if it's the elevation or living in the smoke that dense smoke lately either way I am feeling it I did not look this steep from back there but what I do see right up in the saddle there's something walking up there probably a goat look at the riv just coming out of the Rocks there I always wished I had taken some type of geology courses I'd love to know how this happens like all these Jagged rocks they didn't blast out of a volcano or anything and to somebody with a geology background I probably sound like an idiot but I'd like to know do the glaciers drag them down here or do Pieces Just bust off and come tumbling down or is it that goat pushing things I don't know like to know like look at the size of this freaking thing didn't just grow there that's a heavy one oh [Music] listen to this oh wow this Creek goes through a cave should I go climb through that cave probably shouldn't probably gonna wow the temperature difference right here is crazy yeah that snow right there 500 zillion years old probably a dinosaur stuck in there how do we cross this without getting hurt things were getting pretty lit Crossing that snow Bridge so I quit filming made her down to the creek oh brain freeze well e-bike I hope you're ready to do 100 of the work 100 of the way back I've been super happy with this bike but the suspension has been a problem since day one the company's being good about it they're sending new stuff but the back shock is pooched right now it seems to have negative pressure in here somehow trying to undo it without having an explosion go off I was wearing my sunglasses for safety glasses didn't know how that was gonna go like that that's more what I was expecting [Music] well I'm forced to believe there's probably something internally wrong with this shock but if I can get it to work for this trip will be good enough with this shock being decompressed all the way or I guess compressed all the way the pedals hit the ground can't get over any rocks or anything things are looking good though well there you have it feeling pretty confident that that shock will hold up for at least one more solid day of Adventure but for this video we are out of time so next week we'll head up and Summit that bad cell before making our way down the mountain thanks for watching everybody as always take nothing but pictures leave nothing but Footprints and I'll catch you on the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 114,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploring, abandoned, found, discovered, discovery, history, historic, historical, Nat Geo, National Geographic, Documentary, Docu Series, Abandoned Military Base, Alpine, Mountaineering, mountain, travel, adventure, explore, BC, British Columbia, Farwell Canyon, Canada, Overlander, Expedition, Expedition Truck
Id: eDf7X7q9yUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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