Discord Should Ban MEE6 Already!

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okay my goodness I have a lot of dirty laundry about Discord Bots I'm gonna air out today I'm gonna talk about me six you know always garbage I'm gonna talk about Carl bot and them trying to make me play Roblox again I'm gonna talk about bot ghost who try to bribe some dude with an unbanned to remove negative feedback which is kind of messed up anyways let's start off with the fan favorite me six I love me six anyways I was on the Cesspool of r slash Discord app which is the Discord app subreddit and I found this post me six is now sending unsolicited advertisements via DMS this was a good post I don't know why it was deleted turns out this bad boy got deleted because someone went full Reddit detective figured out that this dude worked with Dino at some point and everyone decided he works with Dino this is some super crazy marketing Ploy uh it wasn't and it's kind of disappointing to see that everyone decided to just collectively crap on this dude for no reason thankfully someone decided to repost the Reddit post and now we have this new one me six now DMS you unsolicited advertisements I guess and if I open up this image let's give her a whirl this is is a DM from me 6 saying get 20 more XP for 12 hours by voting for me 6 on top.gg every 12 hours you can vote for me 6 on top.gg some sort of referral link which can help us stand out on the top.gg website now here's the thing when I was right in this bad boy script okay me six was actually promoted by top.gg which means that they paid money to top.gg to get advertised and stay at the top of the list right now it's mushroom however there was me six but it's not there anymore so maybe top.ggs like me six you're so damn stupid I don't want to advertise you anymore or maybe me six is running out of that sweet sweet cheddar maybe they spent it all on like only fans or feet photos but anyways if you search up me six now you'll notice that it has 77.52 000 upvotes and when I made this script it was at 31 000 upvotes so a lot of people are voting for the bot to get this extra XP now why in gosh darn heck are me six trying to get more upvotes on top.gg aren't they the largest Discord moderation bot yeah they actually are but I think they're trying to do this because when everyone goes on YouTube and searches me six man me six is garbage me six is trash me six is evil and I wonder who's to blame for that but me sticks is just trying to claw in new members so that me six can say oh hey look is that your parents credit card off thank you so much Timmy awesome now you get three years of premium for five bajillion dollars now this is definitely a joke but if my me six videos if all of them just get taken down randomly I'm totally not being sued okay thankfully though there's always a McDonald's nearby that is hiring and one of you will probably use that to figure out where I live and kill me in my sleep but anyways whenever there's any sort of Bot drama and I have no idea what's going on I go to one Twitter account and that's panly baby and panley basically sums it up beautifully continuing their disregard for platform policies me six bot has sent out unsolicited marketing to users as highlighted below and these links contain server ID so there's like privacy tracking stuff real pain in the rear end and basically panley says don't use me sticks and these photos are great basically they highlighted that in discord's bot developer terms of service it says do not Target users with advertisements or marketing uh advertisement marketing oh what and there is a little bit of a clause to it that V6 is definitely abusing but messaging to Discord users from any application or developer team should be relevant to the function of the application me six is going to say that oh this advertisement well it's related to the function of the XP bot of course this follows the rules in reality though I think that uh advertisements like this completely go against what the user is thinking and it's just plain old advertising it's like when you join a Discord server and you get 30 000 DMS asking you to join like egirl DM Paradise e-dating crap that's annoying but anyways so there's criticism on Twitter and Twitter is the Cesspool of the internet if someone farts on stream you'll hear about it on Twitter first but this has gone trickled down a little bit because if I go to the me6 support server oh my goodness it's like a war zone in here now let me make it clear right off the bat do not harass me sex or or anyone I talk about in this video because it does nothing and it's really annoying this video in itself is already going to make me six really upset so y'all don't need to do anything more so on the me6 server oh my goodness this this could have been framed any better like I swear I scripted this bad boy and put it together but I didn't I received a DM last night which seemed like an advertisement for voting from this bot yet I did not agree to get any sort of advertisement of that sort from the bot but now we get the senior moderator Jerry saying ah this DM sends to people when they level up but not every time they level up and the only way to disable this would be disabling the level Plugin or enabling the bot personalizer now I've been in the me six trenches long enough I'll translate this for you you will be sending your users DM advertisements unless you disable the leveling function so you just don't use the bot for that part or you pay money to me six anyways really bad take by Jerry in my opinion and it really goes to show that why is Jerry thinking like an idiot well of course because Jerry's probably being paid as a senior moderator but but the idiocracy doesn't stop there it keeps going now I don't want to make this a poop on Jerry video but they do go into the tweet and they do talk to panley and two things first this is relevant to the Bots function so invalidated opinion gone XP boost for an XP bot it's relevant doesn't matter if I'm advertising my only fans my YouTube channel and it doesn't doesn't matter as long as I put an XP message in there it's wonderful you know what I'm gonna make an XP bot that every single time you send a message I'm gonna say wow you just got XP subscribe to my YouTube channel or I know where you live and I'll find your house and I'll I should probably simmer down before I get terminated from YouTube anyways if you couldn't tell this is a really bad take from both of us my joke wasn't even funny paneling goes on to basically say that this person's an idiot and it just seemed Mass DM arbitrarily and this guy said oh I talked to me six staff about this and they know me six knows what they're doing they read the rules well I read the rules and it seems like me six has no idea what they're doing now I'm gonna say something that will probably get me in a lot of hot water so please listen for a second I know with a very high degree of confidence that me six works very close with Discord because me 6 is the largest moderation bot the thing is is that Discord wants me 6 to be a wonderful role model and show what people should do and when me 6 does stupid stuff like nfts email advertising people about their nfts which I've talked about before and in this case DM advertising to users what it does is it shows new developers and Bots that are not as popular as me 6 AKA every other bot on the platform that oh sending DMS with advertising is okay and I can say 100 Discord is extremely pissed off with me six I am just so waiting for the day that Discord decides to drop the Cesspool of a bot I'll have my popcorn in hand for this massive kerfuffle if it ever does unfold and let me tell you I'll be excited if it does anyways let's move on to my cute little turtle bot carlbot after this huge Fallout of the me six drama there's been Reddit post on the r slash Discord app Cesspool of people saying stop suggesting carlbot and yay PDP is alternative Bots and from this 30-page thesis on Reddit I'm going to summarize it basically Carl bought yagpdp and a couple other Bots are actually part of botlabs.gg I opened it up botlabs.gg we have Fred boat carlbot yag PDP couple other anime ones at piggy if you actually just go on Discord and I go to oh not this server let's go to a different server let's go to this one if I type in slash Roblox play on any Discord server that has carlbot enabled and press enter you'll get this ad play Roblox on browser I click play now because I want to play Roblox so bad on my videos so that I can get all the kids to watch it and now I have infinite retention because kids love watching Roblox but anyways as you'll notice uh now.gg I open it up and there's just Roblox and there's ads everywhere now if you've never played Roblox before first off congratulations you're saving your brain but Roblox doesn't have just ads riddled everywhere the reason why there's ads riddled everywhere is because we're using now.gg this weird website now I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what now.g G is so I did a little bit of Googling AKA looking at panley's Twitter feed and I found out that actually what's going on here is that bot Labs is owned by a company called now.gg and now.gg also owns BlueStacks and if it isn't obvious the Roblox emulator has a ton of ads it probably uses all the information they got from BlueStacks but hosts it on the cloud and it uses bot labs to push that Roblox game out and what happens is that now.gg either gets money from Roblox just through advertising their game or they get money through the ads that are actually placed on the website so if it's not clear already this is completely clear advertisement that has a very tangible and easy to see financial gain this is just like the me six thing and we had issues with me six advertising this is exactly the same thing just in a different coat of paint it's really upsetting to see that carlbot has fallen this far because this Reddit post the whole one about stopped suggesting Carl bought and yagpdp basically says that carlbot was fantastic until they got purchased by bot labs and there's a common joke floating around underwear if bot Labs purchases a bot they kill the bot bot Labs kills Bots and there's also more information about how the support team is really awful to deal with and it's just incompetent egotistical a pain in the rear end and anyways let's talk about the final part of this puzzle bot ghost and how they're also garbage and there's a lot of dirty laundry and baggage that I learned about so basically I got a message from a viewer that said that they got banned from the bot ghost server now they were someone who actually spent a lot of time on the server they sent thousands of messages they actually got staff at one point and they were helping out people they're just low level staff though they're just moderating chat telling people where to go but from what the viewer said they basically got banned because the developers of Bot ghost found the kid annoying you know just server drama and what ended up happening is the viewer got banned the viewer was upset so they went on the Cesspool of Twitter to complain but the second after this negative feedback hit Twitter my viewer got a wonderful email and this should royally piss you off and make you hate bot ghost and I quote we have seen a couple tweets and other expressions of you against botghost and its support server we are willing to this is very important we are willing to unban you so we can give you the support you need but in advance we need you to delete those negative tweets and expressions first you know what this is this is bribery at its very fundamental level this viewer is getting bribed by bot ghost into taking down their negative feedback so they can get unbanned from a server they once loved and this should leave a very sour taste in your mouth when something like this happens it loses the trust of the consumers and what happens is with botghost I personally am significantly more skeptical of any positive review when I look at a positive review and I know that the company removes negative reviews or bribes people to remove negative reviews it's not that far of a stretch to assume that those positive reviews might have been paid for there's some sort of compensation or something so it's really hard to trust any positive review I contacted botghost for any comment on this and you wouldn't believe what I got this is a first in my whole entire career I got a wonderful no comment Stonewall message basically they didn't want to talk about it so with that no comment response it really makes me feel like they know they messed up and they just don't want to talk about it it seems really upsetting the whole point of this video is that I personally think if the product is good and it's not annoying your members and God forbid you don't have to enter the support server and deal with you know egotistical devs then just keep using the product or the bot or whatever you use however if you start having problems with the bot that you're using for free just use another free one however if you're paying for a premium membership I feel like you should definitely start looking at issues like this and specifically with me six don't spend your money at V6 none of this applies if you use B6 if you use me six stop using it anyways I'm gonna go like simmer down for a bit I love you guys
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 1,144,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord memes, discord mod, discord trolling, discord mee6, mee6 is evil, mee6 is stupid, I hate mee6, mee6 hate, discord bot, discord stupid, discord is evil, mee6 discord bot, discord drama, discord news, no text to speech, discord ntts, mee6 is stupid and I hate it, mee6 meme, discord bots
Id: HepIpx63yKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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