Did Discord Unverify MEE6? Was it a Bug?

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on March 1st at around 507 PM me 6 was no longer verified now what happens when me 6 gets unverified well the bot thankfully still functioned like normal which is very important but you couldn't invite it which is completely hilarious now when something like this happens I go straight to the source baby I go to the me6 support server which I'm banned from on three accounts unfortunately and there is this post in the status update saying that you cannot add me 6 to new servers you know nothing about the bot being unverified but you just can't add it to any new server now I did dive into the me six support General chat and I did find a me6 volunteer moderator who unfortunately is not directly one of the me six co-founders but they said that Discord didn't know what's going on and they are investigating now that's where I come in to tell you what happened what is me six not telling us and there are three things that really help paint a picture on what happened and the first thing is that this is the first time that a Discord bot has been accidentally unverified Bots have been actually rate limited before or even disabled for example Koya when it got hacked the whole entire bot got disabled but guess what it kept that sweet succulent check mark next to its name and with WIC one time it got rate limited I mean it's an anti-raid bot it does a lot of banning and kicking people and guess what it still kept its verification even though it was rate limited it couldn't even do anything it still had its verification typically most Bots will just get completely disabled and cease to function until you contact Discord but every single one of these Bots kept their verification and a me six had the exact opposite me six lost its verification but using a little bit of fancy couple little Bots you can see that me six still had functionality I mean you could use it when you still had it in your server but using this bot you could see that it had presence intent server members intent message contents intent heck even the volunteer moderator I pointed at before still said that intents are still on and they usually don't leave them on if they remove a bot and also I want to point out that bot verification is like completely manual as far as I know I mean once you get past 100 servers you put your your application then you get verified if it was an automatic system where there was like some sort of logic that would remove Bots being verified and why the heck are there still scam Bots that are verified the second thing is that me six is the largest Discord bot on the platform it 100 has a direct line to Discord staff in the case of events like this or being rate limited or just being disabled like those other Bots if this was a simple mistake it would be fixed within the hour guaranteed and the third and final thing that I want to point out is that when musics got its verification removed it happened on March 1st at 5 20 pm and if you don't know already the me six Founders are French people because we're a real company and not just like a NST project we have me six which is a very popular uh tool beautiful accent but as you can see 5 pm on March 2nd it really doesn't matter the times are the same but at 5 PM it's 2 o'clock in the morning in France and when mink 6 got re-verified it took let's just keep in mind 23 hours ago when it got Revere terrified it happened 11 hours ago so it took 12 hours which is way longer than the one hour time frame that usually happens if this is just a normal bug but it got re-verified at around 4 49 am who the heck is awake during that time well of course our beautiful French boys as you can see around 449 is between 1 and 2 p.m in France now adding in all these factors it's really clear to see that there is a very clear possibility that this was intentional and I personally 100 stand behind the fact that Discord did this intentionally so why did Discord unverify me six our cute precious little bot well of course me six has been in a lot of hot water for me specifically but also from the Discord Community because all my complaints are just from the Discord Community I'm making them vocal now despite all my constant little whining me six eventually did get some public press from people that have a louder voice than me especially around their 3 million dollar Discord nft uh project AKA scam I'm calling it a scam you could consider it a soft rug whatever you want to say to make yourself feel better but we have some ordinary gamers you know big name in the space looking at this Discord scam with the beautiful alternatives to me six website and the thumbnail that I spent three hours on which I really like but it doesn't stop there we have moist critical who had to watch my video on stream God bless your soul I'm not even religious but this video was 24 hours of an all-nighter it was edited weirdly and finally in terms of coverage we have Zach xbt who's basically a well-known web 3 scam Buster who talked about the me six nft and was extremely disappointed and all this together makes Discord look really stupid remember their top Discord bot is committing these heinous acts of nft garbage now we can't tell exactly what discord's reasoning was behind unverifying me six but it could have been an accumulation of all the me six issues that I've covered in a playlist which is like an hour or something of me six lore or it's nicely just summarized on panely's tweet up on the screen here but Discord doing this does show that they're willing to start actually enforcing their terms of service for their developer which is a really good start like this is actually something really good and it seems like Discord is kind of moving on the up and up so now what do I think about this whole situation well I got a couple hot takes so be prepared but the first one is that the number of people that went on the me6 server and basically started rating it when it got unverified was completely disgusting honestly I saw the messages and I was extremely disappointed it makes us look like whiny crybabies and not people that actually have a reason to be upset at a bot now my second hot take of the day is that banning me six is bad I mean I went on Reddit because of course I was monitoring this while it was going down and there's a lot of people that are excited about the bot being unverified but here's the thing me six is a stinky awful bot I do not like it but 20 million servers use this bot if Discord just banned this bot out of nowhere 20 million servers could be rated and spammed which would be an even larger issue removing verification from the bot only harms me six it only stops new people from using the bot because new users can't invite the bot as you can see this bot can't join more servers as it's not been verified it only harms me 6. Discord unverifying the bot is honestly the biggest brain move on the planet now my third hot take is that I was browsing Reddit of course when it got re-verified and someone said that why don't we totally remake the me six bot but it's just completely free and has all premium features I speak as a benefactor how much would this cost any devs in here know what's up I'm gonna be honest all large Discord Bots need a premium subscription or a way to support themselves ad Revenue might not be enough to pay the devs especially when everyone uses Adblock I know how much ads you guys Block it's a lot and that ad Revenue might not be enough to pay for developers or for Server upkeep so if a Discord bot that you're using is completely free don't take it for granted or for some people they say Granite because they don't know the term anyways I there's no hardcore proof I don't have the direct messages between Discord and me six however putting all the pieces together it's a pretty clear picture of what's going on Discord is getting their crap together and me six is getting punished for being a bad bad boy okay oh I don't even know what to say bye-bye
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 189,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord server, discord tutorial, discord mee6, discord bots, discord bot, mee6, mee6 nft, mee6 verified, mee6 unverified, discord mee6 problems, mee6 ntts, mee6 no text to speech, ntts, no text to speech, mee6 verification, discord verified bot, discord bot verify, mee6 discord bot, mee6 discord bot setup, mee6 bot discord
Id: wUnlvB2BQvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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