Mee6 is Good Now? Well...

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suspiciously positive reviews a new me six chill program and a new feature that is actually good is me six turning things around well let's get started with those suspicious reviews a couple of cute viewers of mine noticed that the me six trustpilot page is looking a little bit better than before in fact I have two viewers telling me about it so just as a frame of reference back in July 10th 2022 me 6's trustpilot looked like this 1.9 stars with 31 reviews but a handful of months later it now has a thousand reviews with a 4.7 star rating now this is extremely weird because if you don't know the me six lore they did a whole bunch of crappy stuff with nfts like an nft rug now let me say from the get-go I should make it extremely clear I'm not saying that these reviews all these positive reviews are fake they're just really suspicious now one thing to note is that trustpilot says that they may use unsupported invitation methods and basically the way that trustpilot works is that you have supported methods where you can ask your customers to review your product but this could simply just be the peanut brains at me six Anis and Brendan can't read a simple instruction manual on how to have proper reviews or what this could mean is that me six could be asking people to review them on trustpilot for maybe some free premium or a couple of free features but I haven't seen anything on the internet that would confirm this in fact I had to make another Discord account because me six keeps on Banning me for joining their server and there was really nothing about trustpilot now I'm not sure if this is a thing but if me 6 has contacted you in any way shape or form to vote for them on trustpilot please do send me a Discord DM so I can add a little pinned comment to this video now the reason why these reviews are a little bit suspicious is that some of them are just incoherent garbage not a review this isn't a review at all I don't know about me 6 enough to review it then why leave a review and another cherry-picked review here of someone just with incoherent stuff I've seen large servers with bastoc versions of report bot how can I get one so whether this be some sort of Bot that went wild or someone that just doesn't speak English too well it's kind of strange how all these reviews specifically happened around March 3rd there was a big wave of weird ones and the thing that's quite strange to me is that if you go to the filter of trustpilot and you see all the reviews there are 715 reviews and in the last three months there have been 459 reviews so a very substantial chunk of reviews have been placed in the last three months which once again is kinda weird now personally I would never trust a dedicated review website like trustpilot because first off a whole bunch of scammers will use it to boost their product to make it look official trustpilot had to remove 1.8 million fraudulent reviews in 2021 because people are using it to boost how good their product looks and even if you have a legitimate review but it's extremely negative there's a whole bunch of people on quora airing their dirty laundry on how basically all their negative reviews have been removed but regardless with review websites there is obviously a very good incentive to make your profile look as good as possible and I'm going to tell you a story about how my friend found an infinite money glitch with one of these website there is a review website called captera where basically you can find any software though I search for Photoshop and you can see a whole bunch of people that wrote reviews about the product now the thing with these reviews is that you can actually look for reviewer source and for some of them you can see this reviewer was invited by us to submit an honest review and offered a nominal incentive as a thank you what does this mean well if you sign up for captera I'm not sure if it still works now my friend did this a very long time ago but every single time you wrote a review you would get ten dollars on Amazon and it took like 10 minutes to write a review so that's 60 dollars an hour and of course with chat GPT and AI you could probably write 10 reviews in 10 minutes just by telling AI to do it for you now the sad thing is that you could only write 10 reviews a month with a specific profile but who's to stop you from making another one now here's the thing my friend told me that you could write a whole bunch of very positive reviews and never get caught but the second you wrote a negative review they would actually look into your profile and see whether or not you were actually someone who knew how to use Photoshop properly so take taking this all into account doesn't really matter if me 6 has a good trustpilot review score not really because you shouldn't rely on trustpilot to determine whether or not a product is good now let's move on to me six's page Shilling program AKA an affiliate program now if you don't know the way an affiliate program works is that you basically have your own little special link and when you send people to me six and they buy a premium subscription you get a commission you make money and to be honest this is a pretty cool thing to have if the bot wasn't hated so much by the whole entire Community but regardless diving a little bit deeper you got a 20 commission which is generous like they said so for example if you invited someone to me six and they bought premium you would get 18 if they bought the lifetime plan ten dollars if they bought a yearly plan and two dollars and forty cents if they bought a monthly plan but there's two things I want to point out whoever you invite actually gets a 10 discount so it's worth them to use your affiliate link but the second thing is that this works for every single one of me six's products so yes it's not just premium it's me six Pro which is and you would get ten dollars if you somehow convinced someone to buy this piece of garbage and three dollars if you got them to buy a one month plan and if you somehow convince someone to buy me six's AI generation garbage you would get if they bought a yearly plan eight dollars and thirty cents for the basic plan twenty four dollars for the ultra yearly plan and for the free plan you get zero dollars because twenty percent of zero zero welcome to math with no text to speech oh my God we're learning so much the issue with this for everyone is that you're now going to have a whole bunch of people that are trying to push me six on you so they can earn that juicy juicy 20 commission and with all these people trying to make money it's gonna drown out the actual users saying instead of buying me six premium just use two free Discord Bots and instead of people telling you to just use like free AI Alternatives they're gonna shove this down your throat and for anyone that advertises me six Pro they are Beyond stupid because this thing is completely worthless so unfortunately my dream of breaking away from YouTube's ad Revenue won't become a reality unless Discord does some sort of Creator code thing which by the way Discord if you do this I could retire early which I'd really appreciate now of course I'm such a tease because I saved the best for last me six actually released a good feature and I hope Bots start to implement this into their bot because it's called automations and basically what it allows you to do is program your own bot Behavior so when you open up automations you have a couple templates that you can look at and just to explain automations I'm going to look at welcomer because it's a very simple template basically you can set a trigger so when someone sends a message the bot will activate and it'll go through a couple of conditional if statements If the message contains one of these words or sentences hi or hello or hey or sup then the me six bot will do this and what it'll do is that it will react on the message with these emojis so the wave Emoji then it will reply to the message saying hello there so extremely extremely basic however you do have a little bit more customization if you start from scratch you can have it where if someone sends a message adds a reaction gains a rule loses a role joins a voice Channel leaves a voice Channel or creates a thread then the bot will activate and you can make it do certain things however it is quite limited now the only caveat is that you can only have up to 10 of these automations now I'm going to hit you with reality for a second uh this isn't anything new by the way for example yag PDP yet another general purpose Discord bot is my favorite bot because it basically has what me six has this automations thing but it's on steroids goddamn so like you know how me sex only had a couple of customization triggers well look what yagpdp has it has an absolute metric ton and it focuses a lot on moderation so it's maybe less fun than me six but God damn that is a lot God this thing is literally customizable it is definitely daunting me six did a fantastic job at making this easy to approach but this guy is honestly the limit with jagpdp and if something isn't on auto moderator V2 well guess what sweetheart you just go to custom commands and you program your own type of Bot functionality so for example we have a snipe command where someone sends a message and deletes it we can run a little command and it'll bring that message back we also have a thing where if someone spams a whole bunch of reactions well they'll get muted now of course it's all this weird funky code and half of you don't even want to program anything and neither do I but thankfully there's a massive Community behind the Jag PDP bot where you can literally just go on the internet and find a whole bunch of code just sitting there that you can copy and when this website runs out of ideas you just go on GitHub and I can guarantee to you I've probably stolen three bits of code from this one individual person so uh thank you very much I love you so here's the thing me six's automations feature is nothing new and revolutionary it's literally just a very basic version of Auto moderator V2 but it is an extremely good addition because here's the thing yagpdp is extremely difficult to use and me six making something like this that is extremely easy to use not only tells people that this is possible with Discord Bots but it also makes other Discord bot developers follow suit and try to put this in their bot so from the bottom of my heart me six thank you for doing something like this because now people will know that Bots can do stuff like this and people will stop asking me to make a custom bot tutorial because that that's just too much time and energy and ah anyways I hope that the me six team continues to work on this automations feature because if they make it better and better and it's this user friendly God damn you might actually have a good reason to use me six assuming it stays for free and isn't a premium only feature but that's besides the point anyway sweetheart bye bye I love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 247,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, mee6 discord bot, discord bot, discord memes, discord mod, discord server, mee6, mee6 is evil, mee6 is good, mee6 bot, mee6 discord bot setup, discord mee6, mee6 bot discord, discord bots, discord news, mee6 exposed, mee6 ntts, no text to speech, ntts, mee6 is bad, mee6 is making a comeback
Id: 8LwZ2fyTZ8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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