We Became ANIME (ft. @TrashTaste ) | Cold Ones

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hello everyone uh welcome to another episode of cold ones uh Chad how you going I'm Max mofo today's episode is sponsored by cool shirts over shirts with z.com and use code called once 10 off uh we're now powered by Grog 2. yeah everyone crack Grog I've already cracked mine open and in gamer subscribe GG thank you Gamers up so the gamersups.gg forward slash cold ones 10 off our guests today can be only described as professional weaves whose love for anime manga and otaku culture saw them assemble from around the globe and moved to Japan the trio collectively hosts the trash taste podcast which drives into everything Japanese pop culture including anime manga and getting no [ __ ] okay the podcast combined with their personal channels uh the anime man Sea Dog VA and gigock is that am I saying that right attracting uh millions of viewers each week uh all to hear about their trash taste please welcome Joey Connor and Grant everyone that's like an inside joke that everyone always gets gone's name wrong as saying Grant yeah because no one of it has gone right it's always Grand in fact when we first met I was like you're like gone to like Grant you're like gaunt like a grant uh possibly like the most important moment of my life uh when I was on the altar uh getting married last year I got called grants what yeah the the woman dead ass was like do you guard Grant [Music] do you guys ever [ __ ] talk about anime on your show like never we do like once a year maybe I mean it's getting more often now because I heard Joey has started re-watching anime for the first time like finally out of my slump I was in a slump for like two or three years because I just like burnt myself out watching every [ __ ] anime I've ever made how many of them have you seen I've probably like in total I've probably seen close to like 2 000 series yo that's over well I went from 2000 to over a thousand real quick no no I mean like easily over a thousand I'd say because like I was a lot of shows what yeah that's why I [ __ ] burnt out after you watched like a thousand of anything you're just like yeah this kind of [ __ ] sucks now I don't want to do it anymore so what about you guys then like how many would you say you've seen 20 20. see you see Japanese so you're allowed to be a weave like what approval why did you guys move to Japan so we knew each other before me and Joey because we're both anime YouTubers Connor was I was an anime YouTuber yeah and I realized that watching anime is cringe yeah so we invited them to like a house party in like the middle of nowhere and for some like psychotic reason he said yes that's the best place to meet strangers middle of [ __ ] nowhere it was like a porn house did you have less Subs than everyone at that point is that why you were like I will do it I'll do that you're the young one so you are inviting a kid to a point he was sweaty oh okay all right don't worry all right checks out so you went to that and it was fun then we all just and I knew Joey because we'd briefly you emailed me I emailed Joey I emailed him being like hey let's do anime rap battles and it never happened that sounds gay but was there any recording at all no I don't think so you have done rap battles that do exist correct yes okay yeah I had uh I had one [ __ ] years ago that I did with like a dude who I don't talk to anymore because he just like quit YouTube not long after that where we did like uh [ __ ] what was it light versus L that's no no no no versus l l from L from now Blues from Code Geass and yeah it was it [ __ ] sucked there was also way back when literally anything was appreciated though you can't you can't do that now well yeah no one makes it now because you know no one wants to watch well everybody is an audience for it there is the [ __ ] Mr Beast guy that went [ __ ] viral oh yeah yeah take on Epic Rap Battles that's somehow still modern-ish yeah what I would say is no one wants to see us yeah no yeah didn't smash blow up from lip singing a Pokemon video as well yeah yeah that was their original like viral video but like back then it was like that kind of content was just more I guess accepted and was just like oh yeah that's like a cool quirky thing that people are doing yeah it's just an evolution over time but also it's fine to it's normal to look back at anything you've done and think it sucks because that means you're constantly trying to make better content yeah I remember you did like a cold like a bunch of YouTubers for video that's like what their favorite anime was and why yeah I remember I said attack on time so I was [ __ ] just love attack on top at least you responded Max was just like oh I don't watch enough anime I said I said um I don't consider myself like a connoisseur of anime yeah if a chat doesn't either but he was in it he totally does he loves [ __ ] Dragon Ball he loves attacking Titan why didn't you say Dragon Ball why do you say Attack on Titan because at the time I was like re-watching it I just loved the music because I I just like get in my car and just listen to attack on Titan like see like uh soundtrack like from all the different seasons to be fair it is [ __ ] it's [ __ ] good like it's fire now I [ __ ] hate it because it's taking too long to finish do you guys want to like not be seen as like weebs or like people who watch anime it's cool to like anime now yeah it is I think it is yeah it's cooler I mean weebs will forever get clowned on rightly so right but at least it's become more socially accepted to like say hey I'm watching uh I'm watching an anime if you guys are in school in Australia and you said you liked anime at like age 15 would you just get bullied into Oblivion oh for sure no I had good friends do you have boys for playing games so I was like I cannot tell them I'm watching gaming they were all doing it because they were playing sports because they put their [ __ ] FIFA and I'm playing yeah it's like oh I'm sorry I was I was like in the friend group that like all watched like Naruto and like bleach and then played World of Warcraft but we all still played footy yeah for me it was only like game gaming just started to become popular but the only socially acceptable games were Call of Duty and FIFA if you're not shooting someone or kicking a ball exactly yeah [ __ ] killing a soldier yeah I I can kind of understand why you get sick of this so much of it like uh I have friends that still watch a lot of it like oh you gotta watch this you gotta watch this I'm like man I got a job I feel as well after you've watched so many you just like even if you're not trying to do it you just look at a new series and you just immediately be like oh I've seen something like this already is there anything that's come out like in like modern times that has actually broken the mold so much so that devil man cry baby is that what it's called but that's based off a manga from the 60s that's why it was good yeah I think Attack on Titan has done [ __ ] wonders for the anime Community because that's like Attack on Titan to me has kind of become the closest thing we've had to like the anime equivalent of like something like Breaking Bad horny all the goddamn yeah exactly right it's it's actually trying to tell like a serious story and it's gotten popular enough that pretty much anyone who's into anime is watching it so now that the final season or the final [ __ ] season part three episode two whatever uh like everyone's talking about it is your studio pissing itself yeah that's the toilet drain yeah yeah that's yeah those pipes that's the [ __ ] and Pierce that goes there if we weren't moving out we want to put clear pipes in it so every time something else see it going through like or do uh like a Nickelodeon thing where you cut the pipe above you guys yeah yeah wait yeah the wrap up the gay weeb anime [ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] it is saturated and it's so hard to keep up it's coming from a Dragon Ball fan shut up I hate watching something I like and then then someone says oh they've completely changed from the manga because they want to make it last 20 seasons for money yeah that's why I [ __ ] had attack on title I'm like can you just finish it all right I don't think I'd like a Titan has done that though I don't think they've like stretched it out they have they are six more months till last episode guys don't that's just and then we might make a move your son they're definitely gonna make a move yeah I haven't read the Manga so I don't know what's called I had to I needed to know the ending it was pissing me off sure there's no way you've read all of that oh okay let me reframe I found a website where someone audible it and it was sorry it was [ __ ] YouTube video I want to sing a website it was like they just this guy who reviewed it or something wait wait you didn't read the time you had someone read Attack on Titan two yeah same with the Dragon Ball Z I really want to see hear about the granola Arc and I didn't want to read it so I found uh granola bar it's an arc in Dragon Ball they skipped apparently it's really good what do they fight yogurt holy [ __ ] it's just like the manga but animated like how is it what do you mean when they add sound effects oh that's kind of cool this is an animated Wikipedia article bro yeah but it's got Santa for him I ain't reading [ __ ] why did you not just read the Manga the way I can read I can't read good cake and I can't absorb it I'm like what the [ __ ] did I just read con men when they find out that he can't read the contract you guys can make fun of me but there are some voice messages from my lawyer I'm like can you please explain that in not text form and he sends me a voice memo you know what you don't [ __ ] love about Japan I love lighting up a cigarette after a bowl of ramen like I don't know some satisfying about sitting next to someone that's eating food and lining a cigarette up next to them it's the vibe of like a 5am Ramen place it's like one dude's still there I get that and it's like that business guy that's either just about to go to work or he's just finished drinking with work your fetish is ostracizing some poor bloke's life he probably doesn't want to drink till five he just has no choice what was your guys I know it sounds this is the only way I can word it because I can't you grew up there right yeah okay you're cut out of this one what was your guys fantasization about like wanting to move to Japan what was like why do I want to move there I'll be honest like I spent most of my life trying to like not seem like that yeah who wants to move to Japan yeah actually now that I'm in Japan I kind of regret it right because I wish I had that weebie phase where I tried to speak and learn Japanese and you know I tried to like understand the culture more because that would have helped me so [ __ ] much moving to Japan my entire life I was like I'm a I'm a wee but I'm never gonna move to Japan I'm not that I'm not one of those I'm not one of them talking about this earlier uh and then I actually went to visit there and I was like holy [ __ ] this country actually [ __ ] rocks a lot see it's funny that you guys say that but there is a dark side to Japan of course and like I feel like some people don't know that because they're watching from the outside they all see all the good [ __ ] but there's a lot about we mentioned it quite a bit on trash yeah but I think at the same time people have this like really lopsided view of Japan it's either like you're either like a Japan dick rider where it's like yeah but in Japan they have this amazing thing and this amazing or you're a Japan hater where it's like oh did you know that the the rate of sexual abuse is higher than anywhere else in the world it's like which is weird because that doesn't get said about a lot of places it's only in Japan it's only Japan like if I was like hey guys I'm moving to Thailand people people wouldn't be like what the [ __ ] you can't go to Thailand without knowing the culture and why is that the case do you guys think I think it's because like there's just this like inherent a lot of people are romanticized Japan yeah I feel like a lot of this came from like the explosion economic explosion in like the 80s where Japan was seen as like the future of technology where the technological Center was in Japan everything was coming out of them like Sony had all every team was coming from there every phone was coming from there yeah now it just all comes from China but yeah yeah yeah exactly but China is not romanticized I thought Korea's ever taken Japan a lot with the K-pop boom right especially as in with like the tech as well though like Samsung is crushing them yeah yeah careers like um not like an anime it's more of a pop culture like your K-pop you've got all the K dramas and stuff like that and all the TV shows which they [ __ ] they make good series I'm a good TV I think that was apparent yeah even before a squid game was such a success good game squid game it's it's their Matrix I I I was fortunate enough to like date someone because I like I was like general just just in general ended there look how far the Dragon Ball fan has come I dated a girl because I hated reading subtitles like on [ __ ] the anime's dubbed right and she was like man you gotta want you gotta watch all these Korean shows with me I [ __ ] loved them that was like the only thing because I you know I like to look at my phone while I'm watching TV because I can't [ __ ] you're tiny little phone oh you're like the tick tock with the subway yeah she like got me into a bunch of you know the K movies and I was like oh these are actually [ __ ] videos amazing movies they're killing it when he went to Japan did you ever go to a maid Cafe I did once yeah but I didn't want to because that's like a weeb thing to do right yeah who lives in Japan's like bro you got to come to a mad Cafe I'm like well he lives here must be all right I loved it it was [ __ ] yeah I loved it I [ __ ] hate the attention yeah just let me eat in peace yeah but there's some weird characters in those bro you see some real horny [ __ ] sit down there alone and like please come up to me and make me do the dance with you I just mostly saw a [ __ ] businessman in there though under the population rates crashing and that kind of stuff like actually it's coming back up now Japan after covert Japan has the number one fertility in that region yeah but also Asia is the worst region yeah I'm like who are they competing with like China Korea like all the Asian countries they're back up but is it really a w yeah Korea is like awful like I think most countries the problem is you need two 2.1 right to keep up the population yeah and I think a lot of countries are struggling to like have like one 1.5 I think Korea had like something like 0.9 I think Japan went up to like 1.6 but it's still not enough I think it's because they're marrying inanimate objects and [ __ ] that sounds hot honestly give me that was that dude married a DS yeah actually hey he's probably happier than all of us doing [ __ ] Leaps and Bounds Dragon he thought like [ __ ] I should have married they are the funny thing about that story is that so he didn't just marry DS he married specifically a DS with like a dating game yeah so it was kind of like a visual novel kind of thing crazy how dudes would be like yeah you can you can marry a DS but you can't marry another dude that's [ __ ] up but he did remain faithful because because this game did have like several sequels and I believe they got interviewed after like the sequels like okay and he was like I would never play another game [Music] you reckon he just lays in bed one not every night can you divorce a DS does she get half your [ __ ] what if it breaks every night he's just like tempted to just turn the DS off he's just like I can't do it he just divorces her and half his fortune goes to Nintendo so you guys like memes I saw one that's been on my mind or it's like a Groove holding a gun at you and it goes oh your human name every traffic light because it's the capture you know and they test you to be human they're like name every [ __ ] traffic light have you noticed the difficulty of the capture has gone up so much that I like sometimes I feel I actually I got stuck on one for like 10 minutes the other night I I believe it I was doing the ones where you have to spell out the texts oh yeah they're getting so hard there was one it was like it was like this I was like is that a v or you I like the the captures that when you click the right picture and then it for like five seconds it loads the new one in I [ __ ] hate that what about those ones where it's one big picture and you're supposed to click the panels there I love those highlight it but then I'm like the bottom one has like a [ __ ] frame of the thing yeah is that count or no my favorite ones where you slide the puzzle piece to the right spot can a robot do all this [ __ ] now yeah probably yeah it's going to get to a point where the questions that has to ask there's nothing that a robot can't do I think we'll get better at detecting when it's Bots I think I think it'll eventually be like some Chinese serious like scan your retina and put your dick in the [ __ ] every laptop comes like a mandatory dick hole you have to put your thing I reckon that dudes but DS we're getting an update we can put a flashlight at the bottom of that probably oh yeah you could you could imprint it on the screen and close what's rent like in Japan uh Tokyo it's pretty [ __ ] high it really just depends on like obviously area like if you're living in like Shinjuku or like Shibu or like one of like the most populated areas then like a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's okay it's still old Central [ __ ] but like the moment you're outside of Tokyo prefecture the price just [ __ ] drops I've heard paperwork in Japan is it [ __ ] yeah it's so [ __ ] but actually like in terms of paperwork for buying houses it's actually incredibly easy only only five cash yeah only if you're paying cash you can get a mortgage that's entirely [ __ ] different but I was surprised how easy it was to buy property and land in Japan if you're buying with cash which of these houses like 10K or something someone could reasonably buy it for cash yeah but the catch is that you'll actually have to live there and live the life in the middle of nowhere I'm Gonna Keep it a buck fitty that sounds good I don't want to do in Japan necessarily but I want to go somewhere where like real estate cheap and I want to be in a count town where no one speaks English so I can't talk to them yeah but they'll be watching you just wait until he sorts his bottles and cans incorrectly and you'll be the Menace I've heard you tell a story about that about not being sure if your [ __ ] was sorted correctly because dude the moment you move into a place they hand you like this this like 12 page booklet every single item you can imagine is categorized you're going through it and you're like all right well I guess you know pizza pizza box that goes oh okay no that doesn't go in the cardboard because it has grease on it yeah then you're like I got this plastic bottle oh wait no the plastic bottle had soap in it so soap plastic bottles are not allowed to go in the plastic it's like that specific you know when you get a water bottle right you have to rip off the label and take the cap off and those two go in separate plastic things I I actually have an app where I I put in in the item and it tells me exactly what day to take it out at that point I'm drinking tap water like [ __ ] that no that's why I get so pissed off people come in my house and leave bottles I'm like you [ __ ] I have to peel this [ __ ] off the label and throw all away and [ __ ] when you could have just gone outside and put it in the [ __ ] bin the garbage man who comes and like are they trying to look at it and go okay no that actually cannot be I'll tell you who's trained to look at it uh all the grandmas who live in your apartment blockers they will look at your trash they are like the FBI of them they're just like we got him one time I had uh some of my UK friends over it's so complicated that I wouldn't expect them to get it right and there was like one or two things sorted incorrectly I thought it'd be all right so I you know I take it downstairs and I put it in like the outside cage I go off to do whatever I was doing that day and I come back that night and all the trash is gone but one bag is still in the corner and I'm like no I walk past it I'm like it's not gonna be me and it's about to get in the elevator I'm like I gotta go check I gotta see if it's me I go back into this cage it's got a big [ __ ] red thing on it saying sorted in directly we won't take it and so I had to wait a whole week and then I had to open up this stinky ass bag filled like beer and [ __ ] I just sort everything it was also embarrassing because I bet some of the other neighbors probably looked too and they were like I bet it's the [ __ ] white guy they just need to chill dude that's all it is like this is the [ __ ] legalized weed they just need to legalize weed dude see me these like massive in Japan now oh you did a video where you went to like a uh was it zero gravity spot and they were offering that too that's CBD oil yeah I was watching that I was like is it meant to get you high while you're in the tub no it's relaxation yeah yeah drugs are very illegal in Japan what do they do cut your cut your dick off or what go to jail I think what if you did cocaine you'd go to jail how long well first of all they'd hold you for 24 days yeah before they charge you with anything if they do they might just like send you home but they'll keep you in prison for like three weeks is there like any like uh horror news story of a foreigner that had cocaine that you guys would watch on TV like Foreigner from this country was caught with cocaine now he's gonna spend the next 25 years Japan wouldn't want the controversy no no they love they laughed really yeah they want a certain example right like don't come into our country and bring coat look what's gonna happen what happened uh you know that YouTube billionaire kid Bobby Bobby yeah Bobby I've met him I think he brought it was Adderall I think it was adorable he was held in a Japanese jail for like three months yeah that's like for any normal person who isn't a billionaire son if you get held in a [ __ ] prison cell for two months your life's [ __ ] yeah you're done well Thailand before they legalized it it was a death really yeah yeah so actually it was funny because before covid Thailand like weed was super legal to the point where I believe you could have got like the death penalty like firing squads that is badass I knew you were gonna say that I believe like Japan is like if you get like convicted most of the time it's like a ridiculous percentage that uh if you're charged if you're charged 99 conviction right in Japan yeah I'd never risk it whenever I go to those countries I'm like putting my wallet in the wash like I just in case yeah it's like a different country right so like there's no there's no jury system it's just like old men who decide if you're guilty or not is there positions of power being filled by younger more Progressive people there are some people in Japan you'd be lying if you said it wasn't just older man I think with like political studies in Japan it's just not being taught to young people like Japan has this weird like honor System with people who are older than you seniority is like yeah they look at the seniority and they go well I can't go against that is it true that people actually go straight from school to a company that they then dedicate your life to you're expected to go okay well you can't get [ __ ] until I die yeah because on the flip side there you can't get fired okay that sounds right no matter how bad you are at your job if you get hired you just won't get fired that sounds lit think about it from the business owner's perspective [ __ ] capitalism no one takes risks and then they don't also they also like don't hire foreign like Talent as much that is the typical thing then they just do the bare minimum then sure there's some people out there who are very very passionate and trying right [ __ ] best but I think a lot of people are just like but I feel people are off that mindset end up just starting their own companies and becoming entrepreneurs obviously we can't cover everything with like a broad brush yeah yeah those stereotypes exist because they exist in yeah same with like the criminal system as well right it's like in Japan the common consensus is that like you know only guilty people get arrested me and all my innocent friends who've never done anything wrong I've never been arrested yeah I don't like when people say that to me where it's like well if you've got nothing to hide like you should be for this proposition to you know have people look through bucking everyone's [ __ ] or whatever well if you've got nothing to hide that's not a problem [Music] so what do you guys do now a stream a stream I watch your stream I actually do watch it yeah yeah you get like five 6K viewers he gets way more than that is it more now he's like it's like 10 15 okay that's popping you're killing it thank you guys I appreciate that what do you [ __ ] do what am I doing I'm doing the same thing I've been doing for the last 15 years you still make anime content yeah I still make anime content you look at these guys and like they're [ __ ] frauds oh should I should I still be doing [ __ ] anime prank calls to this day dude someone's got to keep the culture alive what do you mean the culture can die look I'm keeping it alive these two like jump ship and to do like Japan contests like that Boomer that's like rock and roll [Laughter] and alive it's weird because I feel like trash taste has given us a safety net to be right do whatever the [ __ ] we want on our main channels yeah it must have been crazy to have that become almost bigger than you guys it is huge yeah it's definitely bigger to make that like yeah just here oh sorry um for trash taste to become bigger than what you guys are independently was that something you even thought was possible when you started it no we want to just rip off the cold ones when we started yeah they've said this so much now I don't know if they're being serious I remember because we had the conversation because we were like how do we structure our podcast uh in terms of like the set and everything where we were like well they have a [ __ ] triangle table can we make a [ __ ] dragon we're gonna [ __ ] circle on that so the triangle tables didn't exist in Japan we had to get ours made too we haven't got a cup we were like we'll get a square table and we'll cut it like half off of the camera round tables also don't exist in Japan so we're like we'll get two rectangular tables together have you seen those uh uh baby's first gun in America like the jr15 the junior 15. it's a functioning weapon yeah yeah it could kill oh cool is this just Soju yeah oh this doesn't count as a shot what the [ __ ] yes it does cheers [Music] once mine has a little bit of floating soot in it but I'm just gonna drink it anyway that's the asbestos that's the asbestos what what that's like the easiest there's a difference between just normal Soju and flavored Soju oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they both suck all right so how'd you get your start true you guys game be honest uh we have seen each other's dicks plenty of times I still [ __ ] enjoys dick out there in the alley yeah he's got you've got a big foreskin he always looks like a roll on deodorant yeah the rabbi [ __ ] the circus yeah Chad don't you say you're like half circumcised or something yeah he cut it funny he cut it like you know funny I had to like kind of do this to like make sure it wasn't just like a perspective thing yeah put one of those like levelers on it yeah wait do they circumcise in Australia yeah you have to opt into it oh okay yeah can you only get circumcised when you were a baby if you want to do it as an adult it's a lot harder because it takes longer to heal it's like you're more prone to in fact my memories aren't forming when I'm a baby if I get my dick [ __ ] cut off as an adult I'm gonna be controlled as a rebuttal though as a rebuttal if you're getting your dick cut off surely that should be your decision right right sure that's it I'm sure wandering my parents wait you're uncircumcised I am uncertain am I the only circumcised [ __ ] here yeah yeah foreskin gang let's go 80 Seconds [Laughter] put your hand up if you're circumcised that's it I'm riding I'm riding the longest to it longer to my parents nobody put their hand up as the only one of us who hasn't been cut if we get enough uh patrons I could get an adult circumcision wait do you want an adult circumcision or only only for money how much is the price I think if we get to 500 000 a month can we film it just just in case let's get them to 500k that is not binding put your hand up if you like beer I like beer you like beer oh that's great because we have a segment on the show yeah it's cool down oh yeah what the [ __ ] Darcy wheel this [ __ ] over oh my god do we have to down a beer dude look at Ludwig bro what is that who's logwick let's go one go [Music] go got it that's when you know you're getting old you almost died all right are you ready joey yes okay whoa that was clean okay you definitely have to redo it because we have a new leader shut up oh that's right I'm about to move that was clean as hell Joey that's the Australian in you bro yeah all right corner I don't want to let my my nation down uh gone already did so [Music] that's counts how did Conor and I together still be gone all right Max [Music] no you beat me that means Chad's gonna get like 2.98 I used to be good I'm old now oh bro our drink Goes Down Easy yeah and I fell off I'm actually no gun don't worry play the summoning salt music right now April 26th Chad would get his greatest score yet can we collab gone go that was clean oh [ __ ] hey I'm happy I beat love doing that's what I'm saying I'm happy I got second I ain't happy thank God I was really scared I'm gonna be honest with you guys I was really worried you guys can do that too with the the link in the description I feel fruity I feel like a peach Grog right now do you enjoy the taste of alcohol do you actually know what I really like what a nice cold grog yeah putting this and we're making it specifically so you can drink it non-stop you're doing a good job so far I feel like you guys are not the guys to test that I just proved my point I drank it back to back yeah but I feel like you would drink toilet cleaner back today if I told you to do it faster [Music] okay YouTube what do you want to know so um your name the anime man yeah yeah so I've heard it comes from you had a website before YouTube yeah called the animeman.com holy [ __ ] you did yourself do you remember earlier before he showed up I said he does the research I do the drinking yeah I had like an I.T class that I did in year 10. where it was basically like they they taught you web design for a year what the [ __ ] we didn't do that uh yeah it's like Microsoft Word and then I just played Age of War look at where you're at now though yeah it doesn't [ __ ] matter both of us have a very old YouTube channel yeah some of my earliest videos are literally me vlogging inside like a job center you know Centrelink yeah you have to look for a job like 10 10 applications to prove that you still get the government money that process I was vlogging myself in those meetings or whatever you're insane and that was going up like on my actual main Channel where I was like hey guys I'm looking for a job uh I'm doing this uh and that I was like I don't know I'm just doing like day in the life of what what I'm doing day in the life of a bum yeah legitimately it's all privated now but that's some of my earliest videos was that yeah um and I only had a job for three days I did book binding where you put the books into this yeah I think I did that for three days and I quit why'd you quit because I was like working is [ __ ] I heard you got rejected from McDonald's yeah I did yeah I didn't actually submit the the job application your mom did no my friend did wait why'd you turn up to the [ __ ] interview because I felt obligated I was like I didn't want to like leave him hanging was it someone that already worked there yeah that's how I got my first well one of my first jobs was my friend worked at Hungry Jack's during school holidays you should work there too he filled out my job applications and I went to the interview and then we were working together and then we both got fired because we're eating too many chicken nuggets I didn't get my job because I I turned up to the job application hi [ __ ] okay my first paycheck from that was fifty dollars wait really I thought they didn't do it's 100 until you check it out yeah my first month that I was finally getting like making money was 50. and I was like it might be possible pays you like 250 a week when you get 50 from YouTube at first you're like oh my God this is insane yeah and then you realize oh [ __ ] the cost of living is like 50 times this I'm [ __ ] so I I was making um enough through Centrelink giving me money and I was doing YouTube but I needed I was staying with uh my ex-girlfriend now but I was staying with her family and I needed to pay some sort of board yeah and I was doing that through Centrelink at in they were thinking like obviously I'm gonna get a job at some point while I'm on Centrelink but then I started getting yeah the fifty dollars that came into the first thing where I was like you need a hundred dollars to cash it out yeah yeah I was kind of in in like a middle space where I was thinking maybe I could put all of my time that I'm not going to these jobs Seeker things and I could do more prank calls and I could really try to do it I could maybe scrape by just enough I think a lot of a lot of YouTubers have that Turning Point without like I think this is possible do you guys know I can ask cheeseburger.com that was like the first website that featured one of my prank calls like on the front of the site or some [ __ ] yeah and then after that uh funny junk I remember I met a guy who was like I can get your [ __ ] on the front page if you like interact with me or something he like wanted my attention and he was like I don't I don't remember but I was basically like begging this guy to put my [ __ ] on the front of [ __ ] cheeseburger.com or the [ __ ] it was one of the prank calls went on there and that's where I like made the first amount of views which made it got me paid yeah um and yeah I basically fully doubled down I stopped doing the Vlogs where I was going to job Seekers Centrelink was there was ever a point because I mean obviously I did prank calls as well where you're like you're like this feels bad no no no now that you're older yes yeah even when I was doing it I was like man I made that person really angry I gotta feel bad you're too nice maybe you're more mature I called up like the Mormon church and I'd be like okay I just have you know the desire to burn down orphanages sometimes they would laugh and I and that's when I felt like this isn't so bad and someone screamed me I'm like oh yeah no most of the main ones that I was like I have a video right I pissed someone off to the point where they want to kill me well talking about first job was one of my first jobs when I moved to Perth with working with the Red Cross and I work with them for like three or four months and it was door knocking so I would go knock on the door be like that's such a [ __ ] up job good morning did you know that [ __ ] one in ten kids in this country don't go to school with breakfast we'll sign up for a prescription a subscription you pay 21 a month and that will feed this many people for this month I sign everyone up and then um I did it for like three or four months you're getting paid for this yeah you get paid commission on people you sign up and and then they offered me a promotion where they're like oh now you can go train people and you get paid off their commission as well pyramid scheme yeah this is literally just pyramid scheme I was like one of the people that they also offered the job really early because I was just really good at like lying to people in front of them yeah I was like I killed it I was the goat at life Chad is the best I asked him a really really simple question I was like so if these people donate like you know a hundred dollars a year how much do the poor people get like how much do all that these Charities get the same way it's like well for the people to benefit from it they have to be subscribed for three years I was like so they don't start getting money for three years so everything up until the three years Hayes for the company and like yeah I was like that's a [ __ ] dog yeah I quit I quit on the spot so you're in year 10 yeah you make the animeman.com yeah it's a year-long project yeah you are doing anime reviews they were barely reviews is it true that you got comments from that that were like you should do reviews on YouTube or like video reviews yeah it's because like when I started at like 2010 like early 2010s like writing anime reviews was still like kind of on the dying end of things but like mid-2000s like anime Vlog or like blogging and like writing reviews was like huge are we making money off that website no no okay and so I did that for like about two years it's free yeah just for fun Imagine doing something you like [ __ ] loser it got like quite a bit of track I think the the highest peak I got I was getting like almost five thousand six thousand visitors a day or something really yeah which was like gosh yeah but was this after you've done YouTube stuff and then you're repurposing no not at all raw people just like finding the website and thinking that like my reviews were like good enough dedicated weeps for Server no I think what happened was I made because I around like 2011 2012. I found like old anime YouTubers like got like a bunch I found gaunts like first bleach review [ __ ] and I was just like oh maybe I should start doing that so I did one it wasn't like a review it was just like a think piece kind of thing it's kind of crazy how like to this day there still hasn't really been an anime YouTuber who is also just fluent in Japanese that's so true that's such a like an underprecedented thing that you had that no one else had but it's so funny like in the early stages because like I didn't really like use my Japanese I guess so I I uploaded the first video and I was like well [ __ ] I needed like a YouTube channel to like upload the videos and then redirect it to my website right and so I was like well I have the animeman.com so obviously my YouTube channel is just gonna be the anime man yeah and so that was like the first like four or five videos was just for that and then I realized that there were more people just like finding the videos through YouTube rather than my website so you just gave up on them so I was just like [ __ ] the website I'll just do the videos and then 10 years ago website is hard work between the three of you yeah who has the worst handle uh definitely he does you're not [ __ ] Sea Dog see dog [ __ ] sucks the anime man sounds like a white guy you know happy dog doesn't from my perspective I'm like oh a Sea Dog must be a rapper that just fell in love with ammo when I hear the anime man I'm like I think fat white neck being guy I've [ __ ] like intentionally pigeonholed myself into anime this is the actual anime man it's funny because like when me and Joey first met each other we thought we [ __ ] hated each other I I actually like quit YouTube for a time because I'm like there is no way you can make [ __ ] money and a job doing anime content that's like a [ __ ] fever dream so I quit to do like a real a real [ __ ] company job what was the company uh I worked at the BBC yeah that's funny I like that so when I went to the BBC I I saw this [ __ ] rise up on YouTube doing anime content and getting like Millions then I could ever like hope to do so I was like this this [ __ ] right here I didn't know he knew who I was and he didn't know I knew who he was I remember seeing him and he was like what a [ __ ] confident [Applause] he's got such an arrogant look on his face and in my head I was just like this [ __ ] I think she can come back the big man he probably doesn't even know who I am hey Connor where were you at this point I was just like I was like grinding it was like look at these two I've never told this but I because at one point I had more subs than gone when I really when a gun was retired and the guy came out of her time I was like oh [ __ ] the best in like your your little league and then LeBron James is like I'm coming back [ __ ] okay one day gone randomly followed me back on Twitter were you like sitting there looking at his profile like should I follow him back I was like do I give him the satisfaction then I'm following him back I don't know but I saw that he was following me and I was like all right I'll do it I'll do it so that's how you two ended up having a beer and [ __ ] each other when did you come in I think when you're British and you're British and you're Australian you just kind of hit it off right there was a saying that I've always stuck to and it's you don't know someone so you've sat down with them and had to be and had a beer [Music] have you actually done and can you do the voices you want to talk about your most infamous one did you do Dragon Ball Z I did Dragon Ball Z abridged wow I'm serious I was like some pompous British guy in it [Laughter] that is okay yeah when I was in high school like Team Four Star stuff was like it was the funniest [ __ ] yeah yeah these These are bridges were getting like 5-10 million views when that was unheard of I started doing voice acting online with a Turtle Beach headset which I used on cards so I started digging and I was [ __ ] awful but you know I started noticing that my voice landed itself well to narration pretty well right and I started practicing and I got I got pretty good at it and so then I I just kept doing it and then like one time I went to this uh do you know Age of Empires yeah Age of Empires 2 the Remake okay we're having open auditions you did not do the priest saying wait wait wait it's better so it's a competition right and if you win you get to pee in the game and I was like sick I didn't even think about it and so I dropped down the menu and they said what they wanted and they were like we want an Ethiopian Archer okay so back at this is back in the day right and so I went to YouTube and I typed in Ethiopian accents right nothing came up I might have been Nigerian sorry I might have been misremember basically I Googled and there was nothing there was nothing coming up I went to one reference of one person who's speaking and I just mimicked it can you do it right now no because it please it's literally just the knuckles do you know the way [Music] so so I I submitted this audition right I left uni I went to London this was years and I started doing like voice acting and I went to like a voice acting workshop and I had so much experience already doing a bunch of stuff that it was super like it was very basic and very easy and I was like okay this is this makes sense but the guys there were like hey you should come back in for a one-on-one session and I came back in and they were like okay um yeah we actually think you'd be pretty great to go on our roster and I didn't know what this meant and basically they put me on this list and they wouldn't have a picture of you or anything it was just your voice and your voice age and your name and so I got a bunch of work through just that and so I ended up doing a bunch of corporate stuff I did like [ __ ] boat infomercials and [ __ ] like videos that get played for company employees I get an email from Age of Empires being like hey uh so you got the role and I was like oh [ __ ] and they're like I'm like okay so when do I record and they're like no no we put the voice in the game there's more to the story okay and obviously you know now in voice acting as a white person you can't you get canceled it's kind of crazy like how recent ago it was okay so I do this voice and it's in the game and I'm like do I get paid and they were like yeah here's the here's a free DLC code yeah problem they didn't even give me the [ __ ] base game so I had to buy the base game to [ __ ] use the DLC code you paid them damn it gets even better I was very ashamed of this for many years and then I realized how [ __ ] funny it was so I I just started showing people and talking about it and I showed it in a video to people I was like this is how [ __ ] bad I was it's not just how bad you were that's how bad the business yeah they [ __ ] me over after me kind of becoming a bit bigger as a as a YouTuber or whatever and me going on podcasts and talking about it and mentioning this story a bunch of times one day I found out that suddenly The Voice lines were gone they were just gone they'd never said anything but someone went to go and play it and because I have the original clip where the voices were and if you go there again it's not there anymore somebody must have seen that I was talking mad [ __ ] about all of this and explaining it and they must have been like we gotta get rid of this like we gotta dude that's lost media I just want to preface that this is not me being racist today I'm just merely reenacting racist but it was something [ __ ] like it was like oh my God it was something like it was like you must ventured words or something like that you cannot you cannot stop yeah you must stop going do not worry you are not alone on your journey our village is on the other side of the river when we reach it it is yours at that time right like I was only getting commercial work and Company work so I was so [ __ ] hyped to get anything in the game then I listened to it and I thought oh my God we've got to get this removed this [ __ ] awful these guys need to taste the straw what is the straw 80 percent what I am not drinking that from the 80s no what it is what the [ __ ] you're going down in the Hall of Fame you know yeah not many people do this because they're [ __ ] intelligent all right cheers come on oh that is busted oh [ __ ] Christ what the [ __ ] is wrong with us Chad's vomiting chance vomiting chess [Music] we have our own salsa it's called Grog it goes down it goes down extremely easily oh my God Rapid or excessive consumption can cause injury or death it literally says that sorry I drank it hit like a funny spot in my throat so the animeman.com but I'm never doing a shot of that [ __ ] again yeah I don't blame you bro so how did you meet them after you've done the voiceover right now man like [ __ ] is wrong with you well I met them after the voice acting and then we just kind of liked hanging out with each other well what's next you guys said you're cooking something what are you cooking I'm doing more for my like clothing line right now um I'm not going full on with that oh nonsense the one that says [ __ ] monkey business oh yeah off the off the actual logo yeah that was our least popular design where is the point of you doing research where you just get all [ __ ] up and drunk so this camera to this camera to this camera and this camera this hot ones tell the cameras what you guys got going on right now and what the next tour is after Australia dream hack Grog is good um and uh yeah we're doing a Europe tour in uh April no not April August what the [ __ ] Joey in April this podcast but it's basically all September yeah it's September tickets for that Europe Tour all right we got Joey we got Connor we got guns you're gonna say Grand weren't you yeah it was any last words while you guys are still somewhat coherent before we keep drinking [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Cold Ones
Views: 1,007,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash taste, cold ones, cold ones podcast, maxmoefoe podcast, anything4views podcast, trash taste cold ones, theanimeman, gigguk, connordawg, anime, anime podcast, cold ones anime, funny, satire, cold ones funny, the trash taste podcast, cold ones trash taste, cdawgva, trash taste podcast, trash, taste, garnt, connor, trashtaste, manga, maxmoefoe, joey, cold ones talk show, anything4views, cold ones funniest moments, highlights, podcast anime, the anime man, maxmoefoepokemon, podcast
Id: gRvPP2hqglE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 8sec (2828 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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