What is the Most Overrated Place in Tokyo??

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all right let's get another one wait there's not many wait there's only like a few left in here yeah we we can make more oh okay yeah top five Tokyo tourist destinations Tokyo Tokyo Oran so no just Tokyo Tokyo F I think we should do first m is say five overrated ones and then say all five recommended a five overrated to over rated Tokyo tourist destinations where everyone go Shinju uh just like what do you mean like the general Shinu what do you mean you have to go there Shinju in general you have to change there overrated Sho Crossing yeah Sho Crossing is so overrated yeah oh we getting that specific I thought talking about like City Tokyo tourist destinations things that you do in I was like the entire place of Shinji what are you sakuno or something he's trying to wipe it out like what are shya sh sh sh station what is something no you a tourist you have to go through it that's a commuting area what the [ __ ] are you talking about have to go through it if you come to Japan you will have to go through shinj station or something that is not a tourist destination the [ __ ] you talking about we're thinking like if like ichiran or something that's what we're thinking about okay uh okay okay shiya Crossing yes very shib Crossing just a lot of people crossing a road and it's always very busy and uh shiya is very very crowded always and I hate crowds uh yeah shiya also at least in that immediate vicinity that area is not very good there is some really good stuff in sh have to walk a bit further up the roads and going the alleys and so a lot of the times I think uh yeah I think it's fair to say it's a little overrated this shio is definitely made for tourists first yeah I like sh I like sh well I like Shia too but I don't go near the tourist areas like the all the main streets of Shia are all like tourist areas like it's always way too crowded as well like if you're going to something on the main Road you're probably going to be overcharged it's going to be mid don't eat any food on that road question Arab overrated or I think arra is now overrated I think it's perfectly rated it's not overrated it's not underrated what are you talking about what do you mean what the [ __ ] Perfect by whom rated perfectly by me R rated perfectly by by the hundreds and thousands of weebs who I think aih Habra like as a tourist destination I still would put it on the top five because it's it's like I mean I guess I guess not like high but it's not like completely overrated where I'm be like don't go to aabra if someone wants to go to aabra I'd be like I think you have a good time yeah I think if you're an anime I think the problem is that like my parents are like yeah let's go to akih Habra and I'm like you there's nothing for you there it's limited to like what kind of person you can take for like an everyday person I think it's like not you it's kind of just a lot of walking for not a lot of stuff you will appreciate but if you like it's not a lot of walking I was Tiny yeah but you send up walking around stores walk you just walk around the stores all day stuff I mean there's like Tok General yeah and also the prices now are so high in the stores generally because of scalping stuff isn't really as good of a deal as it used to be yeah I mean I've taken a few people to araba now like even people who are not into like weeb and Anime stuff and honestly they just like it's just very cool to see a new culture that is just very very intense and there's AR I take everyone there so I guess I'm no better yeah I I think it's like perfectly rated it's like it's like yeah yeah I'll my comments the one thing I do not like about akih Habra is that I think it the food options generally are a bit [ __ ] that is it that is it there are one or two good spots you go to Ay to eat food yeah and it kind of sucks cuz if you want to eat and you're like looking at anime stores you have to kind of walk pretty far to get to anything kind of good you got to go to like towards ueno anything good which is like not that far it's like maybe like a 20-minute walk but you might as well just take the TR you you can't go to aabra and like have like a really nice lunch and then go back to aabra it's like you when you you go to aabra probably around lunch do all your shopping and then go to Reno where you can actually go and eat some good food second question aaka overrated oh 100% actually 100% overrated overrated 100% overrated overated well there you go there one the list Asaka yes if you don't if you're not going to Kyoto I don't think Kyoto's overrated I I just think spending a whole day looking at temples is cool but I also think that like it's there's a lot better things that you can do with your time so busy I'm just not a temple person uh yeah and I know I I know some people are into that I don't get it personally um even when people come to Thailand they're like I want to see temples and I'm like I I think it would be it but it's like I think because there are so many shrines and so many smaller temples around you get the same Vibe yeah and and I think it's a much better experience when it's not crowded I think though Asaka the biggest misconception with Asaka is that all Asaka is is just coming anymore and but like you go outside of there and towards the older parts of aaka which is like not that far from the main you know District there's a lot of like really old cool like stores and like isaki and stuff like that have like their own Vibe should we preface it to sori yeah s g I think is overrated I think though us sua as a city I think is perfectly right yeah okay cuz it's like you get that old school feeling of like Japan but in the convenience of a city cuz you'd have to go like pretty far out of any kind of City to get that same Vibe otherwise yeah so we have sensology we have what we have that's it so far we have sh Crossing oh sh Crossing cross I think what do you think to what do you think about Tokyo Sky Tree I think Tokyo Sky Tre is so mid youve travel so far [ __ ] T of money I think it's over I think it's overrated and yeah it's cool that you can see the skyline but you know what you get a way better view when you're flying into Tokyo yeah and you look out the window also also just go up to like Shia Sky yeah that's a better view I think of the city than Sky Tree yeah I I think the problem with Sky Tree is that it's so far away and and the fee to go up is quite I think it's like 6,000 Yen or 5 it's really expensive and there's always like a twoh hour line um I also think even though I I [ __ ] love golden guy I think that for a tourist it kind of sucks I I disagree really I I was got golden guy is like pretty top for me really I there's never been a time I've taken some it's a golden guy and they've had a bad time well that's because you're with them I think if you know a few of the customs and you know a little bit of Japanese golden guys are completely different experience you think so 100% also money uh golden guys are absolute ripoff compared to the rest of the Japan you think about it you got to you pay 1,000 y to sit down M it's always at least 1,000 a drink yeah um so like when you're as a tourist if you're like cuz you know most people who come here they they're trying to get their money's worth I think golden guy has terrible value for money uh and if you don't speak any Japanese or have anyone in your party who does I think it is also just a worse experience also you can get a better experience of golden guy but for less money if you just go to shimo Kazar you you can also I guess it depends what you're going for with golden guy I feel like golden guy is more Foreigner friendly though because there is like there is a i i you see more foreigners in Golden guy than you do Japanese people nowadays and I feel like you do but they're very good at keeping them separate yeah yeah you might have I noticed that a lot of the bars that have foreigners don't have Japanese people in and if they do it's like one and normally also I think in this day and age it's pretty like you'd have to be pretty unlucky to lay stumble upon an area in Tokyo that's not Foreigner friendly you know cuz like shimita nowadays as well is like used to be very not [ __ ] very not Foreigner friendly but nowadays like there's [ __ ] foreigners everywhere depends what you want though like are you going there because it's like whoo bars so close together this is cool or are you going there to like try and talk to people or like I think it it it you need to know what you want from Golden guy before you go m so that you get the experience you're looking for but I think like as a Flatout tourist recom recommendation I wouldn't recommend it unless I was like with my friend like I took them cuz I'm like I know I know a few of the great bars I have a good rapport with them I think it'll be great we'll have time yeah I disagree I think it's a great place for someone to feel like it's they're on an adventure you know I've recommended golden guy to a few people and it's always just you know it's intimidating but they always have a great time because it's like such a different vibe than anything they're like used to to and you know it might not be like let's go to Golden guy every [ __ ] night but it's always like cool the first time because they always experience something new and there's enough foreigners around where it's not so they're not going to have a trouble they're not going to have trouble finding a bar yeah I mean I've I've I normally tell my friends I'll normally be like yeah if you want to go we can go or you should you know you should at least check it out yeah and I had some friends that have been like yeah this is terrible like they spend yeah I I I had one or two friends who like like yeah I just think it was way too much money for what you get I've had some bad experience as a golden guy yeah I mean I I to be fair for for the record I go a golden guy quite a lot I think I uh uh I go there I know I know a bunch of places and I also think it's like a really good way of um because if you want to get that that kind of bar culture in Japan you kind of have to either be with Pete or or have like a very lucky night like I think it's but golden guys kind of encourages hey talk to everyone at the bar yeah exactly um but sometimes coin it's a coin flip because now golden guy become such a good tourist destination that they've kind of figured out like how to get tourists in and not give them that experience in a way um there are a lot of bars there you go they are they are only for foreigners you there no no Japanese people are going a lot of those and that's why you always go up the stairs stairs are always go up the stairs don't go on the the bottom level because I think that a lot of the time you just you'll just run into more foreigners and it is scary having to go up the stairs and Par P your head yeah I think golden guy the fun you have in Golden guy is uh related to How brave you are willing to go yeah I mean if if you if you're an outgoing person it'll be great if you're not I wouldn't recommend it well if you're an introver I wouldn't recommend going to that kind of area in general you know I think also if you're looking for a knight that doesn't break the bank it's not golden guy it's not golden golden guy if you're looking for if you were a golden guy for more than like two three hours yeah you're probably racking up looking for a cool experience that you can't really get probably where you are at and I would still recommend golden G really I've I just think it's it's a money thing it's a money I think it's just expensive for what it is I don't know yeah you can get similar you can get similar if not better experiences for way less money by just going to other places that are not as convenient or like well known as golden guy but I think offer just as authentic of an experience yeah and I've been to when I took my brother we went to I went to Golden guy and uh the first part we went to the bartender was resident sleeper yeah he just he would did not want to talk he did not want to interact and I was like this is another vibe this is not this is not golden guy guy I was like I get one drink this leave but we'd already spent like Goen cuz it's two table charges 1,000 y each and then we had to pay one 1200 yen for the drinks and then you know I bought that bought the guy a drink cuz I was hoping he' talk to me I was like let's talk so I'm like I'm like 40 bones deep with one with two B Budweisers it's like what the heck that ain't Freedom yeah so you know that's the tip as well if you get a golden guy buy the bartender a drink yeah that's that's how you also have the higher chance of having a good time where else is overrated another overrated thing uh I mean I think I think ichan is good but you should never line up for it I don't believe in lining up for ichiran or like what is gatu mura what is that one is that the one too guu yeah everyone [ __ ] I walk past the one in Shibuya insane it's like a [ __ ] three-hour line for the midest jatu so M you do not need to get gatu M matatu I don't know which which one it is what's his name is that the BR which one's the one can you Google it it's the chain it's [ __ ] there's so many of them and every single time I walk past any of these branches there's like three hour weights and I'm begging you there are way better gu KATU if that's what you want you don't need to go here it's the same with Ramen please please don't line up for ramen it's I mean it'san sorry you can line up other other good local stores but please don't line up for ichan it's like lining up for McDonald's that's like a Japanese person go to America be like a sugy cheeseburger lining up two hours it's ridiculous which they 100% would well they would yeah they would they would trust me there's no one who is worse at queuing than people in Japan they love to queue for anything people hire people to queue because they know it works cuz if people see a queue they're like oh [ __ ] they're called Sakura really yeah you know why they're called Sakura why because like cherry blossoms they look good at the front of the store yeah it's it's like a thing people in Japan will just they get paid to line up St they will just join a line because they think it's good and for the love of God please don't line up for any of these CH people line up for McDonald's here just just to put things [ __ ] Burger King they used to line up a Burger King all the time do not line up for it round or mul gu KATU trust me just type in gu KATU right what you do is you go to Google Translate you type it in in and you get the Japanese for it copy paste it put it in Google maps in Japanese you get way more recommendations you'll be good you'll have a way better time way better food just don't go to G got mul or eat you no a preference the food is solid but it's not worth waiting like two three hours for my God please come on it's it's cuz they they make you [ __ ] they put it on the plate and you K yourself oh my God so cool but I saw someone on Twitter who was like I'm why should I go eat everyone replied gatsu and I was like I was like no what's next coichi yeah like it's like why would you take suggestions of other people who don't like who've never left their country never been there like I just don't get yeah don't so although those trains are good and if I've had it and it tastes delicious please don't line up for them uh I just I just you shouldn't all right um is there any other overrated ones like I don't even know what the other tourist attractions are Tokyo Labs team Labs team team Labs I don't agree with that I think it's perfectly rated I think it's perfectly rated as well it's it's a fine experience but I've never been by the way I think I think it's perfect to take people who have never been before but I don't think it's a place that has like replayability if that makes sense kind ability I I the one thing that I've had my all my friends tell me who have gone that like yeah she's too busy so [ __ ] R yeah I I think that's the thing where you know we have people like Mr beast making a video in it now which is like okay that's just completely blown out it's a WAP you you can never go there again um Mario Karts get Hella overrated tourist destination I don't know if that counts doing the Mario Kart you mean the Mario Kart experience never done it why do you think it's overrated uh it just looks [ __ ] it doesn't it look [ __ ] I think it looks like ass I think it looks like fun what just being a nuisance I don't know you're just being on the road with your Bros just exploring the city I mean I've never done it but it looks fun so I've never done it but I can't I can't say if it's overrated or not because I've never done it before just looks awful it kind of looks fun yeah right it kind of looks a [ __ ] small car it's one of those things that you see it on the street as like walking in Tokyo and you're like that wasck I was pissed off cuz one of them near [ __ ] hit me when I was cycling I was like what the [ __ ] are you doing oh that's your fault for being a cyclist what the [ __ ] what are you American temporary Japanese that's like that's like that's like [ __ ] American cyclist videos whenever like there'll be a guy cycling perfectly normal and a car will Ram into him and they'll be like Cy had it coming and it's like what the [ __ ] is wrong with Americans they genuinely think cycl should die it's it's it's genuinely worrying probably the same in Japan yeah no well I mean you got hit right right no he nearly [ __ ] hit me oh uh but it wasn't a Japanese guy it was American it's it's always a always aist he was off to blood man sorry man I was like [ __ ] sorry I need to get [ __ ] paralyzed what are you talking about sorry all right so what are the ones we actually would recommend then in Tokyo in to this it's hard right let's because everywhere I recommend is outside of Tokyo yeah I know same here I I have the exact same problem when someone recommends when someone asks me what to do in Tokyo cuz I I think a lot of Tokyo is kind of overrated if I'm being a lot of Tokyo is just like restaurants yeah it's mostly like restaurants and bars and bars yeah the best thing you can do is you go to bars bars in turky are like next level I mean the the entire culture is built [ __ ] around drinking so you should go and have a drink um and I feel like what's your what's your top prefecture then that you would recommend to people outside of Tokyo I think a lot of people go to Kyoto and Osaka but I think KOB is way more fun than than both of those really KOB is fun as [ __ ] and KOB is a beautiful city it's literally on the side of a mountain it's like overshadowed by all sucker which is crazy because one you get Kobe beef you know it's great well actually you can coob be in anywhere part of H go KOB beef any doesn't matter the point is uh the the food's amazing there's these stunning like the because it's on a mountain so it looks insane and like anywhere in the city looks amazing there's like a giant cable cart it's a great great awesome place with amazing food and who doesn't want Cobe beef in cobay yeah uh and also [ __ ] fun ass bars CU it's like the home of Yakuza so it's very [ __ ] NTI Centric so if you like nightlife Kobe is probably my favorite NTI even more than Osaka I think my favorite NTI is Hiroshima Hiroshima hirosima is hirosima night lifeim is crazy I think Osaka again is so used to tourists that like I think I in my head I I have this say ideal perfect night life where it's like I don't want it to be catered towards me a foreigner I want to just be the guy who shows up and is trying to like figure it out you know I think that like when they're catering it to me I'm like no you you've ruined it yeah like you had something amazing and now you're trying to make it cated for me and I don't want that I don't want it cated for me I can get that at home what I want is what you would have done for any other normal Japanese person and I want to be a part of that and experience that yeah I mean if you want to go up to relax I think if you're willing to go up to Hokkaido saor yeah saporo saporo also has an amazing night life yeah which also has a good night life and things around the area where you can just [ __ ] relax and it will be one of the most beautiful places and you can have amazing [ __ ] food um kagoshima was really [ __ ] fun kima's great kagoshima is known as the happiest place in Japan speciically the residents the happiest uh and everyone was I've never been to a place we would just talk to you I was just walking around people all ofu yeah people just start talking to me specifically in kagoshima everyone was really happy and people were really proud of how talkative they were yeah so people would just keep keep talking to us even though we were there for like half a day people would just talk to us it's great uh just kushu in general is amazing you have to go uh I think I think I don't like Kyoto I've been so many times now like and I just don't like Kyoto I think that's overrated what do you think of a usj that's all I don't like Amusement par that's true sorry uh I mean it has Nintendo wall that's about it but other than that it's fine fine it's fine all right so we didn't even name five places in Tokyo listen I I what I do is I eat and drink that's all I do uh I don't do anything else here because why what else would I do eat drink and Shop that's it because the best thing you can do in Japan is eat and drink y I agree so don't spend all your money on doing weird [ __ ] like usj just go and eat food go to arcades arcades is karaoke as well it's not even a place just like there's so many places you can do it in Tokyo you don't need to specifically go to that place okay if not tourist I'm I'm If Not Tourist Place passive tourist though I don't I don't do stuff I just kind of chill and eat what about areas in Tokyo then that you would actually recommend cuz we can't just say go go eat shimokita for me shim is [ __ ] awesome nice it's like cuz it's like it has that like all it's like that perfect mixture of like the kind of like rustic old school Tokyo but recently it's gotten like quite gentrified so it's Al there's also a lot of like newer [ __ ] happening so it's like especially the night life is really sick because it's like you get all of this mixture of like these old school isaka but also these like kind of new school bars at the same time so you kind of have everything like really good shops there as well like really cool clothes stores there like yeah it's sick yeah Yu Yu [ __ ] abbu sorry is great as well I would say during the day it's kind of boring but at night nighti ebisu and I think nakamaru is naku is good too pretty good as well very trendy area got a lot of cool a VI love that place called red ey I like white eye is it or something what is it was like white eye what is what is white eye is there one all the those Town names are so bizarre what Med yeah Med just what is that like I white yeah you imagine if we named [ __ ] like that it sounds weird what's like Nako what does that mean like oh middle sorry that's dumb yeah Center ey black yeah right isn't that weird like what the [ __ ] cuz next to M yeah right it's just Biz strange name yeah um I don't know I think uh what else is fun uh God ikuko is not fun mostly I don't has some good parts yeah yeah yeah io's too spread out I feel it is yeah yes it's pretty [ __ ] you have to walk a [ __ ] Fair distance get very wide yeah and I'm saying that I'm spoiled as a Tokyo I whatever it is we live here bro to be American they'd be like it's crazy to say that but yeah Tokyo I um I really like Shinjuku I know you Joe you hate it I love Shinjuku I can't stand I love Shinjuku cuz it's so grimy that's exactly why I hate it that's why I love it no you know what I don't like about Shinjuku it's just way too many people so yeah I mean I yeah most of the time I hang out in Shinjuku because I I just love the grimness of it there are a few areas of Shinjuku that are really really good um and it's kind of crazy that you'll have just you cross the street and there's suddenly no tourists it's like how how does this happen like how does that how does that like a just a a two-minute walk and there's no more tourists right I think there's a especially like the the all of the not not the West Side the West Side kind of sucks but the east side where there's so many cool things yeah you and and it's kind of like the perfect place of hey look on the ninth floor I know a good spot and you're like how did you find this and you would never come across these unless someone tells you it's a great spot and I kind of love that aspect to it um that's me and eisu though yeah Abu is like that too but it's like and that's why I prefer eisu because it's exactly that same feeling more like way less people more yeah way less well there's a lot of people I don't know compared to Shinjuku Shinju is definitely more hell no yeah is way less people I I just love how grimy Al it's way more close together yeah I just love how grimy it is remind of cyber Punk Abu is pretty grimy I feel like Abu is way cleaner than Shinjuku eisu is cleaner eisu is like Shinjuku back straights of Abu pretty gy oh yeah depends where you go which is where a lot of the good barer yeah I mean I I like all the good bars you have to [ __ ] book yeah is that not the same as Shinju no no they're bars that you rock up I feel like balls out yeah I feel like every time I've been to ebisu it's like if we just want to stumble across a place it's so much harder just because everything is always packed if it's if it's like a weekend or weekday whereas Shinjuku you can kind of just like wander around and be like okay we're probably going to find a bar somewhere around here um but yeah that's that's our list not list that that was probably the hardest list terrible list
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 62,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: Qxmmenwib2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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