"Beyond Beyond" (Part 1) Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Series)

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Oh God we thank you tonight for the privilege of being here there are some who started off 2009 with us that are not here tonight but you spared our lives one more year it's not that we shouldn't have been cut off but you were merciful to us and we thank you thank you thank you thank you for the multitude of your mercies thank you for your loving kindness thank you for forgiving us of our sins thank you for giving us another chance at life thank you for protecting us when we should have been killed in car accident said thank you when we were in places when stuff could have happened to us but you spared us God and we say thank you tonight we come tonight to give you praise in adoration we make no apologies we don't hesitate to say thank you nobody has to ask us nobody has to plead with us when we think of how far you've brought us we just want to say thank you thank you for the battles fought the victories won the prayers answered the breakthroughs things have not always gone the way we wanted them God but we thank you that you've seen us through everything you brought us to this point now anoint our time together tonight in your word speak to us as we launched it to this new year father I pray in Jesus name that your spirit God would have his way do what you want to do anoint your people let the power of the Holy Ghost fall afresh fill our empty places feel the voidness and us God and allow your power to rule and reign in us take charge this is yours your church your people your service we yield it to You Father that the name of Jesus might get the glory and the honor save sinners reclaim backsliders feel your people in Jesus name thank you for hearing our prayer thank you for what you're about to do in the matchless name of Jesus amen amen and a [Applause] [Music] well come on let's give him a shout let's give him a shot with [Applause] he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy something spectacular something supernatural something amazing God is about to step into the domain of your life and do something that you cannot imagine okay hallelujah I feel an anointing up in this camp I feel a breakthrough I feel a miracle I feel God is about to do something wonderful hallelujah he didn't bring me through thick and thin to help hot water he didn't bring me through all that I've been through for me to just be an enormous he brought me this far to give him the glare [Music] hallelujah half-assed somebody say he's worthy he's worth and he's worth and he's worth [Music] [Applause] my mama [Music] all together [Music] to me here I am [Music] come on it's bad out here I am the same chickens are Jesus tonight turn your all together Oh together words altogether wonderful why the follow me again you're all together he's lovely all together altogether sing it with conviction right here how much of course we mustn't [Applause] upon the cross become a man [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus mistake I said oh Jesus Oh so here I am Here I am let's just before here I am [Music] they're all together lovely issue he's all together wonderful wonderful [Music] Halloween [Music] glory to God oh I feel something up in here you can be seated I don't know why you're here tonight some of y'all came that perhaps to ease your conscience because you ain't been in church all year long maybe you came to appease your spouse maybe you came because your life is so jacked up and in such disarray that you're you're in desperate need of a miracle and help whatever reason you came you came for the right you came to the right place I want to preach a little different than I normally do I'm gonna save my Scripture and subject for the end of my sermon I just want to talk to y'all for a little while I want to care of somebody who's frustrated and wearied and tired and somehow thinks that what has been dished to you for the last 12 months you didn't deserve it the truth of the matter is none of us don't deserve anything but bad because we have done enough in our life that any goodness that comes our way it is the mercy of God [Applause] if I hope hole your Bibles open the Ephesians chapter 2 for just a second well just for longer than a second but turn Ephesians chapter 2 and while you're turning now I want to just take a a moment and just talk about the stuff we have overcome we've come through some difficult days some tough times not just in these last 12 months but this decade of 2000 has been a tough decade we had 9/11 we got wars in Afghanistan and Iraq anthrax attacks bankruptcies and swindling from major companies companies that we never thought was shut down our filing bankruptcy the Shuttle exploded in 2003 we had a power blackout across the Northeast can you imagine across a major part of our country lost all power Hurricane Katrina economic collapse the economy is in shambles this decade has been filled with challenges that's just on the national scene across the country but if you just take your own life your life has had some shambles some of us lost our jobs some folk had their families wrong too torn asunder you've lost loved ones it's been a difficult decade while this decade has been filled with challenges we exit 2009 with a word from God then we thank those 17 people for the excitement of recognizing that we've had our share of troubles and yes this has been our season of change and but now we are about to enter into a new decade and I want to assure you tonight that there is a word from God that will carry you through 2010 for me it finds his roots in the words of Paul to the church in Ephesus I often find myself going to this book speaks so powerfully to the truths that I think are so necessary for Christians to understand Paul is leading up to trying to get the Saints in Ephesus to understand some significant things the church in Ephesus is a church that is in the midst of a culture that's jacked up there's evil practices that are prevailing false preachers and teachers idol worship witchcraft and sorcery Ephesus the church and Ephesian the church at Ephesus if Ephesians faced drama just like we faced but they were a victorious Church see I am persuaded that the call of God is for his people to live a victorious life regardless of how the surrounding conscious lives time and time again he tells us we are more than conquerors he says we are the head and not the tail we ought to be up and not down we ought to be the victors and not the victims but unfortunately the church has brought into the philosophies of the world and the practices of the world and if we keep doing what the world does and what the world says we will reap the consequences of what the world doesn't says but if instead we pick principles and our lives on the basis of biblical truth I believe that while everything around us is crumbling we serve a God that can allow us to stand strong why everybody else is going to hell somebody say preach on fasting I believe he can keep our finances strong I believe he can keep our marriages survive and our children succeeding he can keep you in your mind even though you should have lost your mind I believe if we follow his principles and do what he tells us to do and live our lives the way he's called us to live God can so orchestrate the circumstances of your life that when people push you down God can find you and pick you up and elevate you even when everybody else said you ain't supposed to beat it I wish I had some help up in there so Paul wants them to understand some basic things in chapter 2 and verse 1 he says he made us alive you and I got to come to the grips that we are not dead we are alive somebody says I'm alive we have been made alive it is no we didn't stumble into this thing God picked us out of our sin and made us alive he didn't say it once in chapter 2 verse 1 he also said it again in verse 5 of chapter 2 even when we were dead in trespasses he made us alive somebody say made us alive he wants people to understand that you are no longer dead you might be acting dead you might be thinking dead you might look dead but once you accept Jesus you have been made alive hallelujah I wish I had a praying crowd with for me to understand we've been made alive and their blessings that go with being made alive in verse number 6 legaud verse 6 says he says and he raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places we are seated in heavenly places you ain't no you ain't no bum no more you you need to understand who you are in Christ you are positionally seated in heavenly places you go on the god timid and skin and hoping an evil hear your prayer mob down you are sitting in heavenly places don't appreciate verse 7 says that in the ages to come he wants to show the exceeding riches of his glory of His grace in his kindness toward us in Christ he says what I want to do when he wrote listen to when he wrote this to them back then he says I want in the ages to come to be able to show the exceeding riches of my grace here's what God is saying to you and I I started this thing out decades ago so that by the time it reached you when people see you they will see the exceeding riches of the grace of God y'all excuse me because that makes me want to shout that God has smeared grace all over me he smeared grace all over you how do you know you got grace all over you because you should be in hell you should be dead you should be in jail you should be jacked up but thanks be to God instead of drugs taking you out and he's taking you out and instead of all kinds of stuff taking you out God smeared grace on you hallelujah y'all excuse me i know i'm i'm preaching I'm just talking I'm just talking you gotta understand you got grace smeared you ain't got to drink no more you don't have to get hot no more you don't have to have an additional more you got grace smeared on you stop telling yourself what you can't do stop doing stop telling yourself you can't break loose from this stop telling yourself you can't change the devil is a liar God has put grace all inside of you for you to rise up in the missio trouble and live like God wants you to live he has smeared grace on you somebody how high your neighbor has I can't say I got grace smeared all over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know what I like about what God does he comes in and specs I don't know if y'all ever wax the car before but sometimes you have to buff out scratches some of y'all go through a little tension in life all it is is God is buffing out some scratches you know excuse me I feel like shouting right now cuz cuz you got some scratches and you got some shortcomings and you got some issues and even though you have a little bit of tears in your life he's just buffing out possum izing he buffing out my scratch disease smearing me with grace y'all see that he said I want to show the exceeding riches of my grace that's great news god got enough grace to go around I don't care how slow you have fallen how deep and ugly your sin is he's got enough grace to smear some on you in verse number thirteen here's how we've been benefited he says but now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off had been brought near I thought y'all was SH out on that point right there that you used to be out there you used to be far off with hallelujah somebody thank God he brought you near can I get a Amen somewhere verse 19 I'm leading up somewhere verse 19 says now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners somebody thank God you not a stranger to God no more you're not a foreigner to him anymore but you are fellow citizens with the Saints you in the same company with Moses and Abraham fellow citizens we headed to the same place fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God he made you a member of God's household dess verse 19 verse 22 and whom all you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the spirit y'all mister that's a spot to shout right there in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God you know he said God says I'm building y'all together so God can have a place to hang out y'all excuse me for a second that's why our coming together is so important God likes to hang out where his people is somebody say I like to go to church because God liked to hang out in church can I get some help up in here chapter 3 verse 6 says that the Gentiles that's you and I kiss you have a check we are Gentiles should be fellow heirs fellow heirs with all we are we are heirs we are partners of and we're all heirs we are number 2 of the same body he made us one body and we are partakers of his promise these are the things that we need to know leading into 2010 and once you get a hold of this in your heart of understanding your position in the Lord you will stop allowing the devil to to lie to you and defeat you and frustrate you once you understand who you are in Christ and it's difficult to get checked people to understand who they are in the Lord we keep on listening to what the world says and not what Christ has to say about us well it's time for you to forget about what the world says about you and understand what God says about you verse 12 of chapter 3 says in whom we have boldness and access with confidence look here we have we are bold and we have access with confidence we can go to God boldly we can go to God because we got access to God I don't have to go through no priest I don't have to go into no little closet and confess my sins I talked to somebody today they say I'm a Catholic I've been raised in the Catholic Church and I'm I've been as part of a Catholic Church all my life I didn't say this but I want to say but if you understood who who Christ is and what he can do for you you wouldn't need to go into no closet and confess your sins to no priests because we we ha we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him that leads me to my text I went through all of that to give you my subject for tonight and the thing for 2010 verse 20 now to him [Applause] [Music] y'all excuse me y'all missed the spot the shout right there he he says because of all of this stuff we got on our side because of all the stuff he has made provision because he's made us alive because we sit together in heavenly places because he's given us access and because we are join Aires and we are fellow heirs and we love the same body because we got all this stuff on our side running now he said we can do this because now unto Him who is able to reason I serve Jesus and not Mohammed is because he's able the reason I'm a Christian and not a Buddhist is because Jesus is able he is able look at verse number here it is verse number 20 now to him who is able I feel like shouting now because in the very soul part of my being I'm grateful to serve a God who is able somebody say hey he's got power that means he can do it it's possible with God it's not possible with people it's not possible with mankind but God has God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think that means if I could think about it or have the courage to ask him for it he can do exceedingly abundantly above [Applause] somebody look at your neighbors say whatever you can think of whatever you have the courage to ask God can do exceedingly abundantly above that there's no limit if you can dream it God can do it if you can imagine if God can bring it to pass I thought I would be jumping up and shouting I thought I thought I'd have to call security in the hole somebody down I thought y'all was shouting dance but I know why y'all not cause y'all don't understand the magnitude of what God is able to do he can do exceedingly the word exceedingly is the Greek word which means above over superior more than beyond don't run ahead of me just wait somebody say beyond way or way pants far above exceeding God can do he is able to do exceedingly but then Paul says I can't stop describing what God can do with just that one word he picks up another word that is in the Greek three words smashed together to make one word is three Greek words smooshed together to make one word and it is such an exhaustive word that it took two English words to describe the one Greek word that is three Greek words smushed together I'm almost finished I can get y'all out of here just a few minutes abundantly above means the first Greek word means above beyond the second one means from a place of point or a time or cause from a place or point or a time or cause the third word means super abundant superior excessive so so here's what he is saying he check it out he's saying he's saying that that that that that that abundantly slow down I'm getting kind of excited here he says he says he said slow down faster just slow down that we serve a God who is able to be superior more than above beyond any point place time cause and he's able to do it in a super abundant a successful superior way that he will take you beyond that out on the horn preaching - but you better get ready cuz God is about to take you beyond beyond somebody say beyond beyond not just beyond but beyond beyond so far beyond is so far beyond it's beyond beyond you're about to boldly go where no man has ever gone before God is about to take you to a place that no ministry has gone before no career has gone before no high school dropout has gone before Notre Ganic has gone before no business has gone before no entrepreneur has gone before no person has gone before get ready God is about to take you beyond beyond who am i preaching to tonight get ready for you're beyond beyond 2010 azar beyond beyond a it's a beyond beyond here it's a beyond beyond moment don't measure your future by your present circumstances God is just getting too ready to shift jobs season and take you into beyond we are somebody say I'm ready to go somebody say take me Jesus I'll go ever you take me I'll do what I need to do I'll make the sacrifice I'll commit myself I repeat in my life ready to go beyond me I go ahead and lift your hands and say God I thank you that's why you had such a tough year that's why you had to shed those tears that's why you had so much burden on your back God had to purge you and clean you up so that by the time he took you to where you are he's taking you you can handle what he's about to do in your life don't know who I'm preaching to but I know you're here get your heart ready get your soul ready get your mind ready God is taking us beyond we are lift your hands to give God a shot how far somebody say I'm going beyond beyond I'm going beyond what my father said beyond what my mama said beyond what my teacher said beyond what my spouse said we are what my co-workers say it I'm going beyond yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't feel do not fear I'm prophet signing somebody right now do not fear do not fear what did I say what did I say tell your neighbor see what attitude don't be pretty with it getting mad roll your head around do those three fingers and a snap and a twirl around don't be afraid don't be scared don't be worried no weapon formed against you shall prosper don't be afraid God is elevating you the devil has drawn his best blow and he made a mistake of letting you get back up he made the mistake of letting you live God is thinking you be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I just wanted to sink into you y'all keep thinking that the devil's winning he cannot win y'all giving him too much credit he can't win I think I told you out of the night you might be knocked down but you ain't knocked out [Applause] [Music] father in Jesus name I know there are men and women and boys and girls all over this building who need to go to a beyond beyond point but they need to first of all stop by committing themselves to you I asked you right now father about the power of your spirit to draw them right now to come and make a commitment to you to realize that they're sinners and any forgiveness of their sins and their back Saleem they need to be restored some God who are saved but they need a church home let them not in 2009 in the same condition they started but let them come and make a commitment and the decision today father release them by the power of your spirit in Jesus name I plead the blood of Jesus over this place right now draw them God draw them don't let the devil hold them in their seat another moment for draw them in Jesus name get out of your seat and make your way down here quickly right now the devil can't have you belong to Jesus don't be ashamed don't be afraid come on that's right come [Applause] come on some others come on that's right cop come on come on [Applause] [Music] unsaved come back slidden come unsure come come right now come right now you need a church home get out of your seat I didn't say leave I said come on and give it get it right with God come on brothers come on sisters [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on the devil wants to hold you in your seat come on come on hallelujah get right with God don't wait on your husband don't wait on your wife don't wait on your mama your daddy your sister your brother this is a personal choice get right with Jesus right now right now right now get right with Jesus get right with Jesus get right with Jesus come on come on come on come on come on that's right that's right [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 19,449
Rating: 4.8305883 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Beyond Beyond, Beyond! Conference, (Pt.1), Pastor, John, K., Jenkins, Sr.
Id: _SxtgS4Alkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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