Disappearing 9 Patch Black & White Quilt Tutorial

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hi everyone it's me darlene i am back with a new quilt top the entire world has made quilts using the disappearing nine-patch block i have not yet so i am going to do it I specifically ordered black and white fabrics because I thought it would look cool and so far I absolutely love this I want to tell you that if you want to make the exact quilt that I'm making today I do have six packets of pre cuts like this you would have to follow my pattern exactly and I will show you because there are two of the colors this dark one and this dark one you need two blocks per square for this and then the others you only need one so I have everything you need right here you can go check out the link down below these are on eBay as a Buy It Now item hurry up because they might sell out so this is what we do with this we set up a nine patch like this that I haven't pressed yet and we cut it this way and this way and then we turn a couple of the blocks that we cut when we cut it we end up with four blocks and we turn three of them and I will show you how to do that too you are absolutely free to do this any way you want with your own fabric I am using five inch squares so if you have a charm pack you can use that you can make it scrappy by making it all different you don't have to have a pattern going on you can turn the blocks that you cut any way you want I'm doing this one particular way and if you like the way it looks and you want yours to come out the exact same way then you can get one of my packets of the pre cuts and then do exactly as I do so let's start with the nine patch I'm going to try a different angle for the sewing machine so I can show you how I put it all together and I'll take a picture right now of the way you want to set it up the nine patch you can't see I'm pointing over there and you might want to take a picture of it or I'll just take a picture and insert it right now and that's how you're going to set it up I just put my precuts out in that order and then I know how each block gets put together and now I just realized that the previous blocks that I made I think I had three put together this particular one was going this way see how the lines are vertical right now they were horizontal so it gives a little tiny bit of a different look when it gets cut this is not going to have the lines going this way it's going to have the lines going that way that is minor very minor and I'm going to just continue making all the rest like this it's very easy to get screwed up and turned around so that's why it's important to lay things out but I took a break between making blocks and I had to move some things and you know I always get into trouble when I take breaks so what you want to do is take one of each block and I set it up I will be moving this stuff on my sewing machine I'm going to make the whole entire 9-patch block without leaving my machine I kind of like this angle at least you can see what I'm doing I'm going to be putting these together by doing some chain piecing people do this a gazillion different ways you do it whatever way is comfortable for you but for me this is the best way than I get screwed up now this one I'm going to keep it vertical this is how I wanted it in the first place so the first three blocks that I made were actually the mistake because when it gets cut and put next to this guide one will be vertical the other will be horizontal so I whatever doesn't matter it's not a big deal but this is how I have it set up and this is the orientation of these guys they're vertical this is vertical the others do not matter there's no right or wrong to the black so don't worry about that now I'm going to just slap this line patch together and I'm going to start by doing this I'm taking this guy and this guy and I'm going to pick up the edge that I'm going to so and I'm just going to sew right there and I'm leaving it right there and I'm going to do these two now actually it's easier to just flip this guy onto here now at this point I snipped the one there are some people that leave everything's all stuck together and then they put it together that way I just personally don't like that and I feel like I'm gonna get screwed up that way I'm going to press everything to the dark side so I put the dark on top push it back and I finger press that's all the pressing I'm doing for this entire block and now see this is not right I do have my you know my other setup there so I always can check so it goes like this now I'm going to put these two together dark on top I push the dark back just the dark finger press and that I know goes in the center I'm going to start finishing this top row so this goes on here and I'm sending that through putting my dark on top finger pressing I'm looking at my sample that you can't see and it goes this way you know which is kind of obvious dark light dark but I still always check because it's just too easy to get confused okay I'm going to flip this guy on to here and finish this row dark on top finger press and I check and it's this way now I'm going to finish this row this time I'm going to force that scene to go to the dark okay and it's going this way at this point I've never cut my thread I'm going to sew these two guys together now I'm going to flip this one here and I'm going to just pay attention for now to the first intersection now they'll nest because we pushed to the dark side and that looks good I'm just gonna straighten this out a tiny bit and so when I get close to the seams I'm just going to make sure that they're each going in the direction they're supposed to go in I'm going to slip this guy off for now and when I come up to this intersection I'm doing the same I want that going that way not going that way now this is the only time [Music] so far that I'm using my little tag now at this point I'm going to just press to this side because there's more dark on this side doesn't really matter at this point but that's what I'm doing and I'm looking over there this is my top it's in the right order and I'm pressing this guy and this is this way too the only reason I'm keeping everything in an order is because I'm hoping that the print comes out super cool when we're done matching up my intersections now I'm going to go ahead and finish all the nine patch blocks and then we will do some cutting I am back it is another day I have all my 9 patch blocks finished I'm going to show you how to cut these and turn them but I wanted to mention if you're doing this with your own fabric you are going to need a hundred and eight five-inch squares total you can use any color combinations you want that's all up to you just remember that the center square is going to be cut into four smaller pieces and so that you know kind of like just get scattered about in the quilt it really looks cool like even if you do black and white on your own but you put like a turquoise square in the center that is going to like really pop but I went with this the other thing is in a twelve of these it's going to make twelve nine patch blocks this quilt will be three across by four tall I'll give you the final measurements when we get there the other thing if you happen to get my kit you're going to get all 108 blocks you will get 12 of each of the white ones and the solid black you're going to get 24 of this print and 24 of this print so you'll need to split that into little stacks of 12 each so when you you know put it all together this is the order right here and this guy and this guy you can decide if you want them vertical or horizontal doesn't really matter but I had done some vertical and some horizontal for this one so I ended up doing six of each each way just made me feel better that it was balanced stack these all in the exact same order doesn't really matter which corner you use as your top but I'm going to go ahead with this one as you're seeing it so I'm just going to turn it and move that over there and we'll cut before you cut you just want to look and check out your edges if you have something very funky sticking out you can trim that but I'm not trimming the block down yet this block looks very good you know there's a little bit of unevenness but I'm okay with that the easiest way for me is to just fold my fabric and I press it so I have a line to cut on my particular ruler isn't long enough and it's just easier than trying to figure out what is you know half of four and three quarters of an inch or however big your square ends up being so that's what I'm going to do we're going to fold it this way and press and then I'll fold it in the other direction and press when I was pressing everything to the dark that's because my darks happen to be you know like this four corners and the center what you just want to do if you have different color combinations you want to press this row that way out this one in toward the center this one out that way everything will nest when you slap it all together all right I made some creases I'm going to cut all right here's the turning part this block we do nothing to it this block we're going to turn once to the right like that so the black is at the top now this one we're going to turn twice to the right one two so this black is at the corner down here this one we're turning once to the left so we're going to make that corner this way if it's easier for you to remember zero one two three then let me show you it works either way zero don't turn it one one turn to the right - two turns to the right one two and this one three turns to the right one two three if that's easier to remember go with that but this one it doesn't matter if you go three to the right or one to the left you end up with that square in that corner we're going to soap these back together now and I'm going to do that to all of the 9-patch blocks I do want to mention that even though there are probably a hundred different videos out there that show this the exact way of turning the blocks there's a lot of ways to turn the blocks but I happen to see Donna Jordan do this from Jordan fabrics and I liked the design so I just want to give her a shout out she does not know I exist but that's where I saw this combination and I saw the finished look and I liked it and I'll link to her video down below in the description box I have all 12 blocks done so excited I have them separated only because I have six where this print is horizontal and six where it's vertical I thought I'd just spread them out in the quilt evenly I trimmed my blocks to 12 and a half inches I probably could have gotten them a little bit bigger but that was an easy number just remember when you trim you need to trim an equal amount on both sides so what you can do is just take a block and lay it on your cutting mat and just put this line on a line and then count out and see what works for you I would just count six and a quarter and trim six and a quarter and trim so that gave me twelve and a half this way I would turn it and do the same very easy I'm going to I put these together now here's the deal we want them to be all in the same direction so we don't want to turn them at least I'm not I'm going for a particular kind of print where it's supposed to have some diagonal things happening I'm hoping that works so I'm going to put each one of them the same way and then I will be yes I'm seeing oh my goodness I'm looking in the screen this is awesome and I'm going to do three across and four down and then you're going to see it on the bed here it is and it's quite small smaller than I expected and it's a little bit boxy I would absolutely like another row attached to it I did not add a border because I think a border in solid black would be super cool but it's up to you somebody will win this on eBay I don't have any more solid black so I'm just leaving it as is and whoever wins it on eBay can finish it any way they want the link will be down below go check that out the kits are also available the quilt will be a penny auction free shipping for the USA the kits are a Buy It Now option the finished size since I trimmed my blocks to 12 and a half that makes the finish sizes of the blocks about 12 inches it's about 36 wide by 48 tall so a nice lap size I just think that it's so super cool I really like it now just imagine all those little black squares you know a different color hot pink blue you know turquoise anything I think it would be so pretty but any kind of fabric will look cool this way but I do have that diagonal going on which is what I was after I hope you give it a try I think I'll be making some more disappearing nine-patch blocks because I really like you know all the things that we can do with them so thank you so much for watching please subscribe and I'll be back with more soon bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 29,052
Rating: 4.9487834 out of 5
Keywords: Darlene Michaud, DarleneMichaud.com, Sanford Maine, Sanford ME, darlene michaud ebay, darlene michaud disappearing 9 patch quilt, darlene michaud disappearing 9 patch, darlene michaud quilt, disappearing 9 patch quilt, disappearing 9 patch quilt block, black and white quilts, darlene michaud black and white quilts, modern quilts, darlene michaud modern quilts, funky quilts, darlene michaud funky quilts, disappearing 9 patch black and white quilt, darlene michaud quilt blocks
Id: g2tTIJHgnII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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