Scrappy Stash Buster Quilt Top Tutorial | Episode 4 - Final | Quilting the Lazy Tacky Way

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hi everyone it's me Darlene I am back with what I hope is the final episode of this series I only hope that because I want to get it wrapped up before my next fabric frenzy I have completed my 100 blocks I have 50 of the 7 by 7 inch blocks and I have 50 of the 3 by 7 inch blocks if you don't know what I'm talking about please get caught up with this series there is a link in the description box in the pinned comment and on the end screen you can go watch episodes 1 through 3 this is the final episode and you will be able to make yourself a scrappy quilt like the one that I'm hoping to finish I still don't know how I'm putting these blocks together but I wanted to get this video started and then I will play with them and I will show you what I come up with this quilt top will be on eBay and the auction will be starting at 1 penny with free shipping for the United States outside of the United States you can still bid but you will have to pay the shipping through eBay's global shipping program I still send for free to eBay so you not charge that but then you have to charge whatever eBay says is the rest of the shipping what else did I want to mention about of VAT Oh today is December 30 or 31st I don't know when it's being uploaded 2018 so if you're watching in the future the auction is over the auction link will also be in the description pinned comment not on the end screen alright let me just get started with putting these blocks together and we'll see how I do and again as a reminder these centerpieces are part of my fabric frenzy this coming January 1st 2019 and you can buy the packet if you don't know what a fabric frenzy is I also have a playlist link in the description and in the pinned comment and you can go check that out and you'll learn all about the fabric frenzy and how you can get your grubby little hands on some of my fabric ok let me turn the camera off get busy and then I shall return I forgot to mention that I actually had to cut more strips and I shouldn't have cut as many I could have just you know cut what I needed so I have this left over I ended up using a total of 4 yards of fabric well with this leftover the reason it takes so much is because of all the seam allowances I might have said before that I generally do you know probably close to a 1/2 inch seam allowance you know some of the times and you know so it just eats up a lot of yardage one way you can save on fabric when you're putting these blocks together is to just do big pieces and not strips you can just add whatever you want this will not go to waste I am going to come up with a fun project to show you guys how we're going to use up these strips I'm so excited the way that I planned it in my head ball this is exactly the way I'm going to do it I didn't even need to try different options I just liked it so what I'm going to do is it's going to start with a 7 inch block and then a 3 by seven and then a seven inch block and a 3 by 7 and I will have 5 of these blocks and 5 of these blocks in a row I've decided these blocks are going to all be with the longer strip sets going up and down vertical see these are the shorter ones that's how I started on each end and then I put long ones this way and that fits in there perfectly and then I'm going to have this one here and then I have another one like this and like this now there's not too many strippy things going on here so there I could put one like this if I wanted and see how it just fits in you have all the little strips going in the same direction as opposed to doing it this way which would still be fine anything goes you know you could do it this way and you have this going on where it like stops and then goes this way I'm just choosing to go this way and I don't want to overthink it so that's what I'm going to do I think I wanted to turn these so that there's strip set on top and then strip set on bottom and then there would be the strip set on top I forgot that I thought of that oh do I like that or not I think I do because the big pieces the scrappy fabric is mostly centered and then the little pieces it would go you know down up down and then we go up let's put another one here up I think for the sake of really making it look scrappy that that's what I'm going to do okay so now let's move to the next row I started with a big block of seven by seven so now I'm going to start with a three by seven this way we won't end up with intersections again not because I care about intersections matching up I just didn't really want like a whole row of strip set I want it to be like just scattered around so I'm going to start with a piece like this and then I will put one of these guys so see the stripes aren't all matching up and I just kind of like that now I need one like this and again now if I'm starting with this one down then this one could be this way so the the scrappy piece is down and then the scrappy pieces up and then another block and then another this way and let's put one more block over there and this will be wider but look I'm trying to show you I think I really like that so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to sew a little bit and then when I show you how to put some of these together maybe I'll have something new to tell you I was going to go and put all of this laid out on the bed and plan this whole quilt top but I am NOT doing that because I don't want to be going back and forth to that bed every three minutes the way I'm going to do this it's going to be put together really really quickly and I want everything right here at my fingertips so what I'm going to do is let's think of it this way I will be creating five blocks like this a seven by seven a three by seven and I will have five of those across so all I need to do for row number one is do I have a border on the edge yes I do because all these seven by sevens do have that on both sides and does this go okay with this sure does does this go okay with this sure does this yep I'm good with that and I am making sure I have my scrappy bottom top bottom now I am running out of room I can do one more do I want aqua aqua yeah I'm good with that how about this way I'm good with that too I'm gonna leave it like that so what I'm gonna start doing is this is going like this this is going like this I'm just going to put this on top of this this is going like this on top of this pile now I know I need just one more of these combinations here and I'm going to want my last piece to have a border so how does this go is this going to work that works great and then I need one of these and it has to be on the bottom oh so this is gonna work right here top bottom edge set this is going here on this pile whoops this is going here on this pile I'm going to be sending these all through the machine and then this one is going to be the one that goes here and then the next one here here here here here that's the way I'm gonna work let's go to the machine and I'll show you I'm being so brave putting this all together without even laying it out on the bed first I mean really what is that gonna do to lay it out on the bed it's just you know all scrappy every bit of it all right I'm taking my first two pieces off the pile this is going to be sewn right here and I'm leaving that right there not taking it off I'm just going to send the next two through feel easy you don't even have to lift your foot as long as you stop with your foot on the previous pieces it's raised enough that you can just send the next one through okay that was insanely quick we're almost done this row back to the other table now I have my five seven by ten inch blocks done and I'm just going to go ahead and you know so this one to this one and then add this one and add this one I do want to show you that you know see and I haven't pressed these yet I don't want to go to the ironing board a thousand times but you can see I lost my green strip in there and that's okay I'm alright with that and this one has you know like a little kink in it well it's not a kink it's just a curve and again I'm okay with that I want to get this done and when I was piecing them I didn't mind if stuff like that happened again scrappy quilt here's another one where the strip is a little bit narrow and I'm all good all right I'm just gonna go connect all this knot with you at the machine and I'm going to show you how I'm going to plan the second row I took a break to do some editing and now you can see hi it's dark out there but I wanted to show you what I did here is my first row I'm actually going to go ahead and put a number one on this pin a piece of paper to it because I noticed during the editing that I think I swapped some blocks I don't know and that happens it's very easy so what I'm going to do is I'm just putting this row out I haven't pressed it yet I just want to plan row number two so I'm just going to put some pieces together and see if I like them see if I like them with this row I do want to remember for the next row I am going to start with a narrow piece and then wide narrow wide I'm still going to remember to have an edge on each end and I want to remember to alternate like this narrow piece has the scrappy piece on top with the strip set on the bottom this one has the scrappy piece on the bottom with the strip set on the top and I'm going to alternate I'm going to build row number two just like I did row number one I will create my little stack and just send them through the machine then I will be right back and I do want to remind you that when you start with a narrow piece you are going to end with a wide piece and it's not going to match up to your first row because you haven't sewn them together yet that's going to shrink with all those seam allowances so you're just going to alternate and I do want to make sure top bottom oops I made a boo-boo I'm glad I checked top bottom top very easy to get messed up but you know if you mess up nobody's going to notice so now I have row number two done and you can see it's the same as row number one neither of these are pressed yet but here's what I'm going to do now because I'm running out of room and I have ten rows to make I'm going to put a number on this number one and I'm just going to move that over to my ironing board which is here which is holding this thing right now and I can press it now or I might press them all together at the end but I want to make room so I promise I'm going to put a number 1 here I don't want to forget and I'm just going to put it here and the one here so I'll know that this is the left side and this is at the top and that it will go good with that next row but for the sake of room I'm moving it and now row number two is coming here and now I'm going to design a row number three on top of this one because row number one doesn't come into play now all I have to do is you know does it look good with this row so let me do that and I'll be right back now I'm going to do the same thing this is row number two and I am going to move that over and put it on top of row number one on my ironing board and now I have row number three which I will stick a number on a little skunk is that a skunk oh my god I should know what a skunk looks like don't you think and I am just going to continue like this until I have all 10 rows done then I just need to put the rows together I'll come back when I'm ready for that step i have all my rows put together I never pre-planned right up until my last row I just used whatever blocks were left I absolutely had so much fun putting this together and you can see my other rows there so I have to iron them all and then I am going to go ahead and sew the rows together now they look like they're really uneven but that's because they're not pressed so that's gonna all work out just gonna sew all the rows together and then I'm going to edit this portion that I have recorded so far and then tomorrow when there's daylight I will take pictures of the quilt top on the bed I will give you my last thoughts about this and we will be done so even though I have to wait till tomorrow you just have to wait two seconds it's the next day see you didn't have to wait too long did you I am so anxious to show you this masterpiece now I have already recorded a little bit of it on the bed in my front room before it got too dark but I will take close-ups here on my table after because I want you to see all the lovely blocks and all my lovely boo-boos and I'm sure still some threads because this is very thready here it is part of what I could show you and like I said you will see it laid out alright I have so many things to say about this I really like it I mean I just think it came out so good and it's just so cool that there are 100 different prints and you know just solids now a couple of my pieces were solid colors like this one that was in the packet and I went with it even though it didn't have anything notice I put it though on the edge and there was another one I think like almost all just purple but for the most part I mean gee whiz another thing is it looks like a lot of red there's red and then there's like this dark salmon not really orange so that does at least on the images come on thread well I guess to the naked eye cuz I'm looking at it with naked eyes like when I have it out on the bed it does look like a lot of different red but I think it just looks so cool so this ended up being 45 inches wide by 64 inches long before it being sewn together the blocks would have made it like 50 by 70 but I knew I was going to lose in the seam allowance when putting all the the blocks together and then putting the rows together so 45 by 64 ish I would have liked it longer it could have used an additional row so if you are doing this exact thing kind of think you're not because I think it was probably confusing I don't know you could do your own thing but if you happen to be following these wacky instructions you could go ahead and cut yourself ten more scrappy pieces from your own fabric and make another row or two or whatever you can make this as big as you want so let me tell you a couple things though and I can show you the exact block this block right here I was going for all vertical for the the longer strips and this was actually sewn in sideways it's when it was just sewn to this row I IND up sewing two rows together at a time and then I went ahead and put like you know two and two together so four rows so that's the way I put it so I don't always have a lot of fabric under my machine so when these two rows work together I didn't have this one sewn on yet I noticed that this was ways now that wasn't a big deal it barely showed I don't think anybody would have noticed it because there's so much going on here but I noticed it and I thought is it possible to pick that out and turn it and it was and it was very easy I just had to pick out the two seams except I accidentally started picking like I didn't pick in the right spot so I wasn't picking out the whole block I was like picking out just this thing that was okay so I picked it out and picked it out and what you just do is you pick out further than you need to and then I just turned the block and then I just put this block back to this and then I just you know put right sides together and then so it's so hard to show you guys I have to do everything backwards and then I just sewed there and that worked out great so I learned something that I can take a block out you probably can go and pick one you know right out of the middle of a quilt and put it back in it was really easy okay the other mistake I made is one piece let me find it this little bugger right here and you can see I didn't I didn't trim that up for some reason I forgot to put a piece with an edge to it it was just a plain piece now it was fully sewn in so I just unpicked both ends here and here for a little way and then I cut the piece of block off and then I sewed a fairly wide piece of gray because I wanted to make sure I had enough and then I just reached here and here and I trimmed the gray but I don't know why I did such a terrible job of trimming much better so that worked out great so I learned something else and you know it's not like I was happy I was making these mistakes and having to fix them but it was really easy so I'm glad to know that I was really tired doing all this I did this all just yesterday evening put all 100 pieces together then I did make another mistake now let me see which two and I could have done a better job fixing it but I left it okay at one point when I was sewing two rows together one was a little bit longer than the other and I was surprised because all the others came out so good I didn't have to do any trimming or anything but this one it was about three quarters of an inch off and I said well I have enough border on that longer one I'm just gonna trim it well I wasn't thinking that maybe it's the short one that was wrong and the longer one was right so I trimmed it and then so now those two rows were shorter than the rest of the rows by a little bit so what I did is instead of adding you know a border that covered two blocks I didn't want that so I put two wide strips together and then I just laid them out before they were sewn two other rows so it was just these two rows and that was a very easy fix I just you know put right sides together sewed an extra piece on and then put the rows together but when I put them together too so I tried very hard to make that little intersection match up and you can see it didn't quite where is it right there see how the orange and the purple don't quite match up right there but I did not take that apart and do it over again I was fine with that so I do also want to show you the hot mess on the back of this because this will be on eBay go check it out the link is down below and in the pinned comment starting at one penny free shipping I already told you all that this is very thready in the back now I could go through and you know try to work on that I really don't want to you know whoever gets this they can do what they want with it but I'm gonna say I wasn't fussy about which way these seams were going I just kind of tried to push all the scenes in the same direction so that when I sewed at the Machine and sewed those rolls together I didn't have the you know the seam sticking where you know it can flip it but I'm still flipped I mean it is it's a hot mess and I'm just gonna show you guys oh my goodness so many people are going to want to pass out who don't believe anything should be done like and I'll hear from them too but I can't see what you're seeing I'm just gonna show you I have no clue what you just saw but if it bothered you deeply then you're watching the wrong channel go watch something else yeah and I do want to mention that whenever I talk about the picky quilters I have nothing against fussy quilters absolutely nothing I am NOT putting down the fact that there are people who like things done perfectly I love things done perfectly I just happened to not give a about that when I'm putting together quilts blocks but I I know that people love to do that my issue is when they think that it's okay to tell somebody that they're doing things of the wrong way and I read a lot of comments on other people's videos and I don't know how come the content creators let those people get away with saying the things that they say I'd actually like to do a video about that reading other people's comments because it's just nuts that people will say how dare you show the world how to do something in such a half-assed manner you know it's like oh my god so I'm showing you that I have threads and I don't know like I said what you saw but I'm looking at this and it is a very messy and you know with a lot of strips like this it makes for a lot of seams and intersections and thick parts and I don't care whoever gets this it's just gonna slap a backing on to this possibly some batting and it's gonna work it's going to cover a bed or a child or a dog or you know all those things and it's just like the person who gave me about suggesting that quilts can be for dogs I don't care if that person thinks quilts should go to poor people before they go to a dog that person can do that all they want but I don't like that somebody puts that on someone else to try to make me feel bad or guilty like I've done something horrendous or to make my peanut gallery members who happen to read that to think oh my god should I actually be doing this should I actually give a quilt to my dog when there were people suffering I know people aren't going to take it that seriously I just it's stupid to try to put that on someone I just do just like I think it's stupid for people to complain that the person didn't iron the right way or the seams weren't going in the right direction it's like God cheez-its it's a quilt top just make it and love it and don't give people a hard time you know you fussy quilters out there who are entitled to make the most beautiful quilts with perfection don't knock those who just don't care to do that okay it's okay they're gonna have a field day with my next project that I have coming up because I'm gonna be breaking all the rules all right you guys um I thought there was something else I wanted to tell you but I don't know I if I think of it I'll put it down in the in the description box but I think this came out pretty good I think I showed you all my boo-boos you know and then there are of course a lot of things where the strips you know got really wonky or even hidden in the seam allowances that's one thing I would have preferred to do differently is maybe wider strips and just to make it a little bit easier to put together without you know very narrow strips I just do so if I were to do it again I do have easy ways to make strip sets narrow where they're not wonky I did it for one of the crumb quilt episodes but you know I didn't have a plan and again I have people who say you should have this all figured out before you start the video why why do I have to do that why why can't I do a video my way the whole fun for me is recording the planning process and I'm so tired of explaining for other people in this world I just don't like it I don't like that people feel entitled to put someone down and I'm not talking about just me I don't care I don't like it on other people's channels I just don't and I wish creators would stand up to that and say you're not gonna say that to me because I tell people OFF okay this is the end of this video stick around because you're gonna see a little slideshow now with some quilting music I don't know thank you so much for watching please subscribe and I will be back with more soon bye more breaking rules yeah this is what it looks like the lighting isn't good here so I will take some close-ups over on my table so you can see a lot of the different blocks I just really like it I think it's so cool all those different 100 blocks worked together so very happy with the way it turned out I would have liked it a little bit longer it stops right there at the pillow and I you know did have those few issues that I mentioned but all in all I think it's a huge success I hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I will have some close-ups coming up so stick around and please subscribe so you don't miss any future videos bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 70,156
Rating: 4.8712564 out of 5
Keywords: darlene michaud, sanford maine, darlene michaud fabric frenzy, darlene michaud fabric, scrappy quilt, how to make a scrappy quilt, stash buster quilt, how to use your fabric scraps, scrappy stash buster quilt, scrappy quilt tutorial, lazy tacky quilter, lazy tacky quilting, darlene michaud lazy tacky quilter, how to make a scrap quilt, scrappy log cabin quilt, easy quilt with no matching, easy quilt with no intersections, scrappy quilt blocks, scrap buster quilt blocks
Id: HzknuRuLzDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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