Dirty Harry (3/10) Movie CLIP - Why Do They Call You Dirty Harry? (1971) HD
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Channel: Movieclips
Views: 920,357
Rating: 4.8962712 out of 5
Keywords: dirty harry, dirty harry trailer, dirty harry gorillaz, dirty harry part 1, dirty harry make my day, crime action, insp frank digiorgio, carl pingitore, reni santoni, action thrillers, door videos, authority videos, clint eastwood, don siegel, robert daley, office videos, classics, john mitchum, classic action adventure, insp harry callahan, insp chico gonzalez, discrimination videos, police station videos
Id: RitnM9n0jTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 38sec (158 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 31 2014
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