Dirtiest Car Ever! Mouse Infested Subaru Forester

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I like the Youtube monetization model in that there is a financial incentive for a creator to provide a free service to someone like this and still make money on the video product.

Been passively watching Larry for years, that new garage is slick.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/DAWMiller 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't even want to know what her house looks like.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/mikebones 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ImportantNothings 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hope the mechanic next door was able to verify and repair any harness damage the rodents may have caused. They'll do damage you may not realize for days, weeks, months when things start going really wrong.

Goes without saying the detail turnaround is always impressive from Larry.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Muttz_and_Buttz 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Foresters and Rodents is a common thing. Soy based wiring insulation.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Retrofit187 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

That carpet was super nasty. Not to second-guess Larry, who's forgotten more about cleaning cars than I'll ever know, but I probably would have at least pulled the seats out so I could really get to the areas underneath. In fact, that's bordering on a carpet-out job.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tspangle88 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

If every detailer's videos are about the dirtiest car ever, then how are any the dirtiest ever?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/samofny 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Larry's a good dude.

Quick question: What's the best way to clean your vacuum after something like this? The part where he was sucking up all that mold kinda freaked me out.. Do you just take the vacuum apart and steam clean the components?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PawnStarRick 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

3M P95 pancake air filters on a halfmask, ever since this pandemic, I can ID most 3M filters now.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ferio252 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] on today's episode we're working on this 2010 subaru forester as you can see there is a ton of mold mildew and just lots of things growing out now it seems to be a big theme nowadays meaning i'm finding a lot of cars specifically on the lower portions and inside the door jambs there's just a lot of growth going on so the bacteria is something we're going to have to focus on but the back story is my next-door neighbor steve the nicest guy on the planet basically wouldn't be able to build half of the things i have in here because i panicked i didn't have any tools and we needed something and i would walk across the street he is a mechanic and say hey can i borrow this tool can you help me with this and that so he's the man i walked over the other day to borrow another tool again and i saw this sitting there i was like oh my gosh like what happened to this car now it happens to be owned by a senior citizen and this uh nice lady would really only use this thing once a couple times a year to go to church to go to the hospital that sort of thing and the inside is really roached out and there's some white powder in there it's baking soda trying to soak up the smell so the long short of it is i said hey bring it over here steve you've done so much for me i want to do something nice for this lady here so we're going to clean it up we're going to surprise her give it back to her and hopefully brighten her day a little bit that and a whole lot more on this episode of driving protect after a quick assessment it's clear that the vehicle was left outside for long periods of time but with that said it's also evident that someone did try their best to minimize the smell and the moisture but obviously with little success however the fact that they actually tried makes me want to investigate and solve the issue for them even more step one is to remove all the items in the car but really at the same time i'm doing a quick inventory of what i'm seeing and how it may be related to the moisture and the smell as i've said before many times anyone can clean a car but to do it effectively you must identify the issues first so that you can use the proper tools and chemicals later obvious clue number one was boxes of baking soda on the carpet not just a little but a lot this tells me that there is heavy water and moisture obviously but from where clue number two is pretty straightforward as well acorns were everywhere so the search begins for the water leakage and the mouse nest with all the items removed i first power wash the paint not just to get rid of the mold but to test the window sills themselves if i see water leakage from the pressure behind the glass then i can let the mechanic in this case steve from across the street know about it to take a look at the seals for possible future replacement but after much washing this didn't seem to be the issue to help with cleaning the bacteria off the paint i raised the pressure washer temperature to about 110 degrees fahrenheit on the tankless water heater and with masks and gloves on it was now time to shed a few pounds of growth from the car now the roof rails are a completely different story as they're covered in lichen which is easy enough to pressure wash off but the trim itself meaning underneath had a ton of dirt that never seemed to be running out of steam now when you see door and hood jams packed with leaves and gunk it's pretty much a guarantee that the rain gutters also known as scuttles are clogged so here's how it works as rain runs down your windshield or into the roof gutters the scuttles move the water down and out of the car through little pipes or tubes but if those small orifices are clogged the water will then divert into the air intakes and then slowly drip onto your floor without you really noticing until it's too late not to be preachy here but even if you're not a fanatic about making your car shiny or even enjoying the therapy of the cleaning process washing your car even occasionally can help you minimize avoidable issues later on down the road after most of the junk was removed i soaked the paint for the first of its many washes now the goal here was to let boost get into the seams and the crevices and chew up as much junk as possible then i power washed again now at this point it was almost funny how much junk was coming out of the rain rails i told steve across the street he may need to pull those up in the future but for now i opened up all the doors and focused on the door jams first i scooped out as much as possible by hand then i use the wheel bucket and brush to agitate the mud-like leaves in the doors and the trunk and then i use the wash mitt on the more open areas afterwards i power wash the door jams which i wouldn't normally do but in this case the interior is really messy and i'm going to shampoo in a few minutes so getting a little bit of residue or extra water on there is really not going to hurt anything but keep that in mind if you're working on a new car check this out notice the mold growing on the inside of the taillight lens i've never seen anything like that before so my original theory of clogged scuttles causing the floors to be wet was not really looking good at this point because they were actually relatively clean which was weird because everything else seemed to be so clogged so i opened up the glove box to see if that was wet it wasn't but what i did find was little pieces of chewed up paper and mouse poop scattered everywhere so something wasn't really adding up so i called steve because he was working on the car the week prior to the detail to see if he had done anything to the scuttles under here is where the air gets drawn into that blower motor through that filter and it's just a wide open uh cavity so what i did is i took the wiper arms off and removed all of this housing and i put a piece of chicken wire with like quarter inch square you know metal wire that goes over there and it'll keep the rodents from getting in there in the future prevent them from re-nesting as suspected it turned out that this was also packed with leaves and a mouse nest furthering the water blockage issue next we remove the cabin filter which is connected to the air intake cavity that steve just covered with that chicken wire now to do this he first removed the glove box door then he slid a thin piece of cardboard underneath the filter to prevent anything from accidentally falling into the blower motor which is a simple trick to avoid a headache i had never seen anything like that was pretty cool what i try to do is put cardboard underneath because a lot of times if it's stacked too high it actually falls down into the blower motor and throws it out of balance oh so the cardboard will tend to catch it if you can get it under there all the way there they are you can see all the pea stains and little turds in there yummy with the p-drenched filter out steve's dad tom who is actually my other neighbor got the new air filter off the workbench now this step alone had a huge effect on reducing the interior smell so we were going in the right direction yeah if you look in there you can see the squirrel cage so that rotates you know like a carnival ride and if you get uh an acorn in there it's off balance and it makes probably runs yeah up next is round one of vacuuming now the closer i looked at the powder the more i noticed small little black dots of mouse poo mixed in everywhere but the big question is where is the nest [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally i made my way around to the trunk now when the back nappy fibers are this full and it's just you can't really get it out with a vacuum the best thing to do is just to pop that little folding hard piece of plastic out put it on the ground use compressed air in a brush instead of vacuuming otherwise it'll take you forever when i did this i actually found the mouse nest that i was looking for with the little guy still inside as you can see there was plenty of mouse poo and the actual dead mouse kind of snuggled in the chewed up napkin just sitting there not to get too gross on you here but this looks relatively recent unlike the mouse skeleton i found a few years ago in that eclipse that was just all bone but whatever either way it was time to relocate this guy so i picked him and his paper bed up and put it in the garbage bag then vacuumed and pulled out all the spare foam tire parts to clean them outside so at this point if you're not grossed out you will be right now so watch this with all the parts outside i power washed everything that had any poo remnants on it because it would definitely have pee on it as well now look at the color of the water in the driveway this combined with the smell was the first time i've actually ever gagged detailing a car it was almost like i had reactivated the stench i cannot tell you how much it smelled uh on a video anyways as a point of reference i went back to the trunk and lifted a few other glued in hard foam pieces and putrid urine just oozed out into the spare tire well this is a whole other level of gross for me so take that for whatever it's worth real quick before we go any further now last week i was contacted by csr2 which is a video game now they have realistic drag racing and cross-country rallies they're completely insane and their visuals are off i mean it looks like every single car is completely detailed it's gorgeous but you're asking yourself the same thing i asked myself why the heck are you calling me i'm a car detailing guy it turns out that they actually watch one of my older videos of me actually racing in a cross-country rally called the bull run rally we went from city to city competing against drivers from around the world in supercars similar to the laferrari the mclaren p1 and of course the koenigsegg like the one i detailed in new york city now i drove the new audi r8 at the time which inspired me to get my own r8 about 10 years later now their game has an actual american road trip event running within the game itself from june 26 to september 29th celebrating this american car culture with of course different stories and events and different cities and crazy cars and you can compete live against players around the world build your own supercars and compete in teams like we did in the actual bull run this is a picture of us on a team called team angry it's because mike musto mr angry was on the team anyways it's basically the same concept but in a video version and it's super realistic you get to win upgrades for faster cars like the all-new nascar edition and so on so after they explained it to me it made a whole lot more sense and they showed me the video game and i was like yeah sure i'm totally down to help so with that a huge thank you to csr2 for the support and sponsorship which i used to secure next week's video shoot of pulling a datsun 280z with 300 original miles out of a warehouse where we needed a tow truck and parts hotels gas and food to make the detail happen so far away from the shop which wouldn't have been possible without their help i'll have a link in the description where you can download csr2 and start racing now for free next i used lather on all the interior plastic pieces and the center console first i removed the steering wheel cover and threw it in the washing machine then i wiped the dash which was not only covered in dust but this yellowish-looking spots of mold or maybe bacteria i wasn't quite sure but it needed to go either way then the steering column and the cup holders with a scrub pad and the interior brush now notice the color of the lather while i was doing the cup holders it actually turned a yellowish color indicating that we're really picking up some dirt here afterwards i hit all the doors with a scrubber lather and compressed air and it looked much better afterwards [Music] i repeated the same process on all the trunk plastic trim pieces as well the next step is to scrub the fabric and shampoo everything [Music] even after vacuuming notice the black floating dots in the shampoo wastewater these are mouse droppings that were pulled out deep from inside the carpet with the interior now drying i focused on the exterior as it was clearly never waxed or protected and the paint had plenty of scuffs and scratches to keep me busy for a while as you might imagine i used the kevin brown mowdown technique which requires a lot more initial product than what i actually used so i ran into an issue with removing the compound after the buffing phase if your ratios are all off it actually becomes sticky or hard to wipe off with a microfiber towel now this will actually give you an indication that you didn't use enough liquid compound or polish whatever you're working or you're working a larger area for the given amount of liquid that you've chosen to put on your pad or you're over working the pad and liquid for too long in my case it was pretty simple i just didn't put enough polish for the size area i was working so i added more product and shortened my working area just a little bit to alleviate that stickiness this is another kind of thing to keep in mind as i polished around trim and lights on these really old kind of really baked in gross kind of cars the vibration of the machine itself will actually jiggle out a lot of trapped dirt from behind the lens that you didn't get with the power washer so that's going to cause a little bit more unwanted residue on the pad so you're going to have to blow out your pad more frequently and keep an eye on when things kind of like the dirt falls out of it and you have to decide if you're going to need a second wash after the compound and polish is completed which i did at this point many of the scuffs were gone and the paint and tail lights looked much cleaner but when i say cleaner i mean the microfiber padded actually cleaned the paint by removing years of embedded junk and dead skin revealing a fresh rejuvenated surface now was it a show car no of course not but the color itself became lighter or brighter shade of silver afterwards i quickly polished with a foam pad and 210 and the before and after was much better [Music] i then washed the car for the second time to remove the compound and the never-ending junk trapped in the seams and the crevices now this time i focused on the wheels as well i didn't really wash them on the first go-round because i had bigger issues to deal with at first once all done and dry next up was the headlights they are super foggy and just not safe for an older person to drive at night so i sanded with 600 grit which is all i had in the studio at the time because we're still sort of moving in and i didn't have any sanding blocks either so i used a sink sponge again not perfect but i got the job done notice i'm moving my hand in an east to west motion as i sand next i used a merka 1000 grit six inch disc i found lying around the shop that i used on a job with kevin brown years ago again not ideal but it's getting the job done for a proper step-by-step headlight restoration video i'll put a link on the top here but for now this is all we had so this is what we were going with when working the next abrasive make sure you alternate angles in this case moving off angle or what we call a cross cut to the previous direction which was east and west this time i went maybe north or north east direction again to cross cut the previous abrasion once you feel like it's done then blow off the headlight or wipe it with a microfiber towel before using a microfiber cutting pad and 110 to restore the scratches you just installed notice how yellow this pad is from the sun faded plastic [Music] i repeated the same steps on the other side once they both looked acceptable i then needed to protect the work from fading again quickly since i just sanded off the dried up uv protection these lenses will actually fade faster now that they're naked as a point of reference i also would have normally taped off the paint and the light from the beginning on a car with maybe more sensitive pain or expensive paint that kind of thing but it can sometimes get in the way or be annoying when you're sanding so i made a judgment call here and i sanded it without taping it but now i'm going to actually put uv clear coat on the lens itself so you have to actually tape everything up otherwise you're going to get overspray everywhere to do this i'm using an aerosol spray from glass mechanics it's their headlight protection kit be sure to wipe the headlight with a supplied alcohol swab first and then of course read the directions closely as the first layer can kind of be tricky as it settles or flattens out because the distance from the light and the arm speed can vary by different products so just make sure you read the directions well and then allow it to dry for a few hours in the meantime i worked on the glass in my usual technique which is an initial spray and then i use a scrub pad then i wipe with my towel number one then i spray again real light use a squeegee and then a final wipe towel when removing stickers however make sure you use a long handle razor blade extension and keep the glass lubricated to help remove any remaining glue as we're rounding third here on the detail i removed the plastic and the tape from the headlights and then applied ammo reflex pro to protect the paint when sitting in its outdoor parking spot and to hopefully minimize the extreme bacteria and growth living on the car add just a few drops to the microfiber applicator pad and work one panel at a time allowing pro to cure for about 30 seconds or so but basically until you see the rainbow appear then you can wipe it off repeat the same process on the rest of the car and then of course always go back and double check your work lastly i applied mud to the black plastic trim to give it a deep contrast with the freshly polished paint well guys we're all done and the car looks absolutely spectacular more importantly the inside is clean now the outside had a bunch of mold and mildew and that's one thing of course i cleaned it off and it looks way better but the goal here was as she's driving on the inside there's a lot of mouse poo a lot of mold and certainly a ton of bacteria that just kind of stays in the cabin and you breathe in and it's not a good thing so when you see cars like this it's more than just like hey how can we clean this in detail it's more like hey how can we make this safe for somebody to drive and hopefully you know she's much safer as she drives around and she goes to uh the doctors from my what i understand again and to church and she doesn't really drive a whole lot but uh i'm excited to give her a quick surprise i'm gonna call her in a little bit bring her in here and see what she [Music] it's brand new something wrong this is phenomenal i thank you i pulled off a few stickers over here cleaned it up a little bit yeah the glass everything it just looks brand new i can't and somewhere in the back you had a new york yankee floor mats there we put those in so it looks uh thank you oh wow i never thought any of this was gonna ever be you know normal again i figured you think your mom's gonna be happy oh my god she's gonna be absolutely phenomenally happy because it was i think i mentioned it was my fault the whole issue of the the smell and all that mess in the car and this is just beyond my wildest dreams i really could never you
Channel: AMMO NYC
Views: 4,697,028
Rating: 4.8924308 out of 5
Keywords: Top Detailing Tips, AMMO Detailing Products, Larry Kosilla, Car detailing, car detailing, detailing, car cleaning, cleaning, cars, detail, how to, complete disaster, dirtiest car detail ever, dirtiest car detailing interior, dirtiest car detail ammo nyc, dirtiest car detail mercedes, detailing the dirtiest car in history, disaster detail, dirty car detailing, cleaning disgusting car interior, Mouse infested car, cleaning mouse infested car, AMMO NYC, gross car detailing
Id: 6jdjiGsh_dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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