DIO vs EVERY Sorcerer in Jujutsu Kaisen

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Dio Brando otherwise known as Dio all capital letters is the major Catalyst for pretty much all of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series a being whose life has spanned hundreds of years thanks to his vampirism bestowing abilities of heat control along with insane durability and regeneration Dio also enjoys being one of the most powerful characters in his series thanks to the physic manifested will of his fighting Spirit otherwise known as his stand which grants Dio in Ally in combat and the almighty power of stopping time for up to 10 seconds with the freedom to move as he pleases during this pause with plenty of other interesting Feats and techniques we'll be getting into later Dio is by no means an easy opponent for any of the jiujitsu kais and Sorcerers with st users and sorcerers not too far off in scale depending on the matchup of course how far would Dio make it through the jjk gauntlet until he met his match or would he just [ __ ] the entire universe hit that like button subscribe and we're going to get right into it but most importantly thank you for watching and with me on this topic I've got my man diolo yo what up everyone how are we doing today how are we everyone knows what we're doing based off the intro so we're going to go ahead and get right into it putting do with all capital letters and the world up against all jiujitsu kais and Sorcerers in their Universe to start off with we always have to do it to make everything Fair the god of the jiujitsu world e kotaka uh how do we think King the barrier king that's right how do we think he's going to handle Mr Dio uh I I don't think that un least he's with other people I don't see him having like any chance at all Deo just time stop and murk him on the spot as well kind of I would imagine he's going to set the trend for a lot of people you're going to notice as we go through this list cuz it's going to be structured weakest to strongest the problem really is is a lot of these people just don't have one any kind of physical stats that are going to be able to keep up with an ability that just stops all the time nor do they have like a hack curse technique that lets them do anything like my zenin who is like yosu light with her construction of ility like construction with the one extra bullet in the revolver like if you can't even shoot the gun you're not going to be able to do anything and also the gun with Dio who is a vampire who basically has shown that he can literally have his head just taken off and he can still talk his body will just walk around and put it back what's a bullet where are seven bullets going to do probably walk up to Ma and just vamper ISE her in like a second you know just Jabs her in the face with his fingers and she's done poor girl is just at a loss in this universe you know I'm going to be real with you Dio I don't even think Dio needs to use time St for some of these people I think we're being way too generous yeah yeah yeah like cuz he is pretty like cocky in who he is you know like he's he's quite charismatic so maybe he could even just straight up get a few of them on his side while he's at it like while he's in there he just Wings them over he's like come on come on my like you're pretty weak I could kind of I could gas you up cuzz there is I'm pretty sure he can as well true if there's any that needs a power up and a stand it's my zenin I'll tell you what exactly see she might actually have some kind of fighting you know like ability that could help other people throughout the series instead of the one bullet per day construction which has got to be one of the saddest like techniques in the series I think you know a lot of the Kyoto students just don't really need any kind of harsh introduction like miwa Kumi we're going to look at people like noruto Shamo is well we can even just skip ahead honestly for people like him in the group like all the people in the Kyoto school like what are they going to be able to do even if they were to come at someone like Dio all at once I think like maybe the only person who could possibly have some form of chance could be like kichi I it sounds sounds kind of crazy but like if he gets in his mix suit then again you know D probably just pause time and take his time getting up inside the Mex suit then beit him up like mjo did but maybe he uses those 17 years and since some kind of way and blows him out of the park but yeah unless he like they they will hold him back and then big Mick in the back does his like final Cannon blast and absolutely ruins Deo then I don't see any kind of way like they' all have to like hold them hostage or something and sacrifice their own Liv so that they could take him out it's just yeah I don't see any way out on top of this for the people from Kyoto School especially even their teacher she's going to dance and like improve all of their skills but I don't think it's going to help drastically when someone who can pause time he's Immortal he can also heal himself and other people who are like with him and stuff you know as we saw with POI throughout um JoJo so it's like this dude is just broke I don't I don't understand how like any of the weaker people from jitu kaisen below special grade had any chance with this man at all I was even going to say like this is a vampire with superhuman strength and superhuman durability like this vampire might even be able to tackle like ultimate mechamaru with his with his bare hands you know like I can just see him literally squaring up with ultimate mechamaru by himself and then if he even needs to summon the world like that's just an added bit of Firepower for the Ora Ora blast ultimate mechamaru even with like his strongest ability that we've seen so far which was Vision or pigeon Viola depending on your translation even if Dio is left into a bunch of Limbs it's just he's just going to come back together and then [ __ ] mechamaru up it's over they like they have to stick him in a casket in the bottom of the ocean and even that didn't work you know so like I just I don't understand how they' be a to do it what's n narutoshi going to do he's going to run up he's going to have his like sack of blood next to him he's going to try doing like that one where he captures them and like a net and he's going to have the knit fully formed it's going to be almost like grabbing around on do and he's just going to be like and it stops and he just like hops out from in this net walks over and just slaps the absolute light out of narutoshi they just don't a chance even he just takes the blood full on then absorbs it into himself just probably because he can do that and then he freezes narutoshi K and breaks his arm or something you know flash back to part one right there with the the freezing ability that he used to have yo that freezing ability would definitely get some use yeah he doesn't really use it after part one unfortunately but it's it's I'm pretty sure it's almost confirmed that like he still has that technique jiujitsu High faculty shoko Eerie with reverse curse technique on in a lot of versus battles sometimes against the curses we always have a brief discussion because of positive energy but even if she can continually heal herself and her lung cancer she's not going to be able to heal like the Thousand storm of knives that uh Dio can just throw around around the field she's just like running around like trying to heal everyone as he's just time stop pa dead it's just like damn it like not again like he's just over to the other side especially because Dio is going to be treating all these people like ants like we see how Dio interacts with like civilians especially after he's achieved the world and his complete stand and is fully integrated with Jonathan uh Joe star's body literally like yelling at that random girl in like the jewelry store like give me my leg like what the hell is wrong with you and then he just kills her like and even before in part one Dio was an [ __ ] to people so like I don't expect him to even give any of these people like yeah like he's not going to give people any you know second thought you know like now here's a person who we can stay in the realm of the jiutu students inumaki Toge how do you think like cursed speech would interact God forbid inumaki can get a sentence off against Dio before the world starts if Anu Mari did it it might react in some kind of similar way to when he did it on GTO in the past and everything during jjk Zer we're kind of like backfired on him just due to like the overwhelming strength of that person that he's doing it on because that's kind of like how it works and if we put do into jiujitsu Kaizen you kind of have to give him that like is his stand a shami or is it you know what I mean like we have to kind of like equate it to something in that kind of way but then again it's hard it's hard to actually say whether or not andari would be able to do anything before he taught him sto and killed I think he'd be able to stop him but it would be like a drastic detriment to his own health and it would you know badly hurt him probably put him out of action for quite a while his throat would just get obliterated his poor little throat like it just be coughing up blood and then not for nothing and like like you said even if he does stop him like what is step two like what are we doing from there how are we taking out this vampire are we just continually saying stop freeze don't move until the sun comes up yeah cuz like if they just don't move then he can still talk while it's not moving you know he could just be the world and it's all done he doesn't get that off he's still likely to lose I feel like in a physical fight against a fully grown man with a he can lift a dump truck throw it at someone without worrying you know and pretty much like heal any physical damage that gets done to him cuz like if Cur speech like isn't affecting Dio I mean not affecting him but if cured speech isn't harming Dio or freezing him long enough for someone like enaki to get a kill even someone like Panda who has a much larger offensive build especially in like gorilla mode is still not going to be able to do anything even again if we were to pair characters up because de just going to heal come back together if he wants to play with these guys he's going to time stop [ __ ] with them for like 10 minutes get bored and then off with their heads and Panda even if he needs to be killed three times or whatever like Dio could probably figure out where his cores are and would just use like his open palm hand to just like stab the three cores like in succession like boom boom boom and then Panda's done so we saw exactly what he did with Joseph with the knives and everything pausing time and then playing with knives and sticking the in front of people and running into their own death pretty much so the same can be said for curse users on the same kind of grade level as well like granny oami or the inverse curse user or harut shigo like time stop really is an unbeatable ability in the jiutu kais in verse now characters like Huda is kind of the same thing as like Panda like sure the miracle technique is going to let harut survive the first couple six seven times that Dio kills him but you know what harut is probably someone that di would find very cool and be like you know what dude come hang out with me let's go you know yeah you you seem interesting yeah bet and harut is probably into that who knows you know what I mean like you know he's he's a bit of a creep he he'd probably be into that exactly exactly now people like granny you know bringing people back we can get into if uh people like toi zenin or Maki um of course later into the video cuz of course oami is going to go for the strongest reincarnation that she can go for but if just based on her own self we saw how what toi did to her or rather we didn't see cuz we probably didn't want to I would dare not see what Dio also does to this poor old woman as well aaka in my opinion is the only one that has a chance and I know you wanted to talk about him specifically yeah I I feel like he like with the inverse he he can't inverse everything but like perhaps what if he could inverse almost anything you know like what if he was strong enough and he was broken enough to do that I know it wouldn't work cuz of ear and like minute things but if he could inverse time and and stuff it' be quite interesting to see how we could fight in a uh a battle with you know the the zombified version of uh Dio I'd say he'd still come out losing yeah he does have like some form of Defense maybe he can survive his first beat down from Z worldo when he's pause time and then he rolls up on him and starts beating him he might have put up his inverse technique and time and could have survived it and Dio could have been like hm what's going on here what's different about you like what are you and then he could just do it again and possibly you know like figure it out by hitting him a variety of different times with different like strength levels and stuff while time's paused so this dude has nothing to to do against it he can't counteract it by like I don't know how you would use inverse exactly but like changing the level of how you're predicting someone's strength so that it's inversed he can't do that while time's paused so di just comes up and hits him with a bunch of different leveling strikes so he'd be done for he take one of them brutal hits from like a frog tongue you know what I me the Frog tongue hits to the nuts I feel like a lot of people would like di wouldn't even justify fighting like he would just send like a pack of zombies to go eat and in my honest opinion first of all that's another great idea for a video would jiujitsu kaisen characters be able to survive a zombie apocalypse but that that's beside the point like I feel like a lot of these characters wouldn't be able to survive like if di sicked like 10 20 zombies on them but actually now that I'm thinking about it if you did stick a pack of zombies on him and a zombie like kind of like lobbed it a hand at him that would that just like knock him the [ __ ] out instantly but like yeah does he know if that's a weaker or stronger hit you know can he gauge it in time and like I feel like if you stuck 20 zombies on these dudes a lot of them would struggle like it would be 20 Cur Spirits you know like just rampant zombies running after them just they wouldn't have anywhere to go or anything to do especially my bro imagine my with 20 zombies chasing her she's got Six Bullets and her gun and one of them is her destruction technique she's done don't making out the other she's done like Po rip what the level of power is that needs to overpower his curse technique like I know Megami says that Gojo probably could break it I know being turned into a donut probably is something that is stronger than the inverse curse technique limit so moving along to uh jiujitsu Kaizen faculty we kind of already talked about someone like utahime but let's go for a little bit more stronger like grade one Sorcerers and see if they can kind of stop the demon that has literally obliterated most of the young cast of jitu kaisen at this point like Kento nanami ATU yakabi mayay what like these characters are definitely all strong and I love mayay I love nomy the 73 and bird strike aren't stopping just freezing everything no like maybe nanami would be able to possibly slice off Do's head you know that that would definitely be his weakest point in his body you know and then he'd have to get his head back to his body and that's a whole thing you know that we saw in part one with that just being a little bit of a an issue with him sometimes maybe like strengthwise the Army if he wasn't weakened or anything like that would be able to throw hands with zalo for a bit like in a in a hand to hand fight but as soon as yeah he goes and uses an ability it's like kind of over for me there's no way he can really counter same with you know mayay and her bird strike there there's that's kind of yeah she need her brother to just get her out of that situation immediately bro if she saw D like off to Malaysia or wherever they're hitting with a Gateway technique of hers that he's got most likely n armi would get in a fight with him and the dude would resort to using his stand or something and then he'd be like oh roll up and just like suck the blood out of namami and do something cruel to him turn him into his own zombie like a stronger zombie or something like that cuz you know Di's a bit of a Maniac he's not someone who's just going to throw away a strong being like that he he'll want to use him to his own advantage and then have him fight a bunch of other people have him fight the other faculty members or Yuji or someone like that God Yugi's trauma just needs to end what another terrible way for nomy to just affect Yuji right that's so funny leave my man alone I mean like yeah you're right though like even kusakabe uh they're all physical Fighters and physical Fighters are just at this level not going to be able to handle much because their first and foremost problem is going to be getting close to do especially with the 73 even if it does cut off Di's head we've discussed that doesn't make much of a difference it'll just get put back on and he can still fight even with his head taken off mayay you can argue has her crows and she can hit him with bird strike from afar which granted if that does hit him I'm sure that would blow his body apart but same kind of concept it's not going to be able to do anything the only way to really hurt Dio or get rid of Dio for good is going to be using the sun to your advantage and if any of these fights take place at night or even if they take place during the day di is a crafty enough person and has plenty enough battle IQ and just personal intelligence self-sufficiency and plenty of different techniques and ways that he can use his vampire abilities to keep battles inside and honestly if people are trying to drag the fight outside Dio is just smart enough to be like nah I don't need to fight you that's fine I'll stay in here it's it's good or if I'll just find a way out and [ __ ] off you know Dio is just such a smart character break the structure yeah they' have to like break the structure or something to EXP him he knows that he won't win against day he's known that for hundreds of years and it's like he ain't going to risk that by any means at all no matter what so you could probably get a lot of these people on his side just by talking to them without them even like realizing it especially a lot of the people I feel like from throughout the culling game and afterwards these new people to you know like jusu society and everything he probably Woos a couple of them to his side get like Reggie star or something over be pretty interesting and yeah we could definitely get into the culling game characters because it's pretty clear uh like like you said no matter matter how you want to argue time stop is Pretty Cut and Clear for any of these Sorcerers that are physical but even people like Reggie star whose curse techniques are very interesting I think contract Recreation gives regist star a lot of things like being able to literally drop a house on somebody someone a little moped or like go on a spa a day to restore his stamina time stop rip I don't have an idea for Charles Bernard possibly being able to like baat or out do Do's time stop but it would only it would only work if do cuz and JoJo's do was still gaining time like he was getting more and more time throughout like the series and the 10 seconds that he had was just the most that we ever saw and then imagine if do still increasing time though it probably wouldn't work but say Charles has 11 seconds of future knowledge because he's gained like enough blood from do somehow or another like I don't know maybe he was lost an arm or something and Charles ran over and took it and he's used that to like gain future knowledge of Di's moves so that he's like one second ahead of how di would actually be after that time stop so that he still has some knowledge of what would happen then maybe he could win but I doubt like Charles would actually be able to beat di in a physical bout to even start with so I would leave like yeah it's just kind of like maybe he has to fall on Kell him with his with his pin but I don't know I do love that idea because I feel like with the whole vampiric blood kind of concept the the G War staff gaining blood from their opponent and that's what fuels the future site would make sense if it would like overpower and like give him plenty more seconds than someone like hakari would however like you're pretty much right like Charles even if he had that extra second or let's say even give him an extra 5 Seconds He's Just Not That guy he's just not powerful enough he's not really a a fighter he just awakened to sorcery not too long ago so I doubt like you said he'd be able to do anything to Doo let alone kill a vampire that's going to be someone who would though I guarantee you as our man heeroma haromi would win bro he would win this [ __ ] he would put di in his domain he'd put him up on trial and be like sir what have you done and Dio is just like oh damn he's done he's confiscated he confiscates his stand like we just we going to equate it to the world of jiutu in some way so what's he he going to take away from him what's the confiscation he'll confiscate his stand he can't use time stop or anything like that he's going to get the death penalty for what this man has done he's done the worst of the worst like there's no there's no doubt about it I feel like this is probably one of the only jutu characters who might come out on top you know what I mean like who knows how he's actually going to be able to kill him once he does get you know the death sentence and everything and then he's got his his big gavl that he swings at him and tries to kill him with but I you know I don't know what they would do with the being a vampire how you would get around there like maybe the gav's light in some kind of way you know what I mean like how it kind of glows yellow maybe that's light in some kind of way and it could kill him in that aspect I don't know the worst advantage that higuma is going to have over Dio is one higuma has one of the fastest activating domains because of the way that his barrier technique is set up and his innate technique isn't like a sh hit kill as soon as higuma sees Dio Dio is one that's going to play with his opponent Dio is not going to immediately kill higuma that's just in his nature whereas higuma we already know with the way that he fought Yugi higuma is domain expansion on the [ __ ] on the beginning of any kind of violence whatsoever Dio gets caught in the domain expansion deadly sentencing he's one not going to be able to respond or hurt higuma in any way or even use the world because no violence can be done inside of higar room's territory and like you said Do's got plenty of [ __ ] to be put on trial for found guilty and given the death sentence I'm willing to even say because the sword of extermination as you mentioned is a sword of complete light even with it's already given condition of just killing literally whatever it touches if the domain expansion confiscates the world that takes away Di's time stop which evens the grounds and although Dio probably is a lot stronger with his superhuman strength superhuman durability being able to like heal himself and everything like that he also has like plenty of other abilities that we haven't really touched on because frankly he has like had no need to use them hypnosis he can control uh you know people that are easily controlled obviously higuma is probably pretty strong to avoid that his freezing technique as we alluded to before he can literally just absorb heat from any living being he comes into contact with so as he and higuma are kind of throwing hands back and forth and fighting di can start freezing his Limbs and stopping higuma and uh not for nothing this man can also shoot [ __ ] laser beams from his eyes I can't even how did we forget that like this this guy doesn't even need to get close to a lot of these people he's just going to be [ __ ] Bing from his [ __ ] eyes and their dunzo I don't want to say that Dio doesn't have any way to defend himself if we take the world away the world is frankly just an amplification of his already strong and intense overwhelming Aura in the Jutsu Kaizen verse we might as well we could bring her in here a seing cuz like she is someone else that might have a have a chance but Hannah kurasu with her Angels technique and whole like aspect and God that area of the technique would most likely in my eyes Vanquish the evil or the like the vampire side killing de like with a beam of sunlight it's just like this good it's good you know what I mean whereas vampire bad it should it should kill it that's like how my brains thinking as well it goes with the sword of extermination it should kill Doo but then again I would definitely see higuma getting caught off guard kind of like he did against Yuji Yugi was an extremely like um he's an extremely interesting fighter who will use his surroundings to his utmost you know like to help him win any fight possible we've seen that against choso we've seen against hgar rooma how these chairs flying at him man starts dodging through the chairs going underneath the legs and stuff like it's actually crazy so I'd imagine Dio being himself you know probably be able to do some pretty cheeky stuff and catch um you higar off guard but i' I'd like to say higuma wins you know give our man give our man the uh the plus he's the only one so far but yeah congrats to higuma and potentially angel cuz you really bring up a good point about Jacob's Ladder and that is instant win against anyone who is just pure evil even back in part one of JoJo's plenty of people allude to Dio just being the Devil Himself like he this man even from day one of being born was just a piece of [ __ ] so it Jacob's Ladder is definitely just fullon eliminating everything this man is unfortunately Angel because it deals in Cur Tech if you want to argue we're balancing everything if you want to say STS and cursed energy and everything curse related is going to be intertwined potentially we could also say that Jacob's Ladder would immediately cut off Di's connection to the world as well and if that's the case yeah angel can stay up in the sky and just erase Dio from the world where if Dio does still have yep if Dio does still have the world then you know uh then he can time stop stop all the damage and probably kill Hana and Angel because they don't seem too crafty other than that I wonder like just the light that would appear in the sky above him would start like burning do away yeah that's just like I feel like that's the only way Hannah would win it complete surprise attack catches him off guard kind of like she did with sonea in a way but he trolled the absolute [ __ ] out of her Doo knows she's coming no way he's just going to time stop before she's even there he's just going to keep time stopping and just looking for her and she's done you know there might be some of the only culling game players that have a chance besides one specific person that I'm also thinking of that we just had a major fight with because let's be honest even if Dio went to like Sendai colony and fought people like Dro uh isig Gori or Oro with Sky manipulation the massive cursed energy output and granite blast now like wild di would probably find them interesting a lot more interesting than plenty of the characters that we've discussed so far Sky manipulation would probably be very cool in a hand to hand fight with Dio um again the world time stop uh Granite blast definitely gives isori plenty of options to stay far away from Dio as diolo just mentioned Dio can literally just continually time stop over and over again to just get closer and closer and closer to his opponent and then literally just dut hole them uh as he so likes to do it's his favorite it's his favorite he just drained them with their blood and leave them there on the ground he was just was hungry you know he just needed a feed he already has an okay you know he wasn't he wasn't even worth fighting he was just hungry speaking of funny the other calling game player probably the only other one that I would say would have a very fun and interesting time with the Vampire man would be fumi hio Tabo with the comedian curse technique which as we know is basically like an insane ability that just allows you to impress your imagination on not only the other person and your opponent but the world itself like takaba is just making Kaku Bandit Keith making a Yu-Gi-Oh joke that's so good it's so good and especially after he gets his Evolution with his curse technique after coming to terms with being a comedian and he can just run fullon simulations with the other person to the point where he literally takes no damage whatsoever no matter what happens in the simulation while the other person just gets more and more worn down and battle of attrition is really hard when you're fighting a vampire High um because the stamina that they have probably wouldn't run out um and as we know that no matter how strong of Will and of strong of mind you are [ __ ] Kaku could barely remember that he was fighting the man that he's in all these simulations with so if Kaku The Mastermind behind thousands of years of plotting and masterminding can't withhold his body from taka's funny simulations I don't think Dio can um but I also don't think Dio can be killed unless takaba just literally summons the son in a simulation actually oh my God it's actually a pretty good unless he like just has him with him until he's until it's daytime doesn't even know where he is just standing there on a simulation and it's daytime all of a sudden the dude's burning up yeah bringing the sun in though that's like a it would 100% work I think yeah it would literally obliterate him and takaba would like be like wait no what happened to you my guy like he CU like completely to kill y 100% like completely unintentional because you're right he can't kill people but I feel like that would be the one instance where like oh man or like it just reduces him to a pile of Ash and then Dio is just like a eyes with like a mouth on like the pile of Ash for the rest of his life could he still use the world blood to heal just a pile of a using on the spot I could that's JoJo's that's a bizarre that's a Bizarre Adventure if I ever heard one you know someone else who we haven't mentioned yet but could actually have some sort of ibility in winning this is uh kurara hosi so the idea behind her is cuz like she's probably going to die time sto and killed no matter what however if he do does get hit by like one of these things or his Stan gets hit by one of these things then he'll have to figure out his entire pathway of figuring out where to go and every like he won't be able to damage her for that period of time or like he'd be able to pause time and everything but he wouldn't be able to do anything to her until he figures out how to get out of there and everything and what would happen with a stand would a stand merge you know like into him if she applied a you know a motive or whatever to the stand and then it would automatically apply to him and then if a stand got too close to him it would like combine with him and explode but then again like the stand automatically is almost like an application of one Soul so does it just merge back into your body it's like there's so many things that could happen with karara's technique she might win but yeah I think majority of the time di is still just going to be able to P stamp even even if he doesn't time stop he'd probably just be able to figure it out because he's extremely smart I was G to say eventually and take her out this is a man who like has red for like just for fun like in like the dark like he doesn't he probably it wouldn't surprise me if he knew like the uh Star constellation everything like that and again Dio does have pretty strong battle IQ but Kirara is always fun in these things because the whole way that love Rondevu works is super annoying if you can't figure it out but again I feel like di would figure out now some of these people with complicated curse techniques are going to have a little bit more of like a survival time against him but like you said like Dio is still going to be able to come out on top because one curse technique that I thought would be really interesting to go up against time stop because we didn't really talk too much about the zenen clan and trust me the more important people will get into but most of those zenen clan members are fodder not doing anything whatsoever even with Jan's giant Ora Ora however now beo zenin and nalia zenin with project ction sorcery the whole turning 1 second into 24 frames and then freezing the person and then moving it it's almost very similar to time stop but it's only for 1 second if you can touch the person and make it actually work I also would be curious how that projection sorcery would work literally inside of time stop for those 10 seconds like if that would give them the ability to move for like one second uh and especially cuz we know that gives them the ability to one move over long es and move from one location to the other in such a huge burst of speed I think do would probably be able to figure out the 24 frames eventually but to start with i' it'd be a lot like de gon with him being quite like surprised with how quickly they're moving and like how quickly they're they're just able to go from one location to another cuz it'll look like they're almost pausing time themselves and like disappearing from one location and appearing in another but and I think that would actually work to their advantage to start with as well because if you have Doo he [ __ ] over talking like crazy and being like the world it takes like a second and a half 2 seconds to get that off you know what I mean like if you're naoya over here you're crazy you you do anything for like the murder so you roll in and you just instantly use your 24 second projection sorcery it's like it' probably they' probably be fast enough to be able to do damage and consistently do damage against them but it's are they able to hold them off until like daylight comes are they able to like it would use up so much of their curse energy I would imagine like constantly using their you know inherited ability over and over and over again the biggest thing for me is going to be the it's really a battle of 1 second to 10 seconds and that's what settles it for me with uh di getting the win like no matter how much they're able to fight it would definitely be very impressive Dio would probably think so as well because we know he's very cheeky and he loves someone that's going to impress him but unfortunately they're going to meet their end because again 1 second to 10 second Dio just has the advantage in every possible way so before we get into some of the bigger hitters in the series because we've mostly talked about all of the lower people mid-tier people and we're getting into some very high potentially very special grade level people we did not talk about the main jiujitsu kaai and Trio itori Yuji Mega fioro nober augas saki now you may ask why we've left them out for so long and that's just because the outcome is not going to go very well for them unfortunately sadly not yji can't Divergent first time sadly so it's not going to work for him yeah he's he's done man it's he's strong and he probably take quite a few hits from you know as a worldo and stuff but I doubt he'd last like more than he'd be like over that five panel spread you know like it'd be like that with Yuji man like the dude with just like five panels of just punches and punches and de would be like why is he not going down and then eventually he'd be able to like put him out of his misery and stuff be like damn you were strong but you did now and then it walk off but like that's kind of how I would see it happening what if like the stand being like an AB you know projection of one Soul Yuji is able to H that deal damage back to do cuz that's like you know they do take damage through the stands and everything so I wonder you know if Yugi would be able to maybe deal a punch or two in there dude's going to eventually lose though but yeah I'm just trying to trying to help my man out honestly I've got enough stars in Yuji that I'll give him a [ __ ] stand he'll Just Awaken one for all I care at the end of the day no matter what Yugi does he definitely puts up a a good fight if you want to say a good fight is just lasting very long and even people like Mega mobra who don't have his physical Feats are unfortunately just going down like Megami with his domain expansion Chimera Shadow Garden all his different shikigami are just not doing much Dio's going to be able to time stop take them out one by one each and every specific one same as nobra she's just going to get merked Soul resonance I mean would probably do damage to di I would actually think it would be interesting to see how that would V or like said the stand because it is just a manifestation of that fting resid may be able to do damage to Doo and damage in a sense of that's lethal but nobra is not Adept enough in battle nor is she strong enough to actually use her ability we saw that when she fought mahito she could do all the damage but wasn't strong enough to actually make any use of it so unfortunately that's going to be a l in that aspect the only chance Mami has as well like he's he probably doesn't get it out but would be just launching mahara and then mahara manages to like adapt to time stop which would be kind of funny just like just imagining that in my head is quite funny time stop and mahara is just casually walking around inside of it like the dude doesn't care and like Mami dies with that as well that's like him against shigyo he's like throwing up his hands his gang signs to get out mahara and his last final moment of being alive and then he's going to be in suspended animation after he gets swacked off to the side basing it off of Dio's personality I would think that Megami would probably be able to get mahara off cuz he'd be like oh what's this what are you doing um and then like like you said mahara probably would beat Dio because mahara would be able to adapt to not only just the world but be able to adapt his hits to the vampiric he'd probably be able to learn hon on the spot and just start beating the [ __ ] out of Dio with Hon to like stomp him out I feel like it'd be physically stronger in him as well like he actually be just stronger just win the battle like mahara is such a a big beast that took so much for sakuna to even take him down Deo doesn't have these slashing and cutting kind of abilities he's got a lot of like physical strength where he can deal damage but there's no way he'd actually be able to I think kill mahara it would just be a time thing of mahara learning all of his abilities and then vanquishing him I mean Dio does have two abilities like he has the freezing technique and then he has just his own basic like attacks and I mean I yeah I just don't think Dio Dio does have two abilities but yeah I don't see him getting a win over mahara I definitely give mahara a w on that one now I think it's kind of very similar uh when we bring up someone like hakari and that hakari if God forbid let's say with the fast domain expansion even though unlike higuma it doesn't completely negate the world while inside the domain expansion which is going to be haki's biggest downfall because if he can't get that jackpot off no matter how strong aari is how fast aari is uh one he can't even he doesn't have the means to kill a vampire besides waiting for Sun and two Dio is still super human super durable and strong enough to whack aari around in base form so again inless Dio is just curious to let hakari get jackpot off which in Immortal mode he has a little bit better of a chance but he's just not taking the win on that one even with it like how many times is he going to be able to cons ly keep jackpot going and I feel like could be able to get do in started one just because de's cocky but as soon as di realized he's like amped up he's stronger than he was before he' be like oh time to deal with you now you know like you're at your P or whatever it's very similar to the mahara fight in which if hakari gets jackpot off he just keeps coming back but he doesn't have the adaptability which is the worst thing about it I mean yeah compare that to someone like kosimo the opponent of hakari who is definitely just as strong as jackpot aari when it comes to physical stats unfortunately he doesn't have the immortality or the Regeneration to be able to heal from any damage that Dio does against him or you know really anything to do Against Time Stop In general the lightning bolt is probably a very quick move to get off but kosimo does need to properly set it off and Mark his opponent with the positive energy or negative energy so unfortunately when it comes to base kosimo he's kind of at a very huge disadvantage and probably would be able to come out on top but curse technique released Kimo with the ability to control everything under the phenomena of electricity do you think that changes anything yeah I really do because like electricity is light up to 90% of light speed I feel like if you're moving at that speed you're able to probably get there before this dude can say anything or do anything like sakun was only able to beat this guy because he's just he's B you know what I mean like he's built different i' be seen like beams of lightning at him like he did with sakuna Doo's just not going to have time and maybe all of a sudden he's boom hit by like a lightning blast which I feel like it's going to actually do quite a lot of damage to Doo even in like being a vampire it's light maybe there's some form of like it burns him quite a bit I think the biggest thing for kosimo with his curse technique is because he controls literally everything to do with electricity if he's able to figure out that light is going to be Do's biggest weak point with electricity and with the power to just control it in any way shape or form with electromagnetism he's able to irradiate things and then vaporize them I have no doubt in my mind that my man can literally like conjure up a bunch of lightning and as you said like cast light on di that's able to and it doesn't necessarily need to be sunlight cuz we know ultraviolet light is also very effective against one the vampires and the pillar men later in part two so even if uh kosimo is able to create any form of that light and cast it onto Di and with just the overwhelming control he has over electricity he could make it where it's kind of like an omnidirectional thing and completely surround Dio so I have no doubt in my mind that kosimo Unleashed I mean obviously if it's not sakuna he's going to release his curse technique kosimo would much rather die so it might not be very Canon kosimo realistically if he just left it to base form probably would just let Dio kill him before he released Mythic Beast Amber but I'm just saying another interesting discussion would be the character of uru ghetto one of the special grade Sorcerers of the entire verse we're really getting into the the creme de the creme here U curs Spirit manipulation is definitely really versatile in the universe like the ability to just have all these different curse Spirits we've even seen kenju use it to an insane degree with mixing it in with hand toand combat using different leveled curse spirits and amplifying them with your cursed energy and even summoning like insane special grade Spirits like like the Ganesha spirit with which just like what removes any obstacle in its path removes Concepts from reality do we think that would do anything against Dio specifically like if these people had that kind of curse and that power it it depends what the concept is as we saw with like Yuki and stuff so like it wasn't able to remove her concept of mass manipulation or whatever it was or like the black hole because it was too great of a concept like that concept is I guess tied to reality in some kind of way so maybe Concepts that ATT tied to reality are probably too hard for it to break but maybe if it's just a concept like a fire manipulation concept where they're shooting off abilities it's able to break that one down and they not no longer able to use it or something but yeah I feel like time itself is a concept that is probably too strong for ganisha to even want to try and remove from you know like exist just time just doesn't exist anymore cuz he's removed it like it just doesn't it wouldn't work I don't think that would realistically be the only way unless you it depends on your perspective I guess on that specific topic of if they're able to eliminate time stop with Ganesha or not realistically would be the only way but I don't yeah I don't see any other way um gidos same person gidos sugaru or kinjaku is going to be able to get in there you know it's um it's a bit rough for curse spirit manipulators because they have like some dope curses that have really cool effects but as you said it's strong inside the world of like jiutu kaisen not really in other worlds you know like unless these bases have effects that are broken kind of like gtia it's not really going to help him in other worlds or against other Fighters and stuff even with any kind of curs spirit with domain expansion or any kind of technique that they can summon it's just not going to be able to do anything against time stop and if they can't remove that as an obstacle curse spear manipulation isn't going to do anything now gravity is definitely in kaku's case specifically a pretty viable curse technique to fight Deo with in my honest opinion like being able to crush him you know defend against most attacks that are going to be able to be shot against Kaku because again Dio does have you know laser beam eyes he does have the ability to freeze if he gets too close to you if it does become a hand to hand and also you can't forget the muda muda punch blast that he has with the world at the end of the day if time stop doesn't work so Kaku and gravity helps when it comes down to fighting Dio if he does stop time stop his domain expansion also greatly increases the range of gravity and keeping on that special grade train especially after just talking about Kaku we can move right into Yuki sukumo with her Mass manipulation Wrath of the star curse technique as well as her shikigami Garuda her awesome skills at field goals and Soccer Kicks because holy crap that's definitely going to be something that blows Doo's skull into pieces she definitely has a lot of different things to do because Mass manipulation is an interesting curse technique just like gravity would be when it comes to fighting character that even though they're very strong with super strength and super durability that mass manipulation is definitely going to let Yuki overpower Dio which is something he has never encountered up in on this list until this point yeah you can make guda as heavy as like three planets or you know what I mean like something ridiculous and then kick it like I don't like do maybe he could stop it with his stand like that's probably the only but if he hits if he takes that heat don't done no way like it's gut's ripping him apart I feel like but if he puts out time stop as the thing's coming towards him then he can just dodge it you know quite easily and walk up and Yuki's done but I don't know yeah the biggest thing for Yuki is her reverse curse technique which which lets her heal to a degree we know is relatively powerful and also Yuki's not afraid to fight someone even if she gets harmed and messed up she was fighting Kaku to the tooth and nail with her like arm and leg completely mangled and like [ __ ] up I love that panel of Kaku being like heal yourself and she's like I don't want to like Yuki's going to bring that kind of Rage into every fight she's in she's not afraid to get down and dirty and like you said Di's main help here is going to be his time stop because freezing Yuki's got the mass to shatter every kind of freezing ability laser beams Yuki's going to be fast enough to dodge it anything that Dio can do physically isn't not going to help him here even regeneration to a certain degree because like you said if Yuki does get that soccer ball Blast Off with Garuda or any kind of variation of an attack and blows Di's head off sure Dio won't be dead but it's going to take him a very long time to rebuild his entire head from pieces or often has to like get his head and put it back on the body you know what I mean like he could he can grow like parts of his body but he needs like blood or he needs some other form of some way to like regenerate it's not like reverse curse technique that they can almost abuse it in in some kind of ways especially when you get to the even stronger people like Gojo where they can absolutely abuse reverse Cur technique especially if it's just a 1 V one and Yuki is able to start dealing proper damage to him then yeah he's he's not going to be able to heal back up he's going to constantly lose Blood Cuz Yuki is so like broken like when time stop ends she just uses reverse curse technique I don't know it's not really knowing how well she's able to use it how like consistently she can use it you know like at least she can survive quite a few times stops possibly and then you know all she needs is to get a little bit of damage off with guda and it's kind of like then it can all just pile on from that moment onwards for her but yeah it's hard it's that moment of having to get guda off we do know that like really Critical Hits will take Yuki out despite her regeneration like Kaku does with the mini uzamaki so if Dio can like donut hole her which unironically is what happens to her in J Jutsu Kaizen to a certain degree uh then that definitely will be the end of Yuki so Di's main advantages for one especially when it comes to like you said their even physical battle is dio is kind of you can almost consider like a 2v one because of his stand the world this is honestly one of the first battles where I mean granted you could argue that some of the other higher tier characters may end up with this kind of fight as well but Dio is going to be using the world to also fight Yuki at the same time he might be as well like the world is definitely going to be involved throwing punches at Yuki and everything that di can do to stay alive because he's going to recognize that this woman is a threat just like kenju did it this is honestly like diolo said one of the most interesting battles that we've encountered so far it is relatively very even and both characters do actually have a significant number of win conditions to themselves so it really comes up to your interpretation and who you think is going to come out on top but this is probably the most 50/50 battle we've run into and it really makes it interesting to think about how other characters in the special grade status are going to interact with characters like Dio and obviously someone like UT is going to be a very heavy hitter with all the different things that he can also do but before we get into him how does someone with next to no cursed energy whatsoever interact with a character that can legitimately stop time Maki zenin toi fioro two characters that we know despite being controversially known um are pretty much almost equal in power so we can kind of scale them up together toi has different curse tools Maki has less experience but going up against time stop how do we feel like Heavenly restriction is going to interact and do we think it can survive long enough to actually harm or do any damage to the vampire K Mar probably the dirtiest out of anyone so far I feel like just Dio alone he he has you know improved senses in himself I feel like he'd be able to feel like hear them coming see them coming and stuff just like he would he doesn't have necessarily curse energy unlike everyone else so but he has to be able to physically like win this fight this is this is the only condition that like is in it for him he needs to be able to physically be stronger than them I feel like he would have to use the worldo and some kind of you know like aspect with the fight and and helping him do this and stuff I'm pretty sure we have seen that happen as well where Zoo implants flesh Bloods into people's brains these flesh Bloods which you'd probably be able to remove if you had curse energy by using like an extremely precise usage of it to remove them from the brain and whatnot I feel like toi and Mar would be stuffed they don't have curse energy or any way to actually remove the flesh Bud from their brain and they're just going to eventually be under the control of you know di at least that's what I've gone with that's how I feel like they would uh lose this fight but there's no major defense that they have apart from their insanely strong like speed and strength like there's no other way that like doo is already insanely fast and insanely strong himself so unless they're drastically faster and stronger than him I don't see them actually wanting this yeah super superhuman abilities versus superhuman abilities on physical stats these characters are also very even as well and you hit the nail on the head when it comes to Dio is actually a character that isn't going to be at the same kind of disadvantage that a lot of other characters are going to be when we deal with cursed energy chakra spiritual pressure all of these different things because frankly Dio as you mentioned with his vampiric senses can just see human movement at a higher degree than anyone so whether the fact that toi or Maki has no energy Trail does not matter in this in this fight even though toi and Maki have strong extra sensory abilities of their own and are going to be able to go head-to-head with a Vampire pretty evenly in my opinion physical freezing his laser beams aren't going to be able to do much in this battle um because I think again they're pretty neck and neck where it comes to the Heavenly restriction users where they actually have more hope in the battle is going to be their curs tools not so much playful Cloud which could probably do a lot of damage to do but again we know being able to regenerate whatever uh we have things like the inverted Spear of Heaven which if you can actually or even soul slice yeah like Soul slice ignores durability uh so it may actually even be able to cut something like the world which we know is going to cause significant damage to do but specifically when it comes to the vampiric abilities depending on how you feel like the inverted Spear of Heaven interacts with super Supernatural things such as that do you think the inverted Spear of Heaven would like if actually driven into like Do's heart almost like a stake does that kind of count is that Canon yeah yeah no why not dude why not yeah but yeah like time stop is a huge factor in this battle uh characters like Maki have specifically shown um up against projection sorcery that they have the senses to adapt and battle IQ to figure out things like projection sorcery but we can kind of talk about we already talked about it where it's 1 second verse 10 like Maki was able to figure out the frames of 1 second is she going to be able to realize she's getting her ass beat in 10 seconds that she doesn't necessarily realize what's going on and obviously maybe Dio can't kill her or toi in one attack but after multiple I I think the the loser of the battle of attrition is going to be toi Maki how like he deals with a lot of the people when he does time stop as well he doesn't necessarily like beat the absolute hell out of them well times Frozen you know he'll throw knives and he'll he'll put objects in front of them and stuff you know like he'll ruin their day with like a blade instead you know like Mari might all of a sudden have a fraction of a second where she needs to like whack a blade out of a millimeter away from her throat or something like that you know so we saw Joseph so like it could equate to you know maybe Deo not exactly taking them too seriously to start with and he's just kind of playing around with them throwing stuff at them and then over time he's like oh yeah maybe I need to need to deal with them in actuality and brings out Z world yo properly baits the absolute hell out of him in time's Frozen but until that moment I'd imagine he'd play around with him quite a bit you know and then they might catch him off guard if he doesn't exactly do it correctly another wild card where Maki and toi are kind of the maximum body of Jutsu kaisen I want to throw out a left field even though this is sorcerer battles mahito into the fry who's kind of Maximum Soul you know Mr Spirit himself with Idol Transfiguration a character that we know because of the way that curse technique Works he actually doesn't really take physical damage kind of similar almost to the way Dio does but can't be killed unless you do a very specific thing to them we know that mahito can only be harmed at the level of the soul and with Idol Transfiguration he may even be able to just completely override the whole vampire Sun aspect of things because if Mao gets a nice little palm touch on Dio Dio does have a soul and may be able to alter or affect the stand the world and if yeah you know mahito can just blow up the stand the world who's to say Dio doesn't turned into a bunch of pieces and because it's Spirit damage instead of actual human damage the vampire might be completely toast at least turned into small pieces until the sun comes out to wash them away so it's pretty you know they pretty they pretty similar if you ask me so I feel like mjo out of everyone well out of like Cur spirits and stuff he definitely has the greatest chance to do something all he all he needs to do is like he just has to get his hands on the world though and as soon as he does that it's kind of done for deal imagine mjo grabbing someone's Soul like you're [ __ ] you're absolutely done there's no chance you're like how do you even win he already has your soul your body's just going to start changing while he's playing around with it in front of you and you're like nah this is this is done with curse energy and jusu kaisen and bodies and souls and everything the soul is like representative of the body so if you change the soul the body will also you know change as well so it would be kind of funny watching mjo playing around with like Z worldo in front of Doo while he's just getting like twisted and ConEd but he's still alive because of his vampir like form set you know what I mean like but I feel like with mjo here as well can Doo actually even strike him without a weapon like if he uses his stand will that counteract on him by touching Theo like how does that I've never never thought about that introdu kaisen until now is it because of the curs energy they're flowing around their fists that when they punch mjo they're able to touch them and that doesn't trans fig them or is it because mjo isn't necessarily trying to throw it from that section of his body you know what I mean I'm pretty sure when Toto like claps his hand when he's fighting mahito uh with Yuji that's actually what kills his boogie wogie as soon as he claps his hand Toto is like wow I really got lucky with that one like any longer if my hand touched him that could have been it so like even any kind of like you said like any kind of physical barehanded strike is just opening mahito up to Idol transfiguring you unless you're eador Yuji which Dio is definitely not so that's a really good point as well it just severely limits what Dio can do and even if Dio like he has to resort to using his projectile knives which isn't going to do much against mahito especially when he can just repair just shape shift do whatever he needs to yeah mahito I feel like most likely wins this battle just because of do's like his knowledge he doesn't have on mjo Meo doesn't need to have knowledge on this dude he would probably just go into it like who cares if he gets cut in half cuz he can just kind of remate that bottom half you know he's a curse Spirit as he if he gets low on curse energy he'll just run away and wait till it builds back up that's you know that's his nature as a as a curs spirit reso just doesn't have any idea who he is what his abilities are how it works or anything like that and yeah I feel like mjo would definitely win because of his inexperience with it and mahito also has domain expansion on top of this so it's not even like let's say Dio is time stopping and keeping his distance from mahito if mahito just casts domain and is able to catch Dio inside of it immediately in the palm of his hand and idle Transfiguration and the battle is over so mahito also has a huge win condition on that aspect as well mahito is like you said one of those anomalies where he actually really does come out on top same as higuma where ultimately stats do is stacked but let's see how those stats work against another special grade sorcerer the new number one of Jutsu kais in aotu UTA with his ability to copy curse techniques and the most amount of curse energy in the entire series besides people like sakuna or Gojo if we're going to consider how characters like Maki or hakari deal with doo we know that physically you know may be pretty even maybe pretty equal especially with ra you know actually Utah has a stand of his own so that should be really cool to see how that actually interacts physically but time stop is going to be another thing ra versus the world and UDA versus Doo over in the back you know it could be it would actually be pretty cool to watch I feel like R and the world would be extremely close strengthwise but with ra just having a little bit more wind conditions because she has a bunch more abilities whereas Z worldo just kind of has punches it doesn't really I from memory it doesn't have any like crazy plasma beam ability that it could just send out and absolutely destroy like rer and exercise the spirit or something it doesn't have anything to do with it it's whereas Ra's got like a like a complete arsenal of different things like she is the main reason while why utter is so freaking strong to start with like he can only copy things while she's out he's got like the mess of jeel blasts while she's out it's just you know like while rer is out for 5 minutes I feel like UDA might have a chance but it all goes back to does Dio again just pause time and beat the absolute Li out of you know UTA who probably isn't physically as strong as someone like Yuji and would be able to take that like five page panel beating and being trapped in a dumpster he'd most luckily probably take you know like a panel or two of just straight beatings and then he'd be the D I would imagine you know the JoJo style UT's big thing is going to be his reverse curse technique and ability to heal especially with his high amount of cursed energy it's going to regenerate him from most damage that di does to him but with the vampire powers here this may be one of the first options where because UTA can just keep healing himself regardless of how you feel like stamina interacts Dio might just choose to ultimately like all right I'm just going to suck your blood out if that's the case if you're just going to keep healing I'm just going to do something that you're not going to be able to fix and also like you said UTA does have plenty of abilities that's going to be able to fight against di time stop is a very big thing in this but it comes down to a battle of attrition and if UT is able to get some kind of Kill Shot or some kind of sun move that damages Dio in enough time before a he either runs out of cursed energy or two Dio finds a way to actually you know beat him and ra I feel like Yuta with his his cursed speech might be a little bit better than andari fear he could do like a like don't move until sun like don't move until sun up or some [ __ ] you know what I mean like something crazy and doo cuz he's just got a lot more curse energy and he's a lot stronger naturally of a person might be able to withhold the side effects of saying something as crazy as that to like di get him this man to stay there just in the sun until he dies I don't know like it's so hard to know with you because now he's just like the goat you know what I mean he's the dude who pulls up and does what needs to be done having so much like I guess Charisma and confidence in himself like man's like I will kill kinjaku he's apparently he's done it now so like well you know what's going on like you you the man of his word so he's also canonically faster than a black hole now so Doo even react in time to this man's speed this is definitely one where uh it completely comes down to how you think the fight goes and what happens how long it goes for what location it's in are these two characters aware of the people they're going up against to fight but someone that I think is a little bit more concrete when it comes to their Victory who is or was rather the strongest in the modern era sataro Gojo the man the myth the legend himself with the six eyes and the Limitless going up against time stop which time stop is going to meet its match for the first time when it comes to Limitless because we kind of talked about this before the video what is dio going to do even if he stops time against Infinite Space [ __ ] nothing yeah and Gojo's like even if he takes damage Gojo has so much reverse curse technique like a the option he could just he can repair his body like 12 times over it doesn't even matter but he won't even take damage because how is dio supposed to be able to punch Gojo when he can't get through Infinity he's probably going to lose this fight here I'd say Dio is not coming up coming out on top it's like all Gojo needs is just one hit like one good proper hit with like Hollow purple and if he gets that off it's done you know and and he can even just do the one that hurts him do the one that you know like the exploding nuclear styled Hol purple and take him self out then just repair himself like well Doo probably dies to the light coming off this blast I don't know maybe the light coming off the blast is enough to kill him I doubt it would be it's like it is an imaginary blast so probably just render him helpless until morning where he wouldn't be able to move you know unless he can find all of his body parts and somehow get them back together and then drain blood and make it out but you know Doo just he ain't getting through that Infinity here the Limitless is too much and what can what can goo's eyes read can he read can he look at this dude and know that he has the time ability like how does you know like what are what's his eyes telling him when he shows up for this fight too the six eyes definitely would one let him know that Dio is a vampire or at least different than a regular human being the six eyes would let him see the world maybe give him a couple stats and a rundown on how the ability works and I think if anything if you don't want to say that the world would stop Gojo but maybe the six eyes would even let Gojo see what happens during the time stop in real time he might not be able to move but this six eyes we know are very powerful like you said it basically fuels goo to have infinite cursed energy he can regenerate any damage that di actually somehow manages to inflict but again with infinity nothing is coming anywhere close in do even with his stand at maximum power has nothing that can bypass all of that space ultimately when it comes down to it unlimited void is always an option just domain expansion boom do is done filled with all the information of like three to just everything who 3 to 5 years a thousand years who cares do is done when it comes to unlimited void there's absolutely nothing that stops a domain expansion like unlimited void and I I think that's pretty much cut case and dry and I feel like when we're on the topic of domain expansions something very similar although I'd be curious to see how you think time stop interacts with it obviously sakuna is going to be the character that tops everything off the main king of curses the number one at the top of the totem pole and the end of The jiujitsu kaisen Gauntlet for Dio although he probably lost a little while ago he wouldn't make it to the top but being generous obviously malevolent Shrine is one of the most devastating attacks in most of anime and manga and whether you want to say 15 finger sakuna maguna with all of the things that maguna can do with the 10 Shadows or even as we know heera sakuna now with a spatial slash that is literally said to just cut whatever sakuna deems as hiset tet regardless of any space in where what and in between yeah I I feel like time stop would work you know inside the domain but for how long and then instantly as it runs out does he have he has to get it off again before he's done you know what I mean I don't know like goes back to that that idea of as time stop like a barrierless domain in itself when we're inuk kaisen with like a own sphere of influence well it clash with sua's domain you know like these it'd be kind of cool it'd be really cool to see that it's kind of why I wanted to see kinjaku and sakuna in some kind of way have their barrier domains go at it and see who comes out on top you know like would these slashes start cutting time and then that wouldn't turn you know like hurt Deo or like how does how does it work it would be super interesting to see how they came together I doubt sakono would win though just for me thinking that like Deo could probably pause time then again he's got RCT so he can just like heal his body over and over again so yeah know actually I I take that back completely I don't know what I'm talking about sakuna can just reverse curse technique at such an advanced level like even if di does time stop and don't whole sakuna like Dio's going to think he's one and sakuna is going to start laughing and be like huh well that was an interesting technique and then like yeah either domains which even if we go to the topic like you mentioned of Dio using time stop to try and avoid malevolent Shrine and like let's say Dio time stops 10 seconds tries to run away and then has to retime stop after that I feel like even if he did that he's got a clear 200 M so if he somehow doesn't make it out of that range he's going to get eviscerated in that short time span he has to try and Escape before he time stops again so I think ultimately sakuna even though Dio does have potential to win sakuna is just going to come out on top because he's a demon Gojo even though he lost to sakuna definitely is better matchup wise but I still think sakuna even depending on what version of sakuna you put him up against I think three-finger sakuna would probably be the only one that would lose that battle against Dio's time stop and can they kill him I mean sakuna can dice Dio up into tiny pieces again and that's a very viable option because there's no regeneration Dio can do in enough time to get him to you know you know daytime what's that what do they call that again di does a lot of damage in the Jutsu Kaizen world but when you get to a certain level uh we see in special grade territory only some um but even certain cases where they have very specific curse techniques like takaba higuma Hana kusu and Angel there are definitely characters that come out on top over the vampiric god that is do all capital letters but in the jiujitsu kaisen world the stand the world is honestly just as powerful as it would be in the JoJo Universe it's just like there with abilities in like different universes and even in the same universe as JoJo there's probably you know like abilities that are that are able to be time stopped when put up against it but you know we just never saw that in the anime because that's not how things played out and stuff so guys thank you all so much for watch watching I sincerely appreciate it go ahead and hit me with that like button if you haven't already and one thing I want to make clear is if you haven't subscribed to D ofo's Channel at what the hell are you doing that was uh awesome dude thank you for for having me on and make sure you guys all subscribe to noop as well you're tripping absolutely tripping if you haven't I don't know what you're on you will definitely want to subscribe to diolo to check out the next video we're doing if you like this one so I sincerely appreciate you guys again for watching and we'll catch you in that video it will be here on the end screen peace
Channel: No Operator
Views: 48,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jjk, jojos, jojos bizarre adventure, jjba, dio part 3, dio the world, dio the world part 3, dio vs, dio vs jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen vs, dio vs sukuna, sukuna vs dio, dio vs gojo, gojo vs dio, dio jjba, dio jojos, dio brando, dio vs every jujutsu kaisen character, diavolo, diavolo jujutsu kaisen
Id: 4iVP1e08PXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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