How Junpei Could've Changed Everything

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one of the most tragic deaths in early jiutu Kaizen is that of jume yosino a young man who found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time bullied and rejected by society and negatively influenced by a nasty curse Spirit like mahito a latent talent to see curses was altered by Idol Transfiguration to become outright sorcery bless now with jiutu June Yoshino after the death of his mother went on a complete Rampage of the classmates who wronged him putting junay at odds with itadori someone he had come to consider a friend amongst all this chaos now a curse user a Jutsu High student like Yuji has no choice but to fight or turn jume back to the side of good and just before that has any chance of occurring the consequences of jun's actions take cold even after losing his mother and almost crawling himself out of the pit of Darkness mahito dragged him beneath not even Yuji was able to save Jee from the Fate that was laid out before him but what if he was my members voted and asked me to create a brand new scenario in jiutu Kaizen one in which June actually lives and mappa no longer has to be hated for making us think he joined up with jiujitsu high with that first open in this video not only will I switch things around to keep June alive I want to consider some of the big changes this would cause to Jutsu Kaizen story as well as visualize what a fully realized and trained sorcerer June might look like can he progress past shikigami and actually unlock a real curse technique and what does this mean for Yuji and maho's dynamic now that June wasn't murdered all things will be putting to the test in this video sponsored by the beautiful and amazing Joo gang if that sounds interesting to you hit that like button subscribe if you want to see more content like this and most importantly thank you for watching most importantly we need to create a scenario in which Jee does not get transfigured which ultimately is pretty easy seeing as we only need to enter a timeline in which Jee simply moves out of the way of maho's grasp after placing his trust in Yuji and turns to stand beside his friend or Yuji sensing the danger ahead of time instead of freezing up runs and punches the [ __ ] out of mahito on Instinct honestly something a Yuji of today and the manga would do so it's not even too far out of his character now at this point June is still broken down and beaten barely able to combat but he should at least be able to support itadori and keep himself alive until nanami shows up with three Sorcerers now up against an unawakened mahito with no domain expansion at first do things progress any differently in my opinion besides June Staying Alive much probably wouldn't change in the overall finale of the versus mahito AR after physically getting the advantage over the disaster curse with or without June maho's self- embodiment of perfection would probably awaken before exorcism and no one at this point is reactive enough to catch his crafty ass from slipping down those sewers too new with his powers and exhausted after fighting Yuji mentally broken after after going full school and then coming back to the Light Side would take too much of a toll on Jee for him to make a difference in this outcome however with time and training there's still one more significant mahito fight jume can change but we're getting ahead of ourselves now completely traumatized and betrayed by the curse who took advantage of them losing his mother and his entire normal Teenage life because of his own foolish and selfish actions June would find himself amongst unknown jutu High faculty with his only Lifeline being itadori Yuji a kid's known for all of about 48 hours so justifiably I think Jee would be a little too deep an emotional turmoil to even try and participate in the exchange event this would give his character time to heal wounds both emotional and physical while also allowing Yugi plenty of time to reconvene with the main cast without having to worry about J with Gojo's eagerness to adopt troubled children I'm sure sure housing and enrollment in Jutsu high would be no issue sat taru even says himself back in Hidden inventory the demand for Sorcerers is so high they're not going to fuss over a rocky resume during this Hiatus of jun's character from the main story his development would mostly focus on his trust issues not just with mahito who's still running loose but even with the organization that just took him in how can jume fully trust J jutu society when they're planning on executing itadori and it's not like Gojo the character who would most likely be spending the most time trying to rehabilitate Jee is going to Foster much trust in the jiujitsu higher-ups either so with this neglect to truly trust anybody let alone himself or the decision he makes J will truly have a hindrance on his abilities as a sorcerer nevertheless having access to train with Gojo satoru will do a young student like Jee wonders in the area of understanding what he has available to him and his own fight style in the time span between the exchange event and the shabuya incident Jee would not only grow in strength but out of his trauma would begin to Foster an intense grudge against the curse mahito that negative energy of Revenge fueling his power and cursed energy reserves on the flip side Yuji now glad that his friend jume is alive and being able to train with June and experience jiujitsu suent life with him doesn't really hold any more of hatred against mahito than he he would your average curse perhaps they share a personal relationship due to fighting before and of course Yugi wouldn't like the whole plot to kill jun's mom thing but other than that the hatred definitely does not run as deep between these two as it did before this will change how a lot of things go in the shabuya incident and even further Beyond but before we get into all that let's discuss how June would develop as a sorcerer and theorize where he'd really sit on the power scale at the start of his s CER Journey Jee was given a small burst of cursed energy to his brain stem by idle Transfiguration which granted Jee the ability to summon a shikigami using his hair as an effigy The Familiar named Moon drg is a poisonous jellyfish shikigami that even early on gave June the power to fight somewhat on par with a new sorcerer like Yuji the classmates June attempted to Massacre thought the teenager acquired psychic powers since he was able to lift their full weight with moon DG's tentacles and toss them with little effort any and all contact with Moon drg's skin would cause a poisonous reaction as its entire body is surrounded in toxic fluid Moon drag also has tendrils with spikes for offensive attacks and even faster lethal dosing with even more refinement and cursed energy control Not only would Jee fine the core of his cursed energy and unlock the ability to reinforce his punches and kicks with power this would increase both attack power and and durability meaning Moon drg could also vastly increase in size its tendril span allowing for even greater range with its strikes the shikigami could also develop ways to spit projectile venom for a larger variety of ways to inflict poison on their enemies however in my opinion the best development for June and moon drag would come from witnessing and watching recordings of fushiguro Megami in the exchange event seeing the way Megami works with his shikigami into close 's battle and not being afraid to put himself In Harm's Way would really influence how Jee uses Moon drag creating a new combination technique between the two of them Jee will lie to you and tell you he didn't copy this form from a western movie he watched but after Moon drag condenses all of its power into its tentacles and Spike tendrils its head would latch onto J's back sticking firm its tentacles would wrap around J's shoulders and be able to extend over his arms and legs to create extra power if needed creating a mobile armor that leaks and emanates poisonous liquid and fog while four and up to eight Spike tendrils protrude from the jelly-like head on J's back ready to independently strike and stab at opponents from any angle while jume fights his enemies headon after learning hand-to-hand combat from both satarug Gojo and itadori yui jume is more than confident to go up against curses and Sorcerers alike in close quarters combat especially with moon drg's armor and new gauntlets making each attack he land significantly more powerful in both physical and toxic means J's need to surpass mahito not only manifests in this poison defense that naturally keeps the disaster curses hands off of him his lack of a curse technique causes him to create more packs with familiars and keeping along with the poison Trend if jume was to gain any new shikigami I think two giant centipede chikami would be appropriate much larger and more ferocious than the weak ones we see ghetto and kinjaku curse manipulate poison would seep from the centipede scaly bodies as they quickly swam through the ground creeping by or if necessary mildly quaking the earth below with power these not only act as a great way to constrict opponents they make great sneak attack opportunist with their ability to dig below ground although for all their speed and stealth they're not very durable at least compared to mreg who again is basically a jelly-like substance although this is barely enough to make him any higher than a grade 2 sorcerer at best jum's rapid recovery along with the discovery of the happenings in shabuya would lead jume to sneak out of his room at Jutsu high and wander into the depths of the shabuya incident having the shest of feelings for some reason he'll encounter his mother's killer at the source of this pandemonium Jee would easily slip into the chaos of the shabuya incident with little to no problem and in my opinion the most accurate location for Jee to wind up in would be with nobra and Nita as they make their escape from Maki and now Vito Zenit this would of course make the fight against harut shigo a 2V1 and give nobara much more of a chance to take less damage before grade one nanami Kento comes paired with his new Close Quarters combat Moon drg combination as well as the long range and additional hits the centipede shikigami allow for the miracle cursed user would have his work cut out for him also considering noa's projectile nails are already hard enough to dodge the auxiliary manager could probably escape this encounter butto unharmed and the duo of jume and nobra should be able to take haruta down and exhaust his miracles be that through noora's resonance and hair Pin Strikes or J's toxic attacks through Moon drag or centipede even if AR's hands sword curse tool acts as a secondary opponent one quick nail to the ground will keep the hand nice and snug and Out Of Reach plus invigorated by his revenge against mahito and the newly acquired confidence after watching someone like Megami excel in combination with his own shikigami jume would be more than ready to take on a curse user with merely luck on his side the real fight doesn't begin until him and NOA run into the mahito doppelganger split off from the main body after the cealing of satarug Gojo it's not surprising at all to think that June alike nobra would want to go into the barrier again to save their friends even after being told they're too weak for the scenario it just makes sense to me nober is grit and loyalty with jun's need for revenge against mahito bringing them together it must be fate the mahito double would taunt Jee in a devious manner shape-shifting into his mother and pulling all types of diabolic IC tricks as ultimately maho's goal is to lure noara and jume back to the main station fight between him and yui in order to continually torture iori's mental well-being this would one make muto's job much easier as jume being starved for vengeance makes him a cinch to manipulate and nobra would not be able to stand in the way of that Grudge this also makes way for two nobara no longer unlocking the core of her cursed energy as she isn't embarrassed by haruta and showed up by nanami or pressed by the mahito double since June took her character Spotlight away this not only makes it harder for akutami to beat the misogyny allegations it also makes it sadder to know Jee is just dragging no down to her death as you're damn right I'm leaving that [ __ ] Cannon and right there because I'm mean it's going to go down exactly like it did before as June chases the mahito double down into the subway when the two mahito switch which nobra is still the one that ends up catching the short end of the stick Jee gets out of the way and leaves her to still get clap in the face putting another awful death on both June and now yuji's hands The Double with no curse technique instead of immediately getting obliterated By Yuji fights June while the real mahito proceeds to torture itadori over the death of his friend with no Idol Transfiguration just pure hands and shapeshifting Jupe is pushed to the absolute Brink and discovers the level he's at is nowhere near mahito especially with all the evolving the Cur Spirit has done in these last couple of months Jee has barely scraped the surface Yuji was at when they first met at the school while the real body black flashes and lectures itadori about curses and humans June is on the precipice of death bleeding out of every orifice and his centipede shikigami and moon drg completely torn to shreds Jee is disgusted with his inability to do anything himself even having to rely on shikigami instead of his own flesh and blood power as Jee fades in and out of Consciousness he wonders why mahito ever even made him a sorcerer in the first place his whole life he's been hated and bullied but now finally Junes found friends to enjoy life with and what was the cost his mother but J had started to come to terms with that this life is what she wanted for him and yet even in this life those new friends are still dying all at the hands of this one curse Yuji protected June back at the school and jume shikigami and nobara protected him this whole time in shabuya and now that they're all gone there's nothing jume can do but sit there and let mahito kill him J's always tried his best to hide and stay out of the spotlight perhaps this never was his story to begin with maybe he never should have even been here in the first place and it would be much easier to just fade away into the background forever an image of his mother would flash into J's mind and suddenly the last blockage keeping J's full sorcerer Potential from reaching his brain stem unlocks cursed energy flowing freely and truly grasping his core June reaches Into the Depths of what he truly is and wants to be jee's always done his best at hiding but perhaps he can use this to his Advantage June had been tortured his whole life by smoke constantly clouding his judgment and vision of the right path no longer now June controls the smoke before losing the last bit of his light June takes hold of his new found self and suddenly erupts in a cloud of smoke as the mahito double made a move for its killing blow its hand begins to singe and disintegrate as it makes contact with the smoke causing mahito to jump back in defense jume emerges from the cloud of heat as it begins to form tendrils and make the shape of an octopus behind him the smoke taking form almost June yoshino's curse technique is unlocked having been bullied by cigarettes his whole life to the point of being scarred forever ironically enough this smoke would now become his weapon able to drastic Ally increase the heat of his smoke use it to hide his movements or Allies as well as convert his body into smoke and take damage or Critical Hits much easier the versatility in a curse technique like this is quite large however we won't explore this too much for now as June still has plenty of development to go for his character and must work towards finding a completely new sense of self once mahito is gone and his need for vengeance is quenched for now though this new power will be enough to completely disorient the mahito Clone and give June the upper hand in battle especially against the weakened mahito double with no idle Transfiguration in J's heightened stat SL awakened State he should be able to manage that at the very least and with Toto arriving to help itadori out mahito is going to need to call that power back to himself anyway this new resolve and self-confidence in Jee would allow him to understand the gap between him him and mahito now comfortable with his place in the world and realizing jume isn't the one to kill the disaster curse he would opt to stay with Nita and the dead question mark nobra while the also newly reinvigorated Yuji tadori and a fresh AI Toto go off to set the timeline back into place after being healed by Nita and happy that his mom's Soul can rest in peace with the death of mahito J's character would now evolve around what he plans to do next an average teenager converted into a sorcerer against his will in a moment of weakness by a curse that no longer exists does Jee return to his normal life or does he play the newcoming Death Battle Royale known as the culling game fighting alongside his Newfound friends owing Yuji a debt of gratitude as well as satarug Gojo and Megami with plenty more to potentially learn in regards to his first technique smoke manipulation the culling game is the perfect opportunity for June to pay back that debt as well as explore the depths of his new sorcerer Powers if that sounds like an interesting addition to this all new junee timeline let me know in the comments down below and I'll cover it because unfortunately that's all there's going to be for this one thank you again for all of my members voting on this and letting me explore this awesome idea if you haven't already please hit me with the like button and And subscribe if you want to see more content like this feel free to hit an end Screen Video to continue your binge and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: No Operator
Views: 100,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen junpei, junpei jujutsu kaisen, junpei jujutsu kaisen death, jujutsu kaisen junpei alive, jujutsu kaisen junpei is back, jujutsu kaisen junpei return, jujutsu kaisen what if junpei survived, what if junpei lived jujutsu kaisen, who is junpei jujutsu kaisen, junpei yoshino jjk, junpei jjk, junpei yoshino, yoshino junpei, junpei yuji jjk, yuji junpei jujutsu kaisen, jjk, junpei death
Id: voTLD5n7My4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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