Gojo vs EVERY Chainsaw Man Devil

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in my last video pitting chainsaw man up against jutu kaisen shabuya incident one factor that was solely absent was Gojo since you know spoilers he gets sealed in that Arc but the question is if Gojo was to take on the reverse going through every single chainsaw Man Arc and fighting every major devil could satarug Gojo survive and prove he's the honored one in this universe as well if this sounds interesting to you hit the that like button subscribe and most importantly thank you for watching first things first if we actually go in order of introduction the first devil to oppose chainsaw man as a villain is the zombie devil a Giant floating Mass made up of multiple different organs and body parts while not particularly powerful or durable even its main appeal stems from its power to completely transform a human into a zombie slave that can then go ahead and bite more people multiplying the zombie devil servants like flies until they reach an insurmountable number that overwhelms any foe but again this is the same jutu sorcerer that was able to obliterate over 1,000 transfigured humans essentially about as dumb but maybe even stronger versions of these zombified humans in less than 5 minutes granted they all might have been stunned by his 0.2 domain expansion making them sitting ducks for decapitation however when you consider this was a Gojo heavily restricted by the numerous civilians also occupying that same space and if the same Gojo is to fight the zombie devil all out with no restrictions a full power unlimited void would surely eviscerate not just the zombie devil but every single Pawn available to him this is just a no-brainer pun very much intended we have actually seen Gojo perform a feat in his own series necessary to win this exact fight and a single red or in fact bare hands would probably be enough to secure a W for Gojo here moving on next up would be the Tag Team Battle of the bat and leech devil and to be honest the destructive potential on the side of the Devils drastically improves a lot in just one Arc the bat devil can throw large Vehicles rivaling characters like itadori Yuji and jiutu Kaizen and at its worst can completely decimate multiple blocks of city with its Sonic Boom attack the leech devil is also highly strategic and quick with its strikes and is at least able to take down buildings with its own attack power as well however it's pretty obvious to point out here that regardless of how physically strong these devils are if they cannot bypass Gojo satoru's neutral application of his curse technique the Limitless an ability that in a simplified explanation creates a barrier of Infinite Space around Gojo that makes it impossible for any person or thing to actually reach him this means no matter how powerful the the bat and leech devil are they will never reach Gojo due to the unlimited space between him and the devils and when you consider Gojo also comes handy with the genetic technique the six eyes an amplification of his eyesight that grants him extra sensory on a level of n omnipotence in one glance Gojo can determine a person's or in this case a devil's power level and ability in an instant there's much more to the six eyes than just that but it's the bare minimum necessary to justify why Gojo completely Molly wops both of these Devils without a single bead of sweat being dropped Gojo can easily box with equal if not more attack power in his punches alone against the two Devils as their durability isn't anywhere equal to the multiple city blocks Gojo can just decimate with his bare hands his physical strik significantly being Amplified by his blue ability which causes phenomena like negative one apples to exist forcing space and reality itself to correct and pull objects together at extreme speeds combined with every physical attack Gojo dishes out this means the opponent is pulled in with insane energy just as Gojo throws his fist forward striking with intense power and cursed energy reinforcement lo and behold if a black flash is achieved on any of these strikes which increases his hitting strength exponentially to the power of 2.5 meaning Gojo just might turn these two Devils into dust if you don't agree with any of that logic or scaling maximum output blue has been shown capable of exhibiting necessary strength to kill these devils in its showings against Chimera Beast toito or when Gojo destroyed jiu Jutsu headquarters even as far back as when he was a teenager cursed reversal red is also said to be double if not more output than blue packed into one solid blast of power which should be more than capable of punching a hole in these Devils why am I going going into such detail for such low-level Devils when we have plenty more to go saves time later I didn't touch on speed much either but as of right now especially when you consider Gojo basically as Instant Transmission and can warp he's faster than every single opponent so far and I'll begin to touch on that stat when it actually matters next up is the eternity devil and this guy is the reason I just spent so much time divulging Gojo's attack stats and explaining his abilities just based on the amount of damage goo can cause to a given area in such a short amount of time whether you consider cursed reversal red or even goo's ultimate attack a combination of red and blue called imaginary technique Hollow purple Cojo can just completely eviscerate whatever area The Eternity devil has come to inhabit The Eternity Devil's true form is another mass of Flesh shaped like an infinity symbol however it can grow to colossal size and possess a building in order to trap victims in an endless Maze of floor floors and rooms until they're weak enough for the eternity devil to devour for the most Fair interpretation of this fight Gojo should of course be sent on a mission and stuck in the eternity Devil's Lair which again stops time entirely and forces Gojo in a space that no matter how far he travels creates and tries to correct negative space or frankly just tries to warp the hell out of there because the area that eternity empowers is also much like Gojo's own technique unlimited he will never reach the end or exit now we can argue the specifics of that all day and frankly that's why I'm telling you right now flat out it does not matter in both iterations of the eternity devil Gojo easily can recreate the scenarios the protagonist took to win the fight against it in part one of Chainsaw man denji defeats the eternity Devil by attrition constantly healing his stamina by devouring eternity's NeverEnding source of blood until the devil couldn't take the pain of being constantly shredded which thanks to go Jo's six eyes stimulating his cursed energy flow the man is able to constantly use reverse curse technique a healing ability to limit the effects of his technique on his brain Gojo is able to heal at such a low cost that this creates an infinite cycle unironically meaning not only will his stamina never give out because he can heal it his energy will never run out from healing because his energy naturally replenishes at the very same rate it costs to heal long story short tldr Gojo has unlimited stamina in in his own right so no matter what you believe in scaling Gojo can just win the exact same way denji did but it's much more likely that Gojo wins by the second scenario the exact same way ASA won in part two of Chainsaw man after just completely removing the second eternity Devil's building that it inhabits or in Gojo's case maximum output blowing the [ __ ] out of the entire area and just imploding it the giant massive flesh ball that is eternity is revealed and can just be deleted from from the world with a quick flick of Gojo's wrist with whatever level of force he deems necessary next up Gojo would face his first weapon hybrid Katana man a being similar to denji that has completely merged with another Devil's heart allowing him to transform at will and essentially become immortal giant katanas emerge from his arms and all of his stats increase to the maximum but this time it's at a point where Katana man should actually be able to keep up with Gojo in bare knuckle boxing through through multiple different Feats in chainsaw man it's clear Katana man represents a subsonic blinding speed that perception blitzes most of the protagonist in the beginning of Chainsaw man when using his technique sword Draw slash his agility temporarily increases to Gojo's normal rate of speed and thanks to his durability that displayed through Katan man's Feats of survival after bifurcation surviving a death at the hands of the cursed devil and being decapitated even if goo T's insane punches are to land Katan man's pain endurance becomes the biggest problem here and with those regeneration Powers it will finally take more than Gojo's bare hands to deal with an opponent considering limb removal organ damage and even being Torn to Pieces isn't going to result in a kill against kataman it's also going to be assumed an attack that relies on force of output like red also wouldn't be effective here Gojo's blue could potentially Crush Katana man into a tiny little ball such as he did with Chimera Beast Deo but Hollow purple an attack I didn't explain much before essentially equates to a quote unquote imaginary technique that's supposed to remove anything in its path from existence unless the victim properly defends with a relative amount of power of course with the secondary version unlimited purple shown capable of potentially decimating an entire small town if precisely directed even on the smallest whim of effort from Gojo Katana man is not capable of matching ing an attack such as this if he can't Dodge it although Katana man may be the fastest opponent so far only matching Gojo and speed when using his technique sword Draw slash puts him at a massive disadvantage and if that's really all he has Gojo will realize he's a one-trick pony and eliminate him pretty quickly speaking of speed an actual Potential Threat if Gojo gets caught off guard is the snake devil despite its Titanic size the snake Devil's main appeal is its ability to just blip in and out a reality a perception blitzing agility that's unable to be followed by any human and potentially Rivals Gojo's instant warping this devil although fast is not all powerful not capable of harming Gojo or bypassing Limitless being generous it would merely be able to catch Gojo offg guard and swallow him whole however this is where the Dilemma comes in and I need you at home watching with your comments to help me decide on this one what makes the snake devil so interesting isn't the fact that it would be cool to to watch Gojo emerge from the belly of the Beast like sakuna did to Mega misar rochi it's how the snake Devil's ability actually works and whether or not it would technically just defeat Gojo immediately after swallowing him the snake Devil's secondary and even scarier technique is its ability to regurgitate whatever it swallows as a loyal servant ready to fight for it shown in chainsaw man when the snake devil devours the ghost devil and later spits it back out in order to have it fight against akih Hayak it's never quite explained it's unknown whether you need to be digested in process before you're spit out or it's just instantaneous boom you're now my minion screw Limitless and unlimited space the moment you enter my domain you're done for which is kind of why I say it's up to you guys at home to tell me down below what would happen here because obviously Gojo just destroys this thing from the inside out if it's not an instant when to eat kind of thing and last but not least mentioned just before is the last villain of this Arc the ghost devil but just to save everyone some time its main flaw is it can only sense and perceive beings that are actually afraid of it and not only are almost all jiutu Sorcerers somewhat you know [ __ ] in the head and fearless in the face of monsters in the first place Gojo the honored one and number one jiutu sorcerer who laughs in the face of very highlevel curses won't be scared one bit ghost devil loses very obviously and if you want to argue with me because it's intangible I'll throw the turn imaginary technique right back at you and make you explain to me why purple doesn't just remove ghost devil from existence whether its opacity is 0% or 100 satarug Gojo keeps it pushing through chainsaw man and eventually encounters R the weapon hybrid paired with the bomb devil for all intents and purposes re exceeds Katana man's stats in not only speed and durability but overall combat potential and attack power even in base form R is a capable hand to hand hand fighter and when combined with her devil ability she becomes a dangerous threat to everyone around her with the power to turn literally everything she touches into a bomb her explosive strength and striking ability let her destroy total buildings with little issue even small Sparks or debris that come off of her mid battle can cause insane damage and re is a master of mixing this into her fighting style using bombs like Jets to increase her speed or in other shapes and forms and chainsa man she just blitzes denji their entire fight however when up against the honored one satarug Gojo who was a tier above in speed and again has the Striking power to demolish entire city blocks thanks to the blue amplifying his attacks the man is more than capable of keeping up with that impressive weapon hybrid periz would no doubt be the first real fight Gojo's received in the entire chainsaw man verse but fall short in having absolutely no way to nullify the infinity around Gojo meaning all of that gassing and hyping up of re's skills mean nothing if she can't actually hurt Gojo and realistically despite being someone who likes to have fun and isn't afraid to go back and forth with an opponent in close quarters Gojo can just eliminate Reay from afar with blue or purple and although we haven't touched on it much specifically because well it hasn't even been necessary to talk about Gojo's domain expansion unlimited void traps an enemy inside his barrier and forces them to endure infinite information and data about the world and Forbidden Knowledge causing them to be completely stunlocked and their brain to become a vegetable if re gets to be a problem which again although she has the best feed so far they still don't compare to Gojo he can just lock her in unlimited void and call it a day re's counterpart the typhoon devil also Bites the Dust it does have a lot of higher destructive force as it literally just has to move through cities to take take out entire city blocks and has a gravitational pull thanks to its storming wind grabbing any and all objects and debris into its grasp and whipping it around violently in the wind but with Gojo six eyes picking out a weak point and a well- aimed purple hitting where it hurts the typhoon devil poses even less of a threat than re the international assassins Arc is not only a fan favorite Arc and Chainsaw man but where Gojo saaru meets his match with the arrival of a prime fear the highest tier of devil in the chainsaw man Universe you guys probably already know who I'm talking about but let's not get ahead of ourselves technically speaking a villainous devil in this Ark that is actually opposing us this time would be the cursed devil a devil that through contracts with humans presents the chosen being with a nail of varying size and when this nail makes contact with a victim after a certain number of pokes this unlucky fellow will become quote unquote cursed and what happens when you get cursed [Music] well you don't want to know just know it equals Death because Gojo has Limitless and at his adult age it's running 24/7 there would never once be a time where a nail could penetrate Gojo's skin meaning the cursed devil is literally ineffective no matter what but I mean I guess if it caught team Gojo lacking or something anyway the doll devil would actually be a serious threat for a lot of sorcerers in the jiujitsu world similar to the zombie devil it creates loyal servants by turning ordinary humans into dolls that are able to produce blades from their bodies and attack enemies and upon contact with other humans these dolls convert The Unlucky beings into more dolls again creating a multiplication factor to be wary of but Limitless again comes in clutch here never having to worry about physical touch in this scenario at all and similar with the 0.2 domain expansion situation we know handling large groups of enemies is not a problem for satarug Gojo even though this time it would be a little different as Gojo wouldn't be able to actually touch any of the dolls and rip their heads off despite having to avoid actual physical contact Gojo has plenty of other crowd control options at his disposal in fact funnily enough Gojo sataro is a sorcerer that is usually stronger alone than with allies or people around him in general simply because his movements and Limitless technique can be so collateral damaging it makes it unsafe for even other highlevel sorcerers to be in a location where Gojo's fighting Kaku even mentions Gojo's intensive speed when Amplified by blue makes him a speeding Mac Truck capable of bulldozing hundreds of Innocents and the blink of an eye if left Unleashed and crowded areas meaning even if you were to forget the obvious answers of Gojo just using blue like he did in Hidden inventory to clear the entire area of enemies You could argue Gojo is just constantly warping and whipping himself around the location where all these dolls are obliterating them on impact with his Limitless blue barrier and carrying on which I'm sure Gojo would have a lot of fun with if he didn't know that all of these were just innocent people turned into dolls I mean nothing he hasn't gone through before next up would technically be the hell devil and while poida is shown to make quick work of its actual form in a manner I have no doubt Gojo would be able to replicate its main purpose is dragging its victim down to Hell which if achieved I have another question for the audience does Gojo's teleportation work across Dimensions if Gojo's trapped in hell would he be able to find a way out wouldn't it be funny if Gojo just said [ __ ] it I guess I'm stuck here and became king of Hell H I guess there probably would be a couple people who would oppose that and one of them we'll be getting into right now the darkness devil the Primal Fear I mentioned earlier in this Arc and the first real threats ataru Gojo will encounter in his time in this universe a primal fear is a devil that has never once been killed and therefore has resided in hell for Millennia ruling with all of its omnipotence and power these Devils usually embody a centralized and almost guaranteed fear in the eyes of humanity which is why the fear of the dark a common shared horror for almost all 8 billion of us would clearly be one of the most powerful Devils of all the darkness devil represents an even greater strength than the gun devil which we'll be getting into next if Gojo survives of course in its appearance in Hell the darkness devil takes complete dominion over everything engulfed in darkness and although the full scope of hell is unknown the darkness devil in its appearance is able to cloak the entire visible area the characters reside in pitch black darkness meaning its grasp extends to Encompass at least a large town if put on a scale and to be clear when talking about scale it completely matches Gojo in almost every category without going into long calculations the known Speedster of Chainsaw man iswan shei a legendary devil Hunter and the first weapon hybrid said to reach mock six speed at her maximum something that literally breaks ji Jutsu kaizen's limits and although Gojo could probably outspeed kwangi with his instant teleportation the darkness devil easily surpasses and blitzes this level of agility in its introductory fight with her meaning for all intents and purposes if Dojo is not pumping the gas on full speed this entire fight the darkness devil may actually move at a minuscule quicker of a pace durability is also a massive problem when it comes to Devils at the Primal Fear level as stated by the falling devil another Primal Fear we be getting into later says the entire Global human population with everything at its disposal does not yet have the power to actually Vanquish a primal fear now to be completely generous to this statement the chainsaw man world does lack extremities like nuclear weapons so at the bare minimum I'm assuming it would take an attack of similar magnitude to a weapon of mass destruction to actually kill an entity like a primal fear something at the very least capable of striking with the potency to destroy a large scale town or city this is something that satarug Gojo even with his own maximum output Hollow purple is not capable of his uncontrolled unlimited Hollow purple that is released without any control measures was only able to destroy a couple city blocks and if we are to use the strongest attack Gojo has ever shot off we would have to scale the hollow purple that was fired at the very beginning of his fight against sakuna to start off that confrontation satarug Gojo used the full 100% power of His curse technique by chanting the ancient incantation of his ability every sorcerer has an incantation to their technique but part of the efficiency of a sorcerer is being able to remove that incantation from the equation but still maintaining as much power as possible it will however be no doubt when an incantation is used the technique is fully charged and with the help of two friends yoshinobu gaku kanji and utahime Yori two other sorcerers that amplify another's cursed energy output and attack power through stat Buffs get Gojo up to a maximum 200% charged imaginary technique Hollow purple an ultimate attack that tears through an entire cityscape to make its way to sakuna and although it only takes off the king of cs's arms if it wasn't properly guarded against and shot at such a long range it could have eliminated him on the spot getting to my point when you consider all of this preparation wasn't even enough to kill Roman suca is this truly the power required to eliminate a primal fear it also becomes even harder to imagine doing any damage when you consider the darkness devil is completely impervious to any damage it takes when inside the dark and the fact that it cast a hanging Shadow over the entire location it's holding dominion over basically means Darkness devil can't be harmed unless Gojo is able to create his own light source while in the meantime Conjuring up enough attack power to completely hurt the devil because even if the stars align and Gojo is somehow actually able to land this crazy hit in a well-lit area Primal fears like the darkness devil unlike most other Devils are not only able to regenerate at an instantaneous rate they require little to almost no blood which makes any landed strike seem ultimately pointless when you consider within moments the darkness devil will be able to completely heal from any damage it takes again in this very specific very generous scenario we're giving to Gojo so we can actually land a potentially lethal hit so in a battle where Gojo not only needs two people to buff him up and a period of preparation time to chant including making him close enough range to produce the damage required tied he also needs to do this in an area that's well lit enough otherwise the attack will be completely nullified and he also needs to strike an opponent that's just as fast as he is the more I keep talking the more this wind condition becomes increasingly more and more unlikely especially when even if every single thing goes right this may not even be enough to kill the darkness devil and it could just heal right back to square one for next to no cost of its stamina it's hard to see this as not iron somehow of course considering all of this information we're just going to have to turn things around if this is actually the first opponent in Gojo's entire career he doesn't have enough Firepower to eliminate which means it's time to start talking about what the darkness devil can do to actually break through the Limitless as far as attack power and strength goes just as powerful as it is in defense the darkness devil is capable of terrifying offense able to use telekinesis that can tear people limb from limb over long distances or command a Sword of Darkness a well decorated and Enchanted blade to slice and dice enemies from afar with enough attack power to even harm Maka pair this with comparable speed to Gojo and the Darkness devil can absolutely bring death to the honored one if somehow able to get past his Infinity out of its entire Arsenal the darkness devil does seem to have one ability that doesn't require any physical contact or involve tangible space it seems whatsoever and that might actually stem from its eldrich horror-like existence as being a primal fear an entity Humanity itself has trouble even comprehending or standing in the presence of the darkness devil induces crippling fear or Madness in the minds of those who bear witness to it even other Devils like power were traumatized beyond belief and whenever they closed Their Eyes Were tormented with visions and horror of the darkness Devil's design but more importantly it means the darkness devil can use an insane mental attack that can Vanquish even Devils from within shown specifically against Angel when locking eyes with the darkness devil he began to bleed from his eye sockets his brain hemorrhaging from behind his skull just from the gravity of the darkness Devil's presence it's unknown if this was an intentional mind attack or some kind of passive ability but another very scary aspect of the darkness Devil's attacks is its ability to negate any type of healing if it does deal damage especially from its mental attack shown through Power the darkness devil can leave Everlasting pain on their opponents and when you consider a sorcerer's brain to be their weak point if Gojo's mind is ruptured or taking damage in this area interferes with his ability to heal the darkness Devil's innate negation of regeneration would even further prevent Gojo from getting out of this situation so if Gojo's completely impenetrable from the outside the darkness devil need only destroy the honored one from the inside out using his most vulnerable point completely stripping gojjo of what makes him such a threat in his own universe that mad scientist brain and considering Gojo's only wind condition involves him enlisting two friends and the Darkness devil not only sitting around and waiting for that attack to land but being in the same place as a convenient light source that the darkness devil chooses to not take out themselves or move away from and having all of this Bank on the fact that a 200% Hollow purple is enough to actually eliminate the darkness devil and leave no trace or way to heal I think it's pretty fair to say Gojo should be very scared of the dark sat taru Gojo versus the gun devil despite his potential loss earlier and between battles with Primal Devils the honored one is going to be put up against the 20% form of the gun devil we see in the chainsaw Man manga contracted to the US president in its complete original shape the gun Devil's speed was massively Hypersonic able to hit multiple locations across the entire enire world with its ability in under 5 minutes a similar speed at which Gojo sataro could travel across the world although perhaps not as impressive in its watered down form the gun devil speed is again still a solid match for Gojo and to the gun Devil's Advantage it really doesn't even need to get very close to start firing off attacks as the gun Devil's technique is the ability to shoot a bullet into the head of every adult male within 1,000 M of its range and the these are no ordinary bullets or attacks as the gun Devil's offensive Onslaught comes as one giant bullet rain that indiscriminately destroys everything in its path the gun devil doesn't just Target one person of course it can if it wants to but its technique works almost as if it was a passive condition upon Awakening every single male in that thousand M radius is going to be shot as well as every child in A500 M radius as well this ultimately results in a a storm of headshots that oscillate and surround the gun devil from every angle creating so much collateral damage entire cities are turned into craters and because the gun devil moves at such a quick speed that jet fired power blows everything away in a vacuum of wind and destruction before anyone somehow lucky enough to be missed can even React to what happened unlike the other Devils on this list primarily the darkness devil I'm talking about here despite its massive potential for damage the gun devil displays little to no intelligence whether this is a product of this fragmented form is unknown it can still however focus on one target at least when it fights Maka and has pure Precision to knock a bullet into a target of its choosing from 500 M away if their target isn't already an adult male but no matter how crazy the gun Devil's attacks are unlike the Primal Fear before it the gun devil has no way of bypassing limitless meaning every bullet fired by the gun devil is essentially wasted and maybe even reflected by the infinity around Gojo it did take all of mak's control Devils six in fact very high-powered entities combined with her own strength to overcome the gun devil which does imply a significant amount of force must be used to take it down but Gojo having enough time to chant an incantation and fully charge up a hollow purple makes a lot more sense if he's completely immune from any of the gun Devil's attacks as well as not needing any extra circumstances like requiring a light source to actually make his attacks land comparable speed aside because Gojo can definitely keep up at least with the gun devil whether its speed is reduced in 20% mode or not Landing a point blank attack on a lesser intelligent foe isn't hard for me to imagine here it's not a primal fear and we've already seen Maka defeat it Gojo can and will defeat the gun Devil with an overwhelming display of cursed energy capable of demolishing a devil the size and durability of a small town if required coming from a fully incanted shot of hollow purple through the Torso W Gojo and speaking of Maka technically as the control devil she would be the next villain Gojo would encounter but frankly this topic has been discussed to no end in multiple different videos please go check one of those out if you want some content on Gojo vers Maka and no devil Maka has at her disposal bypass is Limitless either so I'm not going to talk about anything like Angel or kwane moving on to the next and last opponent for now which is another Primal Fear if we're to skip all the devil's second interations including the Justice devil and fire devil Gojo's last big opponent would technically be the falling devil another villain that holds all the same stat Feats as the darkness devil which means matching Gojo in attack power and speed while also being almost impossible for Gojo to destroy unless he doubles his own striking strength with even this being an uncertain wind condition in and of itself the falling devil represents the fear of physically falling but also the mental aspect of falling into a depression as such her devil power completely encompasses the world's gravity being able to switch it or invert it entirely to make people fall forever or meet terrible Fates getting crushed against surfaces to the point the falling Devil's manipulation of gravity can demolish multiple blocks of City at once through gravity inversion or just her presence alone Shifting the entire planet's gravitational pole while it can be assumed gravity alone isn't capable of bypassing Limitless since we already know the main villain of Jutsu Kaizen Kaku is at Gojo's mercy and has to seal Gojo because he can't beat him in a fight and Kaku has gravity Powers so if he doesn't consider that a viable option I wouldn't for the falling devil either she has been seen to muster straight up energy beams capable of Destruction so gravity isn't her only offensive strategy telekinesis just like the darkness Devil Makes Her a threatening foe to anyone without a limitless barrier unfortunately though it's unknown if she does share the darkness Devil's ability to inflict brain Heming or internal damage what the falling devil is shown to be able to do however is completely take over a person's mind and subject them to anguish being able to influence a person's mental stability and cause them to quote unquote fall into depression the falling devil can take advantage of a person's trauma and cause them to suffer intense mental hallucinations and cause people to lose control of their bodies and Consciousness obviously with Gojo losing to kenju and getting sealed in the prison realm specifically because of his memories involving losing his best friend are so debilitating for him this is something that could be a critical wound to Gojo's mind if properly used against him a similar instance is shown when the falling devil almost kills both Asam mataka and denji due to their traumatic Past coming back to haunt them thanks to her influence however denji canonically best this ability by cutting into his brain with his chainsaws so Gojo a character who also is canonically capable of destroying parts of his brain and regenerating them later may be able to best the falling Devil's trickery if his mad scientist brain is able to figure out this loophole and considering denji and Gojo are both chaotic good it makes sense to me their brains work pretty similarly but just because Gojo can overcome the falling Devil's mental attacks doesn't mean he can actually claim victory through his own means much like the darkness devil even if Gojo was to land a black flash or his strongest Hollow purple Not only would these attacks barely make the falling devil Flinch its form would just come back together and regenerate within seconds the falling devil much like the darkness devil possesses multiple dead body parts parts and creates some Amalgamated form to merely present themselves and they aren't entirely necessary at all to the Primal fear's livelihood these vessels can be destroyed time and time again and will always either be reconstructed or remade with new body parts as the primary essence of the primary fear usually resides in Hell the falling devil specifically actually has a special connection to Hell having the ability to create its own doors to hell that it causes people to fall into becoming full course meals for the Devils that reside within and if you're one of the people that think trapping Gojo in hell with no way out is a win condition well that just might be the falling Devil's only answer here as despite the falling devil being able to put up an insanely even fight in close quarters and longrange combat thanks to its insane telekinesis rivaling even Gojo's blue and its gravity Powers presenting a vantastic way to battle the space manipulating Gojo its only hope is to attack Gojo at a mental level and either trap him in Hell or somehow get the unconscious sorcerer to remove his Limitless barrier leaving him vulnerable to attack and this would have to be done pretty fast as if Gojo does break out of this mental game he may never be trapped inside of it again and be prepared to withstand it and if the falling devil cannot cause mere brain hemorrhages from just star Downs like the darkness devil which it has not canonically shown Limitless will be able to completely beat every offense the falling devil has although though we are still coming back to that same scenario where without a 200% Hollow purple any attack Gojo does manage to land in the middle of fighting for his godamn life at this point will barely do anything against the falling devil and if it does be instantly healed Gojo will be constantly getting pressed this entire time with little time for incantations and the falling devil will easily Merk any help that arrives to try and buff up Gojo so honestly between the falling devil and satarug Gojo this fight May either be a stalemate because neither of these characters can kill each other or it's just a win for the falling devil if you consider ringing Gojo out by sending him to hell is a win anyway guys that was sataro Gojo up against every major devil in chainsaw man thank you so much if you made it this far and no I very much appreciate your viewership if you did hit the like button if you haven't already and subscribe if you want to see more content like this check out an end Screen Video if you'd like to continue your binge and I'll see see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: No Operator
Views: 166,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, chainsaw man, jjk, jujutsu kaisen vs chainsaw man, csm vs jjk, gun devil vs gojo, gojo vs gun devil, gojo vs every devil in chainsaw man, gojo vs every devil, gojo vs chainsaw man, chainsaw man vs gojo, gojo vs, chainsaw man vs, chainsaw man vs jujutsu kaisen, gojo vs all devils chainsaw man, gojo vs darkness devil, darkness devil vs gojo, gojo vs makima, makima vs gojo
Id: U81JO9aSV7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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