Digitizing Polygons and Labeling in ArcMap

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okay hi again this time we're going to digitize some buildings I've got the same data here I just zoomed in on my base map so I can see Utah State I'm probably gonna want to zoom in a little bit more because I want to be able to really see the details of my building so I'm gonna zoom in to our buildings here and like I said feel free to zoom in as far as you want to so you can really see the detail alright so we start editing remember to affect datasets we have to be in an active editing session if you don't have the editor toolbar already open remember you can right-click in a gray area and just choose the editor menu we drop it down and say start editing and it should ask you if you've got data in multiple locations it's gonna ask you which folder you want to have activated for editing but because I have both of my datasets in the same folder it's gives that step it also didn't open the create features window for me which should automatically if that doesn't happen you go to editor editing windows and create features okay and again we can pin this to keep it here so we want to start with our buildings so notice there's no construction tools active right now I can click on buildings to populate these just make sure that it's clicked on polygons and I'm gonna start with PNR and what you do is just line up your cursor and just start clicking away I'm pretty sure it's the edge of the building so so I'm literally just left clicking and you can see that it's starting to fill itself in don't pay attention to this fill shape just concentrate on the edge of your building and just keep going it will fix itself like right now I'm going to go into it don't worry about it it'll fix itself you just need to kind of stay on target I'm not doing a very concise job here but that's okay here's the most important part double click to end then you get this turquoise line that's what you want to see I can continue to edit another building because I finished that sketch it will just finish for me now I'm not gonna sit and putz through all these little vertices I'm gonna skip this and go a little bit faster but now I can also I could double click here or I can right click and say finished sketch so there's two different ways double click to finish or right click finish the sketch but either way you have to finish the sketch or art can't justify that you're done I can click off to go see I just hit a vertex so look at I've made a vertex I can hover over it and then right-click and delete vertex and it makes it go away you could also delete sketch things like that so I want to check my attribute table I've got two records that makes perfect sense my two different data sets here okay I'm gonna save edits or stop editing either one alright so now I have a building Strait file with two records in it one for each building you can keep going I would have seen we'd have more than two building let's pick a day that you do have more than two buildings digitized where you might have lunch go to the Student Union make it a fun map of your day on campus we are going to have you label your buildings and wait want to do is add a field so remember you can go up here to add a field also remember that you can't add a field if you're in an active editing session so you have to stop editing to add the field and ask me live let's call it name we'll make it a text field because we want to be able to type the building name in there we probably don't have anything longer than let's say 20 characters so that's okay so here's our name field now to populate this you do have to be anything that makes sense so now I can actually type so let me see this is bnr so I'm just going to type in our in here and in this one I'm going to type in our I'm gonna save my edits and that's done now I can label my buildings so here my selection is the clear selection feature I can label the features I can turn it on here it's labeling by the F ID or some other field you can see the two tiny little zeros part of the construction sounds if I go into the properties and into the label tab I can control which field we're using and I've made it that I made the name field I can also make this bigger I can let's see here symbol I think it's in here here style reference that's not in hey where is it label styles properties simple properties that makes sense no placement properties no oh well anyway there's different ways that you can treat these I'll figure it out and tell you guys about in lab and that isn't very visible but you can see the it's bigger we're using the name change it back to its make it funny Abed there we go alright that's how you label that's how you cheat eyes we're gonna do the same thing with your walking path you're gonna digit it digitize a line that traces the path you walk every day so you can calculate the distance you walk on campus and that's it if you have questions let me know
Channel: Shannon Belmont
Views: 8,781
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: digitizing, editing, attributes, polygons, drawing polygons, labeling, ArcMap
Id: Y7XYoCmOoug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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