Manifold 9 - New Labels Features in 9

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hello everybody welcome to the wonderful world of release 9 let's take a look at some of the new label capabilities that are in release 9 let's do a quick review what we're gonna do is we're gonna put some labels on here and the kind of in the old style of doing it on top of this map we're looking at here is release 9 it's showing a map of France you can do all this by the way manifold viewers well because mantled viewer now tracks 9 just make sure you're using the latest cutting-edge built so you get the benefit of all the latest greatest up features and release 9 that'll be released 9 edge and viewer that the viewer edge so here is a drawing that we've created called regions drag and drop that into the map and these are centers they're inner inner centers for the various provinces of France that were created using the transform pane that takes but a second and in the region's table you can see we've copied over the names of the various provinces that all that was done automatically and we're gonna use these central points to create drawings I'm going to turn that off get a rect click on regions and choose new labels and automatically is loads the region's drawing for us instead of me having to pick which drawing we want and for the text will use the province label which province field which gives the name of the various regions create labels announce drag and drop that into the map and you can see that the content the text content of each of these labels has been automatically created based on the value of the text field the position of the label also is automatically controlled by the point from which it was created that's actually a pretty good reason why it makes sense to create a labels from points because then if you don't like where a particular label is you can move it around by moving the point now we all like the idea of labels being created for us automatically and it sure is convenient to have labeling engines which do that and manifold of course does that as we have a release 8 and we're doing that release 9 as well but having the ability to create points and create labels automatically from points is really hard to beat when you want very very fine control over exactly how where all this stuff is put so for example if we want to move this label right there we can all click on the point from which it takes its text and move that point just drag and drop it like that click up record and the point moves and so does the text that's that's associated with it let's turn off that those regions points we just look at the regions labels now if we want to style these in these labels we click the style panel and we can immediately change say the oops let's click on the regions label so that as the context and let's change say the size to know it's called twelve points and that makes larger larger labels throughout the entire layer by default the style panel will apply to the entire label so what we've seen so far as we've seen how we can create these labels the labels are created automatically from points and the tank they take their text automatically from points ok all that is super now suppose we don't want to create labels that are are created automatically from you know regions or points or whatever or lines or whatever they are suppose we just want to in a freehand way click and add and create labels in you know in this map well the way to do that is really easy what we do is we right click here and we create a new labels component that is based on a new drawing as a text field it's going to use the text field called text manifold we'll create that for us and then we create create that labels and what do we see here we see that a new labels component called labels isn't created and that has a new labels drawing and on the new labels table these are all empty there's a little text field here and there's a job field here and that's that if we drag and drop that labels component into the map there is nothing there so because we haven't added any any labels there if we want to let's let's do a little bit of formatting in advance to I'm going to turn the color for the main color to white I'm going to turn the fill color to black I'm going to make the labels bigger let's make them 20 points and let's change the font we use to a nice bold font so that any labels we new new labels we create we're gonna are going to stand out they're going to be easy to see to create labels what do we do well we simply create objects from which we want those labels to take their take their bearings so let's click this tool right here to create a point and the first thing we're gonna do we're going to mark the most important points of France with a label that's right about here about between Lamont and the coast and this is where camembert cheese got a spell it right camembert cheese was invented so click add record and that adds a point and that also adds the via text from that point now you can't see the point cuz we're actually at the labels drawing in there and we drag to drop the lake levels drawing in we can see where's the point that was create or gonna I'm gonna turn that off but we have created a label here called camembert let's create another point I'm gonna click this field right here and here down here let's create a point for a very famous location it's right about there somewhere to the southeast of Paris and that is the town of Bree there actually is a town of Bree which is where brie cheese comes from and the various sorts of brie like brie de Meaux Luna and so on and we're well on our way now to labeling all the really important parts of France camembert we had we had Brie now we might might add Paris but Paris really isn't famous for its cheese so you know why bother ok why do we have up here various tools to create areas to create lines and to create points well that's so we can create labels that are based on those for example if we want to create a line let's create a line from here to there and let's give that the text channel and the by creating a line object we're creating a label that's aligned to that line object if we want to move that the easiest way to do that listen let's get out of create object mode here to the default mode let's click on the labels drawing to see where that object is let's I'll click on it and now we can edit it using usual drawing methods example to move the the end points of the line we update the low the the line the the position of the line V we're going we also end up updating the position of the label that's drawn from that line and that let's turn off this let's go back here into labels and let's create another line here and let's see what happens if we create a line without without entering the text for that you see it just uses the default text and to select that we can select the line that's associated with we can choose the line that's associated with an by off clicking on that line and then here in the record pane which automatically shows us everything that has to do with that particular object like the job the text that's associated the coordinates of it and the style we can see that how the line is styled actually you know what I really want to do is I want to do this I want to click on the labels portion of that and I select this label and now I can look at the style I can see the text here and you can we can change that text to something like Atlantic Ocean click update record and that label also will be updated yeah let's turn these labels drawings off as I'm clicking around here sometimes I'm inadvertently moving that map that's okay now like all labels up layers this labels layer also has it has one style that is a that defines all these and all these levels if we change anything in here for example we change the color that to that really icky yellow well all the labels change colors that really icky yellow let's change that back to white here let's change the style a little bit to put a little black background border around those that makes the me a white label stand out a little bit better now suppose we want to format each of these labels individually we can do that however to do that what we need is we need a text field that's in the labels table that we can use to store style information so let's quickly add that using the schema dialog we'll add a field called style most manifold people working with release 9 will use the name style for that text field by default you can't see it but off-screen I've added I made a type end of our character we add that field click OK and now we have a new text field called style we can use that style field to host style information too so we can now do this on a per label basis we can now format these labels on a permit level basis we do that by clicking here in the style dialog choosing options pair record style we're going to turn that on and we're going to use the style field we don't use a text field we're gonna use this style field click OK and we've now turned on her record style and what that means is now when we select a particular label here for example we can alt click on Bree and we can change the style to something that's unique so for example we can change the color to bright green instead of 20 points we can make it 16 points click update record and only that one record changes here let's go we can move from record to record by clicking the toolbar buttons here so let's move to the previous which was camembert and if I'm camembert let's also change that to let's make it this well yellow seems awful let's use yellow what the heck and let's also make that 16 points and click update record and now that's camembert let us create a new label here I'm going to create a new label by creating point and right down here we're going to create a point approximately where the valley.the lawar is yeah it's right about here as a town called shin on which is a famous for its red wine famous to locals it's not particularly famous with tourists who are always into a Bordeaux of Burgundy or whatever but we like I on and I'll get out of here at a create point mode to the default mode I'll click on Chinon to select it and hear its style let's change the style to use it a a nice case the custom color that's kind of like a red wine color for Chanel if you get to France don't miss the opportunity to I try some on wine well there we've seen how to create both labels in the usual way based on objects where say it's something like a point object specifies automatically specifies the location of labels throughout an entire layer and where the label automatically takes it's a text from a particular feel that we've selected and we've also seen how to create a labels component here which is based on this which has it has its own sort of artificial little drawing in table with it where we can use that to add labels in an interactive way and we can base those labels on points or we can base them on lines if we want them to you know have this sort of linear sort of appearance we can even create areas all that's more rarely done but it does add a certain degree of flexibility to this process we've also seen how to add a text field to a labels table so we can do prayer record formatting and make each individual label have its own style formatting capabilities so that makes it very easy to customize all this stuff and that is a great extension I should mention by the way that when we look at the you know like the style for all these labels one reason there's a lot of empty space for controls in that style panel is we're going to be adding very very many more controls to and a much more sophisticated a much more flexible way change which you can do with labels and various effects and that sort of thing with labels as we know people want then that's going to get added part of release 9 is the community driven process where the community is speaking out about what they like to do well what they'd like to see manifold do and at the rate of a 2 or 3 builds a week which had a few dozen features and one hundred and two hundred features per month nine is evolving very very rapidly so I hope you've enjoyed it I hope you enjoy 9 I hope you've enjoyed this video try it out in viewer if you don't have nine and we'll see you soon on another action-packed video so goodbye from manifold release 9 land well that was fun if you want to see more visit us at WWF old net as always manifold delivers the world's most advanced highest quality spatial products for GIS and DBMS at a low price that you can afford once again that's manifold dotnet see you soon
Channel: Manifold Sales
Views: 667
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Manifold GIS, Radian Studio, Manifold Viewer, Manifold Future, Future Viewer, Radian, Free Viewer, GIS, DBMS, SQL, Database, Free GIS Viewer, Free Database Viewer, Free Table Viewer, Free Data Viewer, Release 9 Style, Formatting, labels, per-label formatting, custom labels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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