Master the Digitizing in 15 Minutes | ArcGIS In-Depth Tutorial

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today we're gonna cover everything you need to know about this recession in a yes especially if you are the beginner this video is for you right from what is digitization to making the most complex digitizing tasks before that if you are watching my video for the first time make sure you hit the subscribe button so without any further ado let's get started we have this is can map of taka city and you can see the headquarters boundary roars water water Ray Lewis and others and we will turn this scan map into this digital map where you can see various layers such as boundary water body roars railways and headquarters what is digitizing or digitization digitizing is a process of converting geographic feature on a paper map into digital format the XY coordinate of a point line and polygon features are recorded and stored as a special data the feature interviewers are also recorded during the digitizing process to digitize we need shapefile so what is share file a shapefile is a simple non topological format for storing geometric location and attributed formation of geographic feature juga featuring a shapefile can be represented by points line or polygons the point feature of a shapefile can be used to represent the headquarters passage agents ATMs or airforce the line feature can be used to draw roads streams or boundaries on the other hand the polygon feature of shapefile can be used to draw water for a river legs and all other polygons are areas so we are obvious but from the answer first of all we need to connect our data folder to connect our folder we need to go through here catalog panel select folder connection option right click here and select kind to folder a connect to folder dialog box has appeared here now I am selecting my tutorial folder from here you can select your folder material folder I have a de casa de tavera image and I'm flicking this and dragging it over here if you don't know how to rectify or 0 France I scale map you can check my another tutorial video from solution to digitize this scan map we need to create some shapefile to create your file go to our data folder and right click here go to new unselect we will Kurt total three chef's foil for this scan map to de-stress this and first of all I am creating a headquarter ship well you can see all of these red dots are headquarters and now I am giving this name as headquarter we all know about the point features so our headquarters here our point feature now I am giving the feature type here white as it is default so now we need to specify our special reference go to edit click on here I special reference properties has appeared here we need to specify our geographic coordinate system from here so go to geographic coordinate system click this plus button or icon go to a world and then select table just like painter for you can mark this as your favorite by right-clicking here and then select add to favorites from clicking this and now see my double juice 984 Corian system has added to my favorite suction click Dobies is 92 for then click OK then you can show the details about this coordinate system by checking this show details option okay so click OK then our new layer headquarters have added in table of content so you can change the symbology of this headquarter layer by clicking on this symbol button or you can right click on this layer go to properties then go to symbology tab you can see all of the tape here we need to symbol detail to change the symbol of our headquarter layer so click on this button or icon so I'm selecting this arc l2 and taking the size as 10 and giving the color as this one then click OK so we have one layer for headquarter we need to create another two layer called the boundary and also the water body as I'm ensuring all of you that we need to learn about digitizing not true about a step along the basic of digitizing and you will be master of digitizer then we need to create another shape file called boundary go to data I click here and then go to new selection fine well I'm giving this name as bound okay we all know the boundary is a line feature then I am selecting the feature type from here in polyline then selectively special friends go get it then select Dobies in 1984 well cover it I'm selecting his and then click OK okay now our boundary layer is appeared or edit on this table of content window or kennel then we need to create another shape file go to new and then go to shape fill I'm giving this name as Waterbury okay so we all know the water body is polygon shape and then give the feature type as polygon could edit select this and cinematography is 1984 select okay so I'm changing the same velocity of both boundary and water body taking care and I am giving the boundary boundary country keeping the size or weight is - even the color as this green and then click OK and also what every color is black okay this is perfect for my watery then click OK okay so we have two feeler here you can see the headquarters which is fine layer boundary which is line layer and the water body which is polygon layer so we already have known about these three layers that point line at polygons which are vector layers and we have this rectified image so now we start our digitizing we need to toolbar to digitize our map one is editing and another is snapping go to customize select roller and then go to edit off okay we need to edit or click this and drag it over again go to toolbar go to snapping here like this and drag it over her to start everything go to this editing option select this clip select start editing it willy start all of the editing session for you I'm clicking this you can see all of the tools in editing toolbar aníbal to come so first of all we need to select this one great feature as we are creating features on our pam or to europeans we have we need to select this one and here a great feature NL have appeared now you can see all of the layers here boundary water body or headquarters and we can draw by selecting them as we are creating features on this map okay so we don't need this dialog box or catalog dialog box or catalog panel so click on this auto-hide button to hide this and leaving this now first of all we will start digitizing by our this point layer called headquarters and you can choose the construction tool from here point tool is better I think and I am suggesting all of you to use this tool to create point layer so select this headquarter and then select point and then you can see my icon or this mouse cursor a containing a point icon zoom the map where you want to place or create a new point and placing here one you just click and drag the BAP and just click one I'm reading all of the points quickly for the tutorial purpose so now we have discussed all of the funds from this map and let's go to another layer to de-stress this so now I'm going to my boundary layer from here select this one boundary layer and select a line feature you can select another tools or construction true sir but line tools is best to draw a line okay so select this one is true and go to your map one thing I want to share with you that the more you zoom your data will be accurate more so I'm starting from this point I hope this is just one line from here to here okay we have got the snapping tool that we are not using this one the use of snapping tool select this new snapping and you can see the all of the point snapping and snapping part is napping all are checked and I suggest all of you that you checked on all of these tools or all of this option yeah another key option so yeah to turn on this layer now again select boundary select line and then if you turn off if you are not use the snapping tool here enter nothing shrink that nothing showing here but if you check this you snapping you can you can see the boundary edge midpoint and all of the power techs are showing here so you can instead form any of the point of this existing boundary okay so I'm clicking on these boundary products HR and then starting drawing my line at the line I am doing this quickly for tutorial purpose you can do this slowly for your a curator [Music] [Music] [Music] so now I have drawn all of the boundary layer here and you can see the boundary layers with pulling of point layers and we have another layer called water body which is a polygon layer now I am unchecking this boundary and water headquarters then now we will start out going with water body here you can see many tools construction tools here that you can select a polygon a rectangle a circle and let's freehand or auto complete polygon auto complete free and I do go into all of you to use this polygon tool to create a better polygon called create your feature accurately so I am selecting this polygon and I am starting from this point as my water bodies are here then you can see all of the blue features of water body here so let's start so I am I starting from this point as I am drawing the water body from here it's very easy you can try and you can draw your all of your features with to digitize okay so I'm digitizing my colorful feature quickly so once you have done your digitizing just double-click here your feature will be KITT and you can see my water body one water body air and another water body I am drawing all of the water body for tutorial purposes quickly [Music] now you can see all of my water body have done to draw and you can see all of other tool there with this and we have this three layer at water boundary and water body this point layer line layer and polygon layer so that's all about all digitizing you can try yourself to do your best or digitization I have this just another tool here called fruit and railways which are line layer here you can see I'm unchecking the tracker city rectified image and you can see all of this pipe layers here head water railroad water body and boundary and you can draw any layer by this method you can distress any of your scan map thank you guys for watching my video and if you liked it please do subscribe and do let me know in the comment section below if you have any question
Channel: Obaidur Rahman
Views: 19,183
Rating: 4.89011 out of 5
Keywords: arcgis, gis, tutorial, digitize, digitization, arcmap, polygon, line, point, digitizing in arcgis, arcgis 10.3, digitizing scanned Map, georeferencing and digitizing in arcgis, digitizing map in arcgis, digitizing polygons in arcgis, georeferencing, topology, map, arcgis desktop, satellite imagery, shapefile, arcgis raster, esri, arcgis topographic maps, GIS, Geographic Information System, geoplanet xyz, Obaidur Rahman, How to digitize in ArcGIS, Digitize Scanned Maps, Scanned Map
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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