Automatic digitizing on ArcGIS using ArcScan toolbar

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[Music] we'll come to your schedule again great staying with you today we will learn how to digital is a map automatically so let's escape at first you have to add the jpg missed place you want to these days here I did it I want to displace this image double-click on the image then you see three bands if the image is colored in this case you have to choose just content from these three money because if you select the color tip easiness then you don't get the classified option for getting classified option you have to choose a black and white image for making the image black and white I just choose band one then you get a black and white image then right click on image then go to data and export data here we see a dialog box we see the number of data 256 here the required thing not zero blank then leave a name of the in years and change the file for me to imagine image then save the image yes and now here the image an image and it is not necessary in this case so of the layer now double click on the image in events go to symbology then classify and make that classes just to black and white then press ok we did it is the whole map by taking polyline and shape file then we convert it to polygon so go to art catalog and choose your specific folder where you want to create some shape file here I want to be a new shape file so right click on the folder and shape file and then a sub type will be polyline and it should be mentioned before digitizing I'll do reference the image and the projection system is here the position system is PDF so the production system and press ok then go to editor menu and click is done editing I want to edit plot line ok for automatic Digitalism we use our scan tool bar but before using our scan tool bar you go to customize and then you press extension then I select all the extension here you have to check the arc scan tool bar as I previously shaky so I close the window then right-click on the menu bar then check our scanner here we use the our scan tool bar then on the arts control bar there resorption show preview it's automatically vectorize the map after clicking show preview you see that the all plot are automatically visitor is including plot number but we don't need the plot number to be digitized so we have to delay this prop number for delayed this plot number fourteen eight or EDF is plot number automatically go to last and clean up to and click start cleanup then self selection and select connect itself here we see it dialog box then you have to enter the total area of roster things you say I put 250 then you see that the number which we want to delete or are selecting [Music] but here it is not selected so increase the hello then say this one is also selected they go to roster clean up and take it is selected cell then we able to yes all the plot number but here we see that this plot number are not years because the fraud numbers are joined to at the same polygon so for earring eat go to roster cleanup and roster choose the roster painting to work and this toolbar is used to clean this plot number go to yes and you just make it separate from the polygon [Music] then click magic s and just select the area then all are automatically here is this before I show you how to automatically here is the problem but you can use the magic ears for manual imaging of the plot number in this way you have to use all the plot number that we are not me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have to also join the line please are not connected here I want to mention that magic here is all the erased the connected cells and fill them with the background color [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now all the our desired plot number are deleted then you click vectorization tab and click generate feature then just press ok then the map is digitized then uncheck image in u.s. then you see the digital is a writable underserved line now I convert to polygon shapefile for converting this to polygon go to our tool box then data management to the features and feature to polygon to polygon choose the input feature which we want to this is plot line drag it here or you can choose it by clicking the drop down arrow from here then and choose the output features destination to G yeah the game is only only in Surrey here we see a ocean XY tolerant when two lines are not to connect it and there is a gap between two lines say for one meter gap if we put the tolerance on meter then the gap is not considered at the time of consider at the time of converting polygons so I put the XY tolerance on meter and this okay here we see that on polyline shape are computed two polygons but some are missing before making polygons say v8 same Eddie and then again start editing here are we edit plot poly and press ok then go to create picture and select not poly now you have too many manually digitally stuff for polygon units are not is it is automatically in the previous tutorial you gain the knowledge about how to manually manually digitized and man so here for digitize the edges and polygons can take autocomplete polygons [Music] [Music] [Music] you in this way you can automatically digital is an email but here we see that we have to perform and some manual process because of the quality of because of the low quality of image the pre requirement of automatic digital Jing is you have to scan the image they read clearly but my image is not a scanned image clearly so we you perform some manual process of digitizing if you is can your image pretty clearly you can taste your back atoms by the elbow or semi-automatic digitization process so thanks for watching you
Channel: Geo Planning School
Views: 2,515
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Automatic digitizing on ArcGIS by ArcScan, arcscan in arcgis arcmap, editor in arcmap, scaning map digitizer
Id: zQsUUC17Lp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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