Digital Monthly Plan With Me | April 2021 | Planning to Prosper | iPad, Apple Pencil, & Goodnotes |

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome to my channel today we are here to plan out the month of april 2021 in my planning to prosper digital all-in-one life planner so i have the monthly view in front of me and i thought instead of recording my screen and doing a voiceover and stuff um that it would be fun to just kind of walk through this whole process together i think it's a really great way to learn a little bit more about digital planning i've gotten a lot of questions lately about like best ways to learn like you know how to get the hang of digital planning if you've re recently switched to it and things like that i personally feel like the best way to learn is to watch lots and lots and lots of youtube videos that is personally what i did and then you just have to practice a whole bunch and eventually you know it becomes second nature to you just like anything else so i thought it would be fun to kind of just go through the process a little bit more so this will be probably a little bit longer of a video but i want to next just kind of pick out which sticker set we're going to be using today i've been gravitating towards this lavender blossom kit i thought about doing the easter one but i think i'm gonna go with the lavender blossoms today so this kit is available in my shop i do have it linked in the description box down below for you if you want to check it out but i have to say purple is my favorite color and i think that this is probably my favorite kit for april so i'm going to go ahead and click the little pane here the little window pane and click open in a new window and please forgive me i am all stuffed up my allergies right now are like out of control so i feel like i'm just constantly like mouth breathing so i hope that it's not coming across that way as i'm filming but i am kind of congested and just like foggy headed at the moment uh so i got away from taking my allergy pill every night i used to take it every single night before bed and then i don't know i think during the move or something when things got like really crazy i sort of just fell out of the habit of it and i need to get back to it because now a lot of stuff is like blooming and everything in our area and so my allergies have been a little out of control but i'm gonna scooch that over there and the first thing i'm gonna do is put in my washi i think so i know that april starts on thursday and then let me look here on the last day of april let me see it is a friday so i did get some questions too about the monthly view because i know there are some months where you are going to have um almost need like a sixth row of boxes the reason why i chose to not do a sixth row of boxes is because the rows like the boxes themselves would have been so so tiny i think may is one of those months where you need like an extra square in the monthly view and i have a workaround for that so during my may monthly plan with me definitely stay tuned for that video because i'll show that little hack and stuff like that as far as the washi we're gonna use i think i'm gonna definitely go with this like chevron one with the purple like lavender flowers i think that is just super pretty make sure images is clicked on and we'll copy and paste that over here and here's a little trick to um with the digital stickers so for good notes for some reason when you copy and paste it in with the lasso it's kind of crooked i don't know if you guys can tell that's sort of out of slant so to fix that you want to do the little photo tool right up there and you just tap on it and it'll straighten it out for you plus i find the photo tool a little bit easier to use for like resizing purposes because you can also crop it so the first is on a thursday so i'm just going to kind of zoom in here get this to the width i want and then we'll crop it down so i think that looks good and then what i'll do is i'll kind of take a look at where i need to crop it so it looks like where that flower is right where the leaves are is where i need to crop it so i'm going to click crop and then we'll scooch this on over sometimes it takes a little trial and error but hopefully i got it we will see yep see it's a little bit short so what i'll do sometimes is i'll just take this tool and kind of stretch it because it doesn't look super funky sometimes it does i think it depends on the design but sometimes it looks just fine so there we go see if i can scooch that over a little bit more needs just a touch more just a little smidgen poo oh i think that actually looks really good so there we go now the washi's in there and then we need some washi down here as well so now that this is the proper like height and everything that i want so i'll just copy that same piece of washi and then paste it down here and i will just kind of put that where i want it and again look at where i want to crop it so i'm going to take the photo tool tap on it click crop and then we'll scooch it over a little bit and i want to do there so i'm going to tap and crop again sometimes it helps i think to do that in like little stages and then there we go i think that's good well here we'll do a little a little bit more okay perfect all right so now my washi is in so the next thing i'm going to do is my date dots for that portion of the video i think i am going to speed it up just because it's a little bit of like a longer process but i wanted to show you a trick before i actually do that so i'm going to copy and paste all these date dots over i only need 30 because there's 30 days in april and so i've got them all copied over so my tip for date dots is to size them all at one time so we'll focus on the 28 right there and i like to start kind of small and then gradually build up so watch the 28 so i'll kind of stretch it a little and it looks blurry right now i know for some reason it does that when you first bring them over but once i tap off of it you'll see that it's nice and clear so i think that's going to be good it's kind of hard to tell sometimes when it's a little bit blurry but yeah i think that's good that's a good size so that's my little tip is just to size one but have them all lassoed at the same time and then that way they'll all be the same size and then you can kind of drag and drop them where you need them so i'm going to go ahead and speed up the video at this point and then i'll come back and you know we'll complete the rest of the monthly spread [Music] i still recall the first time i saw you i was so nervous to talk happened so fast went from so lonely to falling asleep in your arms used to be afraid of all the love [Applause] my past relationship was a disaster but now i don't care [Music] show me how to heal and now i don't feel broken anymore [Music] still got your smell wrapped in my bedsheets don't wanna wash it away i know sometimes i get too caught up in all of the wrong things but you're always there to guide me i used to be afraid to fall in love a past relationship was a disaster but now i don't care [Music] show me how to heal and now i don't feel broken anymore [Music] okay so now we've got all of our date dots in so we can start putting in our little events and things like that i also really like to put the weekend banner up here so this is a monday start planner i also do offer sunday start planners but i really like putting the like banner above here and i think i'm gonna put i think i'm gonna put maybe the gray yeah i'm gonna put the gray banner up here we'll do a little decorating i just kind of like to center that that k i think that looks good so put a little weekend banner up there and then as far as what we have going on this month so here's another little trick um i know that maddie had no school in march i personally love using the text tool but you don't need to redo your text every single like time you plan out the new month this is the beauty by the way of digital planning is that you can easily copy and paste things so trying to see let's see so here's no school so i think let's see i'm gonna try to just take a little bit of that yeah there we go and so we can copy that and then we can go back to april because that's the font and the size that i want and everything so this is kind of perfect and then you can easily just copy and paste from another month which is so nice so i'm gonna put no school up here and then i'm also gonna put in my payday so again i can go back to march and i've got my paydays right here so i'm going to take my lasso and we'll copy and paste that and you can also just hold down your pencil and click open link instead of turning the pen tool on and off i always forget about that but so as far as paydays are concerned i get paid on the ninth with my full-time job i think i am gonna make that a smidgen smaller too so i'll just copy and paste that one cause i think yeah and then i get paid on the 23rd and then for etsy i get paid every tuesday so i'll put that in i like to just kind of track my paydays throughout the month so i kind of know what's going on i do this in my budget planner as well but i like doing this in my life planner too and then i also get paid usually if youtube is on like the 21st so we'll put that in as well so there's all the paydays and then maddie does have a half day every wednesday so i'm gonna put that in and again i can take my lasso and we'll just copy that and paste that and then we'll go to wednesday and again i'll make that a little bit smaller and then we can just copy and paste the smaller one i think i'm going to move that down for a minute and put half day there and then we'll pull that back up there and then we'll do half day down here okay so now that is all in and then i'm going to go back to my march monthly view because i kind of just like to see you know what i did this last month and stuff like what i did to celebrate so i always like to put monthly to-do's and you know birthdays and anniversaries off in the sidebar and yeah so i think i'm going to continue to do that this month so we'll do that we'll go to our headers page which is on sheet 4 and we'll do to do it's that dark green color that's picked up in the leaves of the flowers and we'll take our photo tool and just kind of stretch that out and then i want to grab my celebrate header which is right here so we'll copy and paste that as well and we'll stretch that out and get that to kind of match the size as best we can i think that looks pretty good so then i'll just take my lasso and kind of pull this down a little okay as far as to do's are concerned for the month of april i'm going to be focusing on my june kits i'll make sure it's a ball pen and then i like the 0.7 yeah oops so june kits we need to do our financial advisor meeting we need to oh and that's the other thing yeah hmm what did i have on my to-do list for march that i didn't get to we did taxes i did my meal planner oh my phone planner scripts bundle yeah so we'll put phone planner and scripts here i go needing to sneeze again so hopefully i can get this done this month we'll see phone planner and scripps bundle and if there's anything else specific that you guys want to see in the shop definitely either message me on etsy or comment below and let me know because i'm always looking for some ideas of what you guys are looking for and everything so definitely let me know okay as far as birthdays and everything are concerned on the 13th is my mom's birthday and then we've got my niece lila her birthday's on the 19th and my stepdad's birthday is on the 26th and my aunt nancy's birthday is on the 28th and i need to be so much better about like sending birthday cards and stuff i feel like i'm just constantly behind the ball on that so that is something i want to work on um and then i'm gonna find i think some balloons or something to put over here i think that would be cute i'm sorry if i'm out of frame a little bit but i'm gonna put these little balloons over here let's kind of do that i think that's cute okay so that's our sidebar area and then i usually like to also put you know some like little decoration or something so i've got a couple springtime stickers i've got this little butterfly i think that'll be cute in here so i'm going to put a little butterfly right there i might move it later but put a little decoration okay and then we get into the actual monthly plans and everything so i've got a list of everything going on so i did no school and then i put in all the birthdays and then julia has an appointment on the 15th i believe and i don't remember i think her appointment let me look at andrew's text because he sent me a text letting me know oh in my pickup order is ready at target um [Music] 3 30 3 30 is her appointment so and that's for her dermatologist okay so i think i'm gonna go ahead first and we'll put easter in and i think for that i'm actually going to grab i had done a um he has risen little clip art over here and i really love the look of that i want to do more stickers like that with text and stuff in them i got some experience with that with my meal planner stickers and they were so much fun to create so um and you know what i can do actually is this is what i'm going to do so i'm going to still copy and paste that over but then i'm going to replace the let's see because i can move yeah i'll yeah there we go okay and then i can move this and we'll grab the wreath that matches the rest of the kit and i'll kind of put that here maybe move it up a little and then i'll take my lasso and we'll move that up i think that's so cute yay i love the look of that it's so cute okay so we've got easter and then we have my friend kelsey's baby shower she is having a little boy and a little girl she's having twins which is super exciting so i am very excited for her baby shower um okay so how do we want to mark that i want to do something fun for it so i think i'm going to grab maybe this light pink one this little square [Music] we'll put that there and then i've got these little icons i think i have some balloons yep so grab some balloons and i'll put that like maybe towards the top there and then i think i've got hmm what do i want to use [Music] oh you know what this would be kind of cute let's see see if i can like layer this on top and then maybe we can just kind of put this maybe make it a little smaller and put it in the corner yeah i think that's okay um and then i'll do here's what we'll do we'll put one o'clock to three o'clock p.m we'll put that at the top and then we'll put kelsey's i'm gonna do baby's shower plural let me move that up a little bit oops i need to click off images for the lasso otherwise it picks up everything so if you wanted to just pick up your handwriting like that then you want to make sure that images is clicked off for the lasso tool so i think that looks pretty cute i'm happy with that so we got her shower in and then we have julia's appointment so for that i think i'm going to go ahead and grab a appointment label that's going to be on the 15th hopefully you guys can see everything sorry in advance if i've been like out of frame or anything like that hopefully i haven't but i think i'm gonna use this light pink one again or do i want to do green i think i'll do the light pink and we'll paste that down and again i'm going to grab my photo tool i just prefer you can always resize with the lasso i just personally prefer the photo tool because you can also like stretch it using these little arrows here and stuff so that's just a preference but you don't have to do that okay and then i think i'm gonna grab a little stethoscope or something and we'll put that up here and i'll do let's see three oh that looks really thick for some reason you guys pushing too hard three 30 p.m let me put julius appointment i'm going to just need to take part of that day off i think i'm going to redo this part okay julia's appointment so that is there do i like the stethoscope there i don't think i do i think i'm just gonna take that off and then again we'll make sure images is checked off and i'm going to move this up and try to center it right there okay so now we've got julia's appointment and then i've got new releases for planning to prosper on friday the second so that's coming up later this week very exciting i'm going to be sharing all of my june kits so to share that i think i'm going to do something a little different and i'm going to grab a like post-it note i think i'm going to do this lighter pink one again and we'll copy that and then i'll make sure images is on over here and so i'll just do this or do i want it to be like straight maybe yeah let's see okay and then i'm going to grab a thumbtack from over here there's the thumbtack sometimes when i want to zoom in it can be really challenging to fit everything in the frame but i'm going to just like kind of slant that over there and then i'm going to put planning oh actually i'm just gonna do new releases and i'll do june june kids i'm gonna move it up just to smidge in that looks good okay so new releases june kits and is that everything that i have going on i think one thing i would like to start doing i'm gonna um grab and i'll show you guys kind of what i mean so i'm gonna grab a polaroid i wanna show you guys how this works so oh you know what i'm going to do okay i'm going to temporarily move this little butterfly and i'm going to grab this green polaroid and we'll put it here and we'll just kind of center that a little bit to size it where we want and then i'm going to grab a photo and let me see which photo i'm looking for it's is it this one yeah that one's pretty cute so it's um this one i think let's start staring at it is it this one no i think i just tapped on that one this one yeah i think i want to put like a favorite memory for the month or something like that in here so this is how you can kind of size the picture how you want so i'm probably gonna just do that and then i'm gonna crop it a little bit actually you know would be easier i think it'd be easier to layer the polaroid on top so so we're gonna cut that and then i'm going to kind of blow that up a little bit and then we'll try pasting that on top how do i want to do this let's see i want to get like a cute picture of jewels doing kites and stuff but it's kind of a weird picture because it's really long which i could you know what i could do is i could like just make this bigger that works so we'll kind of get it where we need it to be it might look a little funky we'll see when i zoom out or it might be cute i don't know i think that's pretty cute i mean it doesn't look like a polaroid but i could also xna on the polaroid and just put the picture there i just want like a way to put like a favorite memory or something there you know i think that would be fun let's add more pictures to my spreads that's kind of what i'm wanting to do so i'm gonna put the little butterfly down here and we'll just yeah we'll just add this picture down here and it's just so cute i love this picture because she's just like sitting on the grass and it was such a beautiful day we were flying kites it was yesterday i'm filming this monday morning and it was just so fun so i'll i'll find like a little picture for the month like probably an easter picture or something i might try to use the polaroid again just because i think it's really fun but this is just kind of a weird photo to put in the polaroid because it's again it's just so like tall you know i'm trying to get the kite in there and then julia's all the way down there so we'll see but i think that's cute for now so i think that's pretty much everything for this monthly plan with me so i hope that you guys enjoyed it i hope that you found it helpful if you're you know learning how to digital plan and everything like that um just play around with it as much as you can is my best advice just practice practice practice and it'll you'll it'll become easier in time and i know a lot of people can get nervous about it like if you're uncomfortable with technology and things like that i do not consider myself to be tech savvy at all but i like i said i just watched a ton of youtube videos and you know practiced a ton and now like i'm still learning and learning like different tricks and things like that um but it's fun like i enjoy that process of just like experimenting and trying new things because i don't have to worry about like i feel like you can't really do that as much like on paper with stickers because eventually the stickers lose their stickiness and you know you just um you can experiment but then like once you use that page if that makes sense like then it's done whereas like with digital planning you have like more of that flexibility and freedom to really experiment and figure out you know how you want your spread to look and everything it's just really fun so but that's everything we have going on for april so it's definitely going to be a busy month i'm pretty nervous about julia's appointment she was supposed to go this past last month and then they pushed it out again i don't know what it is about the like dermatologist but they are just like they're constantly rescheduling and stuff and it kind of drives me crazy but um they said that for sure the 15 should work so let's cross our fingers because i'd like to just like get that over with so she's um my my baby girl she's a year and a half now which is crazy she's full she's gonna be a year and a half on april 7th but which is uh anyways um they grow up way too quick so she's got a port wine stain birthmark all along her left leg her left foot and her left butt cheek and so they're gonna do some laser therapy on it to lighten it up and stuff and we weren't worried so much about like the look of it but the dermatologist was telling us that that type of birthmark and where it's at and everything like that it can cause her some discomfort in the future and they really recommended doing it when she's so young because as you can imagine as she gets bigger the birthmark's gonna get bigger because it just stretches out it doesn't stay little it's gonna stretch out with her skin and stuff like that so right now is the ideal time for it but i'm just really nervous about it i have peace in mind now that we are making the right decision with it but i just don't want her to be in any sort of pain or discomfort and so that's just it's just hard but um but i think she'll she'll be happy we did it in the future and you know she if it helps her not have to deal with like they said it can get really scaly and itchy and like it can thicken and just be really uncomfortable so she doesn't have to deal with that later then i think it'll be worth it but yeah so we have some exciting things coming up though i'm really excited for easter it's one of my favorite holidays um i love easter service i'm excited to go and you know spend the weekend with family and everything like that and then um yeah kelsey's baby shower i got her her gift which i'm really excited about i always like to do like themed type of gifts so pretty excited about that and then yeah we've got lots of birthdays coming up this month as well so lots and lots going on you guys but anyways i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up be sure to subscribe to catch all my future videos i hope that you guys are having a wonderful week and i will chat with you all later [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 1,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad planner, digital planner, digital planning, digital plan with me, digital stickers, life planner, plan with me, goodnotes, apple pencil, iPad, planning to prosper, weekly planning, monthly plan with me, april plan with me, easter plan with me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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