DIGGING STRAIGHT DOWN... | Minecraft - Part 3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to Minecraft we're still beating the crap out of grass and by doing that we assert our dominance over this land there's no reason to keep you alive there is only death I'm very slow oh there sure are a lot of ma'am animals around here and a lot of danimals around here whoa how far down does that go do I want to go down there there any reason to go down there I should build some ladders whoa look at the mountain anyway I'm gonna kill these pigs can't really run after him well can I eat run flesh what does it do for me it's something man that probably wasn't a good idea what did I get I don't know what that symbol means give me your wool give me your wool is that a beehive I'm not gonna be able to get bu you die I'm going to die I've been poisoned by a bee oh okay all right everyone calm or and finally decided to calm down all right I got bamboo I'm gonna take the bamboo back because I'm gonna plant the bamboo because for some reason I know I need bamboo I don't remember exactly why I need vampa but I know that bamboo is required why is bamboo required spam before you will die pig okay she's doing doing doing doing okay maybe I should put the bamboo this one no I don't have any dirt why don't I have it a dirt you think that I would have dirt delicious pork YUM okay so what I need to do next is [Music] is build supplies so I can go on an adventure yes that's it but an adventure perfect I'm gonna need food I'm gonna need armoire I'm gonna need good tools and I'm gonna need them now so I'm gonna do that I need another iron pickaxe because this one's about to Brooke I need to put this away I need to put that away I need to keep these and I need to make more torches yes it's all coming together now I made too many torches all right so I've got my chops and I'm ready for a venture Pig dad big yeah but probably shouldn't laugh at that Karma's gonna come get me I'm gonna go over to those mountains because I'm pretty sure that a mountain would be a better opportunity for me than trying to dig in the ground to try to get resources all I gotta do is find the resources that are exposed already above ground and then I you died fast you - slow not nerman dead quick [Applause] yeah eventually I'll farm eventually you know eggs prime just good nutritional value but uh you'd be hard-pressed to see me do that ooh that's a nice mountain oh I need ladders [Music] all right hey I know I shouldn't be that excited about iron but pretty excited about iron hey and this adventure is really paying off dividends oh hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah what do we got over here hello whoo hey how you doing No thank you no thank you no I don't want any no can't see yet unbelievable douche is there someone about to stab me there better not be something about to stab me I swear if there's someone that step yeah yeah yeah there's no one I really need coal but I kind of want cool kiz' kind of nice hey no no no I know I'm out and Brawl gonna be out at night but I'm prepared for it I think Oh am I supposed to wait until my charge kind of like builds up so spamming is not the right way interesting I'm learning more every day I'm learning I am so smart what are those berry bushes yum yum yum please yes thank you oh ouch all right so what's up in the mountain what kind of what kind of what-have-you is in the mountain oh that's pretty oh that's pretty oh that's so pretty oh my god it's pretty where's this ax pretty all eclipse Oh trust that all that done seemed good that don't seem good none at all it's gonna be like exposed or somewhere ow what do we got here hope Wow hello hello hello nothing there's nothing over here it's just a bunch of dirt I mean what honestly could be exposed up I guess I guess that is the question what do i what am I expecting to find I'm just kind of wanting to go on an adventure I don't really have any plans oh oh it's supremely more effective to wait I'm just an idiot I've been doing it so wrong this whole time why have you guys allowed me to do it so it's not above-ground lava hell yeah no no no archers please thank you know our church no no no no sweet berries I might kill these cows I might need their leather they give leather right thanks for the beef womp-womp-womp boom out Wham oh it's waiting is the best I am so stupid you really want them but he really want me oh wow whoa honey whoa hell oh stop it oh you tiny bastard oh no no no no not like this not like this fall into chasm fall into chasm and die little kill me I need to eat some berries excuse me oh gosh shove him in my gob Oh shove them in my gob I didn't mean to plan the Oh the tiny one you a-hole no stop please no not like this I don't want it please no why is this burning over here oh oh [Music] [Applause] fine ride ride me so stupid stupid I'm dominum stupid stupidness what's with the tiny zombies horrible the little bastards alright I need to take a logical approach to this it's my own hubris that is causing my own demise I'm going out with the complete expectation that I am immune and incapable of encountering any danger even though I don't even have any armor my own hubris is the end of me I need to think about it logically and I need to approach the situations reasonably and I need to come at them without need to come out then with a level head so that when I get in danger it won't actually be bad and I'm gonna bother I'm hurrying back to my body so that I can get the materials that I have lost and I will definitely get there in time I will not have to worry ended the landmark is easy because it's by the lava perfect easy done victory is mine that's what a level that will get you a jump I see it I see my experience on the ground as well this is perfect this will end well for me yes actually holy crap it's all here it kind of drifted in in the current a bit but it's all here technically speaking not always lost not all that wander is lost no yes yes yes please thank you this is great this is fantastic this is amazing do I have everything no there's something that drifted down here okay this is good this may not seem good but it's good this was a life lesson I lost a lot of experience but hey I gained a lot of hutzpah and that's what really matters in the end Wow please I'm out of let's find Intuit blue let me know oh god there's so many arts there's so many archers there's so many archers why are there so many archers oh my god I didn't get my sward on me or okay get it on the bar quickly ah Go Go that's a flower how did I get a flower on my bar okay level head even keel I'm out of the woods basically the sun's gonna come up and it's gonna burn away all the evil there it is beautiful that is pretty I gotta admit that that's real pretty right there crisis averted okay I'm gonna get back to base now thank you very much thank you thank you all so much this is too perfect what what what didn't the fresh hell was that nothing apparently a whole lot of nothing oh my mistake I assumed the horrible noise of death was something but it turns out actually nothing turns out just nothing you know my egg on my face I'm just gonna ignore that do I just boy sit pretend like I didn't hear that do I just pretend like that never happened did we just pretend we all right we just pretend everybody collectively you've forgotten now that whatever the hell that was happened you know I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go okay all right I'm back in my base and to build my farm sounds like the most ideal farm layout ever in the history of any thing but at worst I've got a bunch of iron to melt I have eggs that I could cook I need to make some more for nooses yes please thank you and then plop that bad boy there BAM got it Robbie's I don't know what this amazing table is for must be something about maybe like upgrading things but I don't know how to upgrade things yet so that's really entirely useless to me much like most things in this world are just completely useless to me oh I'm gonna have to lug all this water over bah all right fine okay steal from I can yes yes unlimited water that it makes no sense but I love it I love just minecraft logic yeah all right now these bad boys will stay tilled alright properly irrigated I can properly plant lob I do label it deal add a douche perfect I don't have nearly enough for any of that and the sun's going this day the day doesn't if they they don't last too long they they don't last is the thing they really don't last alright do I at least have iron do I leave that beef can I do I have a beef can I get beef can beef please beef me I can make leather pants yes that was probably the least efficient thing that I could have made no I feel like early wasted that yeah I could have made the tunic oh that would have been but I can make even better I can make iron I can make iron chestplate oh that's even better oh these bastards oh these bastards they thought they could get me no no no no no I have brown bats no little notice when I shook them out of there okay so this is actually turning out quite well for me I'm very proud of myself because I am amazing I can also plant my sugar cane I don't think there's anything special that you need for sugar cane I think it just grows no it don't doesn't need like onion tilled oh yeah untilled that's right that's right that's right that's really okay perfect perfect what the hell do you think you are what the hell do you think you are I'll have you know I graduated top of my class god I need like a fence above here people are just gonna be dropping in out of nowhere I did not think through having my base in the pit in the hole in the ground of course me markiplier saw a hole in the ground was like yeah perfect it's ultimate defense no one will be able to come find me oh crap they found me no no yeah yeah that's what I thought they didn't make him tougher they just made me dumber alright No thank you for dying alright perfect I'll build a fence later god I could have made it like on a mountaintop you know anything better than a hole in the ground but no I mean markiplier decided that I must make my face a hole in the ground oh god I'm tremendously stupid also I think is there like a monster in here [Applause] what's going on hello I've actually got armor this time so I think I'm actually gonna oh crap alright you know what I don't even know why I shouldn't be concerned with the mumbling my is that mature yes he was I don't know if it was completely mature dammit I wasn't ready it was one week please they call me one wheat mark oh hello how are you mind if I murder you I'm going to murder you okay no you cannot you cannot you cannot last oh are you scary oh you [Music] where did you go yeah it's fine yeah that's but that's totally fine sure sure yeah yeah yeah you know what whoa I see you I see you you think you can mess with the likes of me you dead you dead I've got your pearl you got your pearl you bastard god I forgot this game was a horror game it's not a nice Pleasant game of exploration and riches nuts it's just straight horror the whole time I'm gonna make some iron pants because I got a funny feeling I'm gonna need an upgrade here yeesh forget this leather out of here put that away all right I got my battle pants on I got my beef in my hand I'm ready now this time I'm gonna go out on an adventure and I'm gonna kick some serious butt tuchus and this time I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna go to escalator land all right I'll be back once I make some headway and I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a venture maybe I'll find a town or something maybe I'll find something nice what what what oh is this an arrow is this an arrow pointing down wait is this like a treasure why else would there be a giant floating block in the sky dirt what maybe I shouldn't drink straight down the farther down I get the more I realize I might be an idiot I think I'm an idiot I think it's really dumb to think that a floating thing in the sky was an arrow and not just like some generated bug like an artifact it wasn't really a thing it was a bug I'm beginning to realize I'm an idiot a hey redstone that's cool hey my first redstone that's great it was a treasure map after all how do I make a ladder ah hell yeah get me out of here oh I'm freakin genius god I'm smart get me out of here I hope this is enough to get out here cuz I'm so smart god I'm a genius of epic proportions except I might run out of might be a little short on the genja shovels no I'm good now this is enough it's gonna make it night I'll make it it'll make it it'll make it I got just enough just enough yeah I got plenty plenty just enough God come on kids find the gold it's totally worth the bay because watch this John use time alright never mind god dammit John you stuck all right John you escape route activate super smart damn it oh crap I didn't just come to get the genius table like at the bottom here's Dorcas door oh ok spray it's bright so bright Junius time incoming Johnny's back at the judge's table building another journeys pickaxe Jenny's incoming youngest I'm so humble and humble mmm humble - did you know I should shut up Lexie and just any time I do something like that just cut me off and replayed replace me with text-to-speech to say how humble I am please woo no I didn't kill your brother cuz you're all one interconnected being oh god it's night and raining alright it was a very dumb idea I get it I get that now I'm gonna get back home okay I get it I get it I'm an idiot well why why why why does it do that why does it do that why does it think that's okay to do that's not okay to do an or games it's not okay to do it in Minecraft which is a game meant for babies which I am NOT one I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man okay I'm back home thank God it's so bright and vivid with all of these porches also I collected some extra wood on the way back because because because I'm about to show you just how smart I am I'm about to show you the absolute pinnacle of genius because because because in let me let me let me talk to you about this because because because because because my goal very important because hold on all right I'm about to show you just how smart I is all right now you may look at me and you may see a man who is both handsome and awesome in every way however what you are also going to see is a man who pushes the limits of human capacity some may say it's a bad idea to dig straight down but what if and I tell you this what if what if when you dig straight down God take this stuff down take these what if what if cuz I know I know the threat of digging straight down is what if you hit lava but if you don't have anything on you worth keeping and you dig straight down what do you have to lose all you have to do is gain all you get is gained you just get gains there is no loss all right hello Oh over louvered over see are you seeing my genius my genius knows no limits oh my god I'm so smart oh it's cute whoa whoa oh yeah you know I'm not gonna dig anything just yet just in case I fall in I oh no no I don't have anything to fight you you're fine just don't fight me you wouldn't want to anyway who this oh oh oh this is what I was talking about oh this is in fact what I was talking about oh yeah why oh god geez I don't have on my armor ah that got really close you know if I didn't know any better I thought that was kind of trying to hit me oh I'm being flown into the lava why don't you just go jump in a lava pit douche yeah that's right loser see I'm a genius so you guys thought that you were messing with the average intelligence person turns out there's out far beyond far far beyond okay so now what's gonna happen is you guys are about to see me get my first diamond that's what's about to happen just so you know I'm not gonna what is andesite andesite I have no idea what Anderson is redstone baby good exp anything god damn it is nothing there's no point god damn it all right this may have been bupkis but hey you know it's it's pretty cool down here though right oh my goodness oh you're still here oh god no no not like this oh please no not like this I don't actually have any food on me oh please no not like this do not not one more not one more hit oh that was too close okay alright you know I learned my lesson I don't want to be here are you okay we're fine okay where did I fall down where's my hole whereas the hole that was meant for me how far did I explore a near where did I go oh I know where I went okay good all right I'm gonna keep going don't continue the genius hole did I bring I did not bring the ladders with I didn't bring them I didn't bring the ladders with I didn't bring the ladders with me I gotta fill this bad boy up oh well now I know now I know that holes safe to dig straight down in now I know see that's what I really wanted to discover is to know if it was safe and now I know I feel so stupid huh so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to check out the new cloak minecraft collection it's available at cloak brand calm link is in the description cloak brand calm sea loa KBRA and e.com go check it out there's an amazing new set of items just there for you for the release of minecraft dungeon which I will be playing eventually thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,107,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft markiplier, minecraft part 3, digging straight down, minecraft digging straight down, minecraft gameplay, minecraft lets play, minecraft markiplier gameplay, markiplier minecraft, minecart, mining, crafting, mine, craft, lets play minecraft, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gaming, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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