Different kind of Drill Rig Problems

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all right you guys got me a nice little challenge today as you can tell that is a broken this arm i guess it's not parallel with that flange and it goes to one of these drill rigs out here don't exactly know what this part is called but i call it broken and so uh they've done their best to try to keep it going which is fine they've got uh they've welded it and welded it and welded it keep adding and netting came issue so now i just got to erase all that stuff so hang tight let's see it fixed [Music] all right so this is looking good so far got and then just fill the underneath of this plate with the weld so it'll it'll create a new plate to say and it'll be 100 weld penetration but i needed to create some clearance so that this could squeeze back together so now i've got to flip this thing over and do the other side all right this is going to be a little tricky because i got to get in there it's really tight access area should be okay though once i get it out then i'll see the separation line between this piece and that piece and hopefully be able to squeeze these two together maybe gotta get rid of all this other junk under here as well so it's a little bit of flipping and turning and uh we'll be in good shape uh [Music] so [Music] do [Music] ah all right sorry about the bad lighting but that's uh i was looking so far looks like i cut a lot out and i did that way there's enough room for it to squeeze back together and then you know if if there's any gap well then the benefit to that is that it'll just be 100 welded so that's good there but if you look here to the one side right there that gap right there is probably enough to straighten this this leg back out that way so that's what's giving us problems i'll have to flip it over guys this stuff off and clean that up a little bit better so it does have enough room to close back up and same in here probably hit it with a chisel and a hammer so that it has enough room to settle back in in position but other than that things are looking good [Music] what's the problem yeah so check it out a bit of a gap right because you can feel it right so that's working out so far so good this piece here is looking to be in line with this piece here so i think we're in good shape so one of the things we wanted to do is tack it in place and then test fit it on the machine so that to make sure because as this bolts up to something here it's got a specific link that it's got to meet up to which kind of doesn't make sense because uh you know if it opened up it was still fitting so i don't know how to see but it's looking really good that left enough room there for flex i cut away enough over here work the flex right in here that's the gap but that's all right it's all fillable so looking really good now we're gonna try and put a little weld in there and see if i can close it up and hold it in position all right looking good [Music] [Music] okay i feel kind of dumb i did all that switching and turning for nothing i don't know what i was doing i was just looking at it over and over i was hoping that this would hold it in position but it doesn't so i got to put this there's a chain come along back on so sorry to waste your time and start to waste my time that was dumb either way all right gotta keep trucking [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay didn't realize i was filming in live lifetime all right so that's got a huge gap that's right you can step across it you can feel it right and so uh here put a little tack in there kind of hold it in position customer wants to try it on the machine make sure it's nice and square because the bar that goes from here to the other end is uh fixed so we'll give that a shot he wants to put a few bolts in and take a measurement because the measurement comes out good well then we're good so i think we're doing well so after this it's just a matter of welding it up i'll probably lay it down so that i could build up the weld on the one side and stretch or build up to where it's almost like a stalagmite it might make it to the top and run some passes on there until it reaches there fills it in so from that point it'll be 100 weld so it should be strong enough and the challenging parts are in there actually but you know if i can see it i can weld it so then this guy blows this guy up a little bit so things are looking good it shouldn't take too long customers saying this is a really expensive piece so i'm glad i'm able to help them out anyway we're going to take it apart and go test fit it here we go we just uh tried it on the machine because everything's just good now it's my turn to try to make it look pretty i don't like that gap but got a little too carried away that happens i guess but at least it was able to get back in to position properly and now i'll try and weld all that up we'll be in good shape here we go [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry about all the long distance viewing so far so good and then being in the shade doesn't help any either i know i'm sorry about that but uh oh well anyway so here we are i gotta flip it over then i'll start welding on the inside part of the ring or this plate here and we should be good to go okay looking in here quite a bit of a gap i mean that is like three-eighths of a gap pretty big so i had to cut that clearance so that it would squeeze back together of course i cut too much and it turns out that this piece here was torn above the well and then when i gauged it i was able to access the bottom uh where this piece and this piece joined and what ended up happening is that piece just melted out so that left me with a big gap but that's actually okay in this sense because now i can actually fill it all up with one solid weld and it should be you know hopefully a little stronger so now a good thing i have the wire so i can just fill this up here all that area and do this side first and then do the inside of this string all right [Music] [Music] all right so i got the outside part of it welded up that's the prettiest better to work so i need a cleanup that's better okay so that's all that's left it's this uh partial of the part of the radius or perimeter here's where there was a gap so i'm going to focus on there first i got to get it to this outside thickness of this plate and i'll throw a real nice pass in there hopefully that'll be done all right [Music] [Music] okay about as good as it's gonna get build that up and man you really can't see how well that turned out but it worked out all right it's got plenty of welds this just got a bit of a recess in here because this is three-inch plate and so i filled it up pretty good okay i had to fill it up pretty good because this was torn a little high i just made sure to cover all of that and so i think it's looking good but as good as uh i can do it for what it is so now i got to put up my my junk let's see if we can ruin it up here too there you go it's all right all right all right so that should do it thanks for uh watching and i hope you guys are able to see so if not i'll make some changes for the next you
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 97,379
Rating: 4.979763 out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: zCR7lKftcVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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