Difference Blending Mode in Photoshop | Explained with Uses and Examples

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let's talk about one of them was not so talked about blends notes in Photoshop and that is a difference and you'll be blown away to see how useful that is whether you are retouching or compositing and today we can study exactly how it works and what are its fantastic application so without any further ado let's get started so here we are first happened before we dive deep into difference it's essential that we understand this now here's the thing every color that you see on your screen is composed of red green and blue you knew that right it's composed it can be broken down into values of red green and blue the minimum value of each of those is zero and the maximum value is 255 so you choose any color open up this color picker and you choose any color you will see different values of r g and b red green and blue okay so any color you select every color has a unique value and proportion of our G be yeah let's go ahead and understand difference now what does difference do it actually shows you the difference and this is literally what it does it actually shows you the difference if I go ahead and create a new layer okay and then let's make a rectangular selection and fill it up with completely red color so let's go ahead into the color picker and let's choose a completely red color so this is completely red value of Rs 255 green zero blue is zero okay click OK and let's fill it so we would fill it out backspace now create another layer with the selection still intact selection is still intact now we will choose green so completely green just like that green should be 255 value of R should be 0 blue should be 0 we in 255 just a maximum value for each of those chambers click OK now fill it up with green alt backspace controller command D now we have read and we have Queen now if you change the blend mode of green to say difference look what happens we change it to difference it be comes yellow now here's what's interesting if you change this back to normal put red above it and then change the blend mode to difference it's again yellow now here's what's happening okay if you create a merged layer which means whatever you see right now if you merge all of those and create a new layer by pressing ctrl or shift R and E if you're using a Mac it would be command option shift and E it creates this new layer which is merged with yellow thing that we just saw now if we open up the color picker again now here's the magic here's the fun part if we open up the color picker again and see pick and sample this color look at the values of RGB our is 255 green is 255 B is 0 are you catching what's happening here so the value of red was 255 with 0 0 value and Green was 0 255 0 what is the difference between 0 and 255 255 right so are 255 what's the difference between 0 and 255 in this chamber 255 again what is the price what's the difference between 0 and 0 0 and that's what's happening whether you pick any color any random color all it does is that it chooses the difference values in each of these chambers okay and since a layer can be above or below the color doesn't matter the values will never go in - the values will never go negative if you're subtracting 25 minus a hundred it won't take it that way it will always reverse at 100 minus 25 okay you have the idea now okay now much about math now let's talk about its applications now what can be its applications let's imagine it for a second ok so if you had say let's go ahead and if you had two layers in red okay let's read the green layer now we have two layers of the same color let's go ahead and change the blend mode of both of them to normal normal okay both of them very different now if you change the blend mode of the upper layer to difference watch what happens if you change it to different it comes back why is it becoming black the value of red is to 5500 we subtracted 255 0 0 so we have 0 0 0 and what is triple 0 black right now here's what's interesting if I move it have a look now if I move it I will clearly be able to see that this is not aligned and we can take advantage of this thing so if you are a photographer creating HDR manually here's how this can be useful in this document as you can see I have two photos of the same place and one is a little underexposed and one is a little overexposed I wanted to combine them to have a higher dynamic range so as you can see in this photo this area is a little blown up now you would say doing this is very easy just rub out of this area from this one so that the area of this layer will show up but before that we need to align it properly now you know we can always go decrease the opacity and then align it just like that you can move it and align it but that's the old-fashioned way instead how about let the opacity be at 100 change the blend mode to difference now easily you can go ahead and just match it very simply just like that now there is a way to automatically align layers but in case that doesn't work or you want to manually do it this is the way but in composites when you're compositing or photo manipulation or even retouching there isn't a way that you can automatically align and that time difference can be your best friend as you can see in this example if we zoom in closely one eye is bigger than the other okay this one is bigger than this one and that might be the beauty of it and that is the beauty of it but if you're doing something for a magazine and you have some commercial projects going on you might want to equalize them here's what you can do okay so select this I select the lasso tool go ahead and select this eye and bring it on its own layer controller come on J now it's on only okay flip it controller come on T right click on it and slip horizontal and place it here now how would you exactly place it in the right place simple dip friends change the blend mode to difference see when it lines up stop it automatically I just lined it up there we go just line it up properly when it becomes the most black change the blend mode to normal there you go and you just have to make the edges a little smoother so create a mask and take a brush make sure the foreground color is black make it a little smaller and simply paint around the edges just like that and there you have it as simple as that done have a look at the before and after this before this is the after now I know this game looks strange why is this looking strange havelis have a look at the highlights catch lines of the eye now in this eye the cache light is coming from the right top okay but on the right eye if you look closely the cache light is coming from the left top making it a little strange so here's what you can do you can come back to this layer select the elliptical marquee tool and then make a selection of this okay present hold space bar to move the circle then there we go just like that a little more okay now control the commandery and put this above this and then just move it close this one there we go set it in there and simply create a mask and just soften it out if you want to just like that with black just a little bit the outside and there you have it have a look at the before and after so this the before this is the after now you can fine-tune it but you get the point similarly this can be very useful if you're compositing for things like suppose you are swapping a head and that time you need to make sure that the neck Alliance and some features of the face align to make it look more realistic in this example as you can see we're not swapping head but if you make a copy of the background layer and change the blend mode to difference guess what will happen okay it becomes black why because it's completely aligned when I try to break the alignment c'mon T and when I take it a little to the right just a pixel to the right see we see some edges here's where the alignment has broken if we take it back to its original position it becomes black why because the difference between the same colors are C well take it to the left we again see some strokes take it up or take it above we see some shows take it below we see some strokes now is this taking you an idea it gave me an idea to create something like this this is just a fifteen-minute work and if you put in more time this can be much much more better but the main fundamental here is is that I used those stroke information those edge information by moving it here and there and used it to create a pencil sketch the outline of the face and you can do that too very easily okay so you just have to move it you get the white and then create a merge layer and then just invert it you can create in multiple times moving it up moving it down and make the strokes much more thicker by the way if you want to dedicate it to turn along this let me know down in the comments below so the last application which I can think of from this blend mode is getting some horror effects okay so as you can see I've already created it it's simple I place just two images one above the other and change the blend mode to difference change the blend mode of one of the images to difference and this gives you this kind of an effect just aligned it just a little bit it was kind of this way I just aligned it and there you have it just a horror effect just move it a little up there we go and wrote some text or a film by whatever does that pretty much wraps up the difference blend modes what does it do just a quick reminder number one difference blend mode projects the difference between two colors the layer in which the difference Clinton Wood has been applied and all the layers which is below it number two you can use the difference blend mode for aligning stuff when anything is completely aligned see when two images are completely aligned what difference will project is complete blackness complete darkness why because the difference between two colors is 0 0 0 completely black RGB values remember now you can also use difference to give some kind of horror effects besides that you can use difference for HDR difference for compositing that pretty much covers the alignment stuff I hope this video helped and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss anything I'll see you guys next time till then make sure that you keep creating I would like to take this moment to thank all our supporters who are helping keep picks in perfect free for everybody forever if you want to support this channel check the link in the description below thanks a lot for watching guys you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 121,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blend mode photoshop, difference blending mode, photoshop align layers, hdr, horror effect photohshop, difference blend mode, piximperfect, photoshop tutorial, compositing, photo manipulation, retouching, photoshop tutorial for beginners, basics of photoshop
Id: tc-Zgv2AOMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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