2 Little-Known Filters to Remove White Edges (Fringing) from Cut-Outs in Photoshop

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[Music] hi welcome back to the photoshoptrainingchannel.com I'm mrs. Ramirez in this tutorial I'm going to show you two little-known filters to remove light edges or fringes from your cutouts in Photoshop fringing the white edges or halos around your selections can be very distracting and they could ruin a good composite in this video I'm going to show you two filters designed specifically to work with masks and selections they're quite powerful and you can use them to remove fringes from your cutouts the vast majority of Photoshop users aren't aware that these filters exist so I'm pretty sure that this video will show you new tools and techniques to enhance your Photoshop masking skills we will work with three examples and I will show you how you can apply these filters to different situations and the advantages of using these filters over other methods or similar tools okay let's get started we're going to work at this file and it contains a black background and that's just so that the white outline is easier to see in the tutorial and I'm going to start by making a selection in older versions of Photoshop you can just use a quick selection tool to click and drag and select your subject but in Photoshop CC you have the Select subject button which uses Adobe sensei Adobe's artificial intelligence and I can click on that and Photoshop will select the main subject of my photo and in this case it's obviously the hand and it does a really good job selecting it next I'm gonna go and click on the layer mask icon to create a layer mask and you will see that we have a really nice cutout but unfortunately there's a white edge this white halo that is called fringing and there's a lot of ways of removing it in Photoshop but not a lot of people know about two filters designed to work with mass in Photoshop I haven't seen many people use it so if you haven't seen this technique please let me know in the comments and if you like it click on that like button but anyway make sure that your layer mask is selected this white outline is known as to focus make sure that it's over the layer mask thumbnail then go into filter other and you'll see two that you probably have never used before maximum and minimum will start with maximum that brings up the maximum window and you have a preview of the mask here you can zoom out zoom in and obviously you can see what happens on the actual pampas because we have preview enabled you can click on that checkbox or you can press the P key and the keyboard to disable and enable the preview and what the maximum filter is doing is expanding the mask but it does it in a much better way than other tools in Photoshop I can click the radius lighter to the right in this case 15 pixels and that expands the mask 15 pixels but notice what good job Photoshop does here at the bottom and maintaining the shape of the mask see that see the creases of the hand they're still visible right on the mask which is great you also have two algorithms of how the expansion is applied let me increase it a little bit more and you'll be able to see it better currently the algorithm is set to squareness so that it's gonna give you a lot of straight edges in something organic like a hand a better option will be roundness and notice the difference understand now we have a more rounded mask in this case I don't really want to expand my mask instead I want to contract it so I'm gonna go into filter other minimum and the default is one pixel per serve is set to squareness but I'm gonna change it to roundness just because I think it'll give me a better result and notice that with the default setting of 1 we already lost the fringing and the great thing about this filter is that we're not forced to use whole numbers like we are with expand or contract under the Select menu we can actually use decimals which gives us more control and I can use the up and down arrow keys in the keyboard to adjust the value in the input box and fine-tune the contraction of my mask also something I didn't mention earlier if I make a extreme adjustment you'll be able to see how the mask is also affected here in the layers panel so you can see that we're in reality affecting the mask so I'm gonna just leave this at about one pixel and I think that will do a good job of removing the fringing off this hand once I press okay Photoshop will apply that adjustment to the layer mask one of the advantages of using minimum to remove fringing is that it works just like any other filter which means that you can apply it to a selection let me show you what I mean by that in this example I've already done a pretty good job at masking out this runner but I noticed that I missed a spot right here this area here so I can easily make a selection using the polygonal lasso tool and just target this area with that filter so I'm just gonna quickly select the area that I want to affect with the filter if I go into filter other minimum notice what happens I'm actually affecting the actual layer I didn't click on the layer mask thumbnail which is why I'm getting that effect there and I can increase the radius and you'll see how it affect the actual pixels so I really don't want to do that so I'm going to cancel so activate the mask by clicking on the layer mask thumbnail make sure that the white outline is over the thumbnail also I don't want the marching ants distracting me so I'm going to press ctrl H that's command H on the Mac to hide the extras you can also go in to view an extras if you want I prefer using the keyboard shortcut ctrl H command H on the Mac so the selection is still there and if I go into filter other minimum I can start adjusting the radius this is what it looks like with one pixel it's before and after and I can keep increasing the radius into that fringing goes away and will increase that to 3 to make sure that we remove all those pieces and press ok because of the selection that I made to target this area we're having an issue here but that's really easy to fix with the brush tool I can set white as my foreground color and I can just paint that area back in to fix that issue there as I said before not a lot of people are using these filters and I think they're very powerful I haven't seen many tutorials on YouTube sharing this technique so afternoon to you and you think that they will help you out click on that like button now in this example we have a soccer ball the right side of the soccer ball is in focus and the left hand side is out of focus so if we wanted to select the soccer ball I would have to create an elliptical marquee around the soccer ball and I'll do that really quickly I'm just gonna click and drag and try to match the shape of the soccer ball as best as possible and you can use the spacebar as you create a selection to move it around so that's what I'm doing I'm holding the spacebar clicking and dragging it to move it around and I'm gonna try to match it as best as I can and for this tutorial is not necessary to get a perfect selection so we'll just say that this is good enough with the selection active I can just click on the layer mask icon to create a layer mask the background is black that way the cutout is easy to see and with something like this where you have a sharp edge on one side in a blurry edge on the other you will need to blur the mask to make it look more realistic so you can use something like the blur tool and just blur the edge of the soccer ball and I'm really blurring the masks so I'm going to hold alt option on the Mac and click on the layer mask so that we can actually see it so when I click and drag you will see how that edge of the mask is getting blurrier and it's going to look much much better than the sharp edge we had before so once I blur that with the blur tool I'm gonna hold alt and click on the layer mask thumbnail once again to bring back the layer and you can see how that looks much better now before we move forward with the filters I want to show you one thing I'm gonna click on select the mask and I'm going to change the view to black and white so that we can see the mask then I'm going to shift the edge inwards as much as I can and I'm gonna zoom in to the edge notice how the edges become Jaggi on both sides if I shift the edge to positive 100 the same thing happens the edges are Jaggi on both sides of the ball as you can see there so I'm gonna cancel that and I'm gonna fit the image to screen then I'm gonna hold alt option on the Mac and click on the layer mask thumbnail so that I could see it I have my focus around the layer mask then I'm gonna go in to filter other minimum and I'm just gonna make that really really small something like that and I'm gonna press okay so now the selection is much smaller but if i zoom in you can see that the edges are still nice and smooth and I didn't create any jaggedness and by the way I'm panning by holding the spacebar and clicking and dragging and on the other side you will see that everything is still smooth I'm gonna fit the image to screen and everything looks great I can go back in to filter other this time I'm gonna go into maximum and I'm gonna make that larger so I'm gonna just make that larger about 32 pixels I'm gonna set it to roundness so that we have a round selection damn press okay and notice that again we were able to maintain the smoothness on one side and the sharp edge on the other I'm gonna fit that to screen hold alt option on the Mac and click on the layer mask thumbnail and you will see the great job that Photoshop did in both expanding the selection and contracting the selection what I'm gonna do now is simply press control/command the Mac and click on the layer mask thumbnail to create a selection out of that layer mask and I'm going to delete it so it's like we're just starting from scratch we just have a selection and when you have a selection active you can edit the selection by pressing the Q key on the keyboard to enter the quick mask mode the quick mask mode will apply a red overlay to the areas that are not selected in other words the areas are going to be hidden and from here you can use something like the brush tool to paint in areas that you want to select or deselect you will of course use black and white but the reason that I'm showing you this is to show you that you can go into the filter menu and you can go into other maximum and I can adjust the selection by using these filters with the quick mask mode then pressing okay pressing the Q key to bring back the selection and there it is and if I click on to create a layer mask I created a layer mask using that selection that was edited with the maximum filter and before we finish the tutorial I quickly want to show you what those filters do when you apply them to a regular pixel layer for example with the minimum filter you can set per serve to roundness and get this really interesting bogus style effect there's obviously better ways of doing it but this is what the filter does on an actual layer and not a layer mask and if I change this to squareness you can see the different effect so this filter could also generate some very interesting artistic effects so where these filters new to you let me know in the comments also if you think that these filters will help you out in your projects then click on that like button now if you want to learn more about masking and cutouts then I recommend watching these two videos my select in masks crash course which teaches everything about the selected masks workspace and my tutorial on making smooth cutouts using vector masks also I have a playlist that currently has 13 videos and masking and selections basically everything that you want to know about making good cat outs all plays all three links right below in the description so that you can watch them right after this tutorial and of course if this is your first time at the Photoshop training channel then don't forget to click on that subscribe button and whether any subscriber or you have been subscribed for a while click on that notification bell if you haven't already that way you get notified whenever I post a new tutorial thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you again in the next video
Channel: Photoshop Training Channel
Views: 321,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remove Fringing From Masks in Photoshop, remove white edges photoshop, remove halos in photoshop, remove fringe photoshop, remove fringes, remove color fringing photoshop, remove fringing photoshop, remove white outline photoshop, Maximum Filter Photoshop, Minimum Filter Photoshop, cut out image in photoshop, cutouts in photoshop, remove background photoshop, photoshop fringe removal, jesus ramirez, jrfromptc, photoshop training channel, photoshop tutorial, ptcvids
Id: 60GysIWun2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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