Watching Independence Day for the Fourth Of July | Movie Review & Commentary

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[Music] hi welcome to reacts with Jax I'm Jax and today I'm reacting to Independence Day I saw this movie when I was a little kid with my dad and I figured why not watch it with you today we have to celebrate July 4th independence day and I'm just so excited to watch it with you we got aliens whose butts were going to kick because they're trying to take over Earth we got dads that are just trying to protect their kids I think there's a dog in this movie there's cigars and America that's right that's a beautiful summary of this movie right I guess we'll see if my memory serves correct so I cannot wait to watch it with you also if you want to watch the full reaction with me check out my patreon the link is in the description below I'm going to have the full movie reaction there and uh you do need your own copy of the movie for that by the way and uh yeah make sure to subscribe like this video if you enjoy this content hit that Bell notification and let's get started the music real or fake let me know what you think do you think the moon landing is real or fake everything just starts fading to Black that's such a cool visual on screen I'm so excited New Mexico search for extraterrestrial intelligence Institute well I'm from the scientific Department of enthusiasm so it's nice to see a fellow government worker I I think you should listen to this it's the real thing a radio signal from another world oh God you sweet summer child being excited about it calculated distance from source is only 375,000 km M our calculations align that is correct it's coming from the Moon the Moon I knew it was trouble the moment I saw it what the hell is it meteor no sir well sir it's slowing down get me the Secretary of Defense what's he going to do then wake him what's what's he going to do problem they elected a warrior and they got a wimp Good morning George morning Mr President look at those flowers ex me Mr President this the Secretary of Defense yes Mr President we have an alien invasion did you say that again Mr President we have an alien invasion what do you say what how would you inform the president of this it finally happened sir I think that's how I'd start off it finally happened the people who built the pyramids have returned okay I wonder if Magneto is over here playing chess do you have any idea how long it takes for those cups to decompose no you don't move soon I'm going to start to decompose but I'm glad you're thinking about the environment Checkmate wait a minute wait a minute this is not this is not [Music] Checkmate kinds of distortions nobody knows the hell are you doing there's a reason we have bins labeled recy look at him an environmental [Music] savior oh Russell Hi Russell what are you doing he's doing his job Miguel he's doing his job I never realized how many fatherson relationships were in this story oh you should not be flying it's the wrong field you idiot luas his Farms on the other side of town no no hey sure are you sure maybe you all could pay him for his Services let's hope their crops weren't organic with the music and how they've filmed this these shots of the spaceships look so epic Target some icbms to blow it out of the sky and risk turne any one dangerous falling object into many yeah the Press is making up their own story at this point I need to upgrade to Defcon 3 oh my God part of it has broken off into nearly three dozen other pieces yet over 15 mil in width themselves where are they heading Earth We're a lovely planet of course they want to visit we are the main characters of the of the entire universe the radar may be malfunctioning but the infrared is totally off the map jeez mhm get me a ltic command on the line I wonder if the military really does have set protocols for who to call if something like this were to happen they have to president they're tracking another one off the California coastline you might want to put it at Defcon 4 now no Defcon 2 wait which way is the more extreme one Defcon 1 is the most extreme are and it's causing are incredible how would you describe what you are seeing it's blurry and the camera keeps shaking red penny has gripped the countryside as thousands have taken to the streets oh my [Music] God oh my God oh wow Line's gone sir as are the people who just died I strongly recommend we move you to a secure location immediately can we expect the recommend wouldn't the Secret Service just rush in does the president get a choice once you get the vice president the whole cabinet and Joint Chiefs and take him to a secured location I'm staying you okay what do I know the best idea right now is to stay in their homes where is the Secret Service and what happens if they do become hostile we sick Lambie on them and God help us oh lamby will help you don't worry and I have a feeling will win it's going to be gone in like 7 hours anyway it's reducing itself every time time it recycles So eventually it's going to disapp 7 hours it's counting down to 7 hours David haven't you been watching direct con look at that extra I love looking at all the extras is about to appear over American cities hey Miguel come here one is headed towards Los Angeles that's where I live slow don't run walk down to the basement there's no shame in hiding what else are you supposed to do mother you have to call my mother you guys aren't in the military like what are you supposed to do you supposed to fly up and defend yourselves oh yeah seems years back our boy here was kidnapped by aliens did all kind of experiments on him when they took you up in their spaceship did they do any sexual things to call you recollect this is so mean and then on top of that the fact that the aliens are real I am curious if like I guess he could still be crazy like just because aliens are real doesn't mean he was abducted by them or do y all think he was actually abducted by [Music] them this is so cool the way they're using Shadows to show the scale mommy look of these ships too early baby and show how it's impacting everyone across not only the nation but the world the earthquake well even a it's not even a four point that's so me we've had a few earthquakes while I filmed and I'm just like okay never a really big one though what a great shot the directing in this movie is on point h I would absolutely be terrified if something like this happened would you be terrified or would you be thrilled people have such different reactions to the idea of us not being alone and I'm okay with us not being alone in the universe I would just prefer no one visit Earth signal good luck David I hope you can save the world from this Invasion oh my god oh oh the dog hey hey hey come on yeah not a sneakers man you want to impress me you need to get a job I'm Sling all over my shoes he is he does have a job he's an actor in this movie and he's doing beautifully that's extreme you want some of this coffee I would love some if it was tea boom boom boom in approximately 6 hours the signal is going to disappear and the countdown's going to be over and then what well we don't know well we do know we know cuz it's a movie I got to call my brother I better call my housekeeper I got to call my lawyer why forget my lawyer he says he's your husband all over the world that lets you know their relationship status very well they're going to attack we're just being paranoid not paranoia the embedding is very subtle it's probably been overlooked if oh my God you hung up on him you ever been hung up on I don't think I have at least not intentionally sometimes my grandma would hang up without saying goodbye but that was just her vibe look why don't you just relax I'm going report to Al Toro find out what's going on that would be scary you don't know if you're ever going to see him again or what's going to happen to you and your family you and Dylan come stay with me on the base you don't mind well I mean I we'll have to let all my other girlfriends know to but you are not as Charming as you think you are sir yes I am look at you with them chicken legs oh they're so cute I was kidnapped by space aliens 10 years ago we've got to stop them they're going to kill us all WRIC Behavior to post-traumatic stress syndrome from his Service as a pilot in Vietnam but he could have actually been abducted when they took him up in the spaceship the aliens abused him sexually for the love of God maybe he really was abducted and maybe they really have been studying our weaknesses how did these people see that aliens exist and they're like he's still lying you don't want to die a virgin do you come on we're going no I'm not going anywhere using the Alien Invasion to get laid that's creative what you been Stevie man this is unbelievable this is like huge they they recall everybody that voice is so yes so familiar Jasmine kind of has a thing for dolphins I don't know Stevie that's Beau wedding [Laughter] R the people walking are going faster than the cars I'm surprised no one drove over the median and just started going on the other side of the road since like no one's coming that way tell you want to ring the bell or should I you should ring the bell yeah I can use her signal triangulate her exact position in the white house you can do that I have no idea uh do me a favor walk to the window and I'm looking for what you'll see us hello how does he do that how does he do that that's a great line David thought that I was having an affair with the president which of course I wasn't hey hey you know either go get him the drama you punch the president oh my gosh hey David tell him uh I know why we have satellite disruption no one else could figure it out but you he's a genius they're using our own satellites against us how dare they oh my God it took you so many hours just to drive there this would have been so much more efficient if she hadn't originally hung up on you there's something happening here uh-oh this may be some type of response Echo one oh my god well that lets you know they're violent so David actually coming here was pointless because within minutes they would have figured out that the aliens were hostile anyway look we have our own phone oh that's so exciting oh let cat please I'm sorry he's not available listen for $300 an hour you can put me through to his house in the Hampton you pay $300 an hour in the early '90s well [Music] damn it's been 9 Minutes wow get the hell out of here get out of here get out of here hurry uhoh time's up that's about right wow why were you at the office what were you doing they don't pay you enough to be at the office during something like this he was just like I'm going to file some paperwork right now you'd probably be safer in your own seat with your seat belt buckled but a hug from your dad right now is probably very comforting you guys got to get out of there got to go don't keep your dog in the car okay good you let the dog out of the vehicle we've seen people make that mistake before in movies why are you not running you beautiful little [Music] dog Boomer run to safety oh my gosh this movie gave an action sequence to a dog [Music] yes July 3rd oh my gosh you guys we only have one day left until we're fighting for our independence oh my God we could have evacuated the city's hours ago yeah but you had to hang up on David stay close but this amazing team made it where's Boomer that would be so tough to have a little kid walking through all that destruction cuz you knew there'd be bodies everywhere there's boom I love that they made this movie kid appropriate you know like the devastation is horrifying but it's not totally realistic our Target is to the north centered above what remains of downtown Los Angeles what remains wow scared man me you lose yes sir got your victory dance you lose I got it right here holy God yep holy mother of the Hulk what is that they must have some kind of protective shield over that Hall nice pull up yeah oh God don't get close to the shield night three pull up showing complete failure in the St complete failure oh my God oh my God oh good and their little miniature ships have little force fields around them as well oh my f get out of there I just have to say the casting in this movie is so brilliant Jimmy he's closing on you oh no wow they knew where to find your base wow great low fuel Tom Cruz never had that [Applause] problem Oh God that looked like a intense Landing you okay oh [Music] God Welcome To Earth Welcome To Earth that was so great that's what I call a close encounter oh my God this movie is just awesome feels good look at me huh like a rock we could go up we can go down we could go back we can go forward we can go side to side all you can think of was getting to you there's still love there I think I think so too none of you did anything to prevent this no you had the spaceship and you had the bodies Area 51 and you did nothing Area 51 there have never been any spacecraft recovered by our government take my word for it uh oh there's no recovered spaceship that's not entirely accurate honestly why wouldn't you bring that up sooner what which part all of it I love that these two guests are the most like competent and accurate when it comes to how to handle the aliens you got me out here dragging your heavy through the burning [Laughter] desert and what the hell is that smell I could have been at a barbecue that sounds delightful a Fourth of July barbecue hey hey can anyone give him like a water bottle oh I love that they have the Ling in the back of his in the back of his RV that was such a great shot when I flew overhead I saw a base not too far from here it ain't on the map it ain't on the map trust me it's there I love that all these characters are starting to interact it actually reminds me a lot of the concept behind Love Actually that movie I just love that concept where you have all these different characters and they all start being important to one another president General welcome to Area 51 oh my God I'm sorry sir it's a clean room have to keep it static free if we'll all go to decontamination the door just go to the decontamination room I I appreciate when people follow protocol wait the president didn't even have knowledge that this existed is he allowed to override the protocols of this facility you've just decontaminated this why the hell wasn't I told about this place because you would have decontaminated it aible deniable plausible I and you're only like important for 4 years these people have had very lengthy careers how do you get funding for something like this you don't actually think they spend $220,000 on a hammer $30,000 on a toilet seat do you who I wonder what's really in Area 51 such a m I actually have done like zero Research into it so maybe Google will tell me who knows maybe it's not a Myst anymore she's a be ain't she she's just learning so much classified information people are dying out there I don't think exciting is a word i' choose to describe it well he doesn't know that they don't let him out breathes oxygen comparable tolerances to heat cold probably why they're interested in our planet they're also deadly so got some similarities there you guys want to see them yes he's so excited to show off yeah well they look different than us but they still have like arms legs ahead same general concept some kind of extra sensory perception telepathy I don't see a mouth or nostrils either either so how do they get well maybe they don't need oxygen can they be killed well those ones are dead those ours and these two died in the crash oh maybe there are noses you unlocked part of their technology I know all I did was stumble under their um signal I don't know how I think you'll be very helpful because life will find a way isn't that his famous quote Oh my gosh I love that the whole group of RVs just turned around and was like let's go to a military base an Off the Grid military base and everyone's allowed on because we bring an alien maybe I'll just leave this here with you let him pass all of them all of them all of them did you see that I did see it how long has it been unconscious about 3 hours let's get them they're all coming together when were you planning on informing the rest of us told us about this when they first arrived that's what I said we're looking at the worldwide destruction of every major city in the next 36 hours whoa really anxious to get back to eloro El Toro has been completely destroyed that is so devastating I love that this movie has a really beautiful balance between like being comedic and Kick-Ass but then also you really do feel the loss all these characters are losing a lot but we know they're still alive oh she was bringing everybody to El Toro and now she thinks he's dead wow they both think they're dead that's sad all right now spread it very very gently let me get it what if this is what they were doing to Russell that's it isn't that the dad's name who got abducted by the aliens Russell I am stop that oh my God the the really icky part that wasn't the icky part that's so was the icky part don't do any more jump I hate jump scares the arm is moving the arm is moving the arm is moving get out get out get out get out stab it punch it say welcome to Earth again the alien was like let's get some fog in here I want your deaths to be super cinematic wow going from such chaos to such silence mm- mm mm M see I was prepared for [Laughter] it open the door get him out of there no wait they're just going to let him get strangled to death release me so he's communicating through the doctor that's pretty smart can there be a peace between us no peace then why would we release you you're terrible at negotiating the fact that they can mentally take over the mind of the president or really any person is terrifying like that's probably the most terrifying aspect of them I saw what they're planning to do they're moving from planet to planet we next H did you see into his mind to see if there were ever any any other aliens out there Nukem Nukem locked on we're locked on sir we are locked on people we are locked and loaded that's a go alula 6 a go here we go is that the code to launch a nuke we have to hit can we confirm that the target was destroyed it just popped right back there didn't it negative actually it looks just fine you didn't even make a dent I repeat Target remains do you have another bomb more powerful oh my God he went and looked for her please tell me this is Will Smith or I should say Steven Hiller yes it is yes it is oh my gosh wife is bleeding eternally Mr pres perhaps have we gotten to her earlier wait a minute what are you saying if you had gotten to her earlier yeah I'm so sorry that I didn't come home when you asked me to you should be sorry your punishment is death the doctors think that you're going to be just fine liar that'd be so hard if I was that little girl I would just want to spend all my time with my did she already [Music] pass is Mommy sleeping now yeah mommy's sleeping oh my gosh July 4th come on this is the day we're going to get our independants back this is really not the time to be sleeping on the job got to burn the rain D toxic waste maybe if we screw this planet up enough they won't want it anymore it could work we have to remember what we still have like what yeah like what you still have your [Laughter] health see that uh Coke can on top of the alien craft do it shoot it this is like the best ad for Coke shoot it kill the Coke can oh my God you could have warned people that that would happen that cocan was protected by the Craft's Shield we can't penetrate their defenses we know that but you just put it there your hand could penetrate it penetrate them with your hand one more time anytime that was brilliant that was genius you want us to coordinate a massive worldwide Counter Strike with a window of a few minutes yes Shields down that might be possible yeah it's better than death I've seen these things in action and I'm well aware of their maneuvering capabilities your permission General I'd like the opportunity to try oh my God Jim uh remove the clamps oh my God I love this music good luck thank you Mr President oh my gosh this is amazing you really think you can do all that bull you just said what the hell is he saying seems they're getting a signal old Mor code Old oh that's right cuz they can't communicate with one another as per normal it's from the Americans it's from us well you're Irish they want to organize a counter offensive yes we are bloody time what do they plan to do kill [Music] down would this is so exciting we have confirmed reports of combat ready divisions in Europe the Middle East and Asia that's impressive considering it's all being done with moris coat moris coat another reason to learn Morse code any of you know Morse code we asking that anyone with any flight experience come forward I don't know how to fly a plane for we can begin we're going to have to get a little background information on your flight experience uh let's start with you why would you start in the middle why would you start at the end of the group and work your way down I'm Russell K sir um ever since I was kidnapped by alien just want you to know that uh I won't let you down oh my God I believe in you why does everybody roll their eyes at him being abducted the aliens are real this it's not a joke anymore it happened you know how I'm like I'm always trying to save the planet there's my chance yeah he's he's being ambitious now just like you wanted him to be get ambitious that's what I just said yes before we do this I just want to say I'm sorry I should have done this a long time ago do you have the ring oh my God they're getting married why these two should not wed Please Speak now or forever hold your peace well that was telling you love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health oh as long as you both shall live I will you did great you did your part well they're a little young that they are they look a little nervous have they ever flown in a combat situation before aircraft from here will join others from around the world and you will be launching the largest aial battle in the history of mankind oh wow mankind that word should have new meaning for all of us today mhm today is the 4th of July you will once again be fighting for our freedom the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday we will not go quietly into the night not vanish without a fight this is so epic today we celebrate our independence day yeah that was such a perfect [Applause] [Music] [Applause] speech I'm getting all te eyed I love a good Speech movie speeches come on tissues come on really made me work for it president I'd sure like to know what you're doing yeah what are you doing I'm a combat pilot will I belong in the air I love that for you but the vice president's already dead who what is there another person standing by but I guess I can't even ask if that's part of the protocol there is no protocol oh my God are you kidding are you kidding just in case I'm very proud of you oh Oh I thought they were getting married that was such a sweet moment even though I misinterpreted it this movie really does have a strong like fatherson theme going on throughout the entire film all different types of like he's a stepdad you have the dad and the daughter the grown son father relationship wait a minute wait wait you got to find some cigars take these my last two you just happened to have two this is our victory dance not until the fat lady sings Oh wait for her to sing this is important this is important lady I got you otherwise you'll be hexed open launch tunnel we are opening the tunnel the tunnel is opening shaky huh I was going to do this the whole way just make sure your seat bags and trade tables are in their upright and locked position oh that's that's right because he gets flight sickness let's let's rock and roll are you okay oops oops what's that mean what do you mean no I got it I'm some jerk didn't put well you say we try that one again huh let's do it take two no one saw the first time no what was that what was that don't do that really no no I think our secrets out they're headed straight for us oh the Hell don't touch him don't don't don't I was counting on this you were when the hell was you going to tell me yeah oops oops we got to work on our communication y'all get one oops and then after after that you need to stop having [Music] them look at how tiny it is oh if they read mines wouldn't they be able to read yours and know that you're not one of them wow there's so many of them millions of what the hell are they doing looks like they're prepared an invasion [Music] yep in yay a clap too there time for money uploading the virus okay do it sir he's uploading the virus he's uploading the virus one the package is being delivered it's being delivered e one check left and it looked like it was being delivered fairly quickly the virus is in it's in delivery complete there's a lot of thumbs up in this movie and I love [Music] it no are you serious I want another shutter sir I strongly recommend you disengage ble one just give it a moment for the virus to do its thing yes you get a thumbs up fire at will just destroy them with fire oh oh how dare you fight back you should just die willingly all right baby I've got you and you're dead pay back up a it yes it is job's done let's go home let's go home gladly come on what it's not responding it's stuck [Music] uh-oh oh my gosh oh all those people they really should have thought of bringing them all in when the alien SPAC ship was headed their way Steve Steve come on Steve you can do it I believe in you hey what the hell are you doing it's not me they're overriding the system nope oh sh hide hide he she just saw you oh don't you dare they're preparing to fire their primary weapon let's take it out before it takes us out that's a great idea Mr President Bandits on our tail they lock up I see him I see him oh my [Music] God you got to get you got to get under I'm out of missile I'm on it oh my God sorry I'm late Mr [Music] President H up back there pilot you armed armed man ready sir I'm packet put about speaker Russell Cas sir it's Russell keep those guys offing for a few more seconds will you the writing is so phenomenal we'll draw them off and it'll be all yours look [Music] out I've got tone he's got tone e go 20 come on come on F box too you can do it launch failure it's Dam it won't fire of course it won't do me a favor tell my children I love them very much in the words of my [Music] generation oh Russell good luck buddy good good luck Russell hello boys I'm back oh my gosh that'll simultaneously one of the greatest moments and one of the saddest moments combined I'm back what an important line for him don't just just come out wouldn't come out my tissues are at war with me what your father did was very brave you should be proud of him I am Russ's such a hero Russell basically saved the world cuz now we all know how to defeat them I love Russell's character so much no you put that away otherwise you'll hex the whole thing wow it's funny I always thought that things like these would kill me don't light it they're hexed they're all hexed only one thing left to do got to set off the bomb so many self-sacrificing people look at us look at theing the earthlings I'd wish you luck but I don't want you to have [Laughter] luck bye-bye you got free get us out of here get us out of here come on I took we're not here we're not here stop SE [Laughter] Dr oh they're closing up on us is that closing shut up shut up shut up F must go faster must go go faster go faster okay and you're dead you're dead I love you okay I was counting in my head and they hit 10 seconds a while ago that thing already should have gone [Music] off goodbye thank you for trying but you're dead now you guys did it oh you guys [Music] okay oh my God Russell needs a memorial he needs a plaque hold on Sir I've got something on radar there is an alien ship approaching oh and they brought the dog I I love that they just brought the dog they were like the dog needs to be in this [Laughter] scene now she has sung you may light your cigars this is the best action movie sorry sorry David yes not bad not [Laughter] bad oh so this is healthy oh I could get used to [Laughter] it happy 4th of July Daddy happy fourth of happy 4th of July did not promise you fireworks didn't I promise you fireworks amazing amazing movie I loved that so much oh my gosh that movie was so much better than I remember I think it holds up to this day I think that has to be one of the best action movies I've ever seen it had everything that I love in it I love all of the family relationships there were love stories going on there was a dog with his own little action sequence I I love that they brought in multiple Generations you have kids and they just added such a vulnerability to the thing they really focused on showing so many extras in this movie that really helps to build out the totality of this of this impact you know the the alien invasion was all over the world and even though they primarily focused on the United States you still got the sense that it was impacting everyone not just the main characters of the story I love stories that have all these individual characters where they kind of introduce them separately and then they all come together and start meeting each other throughout the course of the film it was so great I loved this it was the perfect way to celebrate the 4th of July and I also love that you know you have this dad who this stepdad who saves the day a dad Russell who who sacrifices himself for his kids and he had the little picture of his kids there and had the most epic line ever I'm back back I mean the Terminator has I'll be back but Russell has I'm back and I honestly think both lines are so iconic the fact that Russell was being made fun of so much for being you know like experimented on by aliens and and the fact that they built it up so much as a joke really amplifies the importance of him saying I'm back right before he sacrifices himself in order to defeat them I mean it was it was such a wonderful moment so you have him as this dad fighting for his kids then you have the president who's you know now a single father it's like this was really a a beautiful celebration of people sacrificing themselves people teaming up together and I loved it I mean I feel like this movie is absolutely Flawless the the story was so great and I even think the CGI and everything held up I really appreciate how when they were introducing the spaceships they weren't showing them first they were showing the Shadows that they were leaving on on all of the towns and it was showing how large these spaceships were I mean you really get the sense that it was this impressive terrifying Invasion before you even see what is attacking you and I really appreciate the film making techniques they used in this the score was absolutely amazing the casting perfect the dialogue it was wonderful I mean this is just I loved it an absolute 10 out of 10 film an epic summer blockbuster if I've ever seen one so thank you so much for watching this with me the highs and lows of it were so amazing I was laughing I was crying I was battling my tissues which I this tissue box does not like me if you've been watching my channel before you've probably seen me struggle to take tissues out of this box I'm going to get you I'll get you back anyway this was so fun thank you guys so much for supporting my channel and watching this with me make sure to subscribe like this video and hit that Bell notification so you don't miss my next upload and if you want to watch my full reaction check out my patreon the link is in the description below I hope you guys have the most amazing rest of your day happy summer happy 4th of July and I'll see youall next time bye
Channel: Reacts With Jax
Views: 37,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5aW9He0DZm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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