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right so so um we're back with CR and Nuria I'm not having my vape I promise I don't wear a little cut T-shirt you can see my a burn see burn see my Burns you could put your hoodie on I think you think I should it's up to you that needs to be changed GM star on his twitch channel is that the right size for you as well yeah so small disgraceful but it's funny yeah yeah I think we should try the intro again now while we're in same jumper so yeah hi four minutes into the recording welcome back to Manu this is what happens when we're together yeah so you're in for right treat because this rarely happens we're actually recording together today and as you can see from from our little Spinning Wheel we're watching Evolution and I haven't actually seen this since about seen it for ages I going day a good 20 20 years since I last saw it so it's going be like watching a whole new film again about like 15 for me think I need to get one that says you're actually L just for when you're [Laughter] here dirty arer [ __ ] so we can do matching jumpers and cups we should never be let loose together so Evolution Evolution if you've not seen this film before this is one with David toov in it a't it this I am thinking of the right film dude from XS yeah yeah David company yeah I'm thinking of the right film yeah stiffer is it is been how long I've seen it I just can't remember him being in it he s you are so beautiful in it right should we press play press play press play Let's Play Let's Go and thanks to technical issues uh we have to do this on a soundbar so you notice we're not cing headphones cuz we're stup head stup head and we didn't find the splitter yeah I can't can't find my splitter anywhere oh I know you have to edit if we ever get to putting up the unedited footage you get to see how often I do actually burp yeah it's ridiculous don't give me that look oh yeah I forgot you can see me [Applause] now that band we saw last night at least it wasn't the second band that we saw last night oh my God [Music] this is my Victim definitely looks like something sff would to us smoking in bed fell asleep bad move and the fire begins don't worry ma' I'm here to save you don't think you will it's cinn how to fly doesn't Le very well very very weird time May hard to believe the early 2000s oh we got some great films in early 2000s also got some like 2008 and as you can see there was a statistical anomaly me of crap Tas Randy he's a lot bigger there Jesus he lost a lot of weight and then went on to my name and then after that he lost all his weight he's just ripped [Music] what Mr Kane Dr Kane seems to be a mistake here you see you see my brother and I each got a C minus on our reports C minus me too cells are bad my uncle lives in a Cell it's 10 foot by 12 and he has to read the same old boring magazine every day the and ready for lunch or have you already eaten got to grab my [Music] stuff taking me meteor hit last night oh that's what that was a little bit yeah always it get yeah always gets CAU my glasses and just goes py that's my baby you go take it easy come on that's my baby who's going to pay me for the damage of my goddamn cor now who are you Harry block United States Geological Survey it's my secretary Ira kanaine we're here to investigate the meteor if indeed that is what it is yeah I found it bounced my car 200 ft in the air okay can I go 200 ft in the air is this the um point of penetration not as a hole up now all right wouldn't that be like burning it's y I'm full of radiation yeah this is how old this film is they have a disposable camera smartphone in sight who let you down here let's not get combative lieutenant the USGS and local law enforcement have a long history of cooperation we're just down here to get some scientific samples it's like he's made out Poli mhm let's get a sample get out of here is breaking really difficult and it's bleeding it's a rock that bleeds you guys see put Mas on or something mhm possibly has my yeah I didn't even see him hitting that bit this Geological Society gig is all this crapo really bro are you going to do the spectro thing T says to do in the guy book spectrograph yeah I will do full spectroscopic analysis your resume will shine Ira are you sure you can handle this by your lonesome all right all right it's a Rock how he can from Ax files he believes hopefully the uh oven temperature of [Music] Po I those cells look like they have teeth those rapid regeneration rapid God that's getting bigger and bigger so right you did that on there right yep why is the other one not doing it CZ cause film CZ film CU film that can't be okay hands God gave you two goddamn the meteor samples are teaming with one-celled organisms their metabolic rates are off the charts they're they're they're dividing at an incredible rate it's practically exponential come on ladies look alive stop watching girls Bounce About list from world is the Nobel Prize paid in installment or in a lump Su like the lottery I think it's one lump sum yeah I think it's one lump Su big gr that J I know you said it didn't do but that jar does look fuller of the blue it looks fuller I'm no biologist but how many cells do single- celled organisms have oh there are multicellular organisms in there it's like they're evolving they're growing yeah they're growing into more complex organisms it's 200 million years worth in just a few hours at least you can prove Evolution yeah it's true how did your hair get my hair gets everywhere what's we got his hose [Applause] here there's another test in 6 months 6 months I can't wait 6 months careful I got it DW careful you don't one break your car how that car's still going I just don't even know okay class since this is our first field trip I want you to obey a few very simple rules okay oh dirt nice Footwear it's perfect perfect for spelunking I was just SC to pick up the rock pick it up what yeah well we um just orders from the US GS they went under controlled conditions wow holy crap and they still not wearing hazmat suits I know all that fungus just Tak a bunch of kids down there too I know these look like mushrooms but please try to refrain from eating them yeah they'll send you on a bad trip keep waiting for a we rest to come out yeah sulfide right yeah I I don't want to get all girly here but I I think I feel something wiggling around my toes this reminds me we I'm going to add Tremors onto the list at some point okay oh who imagine that under your feet Milli not going to hurt you it might hurt you though didn't hurt it you killed it took us two billion years to do what they did in just a couple of days yeah how cool little germs of the embodiment of the American dream you know naen you're are a very very smart girl but if you would just focus splitting it's mitosis that's how they reproduce bummer the guys are splitting again put it away look we call no one we tell no one this is our secret right an old Stiffler hey way that would be an all cotton towel sir I believe it's a field Crest it's a damp towel Wayne what the hell is a damp towel doing on my shars okay you should Wayne because you're the pool manager and if anyone knows what to do about the dampness on my chair it's you yes make it your up with piss yeah you bastard uh oh Spaghetti O why is he walking like he shits himself CU I don't think he wants to stand on him what the [Music] Run y let's just pretend we didn't see it and go away when somebody else's problem here comes the government ruining everything wower roonies nice view can I help you look maybe you can call your Superior we can have a word with him ande out here cly have some connection to the site let's irane yeah responsible for the worst month of my life what the hell was that about I don't know didn't hear the gentlemen just up here General Woodman's expecting you R Woodman this is General Russell Woodman head of us p on like the same P from the thing from Scrubs does it or does it not does yeah you used to work Army research in the Pentagon we've been monitoring your computer all those girls in the photos are over 18 yes I'm sure Ira this is Allison Reed senior researcher in epidemiology CC the confirmation of the existence of life outside this planet would be the greatest scientific discovery of our time Yes actually you'll be kept in the loop from this point forward oh you son of a [ __ ] what do you mean kept in the loop General we are the loop we're not going to cut you out but we do need to take control we're just following protocol Ira you remember protocol don't you yeah I got some protocol right here for you Russell come and get it sounds like something we must continue under careful government control and we already secured the area we're constructing an airlock into the cavern and the state-of-the-art field research facility so you see there's not a whole lot for the science department of Glen Canyon Community College would you stop following me please thank you we're not going to bend over and take this fruit basket for Russell Woodman happy holiday Dr Kane are you asking me to Bar the federal government from involvement in a Discovery as significant as this one all the initial testing was done in our lab judge the facilities at Glen Canyon Community College AR a joke they weren't a joke when I went there General dumbass dumb ass Dr Kane you were a top level researcher at you samed from 94 to 97 were you not I see where you're going with this it may have been a factor you'd have to ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff can you tell me what happened the soldiers that were inoculated with your vaccine some uh debilitating stomach cramps erectile dysfunction uncontrollable flatulence that's it sounds like me after eating cheese one more question do you happen to remember what the soldiers called this illness Dr Kane yeah they called it the cane Madness up oopsies [Music] oh we've been hit we get the fourway we just got screwed go damn I really don't remember much of this film at all yeah no me neither great I don't care who they are stealing the monitor they took the rock the samples all little wormy Critters all the days looking aloud room military base they have no security no they' have been spotted just running up to the vence pick up that butt Soldier sorry sir I'm Tu sh yes sir cameras all over that place maybe now I'm not sure back in 2001 I don't know how old CCTV was at that point the has mattered they know what they're doing yep yep the sticker the sticker for the Little P little noise darns I should part the CDC can you imagine her like handling some extreme disease yeah she's the reason for the Abola outbreak aquar will you stop it I can hear you unless angry on your hands do we Callen it was a joke I was just kidding I don't know see they've got CCTV CCTV in the see the first thing I do is I'd take a sample of like the plants the plants yeah plants are always the first thing take a sample of hey and that looks like a rundown version of Willy Wonka it's so pretty though mhm our little babies are growing up but it's like um uh the UMP lers just got up and left weeks it's already like a rainforest in here like the kitchen from my first apartment there alien egg got little face huggers check that guy out got two heads where does the poo go I really don't want to know where that comes out one of those ends is going to SP [ __ ] what the [ __ ] in this fly trap the tree just ate it got that right oops oopsies Iris come here look at these little things oh cool hey snag one snag one snag one I've seen this movie the black dude dies first that a land octopus who's this the mov theat the around that's the kind of trunk space you want in a late model car who does that remind you of I have no idea what you're talking about she's been throwing it at you enough Dr Reed bu kind of muffin you'd like the butter that is that is a nice image and I they got cameras down in the cave as well but just not in the bubble yeah not in the bubble that's just a cover don't you know that all she needs is a good humping h I mean you came for cut that out it disturbs me and people are watching like that I'm not doing it I cut it out okay I'm just walking mosquito it's not a mosquito it looks like one there it come and bitey B Dr so nice to see you again we were just leaving absolutely not there's something in my suit the fly there's a fly in my suit who's the man okay you're the man no you're the man I'm the man you're the man okay Mak such a wonderful couple yes they [Music] do that's L one of my worst Fe watching craw through under my skin all right give me some forceps I might be able to catch it in his colon how you going in rect okay here we go you got to try to relax brother spreader all right don't clinch don't clinch you're so brave you're so brave little more don't you ever do that again you should have seen the size of that thing he had inside it was like this man you took it like a man you're all right you're all right you get anything do you need anything ice cream everything to do with the eyes is ice [Music] cream right those are Warrior where see my sh many Ed in my life whenever I see I see the word Bast I just think of Kish B them out CU you're nothing but a big fat monkey tur he just put one he didn't put any dads in there I would have put drugs in there knock them right out yeah although you can get that thing that's like the opposite of agat stop your thing from going off I on that too for [Laughter] him I'm trying to remember what I've seen him on as well pissing me off he pops up on a lot of yeah you not doing that right see oh what's evolved into that water I think I remember what happens here come up and Barry Barry where are you I can't see you where are you he's only JY look at him hey little scary crocodile got he dog his hands in he oh well he was a dick he was a dick want a dick he didn't want her being traumatized just very ride that's he was on iie oh God I watch some [ __ ] TV I was too old for way too old my sister used to watch it though I am just a humorless i maen in desperate need of a good huming yeah you are yes you are youve just summed yourself up you heard that huh loud and clear don't think you know so much about me you don't I'm sure I don't but you do need to go you do hey it's the meteor guy hey what's in the bag blow what's in the bag Oh no I got something that you're really going to like guy got killed at my country club last night a real douchebag you is that something he looks Hazard on the fourth green the lady he was banging saw the whole thing anyhow we chased this sucker around the Fairway and then it died in a sand trap it just died how like it was choking to death there lugies Jill you've got some kind of infestation here nope I'd open it I would but I would make sure when I open it I was behind the dog look at how cute when did you guys get a dog that's not a dog look at it woman we don't have a damn dog we don't have a damn dog hell it looks so cute look at his little eyes he's got gills mhm is it going to put off a hand I just can't remember this fil that much can't remember I remember the aliens and [Applause] [Music] that's look so [Music] cute and he's dead it deflated it was a balloon a balloon a balloon a psychotic turkey in its mouth yeah I thought I was a bit my gold I'm tired I've had like two hours of sleep I got to go take a shower they're spreading H well it's too bad you miss a 5- foot amphibian that's lying dead in my lab we got to kill these things while we still can do you think you could ever be attracted to me it's just food for thought level with me fellas is there some sort of alien attack happening here there's no milk excuse me can I borrow your cream that's Iris ex over there sitting with the cop any shirt seriously take it come on no no you must be cold right are you cold is that it it's amazing how many women just open their shirt [Music] 1272 that's an animal attack oh you got take care of the check right yeah want shirs back she didn't against the law it shagging a copper it's fine people rely pay for their food in Pils we're halfway through yeah sure we do the pausing let's do the pausing before it all tost very fairly slow start it is yeah how slow start was but it's been really funny so oh yeah it's got the comedy value and why does Sean Williams SC look like he's ready to fight who is yeah I did I mean to be fair he did take out that oh no cuz it died by itself I was going to say did take out that reptile but died by itself died from the oxygen Why didn't it deflate the other thing I don't think they're actually dying when they're in the evolution stage you know all are moving I don't think they're actually ding you they're I think they're cocooning cocooning it's a lot different to what I remember yeah great film to be fair the only bit I really remember is a giant spider thing and that could even be a completely different film altogether but I thought it this one yeah I thought it was this film probably remember in a different film you probably are but I think there is a giant thing it's a great film it's good I can't get how young David looks in this or julan for that matter it was brought out in1 I know but you forget don't you how long ago that was because it don't feel that long ago it's only 23 years ago I was 17 you well look if you'd hit puberty yet three years ago 10 years old think that's about the time where I cleared the whole dining room at school really loud belt watch and everyone ran thinking it was something else everybody ran thinking you were throwing up oh primary school I have my little T-Rex lunchbox it's awesome you dress it back no just a T-Rex one just a T-Rex it was red yeah and I wanted to be like the red rangers a little bit I don't know why yeah I went through stages of wanting to be the different rang but then I ended up getting stuck on I want to be the White Ranger you wanted to be Tommy I want to be with his flute he can play through a helmet that's also a knife FL nagger I just my brain still can't work out how the air came out of his helmet to play on the flute my bra can't work out why we can't just sit and talk about the film that we're watching because because useless yes we are yes we are we are blatantly useless I will say for this the like Graphics the animations they've held up they have held up well really really well whoever did this I did a good job yeah I don't know what which team did it but we'll find out it yeah not credits but yeah they did a really good job it's uh I mean you can yeah your CGI can be as crappy as you want it to be but if the lighting's right it's believable yeah and that's what they've done the lighting is just spot on like oh what is it play Trinity I'm talking about a different film but because we're talking about the CG there's a scene in it where they're fighting in front of a light and you can just tell c yeah we [Music] orang all right so yeah so this is us two together yeah we're we're strange together yeah um but yeah for this for this the comedy is what's keeping me watching yeah it's it's Inc capturing like it's keeping us entertained and keeping us like fixed on the thing that colonoscopy I did they know where it was they didn't have a camera or anything they just had the tweezers he's just really good at his job all right that doctor I need to stop questioning film logic yeah you do he might have had a a little screen with a cam on the end of that thing we don't know we were just seeing it from the the dude's perspective what's it called Harry yep yeah Harry's perspective we're watching his face go like [Music] this if we can get it I've got an idea for a thumbnail right so yeah I think this is going to be the end of part one end of part one the link that's coming up soon for part two oh oh so yeah we need to stop recording there we do we'll see you in part two all right my lovers H my lovers
Channel: Crem & Noob React
Views: 461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david duchovny, evolution, julianne moore, mulder and scully, x files, Evolution 2001, hangover, reaction, movie reaction, 2001, David Duchovny, Julianne Moore, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, Ted Levine, Dan Aykroyd, crem, noob
Id: AeYR-7UScFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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