Danny CRUSHES the T.I.T. theme song! - Turtles in Time

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The fuck was that opening?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Bkwordguy 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

More classic co-op arcade games, please! I'd love to see them play my favorite: Sunset Riders.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/QuantumFeline 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Here’s hoping they continue the trend and play The Simpsons Arcade Game. That’s one game I have to play from start to finish no matter how many quarters it took.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/TheWhitemareOnElmSt 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pizza Monsters are called that because they hatched from eggs that turtles believed were meatballs from their pizzas. And now you know.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ShaunTrek 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Isn't it generally agreed the SNES version of TIT is even better than the arcade version?

I ask for personal reasons bc this game looks sick and I want it for my collection, not tryna say like "Why aren't they playing THIS version show sucks herba derba doo"

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/JigglyJacob 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really want them to watch Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and talk about it

Also they were wondering how turtle dicks work, so here's an article about it: https://gizmodo.com/the-terrifying-sex-organs-of-male-turtles-5919870

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Chacochilla 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/skyyn3t 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh the 2003 cartoon, that’s my second favorite iteration of the tmnt.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dingdongbingbongboi 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is the ideal game grumps episode. You may not like it, but this is what peak grumps looks like.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hey i'm grump i'm not [Music] hell yeah it doesn't get better than this man crank this fish by the way i mean crank this ass tomatoes with pizza power flying source of food i like that you looked up the lyrics to this song oh are you kidding i'll sing this whole thing for you yeah yeah excuse me growing up in a glass bowl with chameleons lizards and tadpoles it hardly enters your mind that's there's something better than this a lettuce leaf from a carrot maybe a seed from a parrot believe me when i tell you the word gold majors don't exist but pizza power oh a flying saucer food delight pizza power oh that's what makes us feel all right oh okay so the flying saucer line was about pizza yes it's a flying saucer of delight correct it's pizza power the fifth track in their tmnt out of our shells album okay oh listen to the dude man oh he's giving it his all i'm losing you gotta love it love it oh excellent [Music] growing up in a glass bowl with chameleons lizards and tadpoles it hardly enters your mind that there's something better than this aaron um something that a dad pulls the dad everybody knows my name is bill a lettuce leaf in a carrot maybe a seed from a parrot believe me when i tell you the word gold mages don't exist take it aw my dad's name is [Laughter] pizza power a flying saucer food delight pizza power oh that's what makes us feel all right all right all right boy it feels like it isn't burgers or french fries that work for turtles of our size ice cream cake or apple pies they don't even pass the test dudes yes i passed you who [ __ ] care i'm the superior button presser i'm reading about pizza power pizza power always better the next day pizza power makes us feel all right we don't need anymore what he's talking about i got 400. cool i think we ended up using like 30 last time oh really yeah ah the evening news this is april hey it's april o'neil wow she's got a real voice now well i think we all saw that coming [Laughter] oh big apple 3 a.m man you stole the [ __ ] statue of liberty get in here you freak okay press the button oh there i am all right all right you got lots more moves now all right what do you mean you've got your double button ultra kick you can jump up if you if you if you hit kick while you jump up you do this like [ __ ] like schwa you do that thing oh excellent um you can grab people and throw them you could do that in the other one um you can run did you just hit me i think you can hit me now what i think you did really yeah oh you do that you do that like no we can't hit each other okay no we can't we do that thing where where you can like grab them and then do like it's so cool oh whoa you can throw them at the screen too yeah there were clearly oops they were clearly you know what you take that pizza you need it thanks sorry yeah pizza time there were a lot of uh advancements made between 1989 and 1991 oh yeah dude because 1989 is when the first arcade game that we played in some other episode perhaps it was yesterday's uh but um now this this is from two years later and this must be the one where they actually say shell shock yeah shell shock yeah i'm randall and prepare to die now you must die dang it you're still ahead aaron please i can't i i don't care you can you're the big winner you can go ahead and not care all you want but i care just cause you don't care doesn't make me not care i'm going to intentionally kill less guys this time no that makes it not real none of this is real it's all real the number's right there pizza time i gave you that pizza remember the name stockman oh is he that's who that is okay he was the one he was like in a little um chamber before flying chamber in the previous game okay so he's just a scientist where everything continually goes wrong uh yeah well he was a scientist and then he got turned into a fly because he did a stupid [ __ ] he did the old jeff goldblum yeah so if you go straight up and you hit like attack right at the top then you can do this it's really effective oh yeah he's got the creamy hands creamy don't like that ew i'ma punch you with my creamy hair keep the creamy hands to yourself baxter me me me me me [ __ ] cool right he's got like silly tongue and stuff like the graphics and it's [ __ ] awesome so much personality this definitely like is notice and i mean it's it's no less it's no more fun like uh but the the graphics definitely like have taken a big step forward got your bench you got the you got the kill that's fine it's just a single kill yeah but everyone counts this is chrome dome oh this isn't chrome dome yeah it's chrome dome wait is this chrome like comment and subscribe if this is chrome dome yeah i think there's two robot turtles right one of them's chrome dome and the other one's another one there's one that's like turtle colors who's your favorite turtle please subscribe if it's one of the four what if it's what if it's uh venus venus yeah who the heck is venus the fifth turtle what yeah she's from the oh i remember why i'm telling you about this yeah i uh i don't know if anything happened after 1994 it's not real in my mind i love that her name like they're all named after like renaissance painters or whatever or tennis players but she's named after a like a work of art not a pain like there's plenty of women painters but they just oh venus de milo [Music] i believe that is a sculpture yeah exactly that's why i said art piece okay because i wasn't exactly sure i was like i'm pretty sure whereas she is not uh like a thing the artists make no what the hell is this thing this isn't from the cartoon boxing glove robot yeah this is ridiculous coming up with all these concepts video games what are we talking about over here we go nuts i love whipping them and throwing them around dude it's the best you're gonna have to get used to throwing them because you're gonna have to do it well what what actually does it uh if you grab them and then hit down i believe what grabs them oh just like getting right up on them okay while they're i think it has to be while they're weak i think oh [ __ ] pizza power pizza power is just they called her dad it's like you kids better stop fighting yeah thanks dad over that sauce saucer fuel delight pizza power you did make it yours i gave it to you all right it's your second i chose that yeah chose that life for you remember how amazing i am remember the name oh you had something beneficial to happen let me take credit for that no i did it yes i was like that was my absolute favorite thing about this game was like yeah i'm going to mangle you i'm pretty sure that's chrome dome okay you've called like five different people chrome dome oh this one hey this is aaron uh coming in from beyond the grave uh i just wanted everyone to know that i'm an idiot and it's metal head this isn't chrome dome it's metal head chrome dome's this guy metal head is the one we're fighting okay bye good save i don't like the face on his chest oh yeah it makes it weird oh his little spin kick that's great look he's a robot he's got so much personality he's fun yeah he's got a it's got a cocky strut [Music] whacking him whacking him good baby yes he was look at his little fist it's funny oh yeah this song rules i wish i could just have this song like play sometimes in my life if somebody's like i go to starbucks or something like can i get a can i get a uh no no i go to mcdonald's and i'm like yo can i get ice cream and then like the ice cream machine's broken and then [ __ ] start playing this song i'm sorry what absolutely can i talk to your manager good job aaron they're telling me the ice cream machine is broken that's a strong lean in for the hive wow that's a xenomorph that's a straight up xenomorph oh yeah they were in the shower [Laughter] so great oh my [ __ ] controller oh no stop taking my kills stop catching up please what do you mean catching up i'm nine ahead oh god oh you are nice oh [ __ ] i thought i was ahead who cares nobody cares those are um those are pizza monsters are they aaron yes something like that i'm serious they're called pizza monsters or some [ __ ] i was wondering why because they don't look like pizzas yeah they sure don't i know oh i'm pretty sure i'm right maybe i'm wrong i don't know they are the color of pizza cheese monsters pizza monsters dude you're good at this too no you're better just pressing buttons no but you're clearly homing in on more guys you're clearly laying down with more dudes you know what i feel like i'm doing i'm doing all the damage and then you're getting the kills it's happening please god it's like hanging out with a 12 year old so what so what i'm awesome b12 was fun oh maybe i'm a ninja turtle because what raphael is like what 15 or something that's like three years between raphael and me i could be a ninja turtle cool i mean it was a very clever marketing scheme oh yeah like to make them essentially the age of the readers of the comics but not be like but not be kids you know like yeah because the whole thing about their turtles so it doesn't matter yeah because the whole thing about like media is you like as a kid you always want to watch something that's like a little bit older than you huh i didn't know that i think that's a theory maybe it's just something well i mean it's something you can't do you know like oh oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't you get all the kills aaron what would you like me to do what is the alternative no it's not i'm not asking you to do anything i'm beating myself up why why because i'm not as good as you who cares because i want to be good at something in my life you're so good at everything no i'm not name one thing you're technically my boss doesn't mean i'm good at it wow i think the jump kicks work better on these guys yeah oh there you go we separated oh it's shredder hey what's up uh this is different than the super nintendo game great wait i mapped the contr never mind what happened i just just i'm i'm a dink [ __ ] wiener i'm a wiener did you say i'm a wiener [Music] winter power a flying sausage fueled light a flying sausage fuel delight yeah oh i thought it was flying saucer well yeah it was i changed it because it was weiner power oh aaron well i don't know it made sense because sausage is on pizza sometimes you know what that is absolutely true thank you finally finally a little respect around here geez louise now let me catch up what do you mean all right i guess i guess so i guess i'll just i don't know man if you you'd secretly care though i never had a little brother and now i know exactly what it's like i was a little brother were you oh yeah you were that's right do you think that has informed every aspect of your life being a little brother yeah uh apparently that's a thing oh yeah most most of the people in the game grumps company had are like the youngest that's interesting yeah it's just like there's something about being the youngest that drives you to like a creative field yeah whereas i'm the oldest i i just have a younger sister and uh and i just fell into this accidentally i was minding my own business and you're like you want to join game grumps i was like okay yeah fine i'm not doing anything maybe i seeked you out because you were like the bigger brother though i never thought of that wow wow like we figured this out and then we're like all right show's over i don't uh no all right we okay we did our work we we yeah we figured it out yeah nine years of figuring it out game grubs nine years of figuring it out look at the dinosaurs they're freaking out oh [ __ ] man this is what i signed up for oh geez louise look at that head's the background is that good is that bad he's a goo monster this guy's not in the super nintendo version yeah i don't think he i don't think there's a pg-13 game could allow this that dude is straight goo pretty sure this was like a g-rated game oh cartoon violence that's uh i'll get you a pg rating [Laughter] turtles are always nude technically yeah i guess you're right those little bandy cloths leave nothing to the imagination where do turtles keep their wieners are they like tucked away i don't know i never really thought about it all i know is when they when they they [ __ ] they're like yeah i know that's all i know about them too depending on the size depending on the size of what one of those of the turtle if you go to if you if you watch one of those like ancient tortoises it's like 500 years old and they're like the size of a truck they go like [Music] like a [ __ ] person and then the tiny turtle's like yeah those are the funniest got a shower like that [ __ ] god this guy freaking was made a goo for a guy that's shaped like jizz he really lasts a long time well done yes get up get crusty and turn yellow there they go oh teleport we did it we're out of dinosaur times and into pirate times there's always pirates 15 30. i think this is slash sailing the sea it's allergies was the alligator in the superintendent version what is this one who cares oh there are planks there are planks that just pop up on you oh that's silly yeah oh you can see him though the worst oh he got me with the fire oh with the fire though i love that it's my favorite part of this game dude is it nothing beats the oh listen it's great content nothing moves though get away that was close i'm glad i told you to get away [Laughter] man you dodged a bullet there thanks to me i who let you have the pizza you can thank me later or you can thank me now by getting less kills this this obsession with having more kills during the arcade uh version of ninja turtles is one of the strangest game grump subplots i've ever seen it it truly is how do you not how do you not see the number and immediately are like whoa probably because i was the older sibling and i already knew i had my parents love regardless shut up you don't know that they might [ __ ] hate you maybe you're not so cool after all i bet if i called up your dad right now he'd be like oh they all know you're bad my parents don't know i'm bad i am bad though they just don't know it yet because i've always had the most kills in turtle games but now you're [ __ ] with that streak holy crap aaron oh my god that was one of the funniest [ __ ] most insane things i've ever heard pizza time i would have even known that you had more kills than me if you had got oh yes i was like well i know what that must mean i have more kills than you know great aaron i guess you'll just oh token razzar oh yeah i thought these guys names were token and razor and uh i was like what interesting names were they even in the cartoon they were in the second movie yeah but this is like based on the cartoon they're babies babies yeah num num scarf it [Laughter] holy [ __ ] you know it didn't seem dumb at all at the time well yeah i mean the [ __ ] costumes were awesome yeah i i freaking loved it i i do remember with see the third movie i guess i had aged out a little bit because i was watching it the third movie is terrible oh is it yeah i remember being kind of bored it's it's yeah it's boring dude though [ __ ] it have you watched it recently what the third movie any of the turtles movies no it's it's incredible like really the fact that they're they're in these giant suits that look awesome and their [ __ ] faces look so dope except for the third one because their teeth are weird okay um they're doing like backflips and [ __ ] really it's amazing costume yeah it's like how the [ __ ] are they doing this i never really thought about that which one's which one's toca and which one's razer red razzar oh he's a baby kill him kill him do it don't forget to do it i think super shredder is at the end of this game oh which is funny because he didn't do jack [ __ ] in the second movie don't worry about it don't worry is that a big deal oh here's the crocodile bury my me that's ridiculous come here babies i got you wow i'm gonna [ __ ] stab every one of these [ __ ] in the face everyone must get stabbed look at the horse guy i mean how did the foot soldiers get here i thought we were the ones being trans people yeah i know it doesn't matter every foot soldiers were an important part of every civilization that's why there's hieroglyphics on them the ancient foot soldiers arriving in dinosaur times with their steel girders and they're jumpy boots silly jumpy boots oh yeah look at that horse look at that horse he's coming a horse of course no one could talk to a horse of course unless that course of him as a matter of course is the famous mr ed my toe my toe oh god i'm wrecking these [ __ ] i died i've been killed but that's only a matter of time [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm gonna throw these [ __ ] you ready for this throw in the [ __ ] what i'm just a clown over here i'm not throwing you're throwing dip he had a hat on with like a little tassel jacket as if we weren't gonna notice he's a [ __ ] foot soldier i'm like dude we're killing everyone in sight it doesn't matter if you have a hat that guy's got a hat ignore him yeah let him go hey in the first arcade game there was that one girl on the skateboard oh yeah that is true that is weird that it was just a one-time thing i'm coming for you oh hey hey now easy you're an all-star get your game on go play step back my friend i'll protect you while you're dead oh we're [ __ ] with the mail dude we're dude we're this is a crime it's a federal offense i've got you mister no davy crockett's not gonna get his mail about his his hat or whatever he's the queen of the wild frontier davy crockett i watched too wong fu thanks for everything julie newmar i cried my eyes out at that movie what is that it's patrick swayze and um uh john leguizamo and uh wesley snipes oh that's the one where they like are cross dressers yes i've never seen it they they like they they come to a small conservative town and teach them to be more tolerant and it's just so wow it's like i don't know i guess i was just in the mood for like a tear-jerker movie yeah that's wonderful yeah and i uh i got very misty-eyed uh we're fighting an alligator we are we are and he's got a thong i want to say yeah he's def there's a lot of like he's wearing his underwear on the outside crotch ornaments in this in this series i've noticed yeah yeah that is true i guess it's like i guess it's like a comic book thing like superheroes they have like the underwear on the outside yeah but it seems like turtles really takes it up a notch like they could have done anything he's a [ __ ] gator man yeah but uh they just gave him a little he dresses and this is the second time today that i'll have mentioned this uh game not not in this play through but in like recording session today he's dressed like the adventures of bayou billy which i believe we played one time and you were like this is dumb shut up man i love this game foot blues i got them foot blues what time are we going to now the future the yeah holy [ __ ] that's crazy neon knight riders got to tell you guys 2020 wasn't actually this cool oh my god look at all the spotlights and [ __ ] yeah no actually we couldn't go anywhere and you had to [ __ ] sit around in your house a lot oh my god it's so funny that's that's so funny that's the year they picked the distant future 20 20. where things are so much better uh i don't know about that guys [ __ ] man i don't know how to break this to you everybody's dying backstreet boys are running rampant yeah get these [ __ ] copter boys i'm trying i'm gonna say it what nothing nothing i wasn't gonna say anything ah okay you were definitely going to talk about the amount of kills but you're like way ahead so what's the problem you're going to catch up my god beat the time oh he's got blue gloves now [ __ ] he's more stronger he's learned he's championship edition yeah he trained on the mountains that's where his gloves turned blue he was running low on oxygen his gloves the circulation is great it's so dumb no he needs less blood and more kill ow now can these guys just [ __ ] die please i know i'm getting they're hard they're hard to kill the fly the jumpy ones this is a crank stage is it really yeah how now crank is the future krangis the future yeah oh krang is the future i like how we get these like turtle branded hoverboards too i thought that was like his full name crangus the future crank is the future that's his rap name mime krangis kuring is the future uh yes well that's donatello man he would he would he had incredible brand loyalty to the turtles did he do machines in three seconds he does machines it's not even here man oh pizza you pizza [ __ ] can this guy just [ __ ] i know i know all right he went away who's that friendly fellow i'm here here's my kick he's got the great mazinger wings that's an anime refuge i don't get it oh my dad pooped and i saw him oh no what am i gonna do what is life gonna be like now i know too much he's human something [ __ ] kills me about what am i going to do with that kid who's like yeah he bangs his head on the garage i know your man has the lego death star can you chug a whole sparkling water without burping oh god what do i do [Laughter] it bashes his head which i don't know if that was intentional or not but man that he really committed yeah if that was real he's a [ __ ] comedic genius yeah and if that or if it wasn't real and if it was real it's still hard yeah it's even funnier yeah that's the sound when you leave the future okay 2100 thank god we'll already be dead by this point turtle has gone before yeah why didn't they go like way into the future you know like why they just go kind of in the future that's i mean the future is the future man yeah but like people who are alive in 2020 will still be alive and in 21 hunt like you know with a little luck that's true oh aaron always the optimist whoa meanwhile archaeologists uncover this episode of game grumps and they hear us and they're like wow these guys are stupid [Laughter] they had no idea just like the turtles game oh my god i can't [ __ ] believe this no no it's fine [Music] who cares okay i didn't see it i didn't say i said nothing okay you said oh my god i can't believe this and then and then immediately followed it with oh i didn't say anything what could that possibly be about i don't know maybe i farted too much and now i'm regretting farting i don't know you can't smell it you don't know that i farted maybe or that i didn't maybe maybe i broke a toe and i'm farting i exerted too much fart energy and my toe suffered i tensed up my foot at the wrong moment okay holy [ __ ] you are a lunatic all i want to do is win you are winning we're both winning oh we're not doing great no we're gonna beat this whole game i know it's fun fine all right great i'm having a great time my friend dan i love him wonderful also i want the most kills man oh god it just does not matter what happened at all what happened what do you mean what happened why did i get fall behind i was so far ahead because i killed more guys i guess yeah but you got 20 more guys yeah it seems that way i was ahead by 10 and now you're ahead by 10. then that's 20. i don't know what to tell you that's a lot of guys that i didn't kill that you did what happened holy christmas all right i'm catching up this is fine everything's fine maybe these rock guys they take too much health and i'm waiting to waste my time maybe you're going on the little guys and i was focusing on the big rock man shut the [ __ ] up oh my god i think that's what was happening thanks for your theory amazing it's so fascinating i did this to me but can you can you give me a five-page report and triplicate please okay you got it baby we got a printer we'll be on your desk by morning oh oh yeah i got the piece of triggers there's so much kills dressing back baby it's so stupid nobody can shop me now oh my god i'm losing somebody stopped me i'm the turtle king oh about me king buddy oh the exploding boys oh what's happening no [ __ ] goddammit [ __ ] controller right when i was winning stop it oh someone's throwing [ __ ] at me and it's killing me a lot i think it's for coming from off-screen do you like my pink ship i love it i gotta say i love that color scheme i wish i had a ship like that little green top you know what that's that's uh with a cute little green top it's it's daring but uh it's working it looks good you make it work it's so hard to hit stuff that's in the air you have to line up your shadows that's what i have to do you don't even look at the [ __ ] graphics yeah okay i was having trouble with that me [Music] [ __ ] stop mousers please just die oh it's bubbly what got a poop hurry hit me baby shoot my bears oh my god she's son of a [ __ ] the mind the mind stay away oh do they cat is killed yes of course they do oh my god i'm ahead by 25. i was focusing on crying the whole time i know i was trying to keep it clear for you so you could kill him oh man i didn't even realize that's awesome my dad works at nintendo yeah you're going to be hearing about this from my dad i didn't know we're going to be competing and kill them no these [ __ ] little robots are mine oh see now you care of course well now it's funny fine i'll kill craig yes okay i'll kill i'll i'll focus entirely on craig anyone got a penis that's not me what he says where's a guy got a penis around here oh come on man it's too hard to catch okay got him some cool guys killed him all right yeah sorry dude a great great thing killer i'm not gonna catch up are you kidding me it's so let's concentrate on craig then that's what i'm doing okay okay got him oh good job look at his [ __ ] face wow we killed him that time wow awesome he usually never dies [ __ ] oh dead we go technodrome oh 1991 the final shell shock oh he's got the statue of liberty he stole all of the liberty statues that is an awesome entrance yeah the brand how [ __ ] huge he is yeah he got bigger he grew a lot in two years he hit a growth spurt you know what it's fine he drink his milk dude the turtles are supposed to be five feet tall when did shredder get like he's like nine feet tall i thought i was you for a second that's yeah i do that sometimes i was like man i'm really nailing him i'm kicking the crap out of this guy meanwhile it was amazing kind of got like a wimpy little lightsaber thing there's no like effect where it's like or something he's got like the ones that like you buy at disneyland for your like little cousin who won't know the difference between that like the badass ones the handle's got like mickey mouse ears on it it's the mickey saber it doesn't hurt it just gives light hugs oh no what's happening my controller oh okay it's okay why are you walking away from him we need to gag up on this dude i know wait go back just wandering off i wonder if i left the iron on shredder if you could summon some like minions or something that'd be really cool yeah i need i need like little flea type things that you will fall off maybe maybe like uh maybe like like 22 of them specifically 22. and just to me get them dude get them get them get them man pretty underwhelming last boss i hope he has a second form he doesn't he's shredder when has he ever had a second for [ __ ] turtles too got him well done you got him cowabunga really no super show that's quite a blimp yeah jeez and let's just the shredder's like wow we did it aaron we did it well that's pretty precarious yeah yeah raph is about to fall off ra raph is the only one who grasps the reality of the situation oh my god we can't [ __ ] fly we're so high thanks inifuku yeah now we gotta play the super nintendo one because it's got more stages and it's better you just wanna keep playing ninja turtles games until you get more kills than being one of them that's definitely what's happening i love him singing john ryan yeah this is nice mickey shank oh he was in the he worked on the first one where she worked the first one baby that was great that was super fun okay well hard motors no there's no time next how about game grubs i will not hurry shredder splitter [ __ ] whatever your name is you're 30. i don't have to listen to you you're 30. i'm 15 i don't care goodbye you know my dad draw my dad jump into that he's like huge look at him go away go oh my god they blow you up that's so funny wow that's crazy i guess it's just a way to like yeah make sure you're like if you left the machine it's like well i want more money from children so hurry all right bye it's really funny wait one more big like yeah [ __ ] these kids [ __ ] them kids no rules who says [ __ ] them kids why is that a quote it's like a it's like a meme where it's like michael jordan and he's like smiling it's like this really nice shot of them and it just says [ __ ] them kids in quotes yeah that's awesome oh man michael jordan for a guy who like was didn't have a career really during the you know the the meme age of the internet uh he's definitely been like at the center of the line yeah he's a stop get help yep he's crying jordan obviously crying jordan oh yeah i don't even know if i know that one oh you've never you've never seen the crying michael jordan emoji i don't know emoji i don't know what that i don't know if that's the right word oh yes i think i have actually yeah we're just crying his eyes out as we all do sometimes let me look up crying jordan yep you'll know when you see it yes of course yeah i know that one yeah i don't i don't know what he was looking at but those are some those are some tears baby yeah why was he crying consistently dying oh my god there's a wikipedia article about it of course there is not even a [ __ ] like know your meme what is it it's a it's an actual wikipedia article wow but what does it say what was he crying at oh um associated press during jordan's speech at his basketball hall of fame induction ceremony oh okay yeah that's a that's a big moment in someone's life yeah well good for him man yeah good for him we're just having a conversation while our turtles are consistently dying all right uh oh it lets you keep your score from last time no what no no you can't yeah i just want to break 400. don't just break forward no you'll never be able to i won't move please please never move please what do you give me friendship not good not good enough not even remotely good enough look at me i'm like 20 bucks okay oh all right i'll do it for 20 bucks okay yeah nice 400 all right next time i get grubs goodbye i'm gonna jump off these girders brian can you uh peel off a 20 for aaron just pretend like he's been here the whole time
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 308,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, turtles in time, turtles in time ost, turtles in time arcade, turtles in time snes, turtles in time boss theme, turtles in time reshelled, turtles in time soundtrack, turtles in time sewer surfin, turtles in time big apple 3am, turtles in time speedrun, turtles in time arcade ost, turtles in time playthrough, turtles in time arcade 1up, turtles in time bosses
Id: UCMnKAOj8e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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