"Did You Drink a Red Bull within the Past 90 Days?" Creepypasta

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you [Music] if you drank a Red Bull within the past 90 days I sincerely hope you're feeling well but I'm afraid for you I won't write my name for fear of what they'll do to me if they found out I'm writing this I'll call myself Zedd I worked at one of the redbull production factories in Austria for more than seven years it was a good job it helped me provide for my wife and children most who worked there were Austrian natives but I'm from a western country again I can't name it I visited Austria as a young man met my wife and I never left it wasn't what my family back home wanted for me which is probably why we speak so little but I was a high school dropout trying to find his way in life I bumped around Europe for two years just crashing on couches or spending the occasional night in a park I got used to doing odd jobs for money and blowing it all on beer but when I met my wife I felt something change inside of me I promised her I would no longer be the useless bastard I was before I would hold a steady job and become a man a good man that is partially why I'm writing this if I were back in the old days I would have just let this information go it didn't affect me so why should I care but I'm a better person now what I know could have a lasting impact on the lives of millions I have no choice but to share this our redbull facility is unique in that it both produces the liquid for the Red Bulls and bottles it all in one place they most likely did this to save on transportation costs I worked in the bottling portion of the factory it wasn't very exciting to say the least I would stand next to a conveyor belt the cans would move forward the liquid would pour in and the tops would be put on last my job was to basically watch this whole process day after day and make sure nothing went wrong and nothing did go wrong for seven years sure we had pile ups and spills but and that was ordinary what happened in September was far worse the first time it came up was on a typical day I remember making pancakes for the kids and my wife sleepily kissing me goodbye as I left for work everyone was tired as usual I took my spot in line waiting for the whole process to begin Stephan my coworker was oddly talkative he was a mostly quiet man with a very private life but today he leaned over to me and gossiped like the children did no bulls he said pigs this time he spoke German obviously so I'm translating huh no Bulls for the product the urine I mean they had to use pigs he tapped his finger on the medal of the conveyor belt I have no idea what you're saying he rolled his eyes at me urine for the product that's just a myth man I told him no it's true they don't use as much as they did in the beginning it's too expensive but it's still in there every last yellow drop but the Bulls they use weren't enough for this shipment they had to mix it in with something else that's why they got the pigs he looked around and then whispered to me I heard they have something wrong with them the conveyor belt began to turn on and Stefan moved back to his station I shrugged him off I spent the day doing the same old thing watching the cans and pushing my button at lunchtime we all went into the break room gulia like usual had a can of redbull with her not only did she work there but she was addicted to the stuff she cracked it open with a sigh fresh off the line she said greedily gulping it down luckily I never touched the drink myself it had a really weird aftertaste I just couldn't get past Stefan was telling stories again these shipments are going out to North America soon not sure what'll happen when it reaches them no Bulls you know only pigs nobody was taking him seriously two weeks later Stefan stop showing up to work there was no explanation nothing someone who happened to live near him checked his house but no one answered it was a Thursday I think when Julia had her seizure well that's what we thought it was it was four weeks after Stefan disappeared she flopped to the ground and thrashed like an insane person none of us had ever experienced a seizure before she was screaming they're in my eyes they're in my brain someone had the idea to shove a wallet into her mouth I knelt beside her trying to hold her head up that's when I noticed the oddity there were three small squiggles in her left eye they were swimming upwards before I could figure out just what was happening a supervisor instructed two men to take her away he told us that she had a seizure disorder he said it was normal nothing to be afraid of we didn't see Julia again one of the following nights I dreamt of the squiggles in her eye I was standing in the break room except one of the walls had been replaced with a huge eyeball one curly line began climbing up the eye scooping bits of viscera as it ascended then two more followed the lines started to come into focus they appeared to be white snakes except blood-streaked their long bodies one of them poked its head out from the wall of the cornea staring at me with an expressionless face it had no mouth but I had a feeling it was smiling at me I woke up in a cold sweat breathing shallowly I could still hear Julia screaming even as I was awake there in my brain back at work a few others started suffering as well it began with headaches one person described it as a mild pain than a pounding and finally a jackhammer ripping through their skull after the headache came odd vision problems small oddly shaped lines would pass across their line of sight and finally after just a few days full-fledged fits all of them screamed of something in their head no one came back to work after suffering one the facility started to grow dreary people were nervous to go to work we never knew who would be next or what was actually happening finally the supervisors had a company meeting I remember finding it odd that of our giant factory only about 50% of the co-workers were present even the supervisors numbers had dwindled the big boss man got in front of a microphone and spoke his voice was calm but threatening you may have heard a rumor of something contaminating the product this is simply not true you'll not be infected if you drink redbull no one has died from it any gossip about the infection is a lie if you are caught discussing the lie you will be terminated immediately any questions the way he said any questions was not actually a question it was a statement it was a conclusion to his small speech none of us said a word another supervisor stepped up to the microphone his voice was much more timid at this time we are no longer allowing employees to drink the product off the line you may purchase redbull on your own time but not during work this is non-negotiable he sounded very nervous after a few moments we were dismissed no one spoke but before I could leave the big boss pulled me aside you'll sit right yes sir I replied more than a little unnerved how would you like to be a supervisor twice the pay and much less work he faked a smile we need talent like yours plus you speak perfect English this is a plus for us I don't know what to say I responded in confusion the boss pulled out a white folder read what's in here if you can accept it then we will promote you if you don't feel comfortable then we will have a conversation he thrusted the folder into my hands now go home and get back to us tomorrow I have not been completely honest with you whoever is listening to this although I do wish to hide my name it's not because of what the company will do to me it is because of what I will be doing tomorrow you see the folder they handed me was a detailed description of how I was to take the blame for everything that happened I was to pretend to be a high-ranking supervisor at the plant I would admit to allowing untested ingredients into the Red Bulls that were shipped to North America I would explain that the company had no knowledge of this and that it was my fault alone in return the company would pay me handsomely every month for the rest of my life it was presented as a choice but I knew it really wasn't if I said no to them the best scenario would be losing my job the worst would be ending up like Stefan I couldn't do that to my wife to my kids I wanted to be a better man but I love them more than I love my own reputation so tomorrow in a worldwide press conference I am going to take responsibility for something I had nothing to do with my name will be smearing across headlines I will be an embarrassment my family and I will have to move to hide but at least we'll be safe I hope but before I do all of this I want you to know what happened to those who drank the infected product I need to tell someone especially those of you in North America because maybe it will happen to you too the product contains tapeworms millions of them they eat through your body like wolves tearing out a deer except these aren't the ones that you may have heard of these don't live in your stomach they travel up to your brain like thin hungry predators they move up your body and devour the insides of your skull if you're lucky you'll survive just long enough to tell your loved ones that you love them if you aren't you'll meet the same fate as Julia writhing on the floor in agony watching as they swim across your eyeballs these infected products were shipped between September and November the recall will start tomorrow but many of you have already been exposed to the worms please seek medical help maybe a doctor can save you maybe I can save you but this won't reach as many people as it needs to if you're listening to this and you feel a headache coming on or if you can see a small speck in the corner of your eye then I am so sorry to tell the brutal truth you might as well already be dead [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 483,829
Rating: 4.791316 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr., CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPasta, Horror, Scary Story, Creepy Story, SCARY STORY, TRUE SCARY STORY, Disturbing, Nightmare, Creepy, Spooky, Eerie, Disgusting, Fiction, Storytelling, MrCreepyPasta, CreepsMcPasta, Narration, SCARY RED BULL STORY, Did You Drink a Red Bull within the Past 90 days?, Horror Story, Horror Video
Id: M3g4GorBufk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2016
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