"Don't Drink the Water" | Creepypasta

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it's been a few days since I've seen David or at least I think so it's hard to tell night from day anymore it's always so dark all the plan life is dead the ground is desolate it's from all the acid I know the acid those things keep I'm sorry let me back up a little David was my boyfriend I suppose we had never actually made it official but there was a clear spark between us we'd kissed once or twice it had been magical neither of us seemed ready for the commitment that came with being in a relationship though I just lost my father and David seems like more of a free spirit and wanting to be tied down by anything or anyone it started in the city close to us we live in a rural area so our water supply either comes from wells or the city on the morning of January 3rd the news issued a boil order for all of our water of course those with wells didn't have to follow this order we were told that one of the factories in the city had had an incident and that their chemical waste was now leaking into the water supply however they assured us that it was nothing serious and that boiling would eliminate any threats that chemicals may pose to humans regardless David and I began buying bottled water we had talked about it over the phone had decided it would be safer the news reports came about a week later people were becoming violently ill regardless of whether or not they had boiled their water we were told to buy bottled water which was just as well for David and me three days after this we learned that the sickness was apparently contagious if we experienced any symptoms nausea fever vomiting and so on we were to stay inside until they passed effectively quarantine in ourselves the first staph occurred on the 22nd it was a young boy I believe he was nine named Aaron McCain he had been fighting the illness for a week and his tiny body had finally succumbed he looked awful pale and malnourished from the constant vomiting the disease brought with it the city and the surrounding rural areas went silent when the story aired he had been so small with a whole life ahead of him then on live television Aaron sat back up at first I assumed it to be the effects of rigor mortis is the hard monitor continued to display a flatline however this was not the case abject terror gripped me as I watched this emaciated almost inhuman figure open its mouth and begin vomiting a viscous black liquid that slowly ate away at anything it touched as it did disgusting choked gurgling sound emitted from its mouth the doctors and nurses in the room all gasped in horror and one of them even fainted their colleagues were forced to watch in horror as the acid like substance creeped ever closer to her body upon touching her she did not begin to dissolve as expected rather a substance seeped into her skin we all watched and fascinated horror as she sat up and began vomiting the same liquid the broadcasts ended when the room was filled with the putrid solution the remaining doctors and nurses had fled along with the cameraman who did not get far before the acid claimed him as well the broadcast ended because it ate through the camera letting the video cut back to the newsroom the two anchors sat in stunned silence the police attempted to close off the building to no avail as for myself I was too frightened to leave the house or stay alone so David came over I was honestly relieved to see him his truck was piled high with boxes of canned food and water what are you doing I asked him I came prepared he answered with a slight grin this isn't some kind of zombie apocalypse movie David is a serious I am serious against my better judgment I helped him unload the boxes underneath the boxes and the tailgate were a few two by fours I looked over at David quizzically you're not boarding on my windows David preparation Alice you tried to argue no way besides if those things even get close what makes you think a few pieces of wood will stop them he went quiet after that and I knew I had won for the next few days we did a little more than eat and watch the news I didn't sleep much every time I did I would see that little boy vomiting that black stuff pure agony in his eyes there was agony it was somehow lifeless as if he had no soul after a few days they were everywhere people stopped leaving their houses the airways went dead and the electricity went out due to the creatures destroying powerlines it was at this time that David's preparations stopped being stupid we had several flashlights and packages of batteries even candles we huddled together under blankets listening to the sheer maddening silence of the outside world late that night I was awakened by a soft but constant gurgling noise my eyes widened in horror as I realized what was going on they were here they were coming quickly I rolled over and began shaking David violently wake up I pleaded wake up [Music] it's a quite a bit of effort to get any response from him at all after a while he sat up groggily why what is it I placed my fingers to my lips silently telling him to listen it was getting louder closer david cursed and jumped to his feet grabbing the shotgun he had brought with him before i'd thought he was being paranoid and overdoing it but now it felt like our only line of defense I prayed that his aim was good I washed out the window as David went to confront the horrid creatures I saw him take aim and miss my heart sank with his second shot he blew one of their heads clean off it didn't falter black-ass had spurted from the stump of its neck showering the surrounding area as it continued to walk forward david shot again this time into its stomach once more the thick liquid seeped from its wound it was completely unaffected david shouted in tear and began backing away toward the house he tried shooting in its legs to stop it but it didn't work either it only caused more acid to spurt from the thing's body it was like it never ended he turned toward the window and I heard him shout get out of the house I don't think I can stop it where was I supposed to go they had infested the city at this point so no place was safe perhaps the woods beyond my house would lead to some sort of safety but I had to pass that that monster to even get close maybe if I brand hesitantly I opened the door and stepped into the cold night my flashlight cast a narrow beam in front of me that told me where I was going I'd been too frightened to grab anything else suddenly one drop from a higher place in front of me I have no idea where it came from even to this day my scream didn't faze it but it did let David know that I was in distress I began backing away slowly my eyes locked on the figure something came from the left and tackled it to the ground I saw the two figures roll around for a moment before I came to the shocking realization that one of them was stated my eyes went wide go I heard him yell get out of here I tried but my legs remained in place I was frozen in fear and my body disobeyed every command it was given after what seemed like hours David and the thing stood back up again I stood there my eyes fixated on the man I loved as he opened his mouth and began vomiting black ooze at that moment all function returned to my body I ran faster than I ever have in my entire life straight into those woods but I had forgotten about the river that runs behind my house the river whose water is now a sickening black I had no choice but to begin following it downstream the trees and bushes became more and more scarce until there were none at all so here I am lost and alone I have no idea where I am or where I am going I haven't slept in a long time sometimes I swear I can hear gurgling noises coming from behind me what's worse I'm so thirsty maybe one little drink can't hurt [Music] thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy today's narration I want to give a huge thanks to last month's $5 and up patrons starless terre William L Linda H Christopher B hunter D Lettie M Ronnie K Lake s Meg see Tim d-28 mister creeps and all of the $2 enough patrons on screen as well all of your support makes these narrations possible and I appreciate it a ton if you'd like to join these lovely ghouls I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page for just $1 a month you'll get an exclusive narration that will never ever be uploaded to my channel usually want a bit too extreme for YouTube so that's at least one extra video every month for just $1 if not more for $2 a month you will get thanked in the end scroll of every video and for just $5 a month I'll shout you out at the end of every video personally you also get exclusive discord rules for those perks as well if you'd like to chat with me for a bid you can join me on a monthly livestream for just $10 a month and get a sign to merch sticker for 25 a month and if you're in the market for some horrifying shirts and hoodies you can head on over to my teespring store in the description as well and don't forget to follow me on twitter at second clancy i'm going to thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 103,354
Rating: 4.8881907 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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