"World's Best School Psychologist" CreepyPasta

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when I was 12 I came to the conclusion that everyone in the world including my own family was against me I was never a problem child but my parents sure treated me like one for example I used to need to be home by 5:00 p.m. every day this clearly restricted my amount of playtime outdoors I wasn't allowed to have friends over to play at the house nor was I allowed to go over to anyone elses I had to finish homework directly after I came home from school no matter how long it took my parents refused to buy me video games and forced me to read books and then write a book report on them to prove I actually read it now even though those rules listed above were quite frustrating to me as a child they aren't what upset me the most what really hurt me was the lack of compassion on behalf of my parents my mother was a bitter woman who always made me feel guilty of accidents or mistakes I've made my father only knew one emotion frustration the only time he spoke to me was when he was screaming at me for receiving a poor test score or beat me for misbehaving but enough about them let's talk about my school psychologist for his own privacy we'll call him dr. Tanner like most junior high schools a psychologist is always available on campus during school hours to assist any student in need of counseling whether it's emotional academic social behavioral etc to be honest I have never seen any student talking with dr. Tanner every day I would walk past his office on my way to the cafeteria and peek through his doors little window he would always be in there alone working on some paperwork I guess that most kids were too afraid to speak about their problems to an adult who was practically a stranger but this reason it took me three weeks to muster enough courage to go into his office March 2nd 1993 was the day I decided to voice my troubles to dr. Tanner during lunch break I stood in front of his office door and knocked through the window I could see him raise his head smile and motion for me to come in I did he greeted me by introducing himself and asking for my name dr. Tanner was a very soft-spoken man who seemed to radiate kindness in less than 30 minutes i rambled to dr. Tanner about how mean my parents were to me and how they didn't care about me at all after a while my voice began to quaver and I stopped speaking the psychologist listened patiently to my whole spiel arms folded and head nodding I half expected him to begin talking about how everything I had just said was untrue and that my parents loved me dearly in blah blah blah but he didn't dr. Tanner leaned towards me with a grin on his face and said you know I'm the best school psychologist in the world I promise we will fix this I rolled my eyes okay but how I asked I have my ways he replied I'm a man of my word I promise that within just one month the relationship between you and your parents will change for the better forever after a brief pause he continued although I do need you to make me a promise you have to promise me that you'll come back to my office after school tomorrow and that you won't tell anyone that we had this conversation today it'll be our little secret I promised the following day I returned to dr. Tanner after school it was around 4 p.m. when I entered his office after a warm welcome he asked me to have a seat in front of his desk again upon sitting down i watched dr. Tanner close the blinds of the doors tiny window there he smiled now we have all the privacy we need we began to talk about my likes and interests my favorite subjects in school my least favorite teachers and things of the like about an hour into the conversation dr. Tanner offered me a soft drink I gladly took the offer considering my parents never allowed me to drink soda dr. Tanner reached over into his mini fridge and fiddled around before setting down to open cans of soda on his desk afterwards we continued to talk about what was going out of my life but it wasn't long before I passed out from whatever drugs dr. Tanner placed in my drink it took me a minute or so to adjust my blurred vision upon waking up and when it did I had no idea what to think I was handcuffed to a bed and my mouth was sealed with duct tape I immediately began to panic squirming and tugging at the cuffs but gave up soon after my eyes widened in disbelief after looking around the room there were posters of superheroes pinned up along the walls and photographs of famous athletes on shelves in the middle of the room was an old television and a Super Nintendo various game cartridges stacked alongside it I didn't know what to think Here I am in a room filled with these items most kids would die to play with I would have probably cried from joy hadn't I been and cuffed to a bed frame my stomach sank once again as the door opened and dr. Tanner walked inside he sat down on the edge of the bed now listen he said remember that of you to help you and I would never hurt you okay dr. Tanner gently removed the tape from my mouth and then the cops from my hands my first instinct was to begin crying but something about dr. Tanner made me feel safe he smiled at me you're going to be staying here for a while he continued and during this time you're allowed to play with any toys in this room while I'm here at home but when I leave the house I'll need to cuff one of your hands to the bed you can still watch the telly but I want you to only watch the News Channel when I'm away i sat in silence still trying to process the information he had given to me so dr. Tanner yipped slapping me on the knee you go ahead and knock yourself out I'll be back when it's time for dinner he got up from the bed walked across the room and clicked on the TV's power button before locking the door behind him several more minutes passed before I realized that dr. Tanner wasn't joking all that was left for me to do was boot up the Nintendo and play Mario until nightfall at about 7:00 p.m. dr. Tanner returned to the room carrying two plates of mashed potatoes and chicken strips I finally gathered up the courage to ask him how long I'd be staying in this room well about a month he replied give or take a few weeks I just have some work I need to do the following morning I awoke to dr. Tanner's hand patting my head hey bud you don't have to wake up right now if you don't want but I'm going to need to put this back on he whispered clamping the cold steel handcuff onto my wrist I gazed up at him he was wearing a collared shirt and slacks a coat draped over his shoulder and a suitcase at his side he looked just how he always did when I saw him at school before leaving he placed the TV's remote next to me and told me to turn it on and watch the news the first thing I saw upon turning on the TV was a breaking news segment an important looking police officer stood at a podium surrounded by people with microphones I happened to begin viewing halfway through his speech a statewide Amber Alert has been issued as of this morning we have several investigators working towards identifying potential abductors but as of right now there is not much evidence faculty members state that the boy had been seen around 4:00 or 5:00 in the evening on I began to feel nauseous as a photograph of me appeared on the screen it was my yearbook picture from last year captions for the photograph displayed my name and age my school and my hometown above my picture were alternating titles FBI begins search for child and kidnapping suspect unknown and potential runaway the live footage continued and to figures I soon recognized as my mom and dad stepped up to the podium both appeared to have reddened eyes tears streamed on my mother's face as she took a hold of the microphone I'd never seen such emotion come from my mother before as she wept on live television stuttering on sentences such as please return my baby back to me and I'm so sorry and please come home to us when my father took the microphone I nearly expected his attitude to be stone cold but he too had tears in his eyes he pleaded to the world to bring his son home safely and lastly begged for my forgiveness I know I haven't been the best father but god damn it do I wish I had been now please bring my boy back I turned the power off shortly after my emotions were mixed for I had never once seen my father cry I felt miserable that my parents were being put through so much but at the same time I felt relief I now know how much my mom and dad loved me nearly four weeks had passed and dr. Tanner had been treating me with the utmost respect he leaves me in the morning cuffed to the bed frame but returns in the afternoon to eat lunch and dinner with me talk and play games I never would have guessed how good dr. Tanner was at monopoly in Scrabble but one morning when dr. Tanner woke me up before heading to work I noticed a stern look on his face I also realized that it was three hours earlier than when he usually wakes me up you need to watch the news today no exceptions I want you to keep the television on all day and pay close attention to it he stated grimly I of course complied and watched him exit the room about two hours later a breaking news segment interrupted the toothpaste commercial I was watching the title human remnants found to staunch looking men in suits to decide one another and began speaking we are displeased to bring up such unfortunate news this morning regarding our missing child case from earlier this month one of the men bowed his head while the one speaking shuffled through some papers he continued remains of a body have been found in a garbage bag beneath the highway overpass the body appears to be that of a child although not much of it is left the body has been decapitated and much of it has been burnt to ash and bone the screen shifted over to a helicopter view of a freeway dozens of police cars gathered near the bottom of a tall overpass the man's voice could still be heard within the bag police found a junior high school identification card labeled as such the screen showed the school ID card I always kept in my backpack the plastic was sort of melted away but my photograph and name were intact after the two men dismissed themselves the camera panned over to my parents they were sitting among reporters my mother's face held a painful grimace and my father sulked his head down to his knees I shut off the television dr. Tanner returned home very late he hurried into the room unlocked my cups and placed a bottle of fizzing water into my hand he placed his hands onto my shoulder and smiled I made you a promise didn't I I nodded tears squeezing their way out of my eyes I need you to make me a promise again he whispered he told me that I need to drink all the water in the bottle it would help me sleep and from here on I am never to tell anyone that I ever met him I promised I told you I'm the best school psychologist in the world didn't know he was right I woke later that night to find myself lying in the middle of a park star shining brilliantly across the night sky I recognized the park it wasn't too far from my school a mile or so down the road I saw my house the lights were off inside but I could make out my father sitting on the step leading into the front door hesitantly I called out to him he lifted his head slowly but when he saw me spring up to his feet ran towards me with open arms yelling my name my mother errupted from the house behind him dr. Tanner was right things have changed with my family and I my parents smile more often and treat me lovingly I could not ask for a more perfect ending every now and then I see dr. Tanner on campus talking to and from his office rarely do we ever make eye contact let alone speak to one another but sometimes he'll shoot me a wink and a smile I'll always keep my promise to him and pretend I never met him but there will always be one question forever floating in my mind who did dr. Tanner decapitate and throw off the overpass
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 260,011
Rating: 4.9474502 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr, CREEPYPASTA, creepy, horror, MrCreepyPasta, Fear, creepy pasta, pasta, nightmare, scary, CreepsMcPasta, narration, Story Telling
Id: 9zAfM4guFyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2013
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