"I Shouldn't Have Tried Crystal Pepsi" Creepypasta

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remember a while ago when there was some big thing about people having Crystal Pepsi I don't remember exactly when or what the big deal was but I remember when my friend offered me a can apparently he's dated several cases sitting in his work shed everything about my friend Dominic is that his parents are weird he was of the loft plucking his mother collected porcelain dolls and fancy blades his father collected soda merchandise and coins they were really intense about their collections but they would never want to waste money I don't think anyone else in the neighborhood had near the same amount of savings as the price family they were extremely responsible with their money and weren't against selling valuable pieces of their collection they both worked steady well-paying jobs they lived a nails well below their means they didn't spend frivolously just because they could they planned to have a nice song to guide them through retirement Dominic price wasn't as serious as his parents though part of why we were friends was his amazing sense of humor he was one of the funniest people I knew it was adventurous and throughout the years we've gotten into all sorts of trouble together we were infamous among the neighborhood that's besides the point because on this day all I infamous duo was doing was taking one can of Crystal Pepsi from one of the many cases that was stacked in the back corner of the work shed to keep a story shot we drank a can in the shed it tasted weird and it was just a general waste of time there was one interesting thing I noticed in the shed while we looked around it was an old key chain with a Pepsi logo on it it was pretty cool looking dumb suddenly picked up the keychain and tossed it at me want it that's got villians you'll never know this I nodded and pocketed the keychain as we left I knew I shouldn't have taken it but I did anyways it was almost like it was a gift from down anyway I walked out with a neat trinket and Don finish off the gross part I didn't think much of our little shed escapade except to worry that mr. price would find out and be upset it was a week later when I sat down with a price family for dinner and my anxiety over being caught was validated YouTube's been in my work shed recently mr. price spoke casually as though he was used to people entering his shed without permission I looked at the Domenic for his reply because I had no idea if we planned on telling the truth yeah we tried one of the crystal Pepsi's last weekend admitted his father nodded and asked that we get permission before going into his shed the rest of the dinner went smoothly but I couldn't help but feel nervous that mr. price knew about what I taken when I left the house at night I could swear mr. price glared at me as we said goodbye I didn't sleep well that night I brushed it off his guilt over the petty theft but the sounds freaked me out I kept hearing the noise which sounded like someone pacing outside my bedroom window over the next week I wished my room was located on a higher floor because I swore that something was outside it tapped and scratched at my window and several nights I saw a silhouette standing out on the lawn I was afraid I thought that maybe mr. price was trying to scare me into a confession if that was the case it worked I showed up at their home on a Saturday afternoon the dumbbells I admitted that I was actually there to see mr. price he walked into his living room together from each sat in a chair I bought the keychain for my pocket I'm sorry mr. price activist from your shed a few weeks ago I spoke nervously rushing to get the words out I know and you kept it from me you lied about what you took from my shed his voice was lowenstern it's in a wave of fear through me I'm sorry I stirred it out the apology and no place to correct him on exactly who had told the life listen his voice often I normally wouldn't care about a small theft but this thing is cursed I stared at him for a moment waiting for the punchline to this joke he remains calm and serious so I just nodded at his statements mr. price was weirder than I thought there's something inside it he continued but quickly broke into a fit of laughter I'm sorry it's just you almost seem to believe it this thing does have a history of being stolen but that's all I was confused then honestly didn't find the Joker a funny after the week I'd had returning it doesn't change the fact that it was stolen and that you lied to my face I was as polite as possible for the rest of the conversation and left as soon as I could as I was leaving I heard Mr Price call out a final statement to me returning it doesn't change the fact that it was stolen and that you lied to my face I was stepping out the front door as he said it I turned to apologize once more but his wife was the door in my face everywhere noises and strange figures would go away once I returned a keychain but nothing changed I spent another week nearly sleepless before I found myself back at Dom's house for dinner his mother let me in and led me to the table son was already seated and nodded towards me in a greeting mrs. price left to go to the kitchen Mr Price said imposingly at the head of the table there was an odd tension in the air I felt uncomfortable sitting there and noticed that the table hadn't been set which made me realize how unusual it was for everyone to be seated for dinner so early when mrs. price came back into the room she was holding a hammer and her husband suddenly stood aside in shock as they walked over to me I wasn't expecting the hammer to slam down on the hand I'd left resting on the table I had the crunch of bone the voice screamed it was the worst pain I ever felt and I was too shocked to move the hammer came down a few more times landing squarely on each of my knuckles I flinched each time I heard my bones breaking but by that last one I wasn't sure if I could feel it my right hand was a useless mangled mess mrs. price gripped my shoulders as a husband moved away from me she wasn't very big or imposing but she was strong enough to keep me in place while I groaned in agony I didn't think I could've moved very much if she hadn't been holding me the pain was intense I wanted more than anything to leave but I couldn't understand why Tom hadn't moved from his seat that's when mr. price pulled his son seat away from the table and I saw that his hands were bound in some places the punishment this feeling is very costly sister price smile you two are lucky I stared in disbelief as he held the hammer above Tom's hand that was the moment when mrs. price leaned close and whispered to me run don't tell anyone what you saw it has seven a punishment for spreading rumors she giggled at that and it sent a chill through my body no one would believe it either she gave me a slight shot and I ran out of the room with the first of Dom screams rang out the street was busy loud I couldn't hear any screams once I was outside but I still ran I ran until I got home feeling guilty for leaving Dom they were his parents though when I was a skinny teenager I didn't know how to help when I got home my parents were waiting for me they weren't surprised by my bloody hand they received a call from mr. price where he explains that I'd gotten into a fight with Dominic today was the day they planned on moving out of the state and according to mr. price I was mad that no one had told me that they were leaving my parents were disappointed in me assuming my broken knuckles were from a wall I had supposedly put a hole through at the price home I went to the hospital about it and even the doctor told him that it didn't appear to be caused by punching something they didn't really acknowledge it too deep in their acceptance of what mr. price had said he was their friend a fellow parent in the neighborhood of course they trusted him Dominic wasn't in school on Monday when I walked by the price house at the end of the day it appeared empty i scaled myself and walked up to the door knocking softly no answer I beats in a window and found the home devoid of furniture they really had moved away it's been years since then but I've never found a trace of them I don't know why they believed in such severe punishment for theft why someone was outside of my home maybe thinking I'd tell my parents and make myself less credible in the end regardless no one has ever believed my side of the story the only reason I even thought of telling you all about this is because I found something in an old jacket of mine today it was an old Pepsi keychain that I know I returned [Music] you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 392,481
Rating: 4.870811 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepsmcpasta, crystal pepsi, pepsi, old school, retro, 80's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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