Did This 4Chan User Get Kidnapped in Afghanistan?

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today's video is brought to you by our friends over at expressvpn before we go into it I just want to tell you about VPN services and one of the reasons why I use expressvpn in my case when I'm going out in public yes occasionally I do have to go out and touch grass I know it's it's a pretty unlikely Endeavor but I do occasionally have to do it and connecting to a public Wi-Fi service with my device or really any device it's not something I really like to do without any form of VPN service whatsoever kind of encrypting my package and sending them off to expressvpn and sort of obfuscating my traffic from the general public pool is something that I definitely definitely definitely endorse and it's something I would highly recommend if you're actually outside and using this the other reason I use expressvpn is to also obfuscate my IP address utilizing a VPN and tunneling your data in an encrypted fashion helps protect you on a public Wi-Fi network from having your financial information 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video is a video about the UK Gap culture and how it intertwines with the Taliban now you might be like wow muda that's a that's a pretty strong comparison here now ladies and gentlemen obviously uh to start off with a gap year as it's considered in the United Kingdom we're really anywhere in the world is a sabbatical year a periods of time where students take a break from their studies usually after completing high school or before beginning graduate school during that time students engage in a variety of educational and developmental activities such as traveling working volunteering or taking courses now of course ladies and gentlemen yes that is something that happens around the world and I'm a huge supporter of it okay sometimes it's great to learn about cultures and and learn about the world may maybe work a little bit get some money in your pocket now of course some people will do that but there is a smaller majority of minority of people that decide to just go to the most dangerous parts of the world and that's where our first subject here four-channer YouTuber Lord miles I go to the most dangerous places on Earth for fun Afghanistan Taliban takeover South Sudan Ukraine war shooting with the Taliban and Snake Island Now ladies and gentlemen to start off with I just want to say the Taliban is an evil organization uh it's a I don't care what piece Accords gets signed it is a terror cartel that has effectively taken over an entire country unfortunately and has enough Hardware to pretty much keep hold of that country for a long time now of course for those of you don't know Afghanistan is a country that has suffered decades okay Decades of warfare whether it be between the United States or the Soviets you name it the people of Afghanistan have just generationally been Warriors for you know as far as that's the only life unfortunately some of those people know now to accelerate this uh in August of 2021 uh you know about a year two years ago the United States had pulled out of Afghanistan so this marked the end of one of the longest U.S conflicts in history now of course as the United States pulled out uh what had happened was The Afghani National Army got completely wiped out by the Taliban the Taliban had around what close to a billion dollars worth of U.S military hardware and effectively they got to keep a whole country so yes a whole country is controlled by a terror cartel known as the Taliban now around August 13 of that year one of the four Chan posts that kicked in from Miles here was decided to pop down to Afghanistan for a few days never been before just goofing off and soaking in the sun seems more peaceful than London to me and they basically started an AMA for people asking what was going on they provided a photograph and of course Opie was asked time stamp or you can [ __ ] off so of course what had happened was uh miles had actually provided some receipts I have more photos did a little trolling at the bird market this morning now miles decided to use some of that brain power going on and he decided to have some backup plans one of them was having this American Express card where he had Lord ml and here he says if the Taliban kidnapped me the plan is simple I'm legally technically a lord bought a fake certificate wore a suit in a bank and talked the talk so it says Lord on all my bank cards the Taliban may see that as a reason enough to keep me alive thinking it may hold some negotiating power as they think I'm important yeah he bought one of those uh he bought one of those like established title things and decided yeah I'm gonna call myself a lord or a lady and uh in this case it seems like it might have worked now I don't think the uh the Taliban operators would be this stupid but generally I kind of can see where miles is thinking of look at the end of the day all right they might wait maybe five minutes before the round is put into your head if they see the fact that you might be a lord or a lady maybe that might actually save his life I'm gonna wager that 99 of the times they're still gonna put the bullet in your head but miles had some actual brain activity kicking in it turns out that Miles had said the ticket tips that he had were actually non-refundable therefore I stayed permanently in a grave or I leave on the 19th as I planned so of course this is during the evacuation phase where every country who is involved in Afghanistan really had a choice of uh you know we we have to basically pull out our people our operators our civilians used to say so on and so forth so basically the United States was involved taking care of their people the UK was taking care of their people Canada taking care of their people any country that had an involvement in their people had to be pulled out by a specific date so of course miles at this point pretty much banked on him being evacuated or effectively dying in Afghanistan and you can see miles smile into the camera over here alongside some pretty impressive military hardware so to speak and uh yeah he definitely proved that he was in Afghanistan now of course the threat gets Wilder mile says I just want to reiterate my confidence the intelligence agency shows that a capital may be taken over within 30 days however not in a few days I'm almost sure if not this thread will get so much more interesting quirky all the major areas were surrounded for a month while supplies cut off and people slowly convinced to surrender the area that just fell had been under attack for 30 days and everyone knew it was gone already Kabul is huge and the most defended area with now 600 UK troops I'm sure the Taliban would rather cut their losses on their side waiting a few weeks for the westerners to leave so of course people even in the thread were like why would you go to Afghanistan to which miles says someone asked why I picked Afghanistan well I just Googled most dangerous countries to visit and I used it as a shopping list I went Chernobyl two years ago yeah this this guy this guy's crazy all right the Gap year is insane he's only picking the most dangerous places to go to as long as the place has an active Minefield miles will go to visit it miles even showcases his room as well too a room where he was in the cities and effectively barricaded with steel doors and the last remaining checkpoints with guards actually available he had an AC a 32 inch you know fat television I assume CRT double bed and the mattress is rock hard but apparently that's the custom here I kind of like it I got a private bathroom and I get breakfast in the morning if I want a no charge they also offer takeaways and of course there's unfortunately no ubereats in Kabul as you can imagine in fact at this moment miles is doing like some weird like psyop for the Taliban where he's just saying listen guys the westerners pay five dollars or pounds for a cancer-inducing fast food burger and then he shows some meal which unfortunately was too low resolution but I'm gonna assume it's just some uh you know rotian like some solid or whatever and of course he said that cost around one dollar yeah you could have some good cheap food out there but I think the food isn't exactly outweighing the danger of the situation now it's at this point that the further you dig into these threads it almost sounds like you're looking at some propaganda from the pr team of the Taliban Through The Eyes of miles now again the more and more you look through this it shouldn't subtract from the fact that miles is in an incredibly high stress situation he's in an incredibly dangerous situation and the Taliban who at this point are slowly taking over the country are in fact an evil Terror cartel and evil organization that absolutely steal the rights from the most basic rights from pretty much every Community out that you can imagine as long as they have complete near totalitarianist control over their country they will not be pleased at anything just slightly south of that so again I just want to stress that any point in this video no one here from this Channel or I ever condone any activities of the Taliban or even slightly agree with any positive sentiment miles ads it's just something I want to really stress for just my own sake not just the YouTube TOS sake I mean that too but also for my own sake and for My Views as well on this channel and presenting them that's one thing I also want to mention I think this green text really solidifies the insane nature of this goes to Afghanistan right when the Taliban are taken over openly walks the streets and has no care in the world is hanging out in the city that's about to become the 21st century equivalent of Saigon post this picture and his entire name on 4chan a site notorious for punishing those that breach the enforced anonymity give zero [ __ ] about all caution or advice contrary to his own plans now of course what had happened were people were looking through miles's Facebook posts as various other social media services and found that you know he had actually said country is finally an anarchy saw a few dead in a car crash military is fleeing and only a few Brave stay Embassy is closed so I walked to the airport and I'm safe we'll find the British representatives and get a flight out so at this point it's pretty much Zero Hour the embassy is gone the military is all but pulled out and the Taliban has pretty much started to take over kick ass and take names and of course if miles us any chance of getting out it's finding the last remaining British representatives and getting on any final extraction plane of course a few days later miles shows up with this Photograph him covered and says got into my hotel heading to the Embassy covering myself in a burka so they couldn't tell I was a white guy Embassy closed so I walked almost an hour to the airport I took off the burqa halfway and I'm wearing a headscarf trying to find the British ambassadors I'm safe at the airport however short response for now only essential talk will update with time Jesus has saved me I hope either I will die a man or leave with giant balls hehe now of course I'm just gonna say right now for the record this is some this is some really really stupid Behavior now I get it you know this is you might be like wow miles is a sigma Chad male right there but putting yourself in serious harms way like this is not good and unfortunately miles's actions might have actually caused other people to lose their lives but we'll get to that in a little bit let's go through this entire chain of events now when miles had got to the airport unfortunately he could not find anybody that knew how to how to get out or what was even going on unfortunately even from the britons even from the UK there was actually no representatives there apparently one said there's no more flights either well I have to wage guerrilla warfare across the Taliban until I reach another country and that might have been the only option you might have actually had to try to escape through the Border or something to any other country out there and at this moment miles might have actually been completely screwed and of course 4chan being good luck lad and of course one person asked a genuine question what does your family think about all this I actually don't really think miles is too connected to his family if he's out there doing stupid [ __ ] like this miles was still at the airport in the time and had even seen the Taliban arrive they saw me but kinda didn't care I'm gonna go back to the safe house now plan us to wait to see if any flights resume you know miles you should actually have been completely hiding from the Taliban at this moment in time but miles didn't almost didn't care was still trying to find a way out of the situation so at this point miles had found an actual temporary housing where he gave a thumbs up and made one of the most infamous images in this entire ordeal better than my uni accommodation haha I will live stream soon but I just need to get into western clothes and drink some water this is when the Twitch TV account had formed miles Routledge and unfortunately it seems the account might have gotten banned last I checked but he actually did live stream in front of several users this one okay that's all I need hey guys oh hey hey in a safe house British Place hey I'm all good in western clothes got this badge can't show you it and it wasn't joking this is a live streaming Endeavor pulled out and basically you could have jumped in and asked him any questions that he wanted and even in the stream from what I remember from what I understand he had actually mentioned that he wanted to go to like Syria and had wanted to enter an entirely different level of danger okay which he wasn't even out of this one and he was already planning on the next bid truly a man that really didn't care if he lived or died in my opinion the morning after his live stream miles to uh basically posts on his personal Facebook again I'll be given body armor emergency evacuation right now to a better place as all compounds are to be abandoned I'm with the best of the best dude's got the goddamn SAS extracting him out of here at this point and it really seems like miles is going to get evacuated getting five people calling me at once sorry I can't answer but I'm fine got evacuated at four-ish it's 2 am now with 100 or so other civilians couldn't message us there were cars emitting signals that would set off bomb it blocked my airpods from entering so I think it blocked all Wi-Fi data the Taliban let us go through the airport and we met many of them very long transition period but everyone was smiling and waving at one another some took selfies with them I slipped on a dirt Gravel Road and woke up as cars went by we were in a new safe house and were all hydrated happy and ready for a few hours of sleep of course miles has been given all forms of ballistic protection still hasn't gotten his way out of there but it seems like extraction is about to happen at any given day now this moment miles was criticized for having an interpreter who he apparently was accused of leaking his information out and as you can imagine it wasn't the fact that you know you were leaking out some super prior information but just leaking the name of somebody out that could have assisted any activities that were against the Taliban were basically putting their lives at risk and this person could have died in retaliation remember as people were pulling out of Afghanistan at the time the Taliban had free reign to look at anybody that had assisted anybody that there they were going up against in the last decade and basically deal with them as they saw fit there was no country to make sure that those people were safe A lot of them did get left behind and a good chunk of them did actually end up getting punished in the hands of the Taliban for conspiring with their enemies unfortunately seems like miles is a interpreter who was in miles's own word never allowed into those safe houses because they were Afghani at the end of it he called me a close friend he never endangered him and he wanted his name known also and apparently the name was also passed along for some Visa requests which I don't know if they ever ended up going through I really hope The Interpreter in this case is alive but given the fact that the Taliban is an incredibly vengeful organization when it comes to anybody that obviously worked against them as I would assume most organizations are it wouldn't just be the Taliban this person is probably on the Run maybe they got out or unfortunately the most Grim reality is maybe they might have been killed at the end of the day miles had joined in landed in Dubai and it basically uh you know had to had to thank the British army for getting his ass out getting his chestnuts out of Afghanistan and of course that marked the end of one of the wildest mad lad sagas of Fortune one person who went to Afghanistan and basically he had pretty much sat through the entire fall and it actually managed to get extracted literally at the last minute now of course a lot of people can sit there and complain and say that Miles probably took the seat of somebody that was actually more deserving than him the reality of it is because miles is British obviously the British government has an if you had to tier list people you're going to extract it's going to be your own people first uh unfortunately of course it is true miles's situation meant that somebody who really really needed to get out and had no other choice probably lost their seat now of course you might be like Muto why are you even talking about this has happened about a year ago and to be real with you I thought it was a really really cool story I thought it was an interesting story but the reason I wanted to talk about it was because ladies and gentlemen this guy was in the news again so there are a few websites that popped in and basically had the headlines floating around what happened to Lord miles the Taliban public relations department provides update on a missing YouTuber now when I hear the Taliban public relations department I [ __ ] myself because I can't believe the words that I'm reading now in reality there is actually an account the Taliban PRD which is their public relations department comma commentary Bridging the Divide between the East and the west and aiming to create a harmonious Society for all ethnic groups you can tell this is a parody account obviously I don't know why news agencies fell for this when one of the accounts one one person says Hey brother I found this in Kabul today so of course I showed a rainbow flag signifying some LGBT stuff going on in the country obviously uh I I don't have to be the one to tell you but the LGBT community and the Taliban do not go hand in hand if you will actually complete opposite communities thank you for notifying us Mr gender we will in we will inform the appropriate authorities to conduct an investigation into this Kite Shop it could be a simple error with the colors or it might be a covert CIA communication signal yeah it's a parody let's not pretend okay come on now now the real information that sparked sort of uh people wondering if this YouTuber might have actually went missing so to speak was when the Taliban Public Relation Department said it's with great sorrow to announce that we have lost contact with our beloved brother real lord miles his last known sighting was in eastern Afghanistan on the 6th of March we are doing all we can to locate him the foreign Ministry has informed the UK Embassy Islamabad and of course you can see that miles is standing next to a bunch of Afghani individuals I don't know if these people are from the Taliban or not they just seem to be dressed up like standard Afghani civilians and why somebody would take a parody account this seriously a Beyond me now of course miles posts were for literally around the 27th of February which means that uh miles has been gone for nearly a month off of well at least this one social media channel so is he missing well generally it's pretty difficult to say there's been actually a lot of speculation about a day ago one of the accounts from the well again the public relations department literally said due to the ministry of information and tourism's limited social media reach they've asked us to find out if anybody knows his itinerary path so at this point it's believed that according to elise's parody account that this person wasn't actually in a similar situation now one thing to really put out is obviously there's a lot of photos of miles in this situation there's been a bit of a theory that maybe he hasn't been going missing maybe this account has actually just owned by Miles and this is becoming another big psyop by this individual to promote another massive YouTube project that they are working on now of course there's been another set of conspiracy theories for instance there has apparently been two other individuals apparently brought over by his Telegram M that's where they were found known as Adrian and Roman so to speak who are apparently also missing in like Eastern Afghanistan and apparently it could actually be a kidnapping cake it could be could could be missing people could be a whole lot of anything it could just be people that are currently being held or arrested at this moment in time one of the things that I can definitely say at the end of all this is looking into miles's content and his character uh if he is very stupid doing any of these actions risking his life you know committing dark tourism if you will and basically putting everything in Jeopardy you know you can't admit the person has definite cojones doing all of this like that that's one thing you can definitely admit but at the end of the day it's not something that should be condoned because of the severe danger of the actions uh that are being taken and obviously when you're entering scenarios where like you know he's going into like the Ukraine war zone uh you know where dying is a very real possibility you know getting hit by anything weapon uh getting captured is a very real possibility and of course especially when you deal with dangerous organizations such as the Taliban them capturing you is again a very very real possibility now at the end of this I genuinely do think that this might be a hoax probably perpetrated by miles but then again you know it could very easily be possible in the next like few weeks or days or months that it turns out he actually did die uh you know committing any of these actions you know going out to these dangerous places one of the consequences is in fact dying now if you ever heard of a YouTuber named vexed uh he makes great content he me and him were talking about this obviously I've been working on this story uh since it's sort of been announced but vexed actually uh had reached out to somebody and uh basically confirmed that this was as far as uh you know a lot of the organizations in Afghanistan are actually considered this Twitter account was in fact a parody according to them now of course I'm going to block out sensitive information uh simply because that is uh not Kosher wouldn't be allowed and I definitely don't want to be put in putting anybody in Risk by leaking out a name or anything of that nature in an email thread it said a large account with 30 000 followers claims to partially represent the foreign culture administration of Afghanistan and of course the actual organization over here says it's a fake account we suspect that Lord miles is personally behind this now I'm going to hide the names and emails obviously because I don't want to be linking any names you know in case a Taliban picks up on this and somebody goes and somebody get it's in you know danger because of this we're keeping all names out obviously because of the sensitive nature of the situation now of course whether this is just some opt for miles to promote a new operation or something I think it was a fun chance it was a fun way for me to dip back in and look over at a certain piece of 4chan or Internet history showcasing the literal real time you know view of of what it felt like to be in the fall of Afghanistan you know if you look at the internet in the world of social media we have today this is the only time we have ever been able to actually have live incredibly personable experiences Through The Eyes of somebody else all through social media what Lord miles did in Afghanistan was seen Through The Eyes of thousands hundreds of thousands if possible millions of people around the world in a very very personal look at an extremely dangerous situation whether you agree or you don't agree with Miles he was the only Vector for a lot of people to experience what could have been the real horrors of that journey in fact there were real Horrors in the Journey miles absolutely catalog people who couldn't make it to the end of the Finish Line unfortunately and it's one of those interesting points of history that I think will always be burned in to the internet lexicon that said though ladies and gentlemen is Miles missing I'm gonna have to wager probably not I'm guaranteeing this turns out to be an op and you know what if I'm wrong miles is probably dead those are the only two possible examples that we're going to be having here the only two possible scenarios that come out either this is an up or miles is dead ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think in the comment section below if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it I out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 338,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _xkLymudxAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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