Man Wants To Fight 4chan On Deep Web 236...

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good morning i hope the copies bust you how's it going ladies and gentlemen yes you read the title right this is me mudahar and yes this is another deep web browsing sunday i know that i'm very inconsistent but i try my best but ladies and gentlemen here it is and we are going to sit back relax and go through website by website this fine sunday so relax sit with me i know i'm in a good mood all right i i had my line of g fuel and civic guy is gonna get busted i hope to the lord above that being said let's keep this good positive energy going and get right into our first website you know when a website looks like this it's some real business business now this is a lovely website with the title root it was edited 2020 1009 and as you can see it's got some ascii art for some reason this looks like a nice tree uh you know it's it is what it's got a little ying yang going on i don't know what the rainbow on the left necessarily means it kind of looks like some austin power stuff man i had eggs with cayenne and it's like now coming up like acid reflux that burns my that burns me neck about the opening of the rabbit hole all right boys we're getting into some deep [ __ ] hello world well hello rabbit hole about i command you oh really now okay well starting off strong today i need to mix some vodka in this vividly master the radical phenomena phenomenal logical spell casting art of stoic self-control take no prisoners except yourself by exotic storm wisely lay down your nomadic tent pegs in the desert optimally reconstruct your nerathian ship on the surface of the bottomless sea wake and wrestle the angels leviathans and turtles all the way down what the [ __ ] and and critically habit you to habituate the virtues of the practices of living well the unified practice of achieving justified you demonia to whatever ju to whatever doc you can in your context okay wait wait hopefully doc equals degrees or kinds justified vagueness and where ology found in the virtue theoretic codification problem all right uh i'm gonna assume what i've walked into is uh is some ramblings all right somebody face rolled their [ __ ] face across the keyboard and this is where we're at now of course you know i usually have this mentality of like when it's this long it's not a troll this is someone's actual belief set so i'm not here to like you know rip on it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this goes on in my icarian danadian sisyphean promethean metamodern diatheistic speculative realist positive disintegrationist mystic will to me to whatever context i find myself i arrogant appear to hope fearlessly take up the fetishistic task of trying to figure out the mythical big picture by blindly stammeringly waveringly frank okay look i get it you have a [ __ ] you know yeah yeah you got yourself your [ __ ] thesaurus you got yourself a goddamn [ __ ] oxford dictionary sitting on your side let's get on with this okay now it just it just keeps going let's look at the principles this seems like it's jot noted all right this is like the [ __ ] tldr welcome to the rabbit hold all right i'm in the rabbit hole i'm knee-deep in this rabbit [ __ ] if you aren't me then you better read this help okay let's read the hell i need some more [ __ ] help so let's read the [ __ ] help section uh missing tiddler help click to cre okay so he's got like a generic wiki wiki oh here it is okay so it took a little took a little time to load warning this cursed cognito hazard may cause brain melting cancer i really hope not i don't need that on a sunday so here's here's b all right the rant brand okay i know b from 4chan i get it i understand it dude i [ __ ] with the cool kids what the [ __ ] is a sublime stack of mere heaps you are what you eat and your [ __ ] posting just as you so go on do the dirty do a saint morty preaches get your [ __ ] together welcome to the dialectic bastion of caprophilia the chaotic libertarian freeport of memes the official [ __ ] of the rabbit hole wiki bootstrapping random seed dissonant cognitive dissonant filthy crucible of the human paradox rise up rise again jesus christ is he challenging me god damn dude at least take on pull come on dude what is it i find you freaky and i like you a lot immerse yourself in the poor poop pooporically explosive overflow of sometimes valuable self anonymized donated hypothetical [ __ ] storms and toilet graffiti do you want to see my micro penis bless your interpreting heart did a light bulb turn on for you is something bothering you can thy old factory senses detect what the dwayne johnson is preparing are you feeling constipated you know you need to get it out before you lose that intuition or insight before you suffer by clogging your mind with it don't be embarrassed about it because as they say everybody poops if you don't know where to put it don't want to label it do not wish to endorse or assent to it or wish to quarantine or bracket it then put it here better here than nowhere you'll figure out what to do with it later the pain of learning wsh to trust yourself is the price of progress thus you must filter for red pills and diamonds lodged in your often concentrated evil [ __ ] stream of consciousness emerging from your non-conscious processes coherence is an art even when it's built with boxes of contradictions write that fresh ugly unwritten bypass the paralysis of analysis if you must okay i think he's opening a [ __ ] war with b i i i think i think someone on b one of y'all [ __ ] mods on 4chan must have [ __ ] with this man hard because this is like this is just mind opening like this is like the urethra has popped okay like this dude has gone on to you [ __ ] me freeride free associates spin up seemingly useless objects incoherently doodle and rapidly dash your chicken scratch upon these pages just stamp it with your b seal of who gives a [ __ ] this is a place to be creative and haphazard be messy or organized be constructive or destructive stop trying to care about anything except getting it out see what your gut is really telling you go ahead and take a brain dump let the psychic diarrhea flow sploosh this is a place for chaotic honest imagination peer behind the veil find the [ __ ] music seek the diamonds and red pills and the love plant those seeds shotgun fling your [ __ ] of the wall and see what sticks find the emergent beauty this dude is the [ __ ] van gogh the internet era jesus christ this is a dangerous and necessary medic inlet an outlet on this wiki here your stream of chroniclers is your future you wiki i respect you warts shits and alls go make mistakes seriously be the best turd throwing primate you can be i need the treasures hiding in your poop yummy so have at it go hog wild go hacksaw it and go make the poop poopies the sh oh my god oh man any tiddler with the b tag has owned operator and entitled all properties and rights of b reveal your power levels oh man okay i yeah i'm gonna be real i'm i'd barely do this on any video but i think i'm really gonna mix some [ __ ] vodka with this because this is it is uh too much too much i think today's video is highlighted already you could [ __ ] leave right now we just literally witnessed an open war to 4chan uh congratulations philosopher life you are the greatest uh the greatest 4chan you know warriors going on b's probably [ __ ] [ __ ] themselves right now dude let me tell you for four chance pooping today is not going to be a day of posting [ __ ] anime titties online let me tell you today is going to be a day of [ __ ] prepping the goddamn internet machetes to fight off against the hope but that being said i'm going to be the innocent bystander and just just sit and just sip my vodka and let's let's go to the maxed website there's more than just corn in indiana there's ghosts too ho ho in every dark corner of indiana lurks ghost spirits and the paranormal from businesses parks cemeteries and homes the paranormal no no earthly bounds indiana's the location of numerous ghost sightings most have some truth behind them uh yeah do they do they really met [ __ ] i've been to indiana in a while the last time i was ever in indiana was when i was driving to kyle's house for his wedding i passed through the state of indiana totally forgot that i was i was even there but all right there are numerous haunted place in indiana trying to decipher which ones are really haunted is not easy most of the stories you hear about seem to be legends and local folklore stories passed down from one generation to the next the stories are intriguing and sometimes rather scary but you must remember that they may just be stories uh i don't know man i'm one of those [ __ ] people that believe that like all ghost stories have to start somewhere right like you know when you hear about these weird stories about like the [ __ ] sandman or like some crazy like entity that hunts you down like a demonic presence i have to believe that that that started from like some actual source and as time went on the internet get the the sorry li the generation game of telephone was played that those stories started to become more fiction more legends but at one point they had to have some sort of reality to it right like at least in my opinion okay that's just what my opinion is i'm not passing it off as fact though the site has been updated on 2013 10 16. bottoms up to that crybaby bridge is a nickname commonly given to some bridges the legend of the crybaby bridge is a popular one in the midwest many of these stories seem to be centered around indiana and ohio the stories usually have a few differences but generally they remain the same the name often reflects an urban legend that the sound of a baby can be or has been hurt from a bridge many are also accompanied by an urban legend of a baby or young child children being killed nearby or thrown from the bridge into the river or creek below my internet research shows about 15 alone in the state of indiana and i'm beginning to believe that probably every county in indiana has a bridge uh this i kind of [ __ ] believe man like for those people who haven't lived in the states or like the north or the eastern seaboard side of the states um if you go to ohio or like even if you go to like upstate new york dude that [ __ ] can be creepy like i remember going to like ohio plenty of times by drive because it's only four hours away from me to meet some friends and i would always drive through upstate new york and like a bit of ohio before i reached my friend and like the dark like i would leave at night dude the roads felt like they were [ __ ] haunted like there were [ __ ] on the side of the roads outside their house just staring people as they went by it is a creepy location so for crybaby bridges to exist this is actually quite common i've heard of this all the way over here even my brief time around michigan and spending time there i have heard of this [ __ ] bull i've heard of this like [ __ ] dude it's it's it's real it's it's out there um but let's go down okay let's see adams county albany uh alfred's will so these are actual like haunted houses that one can go to okay let's let's go look at albany so this is shoe tree the story is that one night an elderly man was walking through some woods where he ran into a unique oak tree the man looked up and saw something in the branches and as soon as he looked down the creature had slid his throat and killed him it is said that if you touch the shoe tree that edema will snatch your shoes off your feet and tie them into the tree on top of killing you uh okay uh update mike cook informs me that he is from the area and the legend is this is the doings of the kkk so yeah they were probably opera okay that makes a little bit more sense if you don't know the kkk is like the the the [ __ ] ku klux klan it's still it's still an active organization but like back in the day they were on their peak doing like super racist [ __ ] and lynchings were some of those so when you hear a story like this it starts to really make some [ __ ] sense here it is highland high school the public school is still the main high school for anderson students today but students who take their first step inside during their freshman year will learn much from this typical history lesson the school's cavernous old gymnasium now the auditorium has been haunted for years by the spirit of a boy who dropped dead in gym class years ago a young boy suffered a fatal asthma attack in the old gym the boy's gym instructor demanded that the boy continue running laps even though the boy had collapsed once before not wanting a confrontation from his domineering instructor the boy continued running what an [ __ ] minutes later he collapsed the coach demanded that he get up and continue running but a student that rushed over to the boy confirmed his death today the gym is now the school's auditorium i decided that the boy haunts the auditorium in the backstage areas some have seen haunted activity on the catwalk above the auditorium the most reported ghostly activity is the sound of a boy continue to run through the auditorium often the sounds are accompanied by a gust of wind as someone is rushing by others say that they have seen the boy's ghost while what they have described him as being a small stature and looking terribly sad many have said that the ghost responds to conversation that he enjoys being seen some students have reported befriending the ghost so this is actually an interesting haunting most hauntings where like a demon is about to rip your [ __ ] and go see your [ __ ] mouth but this is like an innocent young [ __ ] boy that you know wants to be friends here's like a video about the haunting itself and uh oh it's unavailable because the youtube account has been terminated ah what the there's there's a story behind everything ladies and gentlemen there's a story behind all this weird [ __ ] but um yeah that's uh that's about all i can really say so this is like a whole website based on indiana hauntings uh that being said let's back out of this and go somewhere else the one and only kevin perelman okay so someone's made a website on their entire thing a look into what has been avoided my art my websites my about my life my targeting contact me i assume this is the man's uh man's artistic um talents i guess you could say i mean i'm not saying anything copyright date 2016 to 2021 kevin perrillman is a very active individual let's go look at my targeting that's the most important thing i'm finding over here and if the page would just love to [ __ ] load we actually have kevin perrillman target targeted for over 30 years campaign to remove me from society with never-ending investigations that raised that changed from thing to things since early childhood such lies as the world as he has no self-control suffers from anxiety is a danger to himself and other endless setups and smear operations worldwide and secret government red flagging an illegal removal of okay uh i i i really i really must know this now his actual website really isn't loading uh i'm trying to go to anything oh it's one of the [ __ ] it's one of these websites okay all right let's go look at this about me my name is kevin perelman known to the world in secret due to the worldwide targeting started at a young age by my family working with social workers and the government to remove me from society looking at looking to the world uh and told i'm imagining it i'm told i suffer from paranoid schizophrenia to control me and dictate my life there was another person it was the it was the french guy i'm trying to remember what his name was he was the it was a templar right like he dressed up as a templar and everything he himself admitted that he had it but uh let's go down control me dictate my life blah blah i like to consider myself as a nerdist half nerd half artist i jokingly call myself cute a term i noticed has spread a little on the net after my jokes because part of me is very technical as i do i.t and computer networks the other part of me is very artistic and expressive and creative and open-minded i try not to judge people as quickly as my entire life judgments were thrown to me good that's how most people should live right everyone's a different person god bless uh although i am quick to shut down once i see the signs of things that were done to me and my life that has been stolen from me for 45 years oh my god dude i'd go insane if i was targeted for that long jesus i haven't even lived half that long well yeah i've lived more than half that long but barely my technical skills range from computer networking virtual systems windows networks some linux operating systems desktop supports iis web servers sql email servers active directory servers net web design graphics designs he's pretty good with the it world i'd say my artistic side i started out with college with 3d computer animation and visual effects huge passion for photography okay so cool my life too a drastic change at age 29 had nothing to do with mental illness when i found out i was being targeted by the government and worldwide groups with every setup attempt frame job known to man with worldwide resources government police to do whatever it takes to remove me from society and spread every lie smear defamation okay all right well we got to know some examples here this is this sounds like some insane [ __ ] but here he's got like hobbies right so he's been building electric gas rc cars at 14 uh building real cars at 16 that's pretty cool playing pool and striving to be the best is something that involves focus that's fine he went to he went to high school calabasas southern oregon state college and university of colorado admittedly school of common sense and behavioral intuition oh that is such a [ __ ] pretentious thing to say [ __ ] me dude jobs uh he worked at house mercedes uh modern video film animation firm thousand oaks signet and golden state sports medical so he has a [ __ ] he has a whole like he has a whole like [ __ ] work history and everything he's even got like a fun website like ganja watch enhance your movie experience right now smoke some [ __ ] ganja what's the top rated ganja movies the rocky horror show whoa okay god damn there's some crazy [ __ ] down here that's scary uh what is this top movie the rocky horror picture show mystery man charlie and the chocolate factory oh dude big lebowski man i was i was stoned and sipping on white russians when we were watching that dude get out of here here are some of the websites i've recently put back online even though they're no longer used because my father with the police nsa fbi claim i got into the adult industry to meet women and i am a criminal with fraud operations as well as mike huntley who watched me build them in front of him while working with the client showing that he most likely paid off when he started the company with me to try to get anything to use against me for six years he is involved in simple stalking with my dad and the police rudy the rubber show ladies and gentlemen let me introduce the leader of late night it's a [ __ ] condom dude it's a condom comedian i am too old for this [ __ ] i am dude i'm coming up that's it sorry camera you're right to quit you're right to quit because i'm coming up to retirement age it's too much i'm looking at i'm looking at [ __ ] condom comedy what the [ __ ] is there any nudies in this i can't even tell it's rudy the [ __ ] rubber is rudy the personal quote i'll protect no i'm looking at a [ __ ] condom commercial dude life at life is wild what do they got [ __ ] merchandise here they they actually have active oh it's a cafe price they don't have active merchandise all right [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it boys and girls it's it is what it is meet rudy welcome welcome to dude it's literally a a full-on tv show like they actually had a full tv show they actually there's no way there's no rudy the rubber show i gotta see this rudy the rubber i swear to god dude this satan [ __ ] design of goddamn capture systems i'm clicking all the [ __ ] bicycles oh man dude rudy the rubber has 21 [ __ ] followers please jesus christ this dude he was in public access he's got a whole television show so here's like apparently 40 years worth of accusations that that that kevin claims to be completely false right like this is kevin's point of view now kevin has said what a better way to reach somebody the world by playing the race card fear-mongering the world against them then that they're a white supremacist telling that the world is about segregate starting at about eight years old for kissing oh my god okay okay okay uh add that a father who goes out buys a 357 when i'm a teammate teenager with all sort of frame jobs and tries to make his child look like the vegas shooter out of the shame that he didn't get his child that he wanted when i was born and institutionalized me with full judicial system and worldwide support so i i guess the whole concept over here is they're saying that rudy is a schizophrenic that is also heavily involved in like this racial hatred and stuff and of course i don't know either side you know the reality of it is uh kevin i i feel like i'm keep [ __ ] his name up with rudy stuck into my head ever since that [ __ ] condom [ __ ] but uh i guess i guess at the end of the day they're trying to he's trying to explain what this what what this nonsense is so if we look down he's got like documented like from his side everything in the situation and this goes this is like as updated as literally last month so this is consistent this is not like old website this is like fresh constantly uploaded here it is so i can't apparently open these videos because like they don't work under the browser but 604 2020 thug attack with the police at bixby park in long beach okay and uh for having uh silence me and trying to okay this is a video with the police working with their gans stalking gang stalking groups all the way out in long beach at bixby park because they tried to stop uh they tried to stop him from taking part in a protest against the brutality and showing his respects to the george floyd situation while getting the message across about my life a 43 year old uh george floyd they've done they're they're doing to me to have me executed and eradicated since five years old so what is he trying he was trying to like he was trying to like turn the whole situation about like well this is how [ __ ] up my life is all right you can see in the video a large group of strangers arrive and follow me to the park as i'm arriving knowing where i am at all time with assault and batteries and threats over and over again the police try to cover up their operations to have me killed by pretending they don't know me and putting lies on the police reports that i might be paranoid and am known to cause problems once again proving that every place i go worldwide i am known based on their lies defamation slander disinformation so i i can't see the video so i'm not able to judge what the scenario is it's kind of like the terry davis situation you know what i mean where like terry davis was like a great programmer but obviously you know he did suffer from real like mental issues and illnesses um and you know he just went off the [ __ ] deep end at some point and this is ultimately this is where it leads to you can have highly intelligent people succumb to this stuff mental health is no joke that's why you got to take care of it you know it's why you have to that's that's why you have to beat the stigma you have to take care of yourself because the moment you stop doing it you end up getting into situations like this and it's almost a situation where there's like just no [ __ ] coming back from like this is a person that documents every case now again this might be the one case of like where this dude's targeted for over 45 years but at some point you have to realize that in almost a majority of these cases there's there's definitely a reason for the police or like family members to be involved and i guess at some point when family members are this involved the person that you know the person starts feeling like they're targeting it targeted and the whole world is [ __ ] against them but uh yeah that's really what the uh kevin perelman rabbit hole is now of course it goes far deeper than that like if you want to just get real to it right you know you want to go through all the proof of the government kill operations and and the cover-up attempts to have me killed right here like this is some like inane like [ __ ] you know [ __ ] that's being spouted it goes on for a long [ __ ] time what i am gonna do is back out of this this big rabbit hole and maybe one day i might want to give kevin the entire like video treatment at some point so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add this to the [ __ ] list of videos that i want to do and we will cover this in some later date hopefully but i really would have to sit down and like spend some days i mean days [ __ ] assessing this so that would be [ __ ] wild i might even need to hire editor this is [ __ ] insane this is uh this is this is just the kevin perelman stuff let's back out and go somewhere else the shungite experience now this is something that i've come across right here but i can tell you right now the person that i can give full like full just uh full just credit to is uh is hugby's andrew if you don't know hug bees he's a [ __ ] awesome content creator good friend good everything he basically told me about this shungite stuff a long time ago and i finally managed to find it on here and shungite experience i feel like i might have looked at this before but i almost feel like i haven't because i would recognize these pictures at any moment right like i mean [ __ ] jesus christ when you've got when you've got spheres cubes pyramids full full rocks and colorful beads and a nice human hand then i i think i would recognize that we import authentic shungite direct from corellia russia nature's creation your path to optimal well-being now before we get into this [ __ ] [ __ ] as from what i can gather shungite is like this magical rock that sort of repels uh emf stuff emf rays all that kind of stuff you know a little little 5g protection if you will that whole like rabbit hole i just want to look at the pricing let's go look at this what is shungite water okay this is like probably [ __ ] water three liters for 95 [ __ ] dollars not happening dude shungite purifies water by drawing out toxins and heavy metals we use shungite shards and small elite pieces to create power energized water i just want to look at what shungite really is uh shungite is a rare blackstone made up of 99 carbon okay uh it apparently contains trace amounts of fullerenes okay uh how does shungite protect against shungite is believed to have the ability to absorb okay so not uh not really proven i guess we're just using the [ __ ] i guess they're just using those those uh those fullerenes and trying to pass it off but uh again i just want to start off by saying you know i'm probably put these disclaimers like crazy uh i don't endorse any of these [ __ ] beliefs these are all like wildly especially just conspiracy theories stuff if anything this is stuff that is completely unproven if you're gonna walk into this do not believe anything you read on the internet or anything out of this a lot of the stuff is complete [ __ ] a lot of it is wrong and i want to help prove that it is wrong five leaders 170 dollars like they're really running a [ __ ] scam circuit up in here let's look how much a cube is if you look at the cube here all right the cube is going to run you to like 15 uh shungite cube three centimeters unpolished bro i'm not playing my [ __ ] minecraft i ain't paying 75 for an eight centimeter cube i'm not using four payments of [ __ ] after pay bro this is this is scary what is it elite noble shungite i bet it's up the ass i bet it's pricey up the ass four gram price per piece three to four grams four dollars okay and they've got like after pay on this too uh 14 for 11 to 12 for i don't even know what the elite stuff does is it just raw [ __ ] like is it just shungite that's been rubbed onto the shungite is rare and accounts for one percent of all shungite mines so this is like the top one percent the [ __ ] cream elite is mine by hand because it's so easily breakable hence its cost is much higher of all shungite elite contains the highest concentrations of fullerenes it also contains approximately 97 percent carbon fullerenes are what set shungite apart from other stones and crystals these hollow carbon-based molecules have been studied by science and shown remarkable properties elite shungite is also loved for the gorgeous jewelry made from it uh which i guess we'll see the jewelry which would be the only [ __ ] reason you would ever buy this you know uh let's let's look at rings real quick let's look at some of these um uh where where's the where are the rings at uh maybe maybe the rings are the cooler one oh that that actually does look pretty goddamn beautiful i mean it's just a that that actually looks like it's got a that looks [ __ ] nice for 180 bucks i mean uh diamonds are manifestation of pure solidified spiritual light okay so that's that's how you're up charging [ __ ] on this am i right or am i wrong uh let's go look at the uh information so shungite and emf 5g and emf information let's let's go read this stuff the technology is new and not researched completely which makes it hard to make a blanket statement about what 5g does to the human form we believe in shungite's benefits when it comes into contact with negative energy forms such as emfs and so we are hopeful that the scientific community will carry out research specifically related to shungite we really hope that science is on our [ __ ] side because everything we're about to say so far is unproven that's the that's the translation we are looking at the research in regards to what is coming in the 5g revolution and putting together some information that we have found out for now we still believe that when shungite encounters emf frequencies a phenomenon known as resonance takes place shungai transforms emf waves into a waveform that is more compatible with our biology does it does it really do you have any [ __ ] scientific proof for it here they got like a magic [ __ ] [ __ ] you 5g which okay telecommunications companies worldwide with the support of governments are poised within the next two years to roll out the fifth generation wireless network that is set to deliver what is acknowledged to be unprecedented societal change on a global scale we will have smart homes smart businesses smart highways smart cities and self-driving cars virtually everything we own and buy from refrigerators and washing machines to milk cartons to infant diapers will contain intent okay that's a little [ __ ] excessive we're not gonna have [ __ ] microchips in a baby's diaper that would be insanity and if we do uh i i would assure you only the [ __ ] stupid are willing enough to buy that okay because if you're buying disposable microchipped diapers you probably got way too much money and way too way too little and you're the fool that parts with their money let me tell you in addition to okay what is not widely acknowledged is that this will result in an unprecedented environmental change on a global scale the planned density of radio frequency transmitters is impossible to envisage in addition to millions of new 5g base stations on earth and 20 000 new satellites in space 200 billion transmitting objects according to estimates will be part of the internet of things by 2020 and 1 trillion objects a few years later commercial 5g at lower frequencies and slower speeds was deployed at qatar finland and estonia in mid-2018 the rollout of 5g is extremely high millimeter wave frequencies is planned to begin at the end of 2018. uh the evidence that our effort harmful life these people don't understand how radiation [ __ ] works when it comes to the stuff man uh but i love how they mentioned ten thousand peer-reviewed studies but like if you're gonna say that at least [ __ ] link to like at least five to ten of those studies if you know you have ten thousand studies give us like fifteen twenty studies for us to look at as well and then maybe you can convince the world the reality is a lot of these people are just trying to sell this shungite crap onto people that you know they fall for any nonsense medical cure and they shouldn't because if you look at this website alright because they know they're full of [ __ ] the content of this website is intended for information or in my case like misinformation only it is not intended to treat cure and prevent any disease or illness persons with any health issues should consult a qualified licensed professional health care provider you know why they say that you don't know why they [ __ ] say that [ __ ] it's because if somebody ever takes a shungite crap and sticks there and sticks it up their rectum and it turns out they actually had some serious medical conditions and it wasn't [ __ ] 5g radiation that was ripping their insides out like these people think it does they'd be held [ __ ] liable and ready to get [ __ ] suit up the [ __ ] so this is what they have to put in so they can sell you 170 dollar [ __ ] shungite water which is basically the equivalent of me dipping my balls in the water too and sending it out to you would you drink would you drink water with my balls dipped into it i don't think so so you shouldn't be drinking this shungite crap either be careful research a million things and don't fall for this crap on the internet please for the love of god if there's one thing you can learn from deep web browsing is when you look at scams like this please for the love of god research understand everything and realize to stay away from scams like this this is unproven science this is unproven medical science and it should not be taken as fact by any single person out there sorry for going on this tangent figured i have to let's go somewhere else we fight censorship okay so this is an interesting case used for the deep web right now i know that a lot of people look at the deep web like it's some scary scary content and the reality of it is i couldn't be further from the [ __ ] truth the deep web can be there for some scary websites indeed but a lot of it is just fed honey pots and scams in fact the most important use case and the one that i'll always stand by is helping people in countries where there's actual censorship and i'm not talking about you know like i'm talking about the kind of censorship where like the government has full control of the internet and a lot of journalists and a lot of activists and dangerous parts of the world cannot actually express their free opinion or otherwise the government will send people after them and hunt them down and and take care of them if you look at the freedom barometer over here these pi these guys keep on track of people who are netizens so you know individuals on the internet you know cute little reference to it 182 are in jail and 20 are killed this actually is a really shocking statistic like i mean every time i read any statistic like this regardless of who is killed it really shocks me to the core because it's like 20 people that have lived their life and lost it especially for people who are journalists in parts of the world where their opinion and and them bringing out the truth can cost them their life it makes you wonder really why somebody would risk uh doing a career like that for almost no real tangible gain you know what i mean for me i almost don't understand it but it really takes a special type of virtuous individual to end up doing that in their life and to be honest with you that's why i respect journalists and i respect people who aim and search for the real truth uh and and all that stuff it's why it's why i really take that to heart and i really i really treat that with the with the level of seriousness to it now over here they cover corruption from countries like singapore venezuela france china and whatnot but if you start looking into like their other thing they really give some good advice on keeping your internet you know security up to date so here they give the online survival kit which offers practical tools advices and techniques so they start telling you how to secure your browsing 15 minutes of online anonymity virtual private networks metadata your files you know were you know things where like your metadata will store like geographical location of like every time you take a photo things like that uh what serial what serial number of the device you were using to take the photo the the actual device you used all that stuff metadata like this is what they're talking about a practical guide to protecting your identity and security when using mobile phones using truecrypt to protect your data so encryption algorithms for certain like hard drives right there tails which is something we actually looked at a long time ago the tails os which is a linux based live cd operating system that you can just slap onto a usb drive boot into any computer use the system and then rip out and it'll store almost like we'll store no data at all sending encrypted emails and improving your privacy and security using tor which is the best way that you can do it now assuming by the language they're using so you don't i think this is actually a french based deep web website but it does it's one of those strong running websites where it has like every language pretty much covered arabic japanese english french arabic russian espanol turkish so yeah yeah it's a pretty it's a pretty [ __ ] good read honestly if you really care about your internet security this might be one of the best things to cover for instance they tell you about securing your browsing using https secure how https can even be broken man in the middle attacks and re situations where you have to look at things like web of trusts uh no scripts https everywhere which are all like browser plugins that you can use to make yourself a little safer on the internet as as a whole now if you look aside for 15 minutes of online anonymity i haven't really ever seen this one but this is a journalist specialized in digital privacy and security and alternative how to have 15 minutes of online anonymity so how do you get your 15 minutes uh 15 minutes of online anonymity they tell you how to use things like cryptocat which is the best known secure chatting service that you can find on the internet it'll anonymously it'll send zip or image files up to 600 kilobytes in size that that's uh that's nothing these days let me tell you brother god damn file exchange so you've got spyder oak and walala which are cloud storage platforms that encrypt your data at the browser level before you send it so basically instead of encrypting it at the server level you are actually sending an encrypted file from your system to the server so if there's a man in the middle they won't be able to just take those files and figure out what you're doing because it was already encrypted before it was sent this is like this should be a [ __ ] standard but some services still refuse to do it you've got hush mail which is an encrypted email service that emphasizes ease of use rise up which is an email service maintained by the activist community uh i guess you could say and then you going to you can all you also use hide my ass file sharing service i've actually heard of that one we might have even shown it a while back but then they've also got phone problems they've got irl computer and digital security as a profession it's not your profession operate on the assumption not only that you can easily be monitored isps keep a record of all your internet connections and activity while phone companies keep record of all the numbers you call or call you but also that someone could without too much difficulty actually be spying on you now i'm one of those people where if you ask me there's always a chance that we're being spied on every single day of our lives simply because that's just what it is you know if you're using a modern day smartphone you're giving up a piece of yourself and informations every single day on a daily basis now because you need these things to actually operate in the modern society that we have and one of those people where it's like listen as little information about myself that i can give into data gallery data gathering algorithms around the world is the best that it can be i know that i 100 can't wipe myself off the [ __ ] grid that much is a realistic fact okay but you can do as much as you can to to re to re to really stay on top of things versus just opening your [ __ ] and letting these people take a peek inside your personal life as much as you can these people decide to hide everything which is ideal if you're a big journalist but me i'm just a chubby indian guy on the internet that is very privacy focused as i've seen what big data does on a personal scale and i've seen the back end of it so yeah it's a very [ __ ] creepy world you know ultimately it's a world that we live in it's a world that we have to partake in but the best you can do is better than nothing right that's pretty much what it comes down to uh 50 is better than zero percent in this situation but that's pretty much what it is they give you a billion tools to use that you can use to really secure and and hide yourself if that's the situation you are presented in so yeah it's a cool little site that being said let's back out of it and um go somewhere else all right ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and that was another episode of deep web browsing i think it's a longer video than usual i can't really tell until i'm done cutting these together but for now i'm gonna back out stop i think we looked at a lot of interesting stuff today for sure we definitely started off strong with an open war to be and we we probably had one of the best targeted human being cases that i've ever seen and there's a lot to that situation one that i'm still contemplating working a video towards that being said ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna back out of this if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 404,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FDnd7_lSM3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.