Did the SOUL SOCIETY ARC Have the STRONGEST Gotei 13 in Bleach? | Discussion

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special thanks to Tokyo treat and sakuriko for sponsoring today's video a little while back we made a video discussing whether or not the end of series got a 13 was the weakest iteration to date looking at the Shinigami that currently make up the ranks of Captain and Vice Captain it's a contentious question after all we've seen a variety of versions of the gote 13 come and go throughout history each with their own strengths and weaknesses as the organization most Central to the story and world of bleach we've spent a lot of time with the gote 13 over the years and come to know it very well seeing it take on many different forms as captains Come and Go characters are promoted and some are even killed and the gote 13 itself shifts and adapts to the whims of the current world usually headed up by 13 captains and 13 Vice captains there's no denying the goatee 13 is an all-powerful military force in the world of bleach often only challenged by enemy armies of similar scope but which version of the gote 13 is the absolute unquestionable King the unchallenged master which iteration which combination of captains and vice captains makes for the strongest Above All Else well it's the original one as noted by at least a couple of characters in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc the very first version of the gote 13 only recently revealed to us in full after years of speculation is considered to be the strongest of them all so for fairness sake we're not counting those guys get them out of here instead we're narrowing in on one particular version of the goate 13 for this video the very first one we as readers got to meet the gote 13 of the Soul Society Arc itself so in that previous video if I contend that the gote 13 at the end of bleach is the quote unquote weakest of the lot when all the characters are taken into account where does the soul Society Arc version sit could it be the absolute strongest as our first impression of the gote 13s military might it had to put up an impressive display but does it do enough to be considered the strongest of the lot in comparison with the end of series got a 13 in particular though we will be comparing it as well with the gote 13 of turn back the pendulum how does it truly stack up and where does it fall down let's take a look before we get started on the video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for more bleach content like this every single week and if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up as well to help support me and the channel and if you want to take that support from me another step further I do also have a patreon as well and as always I want to give an enormous shout out and say a huge thank you to everyone supporting me over there on patreon I really do appreciate each and every one of you and there will probably be some spoilers for the Thousand-Year blood War Arc of bleach in the video to follow so then as we prepare to dive head first into the lineup of the Soul Society arcs got a 13 we'll be taking a look at the characters as they're presented to us in that part of the story though with an all-encompassing omniscient knowledge of everything they can do everything they should be able to do at that point in the story so for example take curaku Shin sui although we don't see his Bankai in the soul Society Arc we know he can do it then and we know what it consists of we'll also only be considering the duo of Captain and Vice Captain as they're considered the overall leaders of the gote 13 the officers in the top spot and those that truly represent it after a brief overview of the gote 13 itself as it stood at the time I want to then dive deeper into each individual division before coming to a conclusion at the end so without further Ado this is the lineup of the gote 13 in the soul Society Arc is this the strongest Collective of captains and vice captains that we get to see in the first division you have Captain shigekuni genre assai Yamamoto and his Vice Captain chojiro sasukebe the second division is headed It Up by Captain soifon and her Vice Captain Mauricio omida the third division of the time was run by Captain gin ichimaru and his Vice Captain izaducira the fourth division in the soul Society Arc was led by retsu unohana and her Vice Captain isane kotetsu the fifth division's Captain was none other than sosuke Eisen and his Vice Captain was hinomori Momo the sixth division is run by biakia kuchki and his Vice Captain renji abarai the seventh division's Captain is sagin komamorda and his Vice Captain is tetzazimon IBA the eighth division is helmed by kiraku shunsui and his Vice Captain Nana now ISE the ninth division's Captain is kaname tosin and his Vice Captain is Shuhei hisagi over in the 10th division the captain is toshiro hitsugaya and his Vice Captain is rangiku Matsumoto the 11th division is headed by Captain Kenpachi Zaraki and his Vice Captain at the time was yachiru kusajishi over in the 12th division we have Captain mayori kurotsuchi and his Vice Captain daughter nemu kurotsuchi and then finally over in the 13th division we only have a captain dushilo ukitake as this is the sole division to not have a second in command so a quick overview then my first impressions of this particular gote 13 lineup are extremely positive for the most part though it does fall down in a few areas across the board as our first experience with the gote 13 as a faction in Bleach it's clear that many characters involved here are only just starting their respective developmental Journeys while characters like Ken patches Iraqi and toshiro hitsugaya are a far cry away from the powerful behemoths they'd become later on there's no denying the absolute raw strength of an organization that can combine Yamamoto unohana Eisen kyuraku ukitake and geen and more all active at once I'd argue some divisions are markedly weaker here than they were both earlier on and how they would become later on too the second division stands out to me as one as does the current iteration of the 11th division while the 13th suffers from not currently having a Vice Captain at all but let's take a deeper look the first division is headed up by shigekuni genre Yamamoto while his vice captains the steadfast chojiro Sasaki Bay this is an ancient division with all the might and heft behind it that they've carried on their shoulders for over a thousand years now sure Yamamoto has grown complacent since his victory over yuha Bark's licked Reich Empire but crucially the Yamamoto we see in the soul Society Arc hasn't yet been softened by the impact of Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends rebellious nature this is a captain Commander who's still very much an authoritarian and won't hesitate to put troublemakers in the ground should he see fit often times without even listening to reason while Sasaki Bay is often overlooked this is still the same man we know from the Thousand-Year blood War Arc incredible Bankai and all together they form an impenetrable Duo and outside of the earliest days of the gote itself on Yamamoto was of course still a part of that and so was Sasaki Bay to our knowledge the first division is arguably never stronger nor sturdier than it is here it becomes more Progressive certainly as new leadership takes hold later on but in terms of raw brute strength I think the sole Society arcs aversion takes it meanwhile the second division feels undercooked to me here in the soul Society Arc while soifon is able to put up a decent fight against her predecessor in the position yoruichi she's quickly outclassed and overwhelmed which is especially apparent when she thinks she's developed chunko herself a technique that's fairly new to her still only to learn yoruichi knew it long ago and when yoruichi decides to end the fight she does so on her terms completely shutting soifon down of course the omnits kiddo is just as lethal a force as ever but in terms of leadership sofon definitely feels young immature and hot-headed during this era and then there's omaida who hasn't learned any humility or honor yet whatsoever nor does he seem to really respect his position in the division instead he's boorish oh fish lazy and arrogant and it shows while we don't know much about amida's father Morena shin and the previous Vice Captain of the division we can surmise that together he and yoruichi made for a more cohesive and well-adjusted unit over a hundred years ago as I believe Kubo at least said that Moreno Shin was an actual capable soldier in complete contrast to his son meanwhile in the future soifon will eventually Master her shunco and her bond with omaida only tightens over time as he begins to take his job more seriously the second division still has a lot of growing up to do in this version of the gote 13 however the third division is an interesting one at this point in time it's headed up by The Prodigal gin ichimaru who while young himself too is incredibly dangerous Wicked smart Savvy and self-aware gain is an asset to this era of the gote 13 and outside of the older captains at the time is I would say probably one of the strongest officers in general and certainly someone that it stings to lose later on in fact it's during this time period that the gote 13 is privy to not only one but two prodigies among its captaincy though hitsugaya in particular still has a lot of room to grow in more ways than one while geen seems to be about as skilled as he deems necessary gains an intriguing character in that he's laser focused on a singular goal he wants something and he seems to have acquired the power he believes he needs to achieve it and nothing more certainly in comparison to both the division's past and future Captain Rose Gene seems to be considerably more effective I'd say even after Rose has been hollow-fied and that's coming from a fan of Rose myself then there's izuru Kira his Vice Captain a somewhat Meek Shinigami on the outside but one who's perfectly capable and who wields an extremely powerful zanpak toe so powerful the fact that it made the honorable mention section of my list of the strongest cheek iron bleach so what you've got here during the soul Society Arc is a pair of extremely competent Shinigami who seem to be almost both all-rounders we know that izuru is proficient in both sword play with the great zanpak toe but also healing as well and in the past gain has been actively compared to byakia in terms of his kind of overall skill set and how strong and how Adept he actually is as they don't take part in combat in an official capacity the fourth division is a hard one to place and it's one of the divisions that's left mostly unchanged throughout the story the most important aspect of course is the captain retsu unohana who is perhaps the most proficient healer the sole Society has ever known or at least the gote 13 has ever known outside of maybe tenjido of the zero division but it's impossible to know currently if he was ever even really a member of the goatee 13 at all an ancient Captain unohana Bears a wealth of experience but also a dark secret in truth she's yachiru unohana the first Kenpachi and a devilishly powerful fighter in her own right but crucially though I'm not sure she would have ever taken her arms again outside of specifically being ordered to for a special circumstance which is of course what ends up unfolding but still within every iteration of the gote 13 we see in the story her healing prowess is unparalleled and the gote 13 is clearly worse off after her death losing her in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc is a big big blow to the overall skill and utility of the organization moving forward meanwhile her Vice Captain issane kotetsu is obviously a fantastic healer in her own right but remains to this day unfortunately one of the characters we just never get to see that much from making her very difficult to gauge and so by the time the end of the series rolls around we've gone from having a highly respected fourth division in the sole Society Arc and Beyond to one where we know next to nothing about both of its commanding officers and then here of course we come to a big one under sosuke Eisen the fifth division of the Soul Society Arc is incredibly powerful and he much like Gene before him is an asset that is sorely missed in future versions of the organization in fact I'd argue that Eisen is so powerful that he's one of a few captains capable of completely elevating an entire iteration of the gote 13 thanks to his mere presence we see in the fake karakura Town Arc that he's worth multiple Captain level opponents just by himself and that's before the hogyoku even really gets involved in any kind of capacity but there's a bit more to say about Eisen when it comes to a different version of the gote one which I think actually has a superior version of the fifth division overall that of turn back the pendulum where the fifth division effectively has two Captain level Shinigami leading it between Shinji and Eisen certainly when it comes to turn back the pendulum if you look at the fifth division it really is I would say markedly more powerful than over half the other divisions in that gote 13 if not probably more in the soul Society The Arc however eisen's Vice Captain is hinomori Momo who often gets a bad rap due to her character being dominated by questions of her fractured mental state followed by a diminished presence in general but she's a skilled fighter particularly when it comes to using keto but as earnestly skillful as both Shinji and hinomori are neither of them can really fill the void left by eisen's departure from the division to me the sixth division of the Soul Society Arc feels like it's close to breaching that upper echelon of Divisions but doesn't quite manage it both byakyakuchiki and renji abarai are clearly very powerful with byakia especially being presented as a genuine threat an all-rounder Shinigami with a devastating zanpak toe and with the two of them acting as narrative roadblocks for Ichigo himself there's a lot of focus placed on this division from an early point the sixth division is also a fun one in that it's one of the few divisions in the present day timeline that remains completely unchanged from start to finish even if that was up in the air for a while there at the start of the Thousand-Year blood War both byakia and renji therefore are true stalwarts of the gote 13 and represent the power and consistency of the organization though as we see in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc this room still for them to grow but any goatee 13 with them in is a powerful one regardless and interestingly the past iteration of the sixth division is the only different one and with both ginray and sojun kuchki leading it we know next to nothing about its capabilities however sojun was noted as being quite a sickly individual so it's possible that it was weaker than it was with biakia and renji in charge certainly towards the end of bleach but as far as the sole Society art versions those characters go it is difficult to gauge now before we continue with the latter half of the video however first a word from today's sponsor alright well here we are once again as Tokyo treat and sakuriko are continuing to support the channel by kindly sponsoring today's video Jade's back as my co-host she's back to once again eat treats and we're gonna do things ever so slightly differently this time around but before we get into that firstly a quick breakdown on what Tokyo tree and sakuriko are all about so the goal Behind these monthly Japanese snack boxes is pretty simple basically Tokyo treat and sakurako are trying to invite everyone to experience Japan from the comfort of their own homes through these different snack boxes first up we have Tokyo treat which is a monthly pop Japanese snack subscription box and inside it you'll find up to 20 of the latest most exclusive kind of limited edition seasonal flavor Japanese snacks like for example takayaki flavored snack mix okonomiyaki senbei and chocolate bread bites whereas Sakura Co is a monthly authentic Japanese snack subscription box sakurico supports local Japanese snack makers and in each box you get 20 traditional authentic and Artisan Japanese snacks this month we've got honey apple Mochi momokibidango and SHINee musket jelly and don't forget you also get a special Japanese tableware item okay so rather than us just sit here and eat the snacks in front of the camera we'd actually make Tom work for it once again so how's this work if I get a question right I get to have something essentially yeah you get to have something and first up for grabs are the snacks from the Tokyo treat box which this month has a theme called Osaka snackation first question during the anime who is the first Captain you ever see biakya is the only one who's currently a captain at the time also ukitake appears in a small rookia flashback thing neither ishin nor urahara are technically captains so I'm going to say byakia I see that what yes what is it then getting off to a good start guys it was ukitake oh see based on the flashback pick my treat what am I having chocolate orange kitkats they have they have a interesting KitKat flavors kind of every month is it comparable to like Terry's here in the UK I'm not sharing these oh great I don't know why we don't get flavors like this here in the UK because we're boring I'm a Vice Captain in the goatee 13. I love fried rice crackers I also have the longest name out of the whole series who am I amida yes it was this fight it opened on the page for the melon Panda cookie it looks like Spinda from Pokemon look he's oh he's crying oh that's really upset why is he crying look he knows his fate that Mom one sad tasty Panda yeah it's quite like tropical um yeah one for two so far not great so next up guys we're gonna move on to the sakuroko box as our prize so this month's theme for sakuriko is mochi and fruit marbles in episode seven I'm presuming this is Anime again sorry well inoue and tatsuki show off their art projects you can see Ishida before his part in episode 11. what is he doing I've got no idea probably sewing yeah isn't these stitching he's stitching one of the girls dolls oh come on that is it though isn't it it's crocheting okay well from sakurico's box we have what looks like a big bag of peach Mochi oh you're just helping yourself are you yeah I thought this was meant to be mine oh yeah Mochi is so cool it's like so unique uniquely Japanese I feel I love it that's way too easy even I know that this is rigged which of these four has a ring attached to their zompoc toes super I think we know this it's not gonna give me the multiple option no I don't think he said which of the four that you didn't say anything I think it's kind of mitosan you are correct yes you didn't need before see wait aren't I meant to pick for you I've honestly lost track we both let's be honest we both really just want to eat this uh strawberry Manju oh the presentation is immaculate that is good presentation it is look how cute that is yeah you get to get the satisfactory split fruity and delicious it's so cute on like a picnic I think we have room for a bonus question okay which song popto's initial release is activated by the command word growl hi Nico well he answered that immediately the booklet has revealed to us that this last one we're going to try is handily called lemon pie those uh layers are very um very appealing very satisfying to look very afternoon tea actually okay and so it's that time once again where we say thank you very much to Tokyo treat and sakuriko for sponsoring today's video and for continuing to support the channel and they've given me a code which you can find in the description box and the pin comment down below so I can pass some savings on to you guys if you wanted to pick up some snack boxes for yourselves guys if you decide to get some boxes I really really hope you enjoy them and of course thanks once again to Tokyo treat and sakuriko for sponsoring today's video and before we go Jade I want to leave you with this adage given to me on this little melon gal fret when our hearts are fully satisfied our taste buds are fully satisfied and so moving on up next then there's the seventh division which is certainly one of the most underutilized divisions among the goatee 13. the captain sagin komamorda is arguably one of of the most physically powerful Shinigami in the gote at the time but they don't have a lot else going for them other than that EBA being a completely unknown quantity doesn't help at all and we go through the entire series including him becoming a captain at the end without learning a thing about him or his combat skills outside of assumptions that we can probably rightly make but that's not a particularly sturdy basis gauging this version of the seventh division against what comes both before and after and it's again a difficult task much like rose before him love is another Captain turned vizard who simply isn't that impressive at least not to me anyway and nothing is known about his Vice Captain at the time jinemon cotsabaki then with Eber at the helm in the future I have a hard time imagining that the seventh division is as strong as it once was but I'm willing to be proven wrong kyoraku Shin sui is one of the oldest cat captains of the gote 13 and as such is carrying incredible power and knowledge with him as leader of the eighth division though we wouldn't get to see too much from him in the sole Society Arc itself we know what he's capable of whether this is counted as a downside or not the fact that he's as old and as experienced as he is means his overall strength doesn't fluctuate much throughout the series it remains a constant and he's considered one of the gote 13's most capable combatants with piercing perception and an incredible mind as well as a basically broken zanpak toe to boot Yamamoto himself Marvels in ore at the mere sight of kiraku and ukitake fighting side by side with their shikai Unleashed and having the trio of Master and his students active in the role of Captain at the same time makes for a devastatingly powerful Trifecta and that's without even considering other immense strong Shinigami who were around at the same time during the soul Society Arc unfortunately for the eighth division now is a bit more of an unknown especially in comparison to her predecessor Lisa yadamaru who while against not getting a lot of time to Showcase what she can do she does actually fight at least a bit whereas the now prefers administrative work to active field work that being said she is a bona fide keto expert though her true capabilities wouldn't be available to her for some time yet in my video ranking the captains of the Soul Society Arc in terms of their overall strength and combat Effectiveness I placed the ninth division's kanamatosun dead last and while I stand by that verdict that doesn't mean he's weak it's a testament in fact I would say to the caliber of captains in the sole Society Arc that someone who can rob an enemy of almost all of their senses still somehow doesn't quite match up to the overwhelming power and versatility on display here in fact I attributed his last place showing more to his mentality and attitude than anything else tosin's relative lower ranking however is somewhat offset by his Vice Captain Shuhei hisagi who is a genuine all-rounder in terms of ability with a vicious Sheik eye on top and he's easily one of the most capable of Vice captains probably even back in the sole Society Arc since we know what he can do even if he doesn't get a chance to really show it under tosun the ninth division cultivates very hard-working diligent and Powerful soldiers and yet like the seventh division it's underutilized on the whole though perhaps here in a slightly different way it's past and future iterations both have kensei muguruma at the helm who much like his other vizard contemporaries often fails to impress I'd argue even more so than tosin the 10th division is an interesting one as well while it's Vice Captain rangikuma samoto has remained mostly stagnant for many years she's an Adept and skilled fighter all the same that shouldn't be underestimated but it's with the division's prodigal captain that most of the potential Lies by the series end the 10th division has possibly become one of the strongest of the lot the captain toshiro hitsugaya has completed his Bankai and much of his developmental Arc becoming something of an icy reflection of Yamamoto himself in the process though still with room to grow but like many others toshuro's journey is a lengthy and difficult one and while he's powerful in the soul Society Arc he's really only just getting started but the 10th division is interesting for another reason it possibly holds the key to what could be the true strongest version of the gote 13 but we'll get into that in a bit speaking of Journeys our initial introduction to the fight-loving 11th division paints and almost completely different picture to that which we'd get by the end of the series Captain Ken patches Iraqi much like hitsugaya in the division prior has a long way to go before he unlocks and attains his true latent strength don't take that to mean he's weak however he still manhandles both tosin and common water at the same time before soundly defeating the former in a battle and Zaraki only grows more and more powerful as the fights drag on by with his duel with Ichigo granting him another boost what I'm getting at is that even at this early stage Zaraki remains an absolute asset to this version of the goate 13 Even if not quite on the level of where he is in the second invasion of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc he's tough bloodthirsty and almost impossible to bring down sure he's only going to get stronger but here in this goatee when he's surrounded on all sides by Titans of power it's impressive to me that he continues to stand out nonetheless what's more difficult is gauging his Vice Captain at the time yachiru as she's not even really a Shinigami there's no question about it the 11th division we'll see better days and only continue to improve and as far as I'm concerned much like the sixth division they're a rare Squad that's actually at their Apex by the end of bleach the 12th division is another tough one to figure out though Soul Society is certainly no lesser for having them around even if their morals are dubious yes Maori karotsuchi is caught off guard by uriu and defeated but I think a number of captains would have been as well Maori might cycle through outfits and looks like there's no tomorrow but what's never changed about him is his incredible intelligence and with both Eisen and Maori occupying leadership positions in this gote 13 you're looking at two of the three smartest individuals in the bleach Universe gathered in one place of course we are missing kisuke urahara who is an immeasurable asset to the goatee 13 of 100 years ago but you know for the most part mayori makes for a decent if unhinged replacement for his former Superior mayori is a weird character in that he doesn't play by the rules as we all know in terms of his combat Effectiveness the Maori we see here in the soul Society Arc is essentially the same as he appears by the series end minus a new Bankai which admittedly is a nice upgrade but what I'm getting at is mayory's true danger comes from his intellect and his ability to prepare for any situation and then there's nemu who again we don't know too much about but don't have much reason to suspect she's any different here in terms of capability than she is later on and while I'm a big fan of Akon who later becomes the 12th divisions Vice Captain he really hasn't shown much of what he can do even in comparison to nemu and finally that brings us to the 13th Vision which like I said doesn't have a Vice Captain in the sole Society Arc that's an immediate blow to their effectiveness especially when you look to both the past where that spot was represented by another Prodigy Cayenne Shiba and the future where Rukia kuchki steps up to take over and only proceeds to get more powerful at the same time Captain juushiro ikitake is a similar figure to kiraku before him experienced wise powerful and wielding and incredible amount of rare Yoku to sustain his sick and frail body while the extent of ukitake's capabilities is never really explored in the same way as kiraku's ukitake is another character whose reputation precedes him as one of the Elder captains he's extremely strong intelligent and World Weary by the time the story ends the division is certainly worse off without him around so after that deep dive into the individual liner of the Soul Society arcs got a 13 is it the strongest we've ever seen barring of course that original version I'm inclined to say yes with one potential caveat which we'll get into in a second while the end of series goatee 13 reaches some incredible highs with Newfound power-ups for characters like Zaraki byakia toshiro Rukia and renji all of whom occupy slots in the current leadership alongside historical stalwarts like kiraku it's balanced out unfavorably by a string of both relative unknowns and seemingly totally inexperienced captains as explained in my previous video on the subject meanwhile the gote 13 of the Soul Society Arc feels like it strikes a perfect balance and there is less disparity between the strongest Captain and the weakest even with the strongest being incredibly powerful here the leadership in general is crammed full of extraordinarily capable soldiers from that Trifecta of Yamamoto kyoraku and ukitake to more secretive monsters like eisengine and unohana in my opinion having all of these powerhouses operating at once is absolutely insane and that's without even considering characters like byakya and Zaraki who are absolutely not weak but even when they are being dwarfed by the likes of the aforementioned characters you know you've got something special and crucially I think that perfect balance struck by the soul Society arcs got a 13 means it is able to cover all bases effectively even the vice captains here are a powerful bag too with sasukebe leading a charge that includes renji hisagi izuru and more the gote 13 of the Soul Society Arc Compares well in my opinion to every other iteration with an incredible mix of characters where the end of series goatee feels very extreme in its highs and lows here even the so-called weakest captains toson hitsugaya komamora are fully capable of pulling their weight taking us back to this idea of balance which I think is crucial it also compares favorably to the gote from turn back the pendulum too again that lineup is littered with unknown quantities but I also find it hard to believe anyone would rightfully take Shinji Rose and kensei over eisengine and tosin which is essentially what also happens in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc especially before horrification but truthfully even after it too turn back the pendulum is interesting in that it has a lot of the same heft that the soul Society arcgote does in that quartet of all the captains but it's totally missing in my opinion that mid-range bulk that really helps to even things out plus it's clear that as far as can patchy go kiganjo is a bit of a laughing stock in comparison to even a sole Society arcs Iraqi and the position of Ken patchy is where a lot of your gote 13's physical might is supposed to originate from there's only one more consideration to bring up earlier when discussing the 10th Division I mentioned they might hold the key to what is the true strongest version of the gote 13 and I also mentioned that there is a caveat to me thinking the soul Society Arc version is the best and that caveat that key is this it can be found 20 years into the past before the main storyline the everything but the rain version of the gote 13 is one that we barely see at all and crucially is almost totally identical to the gote 13 of the Soul Society Arc as they exist in such close proximity to one another in the timeline again you've got that legendary quartet of older captains plus the trio of eisengine and tozen while initially in the source material we weren't 100 sure on the full line up the Thousand-Year blood War Arc anime at least showcased a goatee 13 that's exactly the same essentially featuring Zaraki featuring komamora featuring soifon with one key difference toshido hit sugaya as captain of the 10th division is replaced by ishin Sheba who by all counts is much more powerful ishin is shown to be extremely strong and is a member of one of the five major Noble houses of the Soul society as well so if it counts my answer at the end of the video is that no the soul Society art goatee 13 isn't the strongest of the bunch it's actually the gote 13 of everything but the rain but I can understand why that might not count as we don't necessarily know the complete workings of that got a 13 while we can pretty easily and safely assume that the Vice Captain lineup is exactly the same again as that of the Soul Society Arc I don't think we know for sure so really that one's up to you but as far as I'm concerned yes this version of the gote 13 around the soul Society Arc is the most powerful of the bunch apart from of course that original set that's it for the video guys I really hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments below which version of the gote 13 do you think is the absolute strongest am I right with saying it's the soul Society Arc version of the gote 13 or if you'll allow it even more so the everything but the rain version of the goatee 13 which I think is exactly the same except it changes out one crucial character I'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below which version you think is the best and which one do you think is the weakest please do let me know of course make sure to hit subscribe if you haven't done already give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and until next time I'll catch you later and I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 117,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bankai, aizen, sternritter, bleach tybw, bleach bankai, yamamoto bankai, yamamoto vs ichibei, urahara, kenpachi, kenpachi bankai, urahara bankai, bleach strongest, strongest captain bleach
Id: PRJCd6d1e0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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