How STRONG Did Sosuke Aizen Become in TYBW? The ULTIMATE Shinigami Returns | Bleach Discussion

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sosuke Eisen was perhaps the Pinnacle of nigh unreachable power throughout the Iran car arc on his quest to transcend Beyond the Veil of Shinigami and Hollow Eisen fuses with the hogyoku in an attempt to gain even greater power and of course he succeeds rising to a higher plane of existence in the process though he's eventually eclipsed by Ichigo a natural-born hybrid and brought crashing back down to earth in both a literal and a figurative sense Eisen remains one of bleach's most incredibly strong characters even long after his defeat however the end of his battle and subsequently the deicide sub-arc as a whole brings up a lot of questions surrounding eisen's future as a power player in the bleach universe and when the Thousand-Year blood War Arc rolls around and the cast balloons to include a slew of exceptionally powerful beings duking it out at the end of the world as we know it is there still room at the table for the former main villain of bleach in this video we'll take a look at Eisen as he appears in the final Arc of bleach the small but decisive role he has in the Quincy blood War and just how powerful he's actually become during his stint in muken Eisen always wanted to become a god seeing himself as a superior being ruling over all others one that those beneath should look up to for guidance and Leadership but in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc he may come face to face with and learn the hard way that there are some characters that will now go even beyond that and come closest to the truly Divine that we've ever seen in Bleach before we get started on the video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for more bleach videos just like this one every single week and if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up as well to help support me and the channel and if you want to take that support from me another step further I do have a patreon as well and as always I just want to say a massive thank you and give a huge shout out to everyone who is supporting me over there on patreon I really do appreciate it but if you want to support me in an even easier way go and check out my second Channel Mr Tomo talks games again if you want to drop a subscribe over there that would be immensely helpful and again I would be super grateful but no matter how you choose to support me just know that it really does mean the world to me and thank you all so very much and of course before we dive into this video there will be spoilers for the Thousand-Year blood War Arc of bleach to come so let's begin by looking at Eisen and his fate as it appears at the end of the Iran because I think this helps to inform where he is in regards to his power and strength by the time we do eventually see him in the Thousand Year blood War Arc upon slamming into the ground after being struck by ichigo's mugetsu Eisen manages to serve live regenerate and rises again watching with Glee as his son pukto begins to crumble into dust here Eisen claims that the hogayoku has decided he no longer requires Azan parkto and instead its very powers and abilities are now fusing with him much in the same way that Ichigo achieved supposedly theoretically the final stage of their evolution while this seems pretty concrete and lines up with how Eisen wood later appear in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc I've always found this particular scene difficult to reconcile and the outcome of eisen's next appearance doesn't seem to line up with the themes on display here in deuside though he claims the hogyoku believes he doesn't need a zanpaktou anymore I've always found this to be dubious and just another of eisen's many escalating delusions that he's suffering from at this point in the story the entire point of eisen's Fall From Grace here is that he can't really comprehend what's going on what's actually happening before his eyes Ichigo even says as much to him that he's scared because for once in his life he can't understand what's actually taking place in front of him even if he thinks he has all the answers like he normally does and has had up until now Kubo makes it clear that he's disproving Eisen with every step of the battle whether it's eisen's insane belief his insane rationalization that the only way Ichigo is able to grab him and fling him as far as he did was because he somehow traded all of his reyatsu for raw physical strength or the belief that Ichigo could never possibly surpass him and his denial right down to the very last second I always saw kyokosuigetsu's disintegration as a sign that Eisen himself has forsaken his zanpakto as his true partner instead choosing the hogyoku and the power it has so far given him but it much like the hogioku would do a few minutes later has chosen in response to abandon him if Kubo has made a point of shutting down eisen's beliefs at every step of the way so far in day aside why would he suddenly stop now why would Eisen now all of a sudden be right about this one thing and wrong about literally everything else including what's about to happen in just a few moments but like I said it seems irrefutable a Thousand-Year blood War Arc seems to completely affirm that he did indeed fuse with his own pukto after all but I guess it's possible that in the years he spent in isolation deep within mukin he reforged his bond with his zanpakuto over time and subsequently became even more powerful as a result anyway we see eisen's hogyoku acquired power disappear or at least several layers of it anyway the power that Eisen had been gaining and building throughout day aside as a result of his fusion with the hogyoku and his Ascension completely shatters peeling away from him like dead skin revealing nothing but the man underneath as soon as the hogyoku no longer recognizes Eisen as its Master when at some point deep within his subconscious he realized he know longer wanted or needed that power Eisen seemingly lost it all the imagery seems fairly clear-cut here that Eisen is in the process of losing absolutely everything as a result of his transgressions but what does this actually mean for his character and his abilities Kubo appears to have essentially hit the reset button on his villain just as Eisen was spiraling out of control with an increasingly Eldritch and monstrous appearance to match Kubo Slams on the brakes stripping eyes and of everything and dragging him back to our level but also superficially returning him to the eyes and we all knew and loved it seems likely to me at least that Eisen has lost everything he gained in his subsequent Transformations as evidenced by his return to his Shinigami appearance that being said as noted by the central 46 during his trial with the hogyoku still in bed added within him Eisen retains his immortality and his colossal reyatsu a well of monstrous riatsu so deep that yuhabakh himself even noted it as the reason for Eisen being a special War potential Eisen always had enormous reyatsu even compared with his captain contemporaries so for this to be Amplified immeasurably as a result of his hogyoku Ascension and be the main holdover from his Transformations makes absolute sense and so he's restrained and imprisoned deep within mooken for the next 20 000 years and so we move ahead to the Thousand-Year blood War Arc by the time then we next see Eisen it's been just over approximately two years living out his days in the pitch black darkness of his prison alone with his thoughts has presumably given eyes and plenty of time to reflect to reacquaint himself with Kyoko suigetsu we know he's successfully fused with his blade after all and he seems able to project his complete hypnosis without any access to the zanpakto itself it's strange though presumably the activation ritual is still required for someone to fall under its spell in the first place or else Ichigo would now be able to be affected too he'd now be subjected to its abilities just by being around Eisen but when Eisen uses his Illusions to throw off yuharbach's perception during the first Invasion he can't have released his Dan pukto at least not in the traditional sense regardless that power of kanzen Simon is now a part of Eisen himself perhaps the truest reflection of who he really is as a person and in that sense he has achieved the final stage of a shinigami's Evolution after all but eisen's next appearance in the source material gives us a much better clear a look at how powerful he's actually become during his time in prison when kyoraku visits Eisen in muken he's been given the stipulation by Central 46 that he can only unlock three of the many seals that currently bind the former Captain eisen's mouth his left eye and his ankles despite only unlocking the mouth seal to begin with however kioraku is shocked to see Eisen able to walk towards him emerging from the thick dark shadow in a very cool image even in a prisoner's Garb Eisen Towers over those around him again I was never quite sure what this was supposed to be implying is Eisen so powerful at this point that the seals holding him in place are barely able to restrain him and by just undoing one of them that provides enough leeway for Eisen to then free himself from the rest or is the implication that Eisen has always been able to free himself whenever he wants and simply decided to cooperate for the time being either way I think the main takeaway here is that Eisen far surpasses the soul society's expectations of where his power should be even kioraku himself is surprised to see Eisen free of his shackles after only unlocking the one seal and then of course there's the excellent scene where a member of the keto Corps foolishly attempts to restrain Eisen only to lose his hands in the process simply by getting near to eyes and the man's hands are burned away and of course we've seen this before when Eisen had transcended having emerged from his cocoon State his soul having been broken down while in that cocoon and restructured and then upon his re-emergence he had this new level of power his riyatsu was so palpable that he could destroy beings beneath him simply by being near them merely walking past a regular human was enough to annihilate their body and a bottle thrown at him turned to dust before even coming close to making contact interestingly for Eisen to injure more powerful beings it seems like there was at least some intent required for example Gene was able to remain close to eyes and even in this form without injury even going so far as to place a hand on his chest however when Eisen actively attempted to lash out and grab Gene's arm he carved out a chunk of his flesh effortlessly simply by basically brushing his forearm with his fingertips much in the same way as as he had been disintegrating people up until now so what does this tell us about where eisen's ryatsu is at currently well this keto core Soldier obviously has more rayatsu than a regular human than your average karakura Town resident and less than Gene and yet he's burned up like the human was simply by getting close not only that but Eisen comments that the black suit he's currently wearing doesn't eliminate his ryatsu entirely merely it serves to keep it close to him at all times and I wonder about that does that mean that if Eisen wasn't wearing the suit in the state he's currently in everyone in that room save maybe kioraku would be turned to dust immediately is that how absurd his ryatsu currently is that if he's just wandering around without it restrained it's just going to be destroying everything around him or is the effect of his ryatsu Amplified because it's so tightly condensed around him currently due to the suit creating essentially a tightly knit force field it makes me wonder how Eisen could ever live a normal life again if everything he interacts with that isn't purpose-built to deal with him would just be obliterated same goes for how they got the suit on him in the first place the only conceivable way I could see around that conundrum is that his ryatsu has only reached this level during his imprisonment regardless eisen's ryatsu is at the very least as potent as it was during day aside if not more powerful altogether this is reinforced of course when Eisen comes to the aid of the gote 13 during their hour of need as you harbach absorbs the power of the Soul King in the palace above he's only able to contain some of it the soul King's rayatsu is overflowing and immense probably I would argue without a doubt the greatest we've ever seen in the source material the surplus of power spills out of yuhabart taking the form of an entire Army's worth of strange monsters before raining down up upon the sayrete and the Shinigami within the soul King's power is conceptual and weird but Kubo does a good job of showing just how overwhelming it actually is the entire combined might of biakia renji Rukia soifon omaida hisagi ikaku and yumachika can't even make a dent in it it's like an Endless Sea a torrent of power that threatens to Devour the entirety of the gote's remaining forces except when Eisen arrives he's able to quickly put a stop to this circus with his raw power alone even strapped to his chair even with his prisoner's outfit presumably suppressing some of his ryatsu eisen's power obliterates many of the monsters creating a clearing within the darkness this particular shot is a great insight into what Eisen is able to achieve look at the curtain the drape of pure Blackness encroaching on every everyone and everything it is suffocatingly thick and opaque that is what threatened to swallow up the soul society yet for once ironically Eisen has proven to be a literal Light Within the dark eyes and attempts to play himself down telling kioraku that he won't be able to get rid of all of the monsters while trapped to his chair but kyoraku suspects otherwise Immortal or Not eisen's body will be devoured all the same if he doesn't act quickly deciding to be rid of the Soul King's power once and for all Eisen unleashes an incantationless Hardo 90 kurohitsugi a perfect black coffin building on its appearances in both the soul society and aranca arcs and with it the Titanic keto spell lifts into the sky destroying all of the Overflow of the Soul King's power in one fell blast this is a fantastic showcase for how monstrous eyes and and has become how he is now on a totally different plane to the rest of the Shinigami around him the soul King clearly houses a power greater than anyone in the bleach Universe could realistically hope to muster he is the closest analogy to God in that Universe after all and even after his death and dismemberment he still retains the strength that's nearly impossible to quantify that so great Kubo has to depict it with an army of its own the fact that Eisen was able to wipe out that Army when the Warriors of the gote 13 looked so helpless in the face of it shows just how far above them he really is admittedly this is nothing new as Eisen wiped out the entire goatee 13 on his own during the fake karakura Town battle but here even restrained and unable to move he achieved what they could not with a spell alone the power of eisen's kurohitsugi is so immense that kioraku feared for the lives of everyone in the vicinity commanding them all to get back into the lab and beneath the Spells range the instant he realized what was going to happen and of course when they resurfaced they realized the keto had not only destroyed the soul King's power but utterly vaporized even the very debris of the buildings around them and all of this with no lengthy incantation something he required even when close to the Apex of his Transformations before that's a very smart way of telling the reader just how strong Eisen has become during his time in isolation and by doing away with the excesses of his hogyoku forms and instead doubling down on his natural Shinigami abilities Kubo shows us that Eisen is refocused on what power really is we get one crucial line from the person who perhaps understands eisen's current position best of all kisuke urahara who notes that Eisen may have in fact become more powerful than he was when he fought Ichigo considering kisuke gleans that observation from Eisen using an incantation asian-less keto it seems likely to me at least that he's comparing the fact that Eisen had to use an incantation when fighting Ichigo to this moment in the present but in what seems like a blatant demonstration of his new immeasurable power Eisen prepares to blast the Royal Palace out of the sky it's Reckless sure but he's confident and summons a spiraling torrent a whirlwind of power that looks ready to pierce the very heavens themselves this idea of him blowing the palace to Smithereens seems to be kubo's own way of saying that Eisen himself now trespasses on the realm of the Divine even if he's not physically there while also feeling like an analogy a direct reference to eisen's desire to upend the ruling class even so that massive power is able to be contained much to eisen's surprise his suit restricts his power once more snapping it back close to him and wiping out his typhoon of ryatsu snuffing it out completely while he and mayori then prepare to square off in about to determine which is stronger eisen's roar rayatsu or mayori's technological prowess we unfortunately never get to see the outcome interestingly when the time comes for the final battle Eisen faces off against you hubbuck who is currently infused with the strength of the Soul King and now the closest thing to an actual God in Bleach since the passing of his father eisen's own kurohitsugi which was capable of obliterating a vast chunk of the Soul King's power wasn't enough even at Point Blank Range to destroy his chair yet a seemingly casual blast of energy from yuhar bark in his current state did the job just fine it's also interesting to note that eisen's blade returns in this fight but it's difficult to ascertain whether or not he truly has one at all while I still want to do a deep dive into the final battle at some point in the future kyokosui gets to itself only seems to appear when Eisen himself is likely an illusion conjured up to deceive yuhabak and thus is possibly a clue on kubo's part as to when the real Eisen himself is actually present either that or Eisen has the power now to materialize a blade whenever he likes while Eisen is clearly depicted as being outmatched by yuhabakh both physically and in terms of raw power there are some interesting points to be made here firstly it's a testament to eisen's ryatsu once again that his Kyoko suigetsu is still capable of affecting yuhabak and his Almighty when all other abilities seem to pale in comparison to him now that he has fully absorbed the soul King it's also interesting to think this might be a slightly more experimental version of complete hypnosis than before by saying the line to you harbach I see so you see me as Ichigo go Kurosaki do you fascinating Eisen seems to confirm that in this state he currently has no real control over what Illusions his opponent is actually subjected to or at the very least he was absolutely not confident that his power would work on you harbach whatsoever and this feels like another Avenue Eisen could yet still refine his abilities in so to summarize I'd say things really couldn't have turned out much better for sosuke Eisen after his defeat against Ichigo he was stripped of the Superfluous elements of his Newfound power his Transformations and some of the abilities that came with them perhaps most notably his ability to actually teleport instead of using shunpo to get around but he retained the core of his powers complete hypnosis and incredible untapped reyatsu during his time in isolation he's only refined these hours further being able to now create Illusions without the use of his blade and gaining such unbelievable riyatsu as to be able to casually destroy the bodies of at least somewhat talented Shinigami even when his power is being restricted and use that same strength to repel the soul King's onslaught in this sense Eisen finally gets to challenge the soul King himself even if it's not how he imagined it by undoing his hogyoku-led Transformations Kubo resets Eisen back to a more palatable State all the while improving his core powers and abilities in every way and making him considerably more powerful than he already was in this sense is it accurate to say that Eisen is no longer a hybrid being everything about him that was Hollow like seems to have been Stripped Away after his defeat to Ichigo instead he's refocused and doubled down on becoming the ultimate Shinigami even going so far as to surpass that notion and continue to break boundaries especially where his ryatsu is concerned Eisen has gone from challenging the gote 13 themselves to challenging the god that the gote 13 were almost overcome by but that's it for this video guys I hope you enjoyed it it's pretty clear-cut that Eisen is at the most powerful he has ever been even if some of his hogyoku-led Transformations and Powers have been removed from him it seems instead during his time in isolation he has chosen to double down on those core intrinsically Shinigami powers and abilities and reached an entirely new you scale an entirely new plane that very few others could even hope to glimpse a fleeting look at I really hope you enjoyed the video guys let me know in the comments below if you agreed with my thoughts at all regarding how powerful Eisen has actually become and the current state of his character and his powers as of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc I'd love to hear your thoughts down below do please let me know also make sure you hit subscribe if you haven't done already and give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it I really would appreciate it but until next time guys I'll catch you later and I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 200,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bankai, aizen, bleach tybw, tybw, wandenreich, sternritter, bleach manga discussion, yhwach, aizen vs yhwach
Id: XbL1B2HJesc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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