Did Speedy Give Us COVID?

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so uh when we all did the big gear ender uh you know i remember watching speedy just march around this little room and uh he had his little red hat on and he was singing as hard as he could sing you know the mark phillips jingle bells and we're giving away gift number 12 then we do a bonus gift oh sure people are crying it's emotional and little did we know speedy was just spreading cover just just marching around just spreading it everywhere he was like he was a coveted fire host and somehow it dodged greg and adler but it got everybody else yeah yeah so we got a theory i know i've seen you have this theory by the way i've contacted the medical field and told them to come after y'all yeah uh the the you know we we call it we call it the the b.a.b yeah the beat the the the blood how about rick for two weeks i was out prior to that and we're so excited to get back to work only to pick it up yeah so you had it in your house showing me just dancing around just spreading it everywhere yeah and you know yeah how many tubers have it we don't know i mean did you go out and pollute them too well but i didn't come anywhere near him i just walked out there and took a picture but heck who knows right there look he just throwing it listen but he's doing this right [Laughter] don't touch that glass over there if anybody because you had your face up i did i just love it all on it so i love the tubers you know the the timeline of how this played out we we had uh you know we we were everything was scaled down this year i mean everybody was trying to be safe and we uh we we had a family get together on sunday that was very scaled down and then monday rolls around and monday's fine i'm fine monday after lunch monday i start going downhill i go something's wrong don't feel right coughing achy oh i felt like i'd been in a car wreck you know that kind of thing and i'm quickly going downhill and i think hey i'm getting sick i'm getting hey i'm getting sick on monday here we go about then i get the text from speedy hey i'm positive tested last week got the results i was like oh golly are you kidding me so then tuesday was my worst day ran a fever coughing just terrible uh fever 105 i think it got to 109 0.9 almost 101 that afternoon i'm already trying to get tested i'm calling trying you know portal uh if i hear the word portal again i'm going to scream i hate the word portal are you transferring i hate that word um and transferring the job we got it we got it scheduled but it was the next day it was on wednesday but tuesday by far tuesday night i thought well this is it this is it i'm not gonna make it i don't run a fever whale right i'm kind of like a sports car yeah you know if any little thing falls off it's just everything goes downhill and we're already isolating you know all that and uh but just thank the lord above wednesday morning i wake up fever's gone and i'm like hey thank you on that now is it gonna come back after lunch which it didn't but i went got tested and and this is so funny because we had all you know the science of this we're trying to everybody get their arms around sure and good luck with that it's like trying to grab air mm-hmm the right the rapid test to get a negative from the rapid test can be a 50 failure rate okay it's much more accurate if you get a positive but it's still not as accurate as the what they call rick i think it's pcr tests that's the one that you have to send off okay so the doc has been pushing the the send-off test to all of us oh he wouldn't tell me any i mean he's the one who took care of me he said do not go get a reputation so listen now this is tuesday though christmas eve is thursday he said get the rapid test i go the rapid test you told him he said we need to know right away because i want to start you on the uh antibody uh infusion you know the iv thing okay because if you get the antibody infusion it lowers your chances of going to the hospital 70 or 80 percent okay but there's a catch and we'll talk about this today it's a long drawn-out story about that and the problems with it getting it it's it's a great product you just can't get it much so we'll go do the rapid test i test positive betty's driving me you know she's with me so we'll go home we're still expo you know doing our isolation uh he prescribed a z-pack and a steroid dose pack and then we were taking enough over-the-counter vitamins to choke a donkey okay and uh y'all gonna look at each other so i don't know about that i i got to feeling uh better but i had to isolate so then it kind of becomes a mental thing you know yeah oh yeah what did i say did i say insulin no i i added that that used to be a term that they used in power coverage you got to insulate nicely see i don't know i still got it i still got a coffee fog i don't know what i've seen right yeah right um so that that just becomes the difficult part for me was you know we have a lot of traditions at christmas and we watch movies and you know we eat a lot together and you know i'm kind of left out you know i'm just locked back here you got a charlie brown christmas i know they i mean i mean they knock on the bedroom door leave a plate of food and run like there's you know yeah i love the picture if you set up across from everybody else with you so that my family finally said look dad we want you to be we lay that's fine we want you to we won't catch up we want you to be a part of christmas betty had grilled steaks because i couldn't taste it but uh so they i'm set up like 27 feet away and i got to be part of chris not 28 not 26. well we measured it 27 right yeah uh and i appreciate them doing that and and taking that chance with me uh so you did lose your taste yeah yeah and smell yeah has yours come back mine mine's still not right mine is better it ain't right mine's partially back yeah i would say now smell none none i used to i tell you what used to just drive me crazy was when betty would use fingernail polish remover if it was in the room my eyes would water and i might hey please ventilate door i could sniff that stuff now i don't even know right yeah it's it's but that ain't all bad you know i'm maybe i'm not you know eating as much either so that's fine uh i'll take that but rick i tell you where it got to me i really in in it and it was depressing to a degree because i do enjoy that time with the family and it's something you know we have a lot of traditions but you know it just it just really broke my heart when i started thinking about the people who were separated with hospitals and so much of it you know i was so blessed to be separated by a sheetrock wall and there were so many other people that had absolutely what i call real problems because at that point you know and i still got a uh a little bit of a cough if i get out of breath and i've got uh you know this thing where i call i'll be fine and i think man i feel good yes energy and then for no apparent reason it's almost like somebody kicks it into neutral and you go hey wait a minute what's going on with that that's going to go on it just for about three more weeks and see i don't know what's causing that because when when i feel that way i check blood pressure i check oxygen level i check temperature you know i check everything i can check and nothing changes i'm looking at heart rhythms on the watch you know and i go what is this why do i feel this way and betty will even go you look flush you're you're having one of those spells and i go yeah i don't know what it is i mean i'm taking i'm thinning the blood yeah i'm doing all i can do but i don't know i don't know what it is we call it not being sure yourself yeah yeah exactly yeah but but just i'm very thankful speed even though you infected me thank you for giving me a mild case yeah well i i was and we'll talk about it i was confused i was like okay i texted the staff friday night and i never heard from you right and i'm like okay has he read it or has it not sunk in yet what's the deal and then i told you on monday hey i'm positive and then oh boy oh yeah here we go we'll be right back and bubba you you got covered um speedy got covered helms he got covered uh and helmsley how are you doing i'm good i've got lingering cough that goodness it's a rough one um and and i'm doing this thing where i kind of like what bubba was talking about real weak at times um and you kind of go well what just happened um i guess this will be my next three or four weeks but it was a little rougher than i wanted to be i'll be honest i got some you've got some issues you know with asthma and all that and that can be that can be problematic there was about three days where i could have done without for sure and then i guess all throughout the rest of the week saturday a couple days ago was my final day of isolation and so feel fine feel great um i've got this lingering cough as i mentioned that will probably be with me for quite some time and and my taste and smells back so that was good you know i read as soon as i lost that amanda made something one night and i tried to eat it and i'm like this tastes like chalk like what in the world's going on and she had been burning a candle in the house and i said hey wait a minute how long have you had that candle burn it's just like like two hours and like bubba was saying that stuff usually i i'm i'm aware of right away and i couldn't smell a thing i have a candle in our house that i keep seeing where my smell is and i'll pick it up and now if i put it real close to my nose i can smell it and one time i couldn't smell it at all so it's it's gradually coming back yeah and speedy how was yours uh yeah i was just i was a spreader yeah really well i think every time you go to another person we ought to go it's a cold merry christmas uh i never lost my uh taste or smell and um i had a stopped up nose no fever um i actually went in for stupidly for a steroid shot thinking i'm just stopped up you know i just kind of want to open up my sinuses i'm just a little stopped up and every now and then i'd you know on for that day i i i developed what i call airplane ears you know where my ears would get kind of like stopped up a little bit and i was like i'm just gonna go get a steroid shot i feel fine other than that and just i just wanted a little relief uh going into uh the christmas break and they said um hey we're not gonna give you a steroid shot just because from where i went they were like the steroid can actually work against you because your body's immune system kind of shuts down and says okay the steroids doing its job and so if it turns out that you've got covid you'll you actually are going to have a tougher time with it so there's like so we're just going to if you don't mind we're going to not give you a steroid shot but we would really like to test you and i'm like well i guess i'm here but we're going to test you for the flu and everything else so they go to going up the nostrils and get them back good night and they do it for kova they also do it for the flu and they're nostriling me up and and uh and so that's when i i sent the text message to you guys and then it came back um and and i was good i was well enough because i talked to the guys because you know we were none of us were ever here at the same time so you know we hosted best of both helms and i with covid yeah but nobody was here and we just a cleaning i know one time amanda and came up amanda came up here guys and we don't even need to hire that service anymore just hire her yeah yeah right it was ridiculous what she did right i'm telling you so look so looking back at it i think there were probably two days where i felt rougher you know than than normal but i never was but the biggest part problem with me is just being confined to a bedroom and not being able to come out and just like so i woke up i woke i'd wake up every day and go so i'm going to be here all day you know you know you there's only so many times you look at molding oh yeah yeah yeah exactly it doesn't change and then when i started then it started trickling down that oh bubba's got it oh hells he's got it i just felt awful i just i i really did i was just like but i didn't know you know i love you man top of the hour we'll be back uh more rick and bubba continuing right after this you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 5,003
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama
Id: iuiosnXow78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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