Adler's Tough Break

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[Music] hey guys I was just telling speedy in the kitchen you guys are y'all familiar with that phrase oh man tough break yeah yeah tough break you got a tough break right there mm-hmm well you know how we were on break last week hmm I had a tough break a tough break it actually started on Friday during the show you guys were kind enough to see the scare and and you know the fear in my eyes yeah y'all were kind enough to let me run home because my wife sends me a text is like our dog is there's something wrong with her dog so on Wednesday it actually started the week before we get off Franklin the the weird dog who's by nature should not be explained that to those who don't know the the history yeah tell them how you got Frank a Franklin because a lot of people are just dreaming they know Kevin your other dog they don't some summer new to Franklin Franklin is a basset hound German Shepherd is real short and long and a German Shepherd everybody knows was pretty big but you you inherited him when you got married to your life son that's my stepson yes and he treats me as such so he's very long he's very low and boys I'm had to give and something gave out on Wednesday my wife was like something's up and he would he was kind of like he was walking weird and he was real hunched up real real like a snail almost looked like a snail walking around and like his front feet and his back feet were way too close to each other as he's looked like a caterpillar was what he looked like it's like [ __ ] and I'm like you know I do not want to go to the vet obviously did not want to do that this caterpillar dog is fine that was okay so we get through Wednesday by Friday morning my wife sends me a text during the show and she's like dude our dog's our dog not my call you do when he's hanging on the bun yeah every doubt what so quinoa quinoa yeah so she's like this something's wrong with her dog and so I was like okay well I gotta go so we I take him to our normal vet and there they they check him out and they're like he's got to go to the emergency room like this is bad this is very bad the only thing more expensive than the vet is the emergency and Franklin was getting progressively worse like by the hour at this point like his back legs he was starting to drag them like not really walking correctly starting to drag them so Friday after the show I get to the emergency vet because I was able to run back here while it was he was at vet number one I take him to vet number two and after the show I find out that Franklin needs to have emergency spinal surgery Franklin my dog had to have emergency spinal surgery that day and me that day the doctor said to my wife and I as were sitting in the room he was like well he can still walk so that's good meaning like he's on his way to paralysis forever paralysis like not like temporary paralysis one of the a like a cut you know you're about to have a dog or car yeah do something there's wheels coming man per dead ahead yeah his future looks good because he can still walk so we should do this surgery right now he blew out a disc or many or a couple discs in his spine so that pushed against his final award for Overland he would have been paralyzed for the rest of his life mmm shoe I'm walking out and they're like would you like to put down the you need to put down a deposit and I'm like okay all right and I'll just put up a number for the deposit you thought few hundred bucks oh so that was no that was it this is not a 100 number you had or not 400 this is not for hundreds this is 4,000 oh wow unfortunately unfortunat cuz I'm mainly going to strategy here unfortunately your wife heard the whole diagnosis you didn't get it and then you know to come back and say something like Franklin's not gonna make there's nothing you can do now yeah so that's a $4,000 doll thousand dollar dog oh my gosh wha-hey we picked it back up he picked we picked it back up from the vet you guys can see him here here he is there's a lot of person let me let me go back and oh my god mohawk it's a reverse mohawk this whole back is shaved fail there I wish that was the ground struggling to walk a little bit he looks like Frankenstein instead of Franklin so I love what they look at this was a German Shepherd with a squirty long body what was wrong with him and how did they fix it so he blew out a disc just totally just a start destroyed the things and in between his spine and that push on a spinal cord and that from that from that moment down no no control no feeling so what did they do to fit did they fuse it like they wouldn't know an adult they do bunch of me a bunch of fuses and they did actually a bunch of preventative surgeries while they were in there too what they did but a $4,000 or y'all this dog ran just how many dogs buy brand new dogs I'll take four how about me so long you almost need like a curtain rod in there to hang his fine yeah yeah I think he's set up for this did they fix this going forward I hope they put a curtain rod they did they say head like was he has he been playing too rough with Kevin I mean it was it was like a jump up on mom thing I think it's the bridge is just sagging in the middle yeah exactly how older in that bridge yeah my wife got home on Wednesday night and she was that's when she started getting worried so I think it was just in that moment he blew it out all right now and all and all real world stuff you've completely shifted now because it the deed is done yes you went from maybe this dog has had a good life - by golly he better live - no yeah yeah I need more good now you're now you're doing everything you can to keep them alive yeah better live to 18 years old otherwise I'm gonna be pills I was real yeah most dogs don't see no no they don't bigger dogs like that no don't he's really weird for I Got News for you you just paid $1,000 a year he's got four yeah you're right their friend Megan that's being you know I'm an optimistic it is maybe five maybe maybe we lived with till 12 Oh is he only said I think he's seven not a don't think he's seven okay let's just say that it'll make me feel better yeah cuz that's a $4,000 dog walking around the house okay he's actually doing a lot better his meds have worn off though so like as we got through the weekend and it was good and I was like all right cool we're getting through this he started crying during the night and he hasn't stopped crying during the night so last night was a four-hour cry night which sometimes it's a five-hour so that's good so you're down to fo how do you how do you eat cried for for solid oh he cried for four hours last night I'm good and he didn't cry I were for everything babies don't do y'all y'all right I got on the I slept on the couch because that's where his crate is right now he has to be just kept in a crate yeah so his life sucks right now a lot of what people told us I love crates yeah they did Yeah right well we put a blanket over so he thinks it's a cave hopefully maybe not probably not probably ain't breathe so I'm sleeping on the couch it for a couple hours here and there cuz at least I can sleep cuz he's not crying granted I'm on the couch that's not as good how long has he got a static rate he's got I think like two or three more weeks of crate almost yeah now do you learning could be what I'm not hearing oh I did sleep with air pods in with just like white noise blaring last night I got to that point I was just like I need headphones in but y'all this dog has battled better little better medical care than I do because like I said I had a tough break on Tuesday my break got a lot worse oh there's more me personally and medically there's more right after this so we got the update from Franklin the dog now no I'm on this show was the four thousand dollar doll and I thought it was bad when I had a $600 cat rebate do you remember how many how many $600 catch you could have four more [ __ ] yeah but yeah Franklin was free too by the way he was free from the Humane Society hello when you pick up some of those dogs we care a mutt is the best as a good dog but these things they take breeds and put them together there's always some kind of issue you know it's you know I don't know how this even happened by the way but go ahead well I come I've come to conclusion and I certainly don't know who mom and dad were but I find no buddy had a ladder I think it was impossible for the basset hound to be the father yeah yeah that's that's that's impossible unless you want without I like bubbles there without a ladder or a slot he'll forgot to you about the goats north all right so after what you said you had a tough break not only from from dog world but in your own personal life of injury yes so I've kind of gotten past the whole Franklin thing it's Tuesday during the break yeah and in fact I'm so glad that this happened late in the day not early in the day because Tuesday was a big day for me I actually went and did the thrift store throw down at Americans their stores which is something this is actually something we're promoting on wzk there's a commercial by going on with that other one you know no body no plug working we're in the commercial business here that's right so luckily and that's when I run around the store and you you can win two by going to their store throw down calm or whatever it is I forget what I should know the website she's you're really sure yeah really should but so I did that ran around the store the there was a lucky winner they got to fill up their basket and I was like awesome and then I go and shoot an interview awesome done rocket like you win right lucky winner got like a thousand dollars worth stuff was pretty cool cool so and we do it all the time about four thousand dollars for the stuff Franklin was worth three shopping for shop about that so at this point I go down downtown to the courthouse to shoot an interview I'm talking to a lawyer guy about just how how the court system works and that kind of thing and I'm leaving I want busy day but it was a big day I'm leaving I'm pumped up but I've got you guys have seen me do this before when we do remote broadcast yeah I do my double back yeah yes because it's one trip in and once you're out if you got it all on you you know sorry I'll put a backpack on my back like normal style and then I'll actually put my backpack on my front and then I got everything with me I've got a stain I got much I got my camera in one hand and I got tripods in the other hand I am weighted down with probably 60 pounds of equipment gear and it's track strapped directly to my body I'm leaving the courthouse downtown Birmingham walking out I'm excited I got the Throwdown done got the interview done things you're cool Franklin's gonna live Franklin's gonna live like no wills for Franklin and I have my camera in my hand I'm getting like some b-roll as I'm leaving the courthouse so I'm actually recording when what happened to me happen to me oh good and I actually say what happened to me in the audio and the way like I said you know I surprisingly you don't have to be bit I suggest really impressed that is gross so you're gonna hear the wind of him walking through it's just be walking out of the courthouse and I say one thing and steps hopping up there's my car breathing so close I got a ticket ripped it off that hurt isn't a family walks to girls keep moving that man's obviously had too much drinking now you back up yeah here we go guys so I had all that equipment directly attached to my body and I take a step off the curb and just twist my ankle like I'm done I've north-to-south guys like I twisted ankles so so bad my toes are still purple just showed y'all my ankles are purple everything is swollen I can barely walk right now but I can't go to the doctor because I just spent $4,000 on the dog limp this one off Franklin has better medical care than I do without a doubt no doubt it's funny now because I can walk a little bit yeah just slightly gosh okay I'm going to Italy this weekend Oh walking roads are that good cobblestone my brother jujitsu tournament right after that I just totally sideline my entire life just by this one step off a curb tough break guys was a tough break did y'all think about or discuss maybe putting the dog down just because I mean at the end of the day and it is an animal like I have a full-blooded boxer and I love him to death but if they came to $4,000 you know I might put my buddy out of his misery well Franklin had hoped to have a productive life after this dog means a lot to his wife and you know it's it's one of those things that we do for the benefit of others yeah if he had been like slow fading I think this process would have been no doubt about it like if this had taken like a year or something like that and you're like you kind of see the life kind of slowly go you know go away this dog went from being veiny running around crazy chasing you know chasing balls around the yard to in like a matter of two days so that made it real tough and my wife and I do the Dave Ramsey thing so you know if the money's there it's it's hard to make that call to does that make sense I got a follow-up what was the money that what was the dollar amount the final amount was forth I don't know what was what was a number or you had maybe were to reconsider it question where is the limit where you go we just came is it 10 grand is it a is it 20 grand you know it would probably be it would be 8 which is so ridiculous like that is that's like that's such a ridiculous amount of money to spend on anything much less about to use course stupid dang old all right so don't suck though that's for sure [Laughter] you twist yeah and the hell yeah save money Adler's not gonna get his haircut for a year luckily I would saving it for the last two years on haircut and you know that no good deed goes unpunished you know it's about that yeah Brig don't say Frank's gonna get into some dark chocolate any of that will be lights out something something to have that you know when I spent $600 on the cat I thought it was the end of the world yeah and it promptly ran away so thinking back I wish I'd have made airplanes out of hundred dollar bills and sell them off the back porch at least I'd had something to look at say you can't hide money $4,000 dog and he knocks down the jack here and then he does a lot of other jobs to mahisha I mean I'm gonna have to sit down get financial advice from look honestly if it wasn't for Dave Ramsey that dog would be dead right now for sure no doubt about that no doubt we continue our Tim's in Louisiana Tim tim has a wants to speak to your ankle Tim go ahead yeah you know not looking at this you know as the old proverbial pot of gold the end of every rainbow this sprained ankle while painful and in a kind of a temporary situation you've got looking a bright side you know you've got this jiu-jitsu jiu-jitsu if you if i pair you against a woman that kicks your butt you now have an excuse that's not true you know what if I'm in this tournament you got coming up and I've been hearing you on the radio I'd go for that ankle I go for a nice target no doubt I'd not twist that thing like nobody's business yeah yeah like taking a jar off fix back [Laughter] yeah splendid completely right now do you think you can do the tournament now it's I mean cuz I Got News for you I just had before I just came from Italy and and what who was it was it speedier it Helms it who saw the bottom of my shoes I did I saw your shoes yes and you said Ricky your tit your shoes are done and they are they're physically different from when you left yes you know why cuz I walk for miles it's gonna be on cobblestone it's gonna be a tough trip and that cobblestones uneven that it was how bad that ankle will be thumping on that airplane oh my gosh that's I'm really worried about that when my ankle is low guys it's a bad thing so if you're sitting next to me on the airplane you're wondering why I got my right ankle behind my ear it's just cuz I twisted my ankle it's not because I'm weird okay you know there's hops in there that are anywhere from seven and a half to nine hours yeah in that plane and when you fly that long you know flew it goes down your leg Rikin Bubba Rican mother my ankle so bad
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 11,450
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Keywords: burgess, bussey, adler, adler tv
Id: -XVQlAnt2LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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